Devs should delay a chapter and take the time to perfect current killers, perks, & game problems

notyarbllewe Member Posts: 213
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I'm thinking it would be good for the game if the Devs actually delay a chapter and take the time to really update the game. There are multiple killers that need some buffs and perks that should have an entire rework, among other game problems.

Though the Devs work hard on their work, don't get me wrong, how they buffed some killers is very simplistic, and many perks are weak and practically useless. If the Devs take a break from working super hard on the coming DLCs and delay them a couple months, they could really change things around and allow the creation of many more synergetic builds and strengthen weak killers, like the Trapper, who hasn't had a big change possibly ever.

Anyone else agree with this?

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