
rebecca123 Member Posts: 34
edited July 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Please can we have a perk to partially counter Franklin’s, basically to just to prevent you from dropping it ? I don’t mind the charge reduction but seriously DBD is such a grindy game atm so it’s frustrating when you have no items because of Franklin’s :(.

I get that you can always go back and retrieve the item but I mainly play solo queue where your left to die on first hook with no opportunity to go retrieve. Before the killer mains pop off , this perk would take up a slot that may have been used by DS/Borrowed/SB/iron will so it would change it up a bit I feel as yoi would have to sacrifice one of the stronger “meta’s” to use it.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    where your left to die on first hook with no opportunity to go retrieve.

    ... So your item would still be lost. Unless you used White Wards every game.

    I recommend just bringing Ace in the Hole with Plunderer's. You can net some pretty good items and because you originally have no item, the chances of Franklin's go down.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    No. Survivors should not have a list of perks that 100% counter Killer perks.

    Though I saw this coming when they made Iron Will 100% counter Stridor. Now Survivors want perks to shut down every perk a Killer has.

  • rebecca123
    rebecca123 Member Posts: 34
    edited July 2021

    yes I usually use white wards with any item I want to keep so if I die I get to keep the item. But having to use ace in the hole and plunderers that takes up two slots, seems a lot to counter just one perk.

    To the last comment it only partially counters Franklin’s if they choose to run it and sacrifice a perk slot , additionally I’m saying keep the charge reduction when hit so essentially it doesn’t render Franklin’s useless. As killer you could still render someone’s item useless for that trial , or do you just want a person to have less items? Lol

  • Erd69
    Erd69 Member Posts: 221

    It's not that big of a deal losing an item.

  • truegod_10
    truegod_10 Member Posts: 393

    Losing items really isn't that big of a deal. I rarely use them and you definitely don't need green/purple items every game to be successful. Maybe you should try not running them so frequently if you are running out.

    The point of running ace in the hole and plunders isn't to counter franklins but to get you more items with good add-ons since you say you are running out. Also, killers almost never run franklins if there are not a lot of items pre-game so they are right about it reducing your odds of running into franklins.

    You really don't even need ace in the hole. Just run plunders for one of your perks and enjoy getting good items if you survive. If that isn't enough, then I really don't know what to tell you since you will definitely gain more good items this way then you lose with franklins (or you would keep by running a perk specifically to counter franklins).

  • rebecca123
    rebecca123 Member Posts: 34

    Ok people saying it’s not that big of a deal probably have opportunity to play more than myself and have more items naturally. Like this is the only game I play but I don’t have much time to game but atm it’s super grindy and I can’t enjoy any items . I’m just advising on my experience as a casual player. It becomes demotivating when your constantly losing items.and having Franklin’s so that it still impacts on charge but allows the item to remain in your hand , I really don’t see how that would impact on a killer in a negative way? It just allows the person to keep their item if they use a white ward and die.

  • rebecca123
    rebecca123 Member Posts: 34

    Someone up thread said killers hardly ever run Franklin’s , usually 3 out 5 of my games are Franklin users . That’s my experience but appreciate all regions are different and also rank may have a bearing too.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,265

    How often do you play against Franklin's? and what kind of items?

    Some killers give up one perk for Franklin's after seeing more than one Medkit or a key.

    I suggest you to use chest perks to be on the safer side.

    Put your item somewhere if you're afraid to face the killer.

  • rebecca123
    rebecca123 Member Posts: 34

    yea Franklin’s come up At least 3 times out of 5 . So by everyone’s logic posting , just run plunderers so I can’t use any item I already have . It’s not being scared to face the killer lmao, it just makes the game less fun by not being able to barely gather any items to use. I don’t care for keys it’s mainly flash lights and tool boxes for sabotaging .

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    I second this sentiment.

    However I have always felt, that there should be a risk of losing item at every hit. Like a chance on hit to trigger item dropping.

    I really think BHVR ought to open up this and allow us to have items/perks/addons that increase/lower chances/risks of dropping.

    More perks to control Items too for Killers, There is a lot of gameplay deepening we could have, but dont right here.

  • rebecca123
    rebecca123 Member Posts: 34

    That’s what I’m saying, it wouldn’t totally counter Franklin’s as it would still deplete the item for that game just doesn’t end up removing your item from your inventory if you die and have a white ward

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,701

    Franklin's only deplete item charges while the item is on the ground from the effect. Having a perk to prevent you from dropping the item would also prevent you from losing charges.

    Franklins really isn't a big deal. Survivors can always loot more items since by default there are 3 chests on the map.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Just out of curiosity, what items for example you want to keep. And how many White Wards do you have?