Need tips on avoiding being tunneled

ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

Lately I get tunneled out of almost every single match whether solo queue or with my friends and it's been really disheartening and unfun. I'm no expert looper so I always eventually go down even when holding W and pre dropping pallets in a last ditch effort. That being said I do still try to loop efficiently but sometimes I get flustered and anxious when being tunneled and it's just a bit hard to deal with at times.

So I'm coming here to ask for help from both sides on how to avoid being tunneled better. My friends suggested that I run DS Unbreakable but I really don't want to run that combination personally. If push comes to shove I will but uh yeah. Any help would be greatly appreciated because my current way of avoiding this problem has been just not playing DBD lol

Killers, is there anything that makes you less inclined to tunnel someone or drop chase with them?

And survivors, what do you do to get away from a killer who wants to get you out of the game fast?


  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    For me best antitunneling perk is Sprint Burst. If you get farmed in front of killer, you just sprint away. That often makes you unappealing target for killer. If he decide to chase you anyway you will be fine because you probably reach safe area and waste more killer's time. If you not sure it works, you can also run DS to get you covered. But you will see how useless DS is when you have Sprint Burst.

    I don't remember last time I was actually tunneled.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Wear dark cosmetics, use DS/UB, predrop every pallet.

  • Gaffy
    Gaffy Member Posts: 222

    For a start, please for god sakes use decisive strike. People will get downed off their first hook at 4 gens and killers get super rewarded by this for people who don't bring this perk. It may only activate every 4 or 5 games but when it does you will be thankful you had it.

    Don't bring flashies and don't pallet stun the killer, people get super easily annoyed by this for some reason and will make it their entire goal to lose the game to kill you.

    Not bringing keys is also a must and pretty self explanatory.

    Don't T-bag, don't emote towards them, don't stay near them for too long. Honestly don't play surv if you never want to be tunneled lol.

    The three biggest and imo only reasons for tunneling are- unexperienced killers who don't know that its bm, people who know its bm and do it on purpose, and more experienced killers who want pressure and have chosen you as the martyr for their pressure gaining. Not much to do about the last one except loop as long as you can for your team to do gens, they will be thankful.

  • JudyIscariot
    JudyIscariot Member Posts: 71

    If they introduced a perk that gave me the Borrowed Time effect when I get unhooked, I'd run it in 100% of games just so I don't get unhooked in the killer's face by some enterprising lad trying to 'help'.

  • femotek820
    femotek820 Member Posts: 119

    Try to use all of you prove thyself. It’s the best perk for tunnelers

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,859

    As dumb as it sounds but you need to git gud.

    If you are neither good at looping nor at stealthing you are a very attractive target for the killer

    Try running ds/ub or lucky break/iron will

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Omg love your art as always xD

    Also thank you everyone for the input. I think I need to work on stealth. It's a play style I don't really use much at all since I was always told to not play "immersed" as it wastes too much time moving around the map slowly. Maybe that's the key here

  • Seebee_1
    Seebee_1 Member Posts: 5

    Run anti-tunnel perks live desicive strike

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Houdini builds like lithe and q&q, Iron will, Lucky break, etc... also work pretty well. Especially on top of DS as it can bail you out when the killer does find you

    You can't kill what you can't find.

    if you have Lucky break still active when you DS a killer you can just dissapear. 5 seconds is a lot of distance that you could or could not have covered

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Tunneling and you!

    First understand the 2 types of tunnelling that can exist in this game, and who's at fault.

    -Killer is set on eliminating you from the game, no matter what. Do you have a cosmetic or name that tilts them, flashlight clicking, just having a bad day or generally wanting to be an ass. These killers will persue only you and let your teammates roll through gens, normally accompanied by a facecamp.

    This is the one that is hardest to deal with aside from having a good attentive team that can block and bait effectively. As solo Q it can be just GG. The other tips and what people have said will help, but if a killer really wants you dead, thats it. At least your teammates will get out.

    Luckily you see this less at higher ranks, as its not an effective strategy by the killer 9/10 times. (not to say it dosnt happen, but way les common than other types of tunneling.

    This is the only type of tunnelling that you as a survivor can really whine at the killer for.

    -Accidental or opportunistic tunneling.

    this is probably the most common occurrence in games, and what creates the biggest friction between players.

    Few things to bear in mind.

    Players on both sides will always take the path of least resistance, if you unhook someone before the killer is busy in another chase, chances are they are coming back to the hook. At this point the unhooker *needs to make themselves a better target* either positioning, baiting, blocking whatever they can. When they fail at doing this (ie being healed under a hook and your healer just sprint bursts away, leaving you dry in the open, runs towards the hook being chased by the killer, just careless play in general etc)

    It sucks to be smacked down after being unhooked, but in these cases its almost always the survivors that put the killer in that position, you shouldn't expect a killer to ignore a target because of some sense of fair play, its on you and your team to not present that target.

    If you have to make an unhook injured, and havn't been hooked that game, go down for your teammates rather than let them die. Bring DS and Bt (If you don't bring bt, but know others have brought it, dont be greedy for unhooks and let them be the rescue crew!)

    As a player, if you get hooked early and find yourself on deathhook early game, remember the killer will probably pay attention to this and might focus on you, hide for a bit and let other players take chases and hooks while you do gens, its really simple.

    Theres a lot more i could write on it from 4k hours in this cursed game, but tunneling is a part of the game like it or not, there are tools to get around it, the most effective being a decent swf that communicates, but its important to remember that all the players in the game are human beings and will behave generally in predictable ways according the situations they are placed in. And tunneling is something that arises from those situations.

    At the end of the day, this game is heavily rng based and sometimes things just dont go your way. Its much better to gg and move on than be mad about it.

  • Razorbeam
    Razorbeam Member Posts: 594

    Bring blast mine, flashbang and a flashlight, lure the killer in to a blast mine then run in while he's blind and drop a flash bang at his feet them wait behind him and flashlight blind him as soon as he turns around and then immediately start tea bagging while spinning in a 360 on the spot.

    This secret technique asserts dominance and the killer will be forced to respect you, make sure to tell him you're going to go do gens now and you better not see him again.

    Good luck.

  • Adeloo
    Adeloo Member Posts: 1,448

    DS and Iron Will could work.

    I also suggest you to try not being the one caugh when there is like 1 gen left and the killer didn't get any kills or hook before because in those situations the killer will most likely be frustrated and most likely to tunnel the first survivor they found.

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Don't be a neon-skinned Nea, that's kind of the "look how toxic i am LOL that's going in my juke compilation" loadout for this game

    Use Exhaustion perks with synergy to become a less worthwhile target, IE: Lithe + Dance With me, SB + Fixated

    Don't get downed in a super easy-to-camp spot, IE: on top of a hill, in the basement

    You could run Deliverance to unhook yourself when you think you have the highest likelihood of getting away

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    As a killer main, I try not to tunnel. I don't think its fair for survivors to wait 10 mins for a match, offer up cake and then get eliminated 3 minutes in. I hate it when I play survivor so I try to keep that in mind. As a killer your next play is to either 1) go back to unhooked person and/or unhooked person or 2) go for another chase. Doing the former creates permanent pressure as its now 3v1 while the latter only potentially has 1 person on gen (1 person hooked, 1 person unhooking/healing, 1 person in chase and 1 person on gen). So if its early game ill do the latter. But if its mid/end game (3 gens left) its going to be the former.

    Also, sometimes it may not be the killers fault that they find you 2 minutes after you were unhooked and you're still injured. Its bad etiquette of your team to rescue you and not do the following; take protection hit, heal you, not run BT.

    I would recommend getting better at chases. Instead of trying to avoid them, get into them. Its the only way to deter killers 100%. If you use the 15/45 rule (1st hit 15s, 2nd hit within 30-45s) killers cannot afford to be in a chase a long time. If you can last longer than 2 minutes you potentially wasted enough time for 3 gens to pop. As a killer a good looper that wastes my time I have to move on. Q&Q and Lithe and chaining jungle gyms are great areas to lose killer.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    Dont get seen. ever.