6 gens instead of 5

as a killer I need to get 12 hooks

by the time I get 1 hook on average 3 gens popped because for some reason all 4 survivors spawn on their own gens.

survivors did over half of their objective and I did 1/12th of the objective in a span of a few minutes.

maybe survivors need another gen


  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,096

    I don't really feel like this is a good solution to really fast games, this would just make it more boring for Survivors, also if this went through, you would need to heavily nerf some of the Gen regression perks aswell.

    Survivors need a secondary objective that isn't just holding m1 for X amount of seconds.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092


  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815

    You're missing one aspect of the big picture.

    When the game starts, survivors are at their most powerful. They have a full, healthy team, they have all their gear and abilities. Killers gain power throughout the match, while survivors lose it.

    Its normal for them to come out of the gates strong, you haven't had a chance to hurt them yet. By the time the game is down to a couple gens, at least one of them should be dead. Some should be injured. Some have been hooked so they're closer to death. This is when a killer pulls ahead.

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    there should really be a grace period for the killer like corrupt intervention but basekit and not as strong as the perk

  • Lord_Tony
    Lord_Tony Member Posts: 2,109

    killers gaining powers seems fine maybe like boon totems

    boon totems grant survivors power but when the killers destroys it the killer gets that power

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I could.

    So imma start from the bottom, with Those Rifts are just The Hatch but with fancier name. And fully charged Memento is what people want today for the key.

    Next, aren't you already turning totems in some sort of a side objective with Mementos? But I do not think "NOED" should be basekit. (also what happens to current noed?)

    Disrepair makes sense, however I have issues with parts. How many parts can you get out of the chest? Would base chest spawn count chane? Would coins still exist to change the chests count? Wouldn't Hoarder be even weaker than it is now?

    Also wouldn't (Perk) Corrupt be a little too strong? You block 4 gens instead of 3. Oh also 2 nearest Generators to Survivors start the Trial in Disrepair Which survivors?

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    You know what could be interesting? If survivors all had Any Means Necessary by default, and at the beginning of the match 25% of the pallets in the map started dropped and survivors would have to frantically go around trying to lift them before the killer has a chance to break them.

  • DropdeadPiggy
    DropdeadPiggy Member Posts: 155

    Absolutely not sir I'm going to have to ask you to go play something else

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    It's too boring to do gens already. I would give killer a buffed basekit NOED, so survivors very much need to do the bones. Then I would add a free totem counter to all survivors.

  • Kumakx
    Kumakx Member Posts: 262

    Ah yes, because specific 3-gens are not hard enough already. with some killers you could just pick 2 gens that are extremely close to one another (which does happen somewhat often) and protect them all game. With perks like surge, overcharge, etc. you could take game hostage or force at least 3K for hatch spawn. 

    Also remember that game is not linear. The less gens there are left, the less patrolling you have to do as killer, the easier it gets to defend gens. Just play it smart and let survivors do gens far away, while pressuring gens easy to defend. Ignore shack gen, let them do it first. Defend those gens, where survivors have nothing to work with. 

    Maybe if base amount of gens were risen to 8 i could go with your idea, just maybe, otherwise its a big no from me.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    I think you are chasing someone more than you should gens are fine if u down someone before 80 secs and hook that person now someone has to unhook which means 2 people on gens and you presure one of them so at the begining you ll loose one gen or two loosing 3 gens i think you were just commited that chase more than u should ve

  • TheGorillaProject
    TheGorillaProject Member Posts: 21


    Doing gens is already boring as it is.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    I Aint sure for the rift part...

    But the rest is actually some neat ideas, even tho you could just make all gens need à part to start, the part could be laying around or inna special chest, and could force survivors to go through the map once, eventually giving the opportunity to interact with the killer

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    It really isnt hard for the first chase, as a survivor, to be like 80 secs long, youve got all yoir pallets and winows Open and ready...

    And even if you just run of the opposite of your team and the killer downs you quick, he gotta hook you and go across the map, giving enough time to complète 2-3 gens

    And xhen 3 gens are down, if you dont hook or kill someone quickly, you got waywayway too much pressure as a killer

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    well you can tell if a survivor tries to take you somewhere just don’t chase that one and even if you don’t get the down you can have the pallets and if you focus on your 3 gen you would be fine with your regression perks I am not saying it is easy but adding one more gen is not the solution and still if u loose 3 gen at the start it is probably bc of a bad call

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564


  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    Sounds like a good idea. Would slow the game down where it needs to be.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    I would not adjust the number of pallets up. Like you said, it's very easy for survivors to just leave those pallets up, and have the killer waste time if they just have more of them. If they're just as limited then all of a sudden you have a situation where pallets can be wasted at the start of the game if you don't do something about it. Killers with decent mobility like Blight, Wraith, Billy can quickly scout the map and break them and find survivors in the process. M1 killers that quickly get rid of a couple of them can also really make up for it in chases that will be cut short by their absence.

    It's also not as BS as breakable walls. Breakable walls are extra resources that create god loops, they are something adding to the pallet count. What I'm proposing would not.

    Now imagine this: You're at a jungle gym, a survivor runs you there for 15 seconds, then they drop the pallet and escape to the next tile. That was a lot of time wasted. Now imagine if that pallet was predropped and no one picked it up. This means there's no longer 15 seconds of looping before the pallet drop. That can seriously add up throughout a match, especially if you instead find it and break it before they get to use it. This means that there is no longer a jungle gym pallet.

    Also, unlike Breakable Walls that are totally uninteractive for the survivors, survivors can actually do something about the predropped pallets.

    And yes I agree that Shack pallet should never start dropped. That's the only one that should always be up. Every other pallet, safe or unsafe has the potential to start dropped.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    Yeah, the idea is to create a thing that survivors need to worry about at the start. Adding more pallets to "compensate" would literally kill the point cuz like you said, survivors would just let killers waste their own time, and slam gens anyways.

    I would just have it work exactly as AMN, maybe increase the picking up time to 5 or 6 seconds, considering it'd be base kit, so that a survivor that goes around picking up pallets is still investing time. Maybe i'd have on a cooldown of about 20 seconds-ish?

    There is no need to cause exhaustion, because that would be draining another resource and could be seen as quite the hefty price. However, i wouldn't necessarily be opposed to every pallet you pick up causing exhaustion for 20 seconds. Could be a stand in for the cooldown, and it would create an interesting choice for the survivor: "Do I keep my exhaustion perk in case the killer shows up in the next 20 seconds, or do I get this resource for later?" I like the idea, but I was trying to keep it from costing too much to survivors for it not to be seen as a horrible abusive nerf to survivors, you know? 😅

    A 20 second cooldown, or 20 second exhaustion effect, would make it so that it's not really worth "abusing" the score event. The points awarded could be reduced from what AMN gives to compensate for the fact that you'll have it available at all times.

  • NekoTorvic
    NekoTorvic Member Posts: 778

    The more I'm thinking about it the more I like the idea of a shorter exhaustion for it.

    I do not think it makes noise. And I agree it should not.

  • BenihimeWrath
    BenihimeWrath Member Posts: 968
    edited July 2021

    I would be okay with this, if a system could be implemented that if a survivor D/C'd early on into the match that the generator closest to being done, without someone on it, just finishes because as it stands if one survivor is out at 4-5 gens you basically have to throw the game as killer to lose.

    But you do realize if you make this change it would be easier to use keys to 4 man escape because hatch spawns when there is surviving survivors +1 gen done, which currently means all 5 gens have to be done for a 4man escape, but in this new model there would still be 1 gen left when its possible.

    The 3 gen can only help you win if survivors are bad and don't know how to play the attrition game. Its almost a false equivalency to say that the rest of the map doesn't matter because survivors literally will just bounce back and forth as you try to chase them off gens and if you commit to one, they'll just run to the other side of the map where there is nothing while all remaining survivors pile onto the last gen and it pops before you can even get back from downing the first person.

  • ObscurityDragon
    ObscurityDragon Member Posts: 710

    I didnt say one more gen was the solution

    Yet ill keep on repeating myself, the game should NOT be balanced around bringing slowdown perks, it should never be

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    well yeah but the argument in here is 6 gens thats what are we arguing and also respect what you are thinking I'm all fine with slowdown perks