Dc Penalty Time is Back

Finally. No more dc.
Share your source please bud ?
Hope you're right.
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My friend dc'ed in egc. And we had penalty time after match.
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Seriously? Consoles are still suffering the lag and they put the dc penalty back.
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Yup. I discovered this when I got RPD and the game crashed while I was Rushing as Blight. Got back on and boom, DC penalty. They burned three cakes that match, too, so... yay, that doesn't feel like insult to injury or anything at all.
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Thank God, I know it sucks for people crashing, but the player base ruined it being off for you, it was a problem that spiraled out of control to the point a normal game being played was 1/5 and that's just insane.
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I'm guessing they only turned it off for the event/rift instead of until they fix the issues. It's unfortunate that people trying to suck it up and play will be punished when the broken game crashes on them.
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Nah, it needs to be on or off, I play solo and always end up getting 3 console players, it's not really fair if they can DC against a killer they don't like and I'm left on my own because I have to suck up the penalty etc.
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Lag or poor performance aren't reasons to DC, if we are talking hard crashes ( which is a rarer issue ) then thats acceptable, but when it comes to poor performance you know what you're getting going in and if you're choosing to take that on and you que for a game you're signing up for the match.
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They should turn off crossplay and then remove DC penalties for the consoles that have the crashing issues. That way pc won't be matched with those without a penalty.
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Great news, I wonder why was the penalty removed in the first place?
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I'm not talking about people who DC because they are annoyed at the lag. I'm talking about people who get booted because of it. Happened me twice last night. I had to stop playing.
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Right and that's your anecdotal evidence, but your experience isn't everyones and I've seen PC & Console players DC, so they should either keep it on or off for everyone, for fairness.
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Then they should NOT have Raccoon City map enabled at all. I'm on console, and the lag and frame drops/glitches are bad enough on the normal maps. When I load into the new RE maps ( 3 times in 2 days), the entire game freezes. It's unplayable. I sort of have to d/c because I can't move and it's the only option to leave the game.
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Oh god ... really? 😍❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍
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And cakes are gone.
Let's get back to normal killer queues.
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Oh, god bless and hallelujah.
I'm surprised they didn't do this on the 27th, when the purported fixes for console will go live, but I can't complain at all. Those serial disconnectors are about to dive face first back into cold reality.
Maybe I can actually start working on adepts again.
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That's just not true, console players hard crashing is very rare and is not related to the wide spread performance issues.
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The event is over & the fix should be here in 5 days. I'm assuming less people are playing so they probably didn't care & turned it back on.
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Are yours still messed up? Mine went back to normal within the past week and I was having insta-queues during peak hours. I was actually kinda surprised, but I guess in my region people were already ditching the event.
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Oh I get it I play console I know full well what the issues were before I fixed em with an SSD, the problem is the whole player base abused the lack of DC penalty to the point all games became ruined. It sucks for you it really does and if people only DC in those circumstances I would be fighting for it to stay off, but the overall quality of the game has just tanked due to babies dcing on their first hook, or first down, the ######### I've witnessed over the last week as a solo que survivor and killers has just been insane.
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I’m guessing this means they fixed the crashing issues right? Right??? 😊
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So basically I'm gonna get banned everytime I face nemesis, gets rpd map or random crash over dc and frame drop and game freeze nice to hear devs congrats you just outplayed your self couldn't wait 5 more until the fix
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Right now there is optimisation issues which makes consoles fundamentally unable to play, which has afflicted a bunch of players on console.
I know, for a fact, that it's not rendered them "fundamentally unable to play". Wanna know how I know this? Because console players keep playing. Hell, you can see them in this very thread.
As for crashes, a friend of mine with a better PC than mine has experienced crashes. It's not just consoles who are experiencing them. He'd still rather have the DC penalty enabled because he understands it's not about him, it's about everyone having a better overall experience.
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Of course people are still gonna play a game they like. My friends are on last gen and they still play even though they complain literally every match about the frames. They play because other friends play and they want to play with friends. This game is unplayable on last gen and has been for quite some time.
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I can tell all the PS4 players because it's my platform and the quoted user is correct.
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This. The game is in the worst state I have ever seen it. I play on the original Xbox one and it is god awful. I can only play certain killers to reduce the spikes but I still get them. Almost every time a PC player/streamer post a clip and get a stutter (and complains) once or twice a match I look and say "Really that's what your pissed about" that is nothing compared to what I deal with on a game to game basis. Hell I would be happy if the game just froze, glitched, lagged, spiked, etc just 5 times a game. Here's the kicker it was not great before Nemesis now it's just Hell. I still try and play though because it's my favorite Game but console players still playing the game mean jack ######### about the state of their game.
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You're missing the point.
Either the game is so unstable on consoles that the DC penalty is going to end up with console players permanently banned, in which case they shouldn't be playing at all because they clearly can't play, or it's stable enough that they can play and crash at the same rate as everyone else (i.e.: rarely), in which case the DC penalty is not an issue. Or it's somewhere in between.
Console players keep claiming the first, but the fact that they can keep playing tells me it's probably closer to the second. Either that or it is indeed the first and they're trying to play a game that they literally can't, thereby ruining everyone else's trials.
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No, I get you. I play solo survivor (because I profoundly hate myself) and during the event probably 5/6 Killers just face-camped or hard tunneled at 5 gens so and with no d/c penalty, people didn't put up with it for a hot minute.
My partner was playing and this is what a typical match for him looked like during the event:
Idk what to think about that because I understand their frustration. No one wants to bring in 4 cake offerings only to have Ghostface hook the first survivor and stealth behind a box beside the hook.
He's trying to convince me to remind him why I want us to play this game. Alas, I have no real good answers.
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It’s turned off again
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Good. Should not be back until the console issues are sorted.
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I agree . Hopefully sorted next week
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things are gonna get fun for you guys when you start getting hour long bans.
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I turned the game off after that. If DC penalties are up while RPD is in the mix and it's crashing the game, screw it, I'm not dealing with that [BAD WORD].
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Still got to experiment more, but I've noticed RpD keeps poppin
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Well, they Tweeted this:
Unless they change their mind, RPD is up and running whether it's stable or not, free to crash everyone's game. Woo.
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What does that one thing have to do with the other? You know about that lag issues.
Just take break until they fix it instead of using it as an excuse to DC.
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Don't get your hopes up though.
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I am not talking about people who purposely DC because they are annoyed at the lag. I am talking about players who get booted because of it.
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You talked about lag issues, not the game crash problem (which was the main reason they turned of penalties).
Maybe they solved it?
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They are all the same issue. The game being unstable. Sometimes people get lagged out. I did twice last night. My screen froze and it kicked me back to the main menu. The game did not crash. I had to stop playing for the evening.
They turned the DC penalty off again so I doubt its fixed. Should never have been re-enabled in the first place. Not until the game is stable again for everyone.
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Oh come on really? My game has crashed 9 times during the event and probably will continue to do so
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One of the most common crashes was when someone would leave in the loading screen for some reason that just ceases any function to the game sometimes
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Well, it shows that they're working on it.
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Tested it to be sure. No penalty.
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Very good so they are done fixing the game also then, very positive!
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Its genius less people means lag spikes and dcs right? I mean who cares about console player issues they have that PC player base now🤑
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I don't get why people are complaining here about being back. Everyone was spamming every day here to put DC penalties back, no one was against, and now there's people against complaining
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Different people complaining. Many players were happy about the lack of a penalty, either because they were experiencing crashes or because they liked being able to quit without consequence.
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No , its not back. Im on ps4 and i can tell its not back haha
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No, it was back this morning. BHVR re-disabled them since.