Perk Idea

So it was basically Alert. I just found out what the first guy was talking about :p
Soooo, just Alert with a cooldown?
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um yea
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xD I just died lol.
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Shouldnt perks like these have cool downs ?
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No Alert has it's own natural cooldown. Think about it. It's only on a breakable wall or pallet. Soo... Not too often.
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Not really.
Alert is pretty bad, as the information it gives you just isn't that good.
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Oh yea thats true dammit
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It'll be good when doing generators and understanding how far killer is from you.
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That's not really useful, though, as you can tell when the killer is coming because of their terror radius. And it isn't useful against stealth killers either, because the Undetectable status effect blocks aura reading.
It's only niche use is telling you what pallets your team is using.
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It really depends on the killer but other than that you get some form of info out the killer. I feel like its kindred but pallet form.
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There are times when killer can leave a pallet and come back for it. Chases can let you know when to repair a gen or cleanse a totem :D
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hold the effin phone this perk should have a cooldown. The alert shouldn't last so long when it comes to the reading.
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I think it works when they kick gens as well. This adds a lot more opportunity to getting value from Alert
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It maybe alert but i feel it would be excessive for breaking the walls and pallets and able to hint of the killer where abouts for too long.
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Actually it's only breaking walls and pallets so maybe its okay but i don't know.
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As someone above me said, it is just Alert but worse:
It has a range and a cooldown.
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Whats wrong with the range and cooldown is there because it can happen to frequently, the alert doesn't happen for so long. Theres alot of pallets and maybe walls.
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Alert works with everything in your perk for 5 seconds. Which usually means you get the location and where they're going next.
Alert also doesn't have range, so you can even know if you're safe doing a gen if it activates. No cooldown means you can get constant info IF they're doing those things (gens, walls, pallets). Also this is a resource which can be ignored by the killer, not allowing the perk to activate.
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okay than let me fix it
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A perk where you don't get a choice when it activates shouldn't have a cooldown unless its an extremely strong effect
Survivors don't get a choice when alert activates so its effect is balanced by the fact its decently strong with a decent duration
So unless the duration was up to like 10-15 seconds there more or less shouldn't be a cooldown or even a range requirement since then it would be a more balanced effect
But as it stands we already has a perk that has this effect and its already balanced no need to make another one
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I just thought maybe cool down would be fair for survivor because the alert doesn't last so long, and i put in range because maybe it would be fair for killer knowing he is known from whatever distance.
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When you say alert does that mean feng min perk. I just found out right now.
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still learning perks btw
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So in order for cooldown to work you must have something that is highly effective and works against killer or survivor.
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Maybe don't suggest perks when you don't know all of them?
(also use the reply/quote feature .... and edits more)
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sorry geez
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You literally just copied a perk from the game, with the same name and the same effect. Why?
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I just got that, it was an accident. It's not the end of the world