
Why is this mechanic still in the game as it is? I don't agree with bad Killers getting rewarded with a speedboost for constantly missing hits on someone. It definitely needs looking into, especially with some maps pallets that are literally 3 steps to walk around.
For me if a killer misses a hit on you or even 2 hits their bloodlust should restart. It would be like a survivor getting to do a gen faster for failing skill checks...
They just need to remove bloodlust 2 and 3 imo. Bloodlust 1 only comes into play when it is needed
17 -
and i would like good pallets and windows to be removed so they don't reward bad survivors for not being able to run a killer without them 😂
26 -
As long as the aim dressing and terrible map design (Badham, Haddonfun, The Game etc.) is in the game, bloodlust is fine. Maybe get rid of tier 3, but 1 and 2 are definitely needed in this game. If you know how to loop and force killers to break pallets, bloodlust is a non-issue.
17 -
I agree. So many killers only down me because of bloodlust. It can certainly feel unfair at times. A lot of killers won't break pallets and will just wait for bloodlust to kick in to get the down.
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There was a Bloodlust weekend. As Trapper main I can assure that he doesnt need bloodlust
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Very rare you get a god pallet & most of the time you get hit through them and window vaults anyways...
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The bloodlust removed weekend was fun. Actually made more pallets useable and forced killers to break them. I don't agree with a Ghostface chasing someone to get bloodlust instead of getting good with his power, same goes for most Killers. I main Myers and most of the time can just win a chase before I even reach tier 1 bloodlust so i don't see the point in it being in the game, especially for red rank killers
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So I suppose it makes sense for a Wraith to gain bloodlust or a Freddy who is already fast enough?
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If Bloodlust gone, then most of maps have to nerf. Because all of them so safe for survivors: Ormond, The Game, Haddonfield, Red Forest, Coldwind Maps, Badham Maps etc. All of maps are so safe for survivors. Then most of safe pallets have to go. And then mindgames will work for both roles.
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Most Ormond pallets are awful and just have a tiny Rock to run around. But yeah some of them can be too big but I think it would being in a new dynamic for pallet breaking instead of relying on bloodlust.
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All maps have to limit with 3 strong pallets, other loops have to support mindgames. And then they can remove bloodlust, it is fine. But for now, map designs are terrible for killers.
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really confused with the post man. i don't know where your coming from with all of this and don't see anything that seems to fuel your want or reason to want bloodlust gone.
you don't want bad killers playing the game obviously, i assure you, us bad killers respect this mechanic and it helps, doesn't carry, it helps.
you don't want red ranks to have a useless mechanic, i assure you, we reds don't mind having a added benefit sometimes.
you don't want killers to be able ignore the dropped pallets, okay now i gotta give the surv more wiggle room and more chase time for what?
you want the smaller pallets to be useful, which they are, just drop the pallet and move on.
killers move fast, but at the cost of survs having, windows, pallets, drops that can really extend the distance from the killer, doesn't matter how fast the killers are.
blood lust is really justified.
8 -
Good killers get bloodlust as well
Killers like legion, myers, pig, wraith and more sometimes get bloodlust because they don't have a power for chase, the survivor is doing good and they are at a really strong structure.
Also huntress without hatchets and trickster who ran out of knives etc.
They could remove tier 2 and 3 tho
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For m1 killers it's justified.
No run should last forever.
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No leave bloodlust alone, too many maps would be unbearable to play as m1 killers.
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There are loops that can turn into infinites without BL (Myers house, for ex) ATM. Unless they rework those, BL should not be changed.
IMO, I'd rather see killers get a reverse BL. After X seconds not in chase, you get a haste buff that expires upon starting a chase to help immobile killers patrol gens.
5 -
Because if a Killer is swinging and missing me 3 times but is still gaining a speedboost to catch me then it is literally rewarding bad gameplay...not saying i want a chase to last forever but it is a outdated mechanic which i'm suggesting to be reworked or looked into and not removed from the game completely.
2 -
Sorry but how can a Myers or Legion not mind game? lol I've played countless Legions and Myers that have been able to Mindgame perfectly fine before they've even gained bloodlust not to mention Myers literally have a one shot mechanic and a low terror radius to be able to pop it right by a survivor. Again totally missed the point of the post though. I said look into it. Not remove it...why should some one missing 2/3 swings on me after already gaining a speed advantage keep getting the speed advantage it is rewards bad gameplay...I don't even want to imagine how bloodlust effects the hit detection either because I doubt they even put it into consideration when sliding over a pallet or vaulting a window, probably why so many hits look broken.
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yeah fair enough for catching survivor but when they're missing swings it's annoying they don't lose their bloodlust. You shouldn't keep getting rewards for missing swings on a survivor.
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I dont know why players even bring up strong Pallets as an argument to keep Bloodlust. If you dont kick a strong Pallet and bloodlust it, you deserve to lose the game.
Strong Pallets most likely dont have an impact on Bloodlust anyway, they need to be kicked ASAP.
Unsafe Pallets are those which get affected by Bloodlust and those are in general fair tiles (both players can outplay each other), but become unfair once Bloodlust 1 is reached.
But the Bloodlust-Weekend showed that many Killers are just really, really bad at this game and get run around unsafe Pallets...
4 -
Outdated mechanic that needs updated. It made sense when it was designed but it's a different game now and most Killers can do without it. But i'm not saying to remove it, it just needs looked at because it's not really fair for a Killer to be swinging 3/4 times a someone and missing but still gain an advantage.
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When they fix other things, then they can look at it.
Right now it's fine
6 -
I think bloodlust is a mechanic which gives the Killer more choice while chasing Survivors, and that's great.
Its fun to have different ways of approaching a chase.
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Bloodlust 1 has to stay around for now due to poor design of loops on some maps that become way too powerful without bloodlust. When it comes to tier 2 and 3 sure they can be annoying but with how long it takes to reach them if the killer needs bloodlust to hit you twice in a chase that’s a game winning chase you just had.
1 -
right and when a killer is being pallet looped or ran round a pallet or cant catch up. with loops pallets windows bloodlust is needed i see these posts basically it makes me think people want to just be able to run amok or do what they want with no repercussions so the killer cant catch them lol. lol @ if a killer misses so basically you want to be able to keep running and be more of the power role than survivor already is what do you want to be a god?
yeah then everyone escapes killer gets shafted because of desync or missing hits through no fault of their own ok then lol. or frame dips depending on platform. map design is the main issue why bloodlust is needed badham is an example if a killer never had bloodlust on badham my god would never able to catch anyone. people would just leave the game or just alt f4. if the devs went with your idea their would be no killers i can tell you that now 100% dbd would be dead in a month thats my opinion.
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Its not rare to get a god pallet, shack and long walls are on almost every map, if you pay attention to the size of the pallet loop created by them they are clearly god pallets
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Fix the drops/lag/freeze issue along with the auto aim crap and sure. Just remember if you are really having trouble with blood lust this bad you are obviously winning most chases. WINNING a chase is about TIME SPENT it is not about not going down. If a killer wants you, you will go down at some point. It's about making said down take the longest possible. Right now 1-2 long chases is game over at high ranks which is why most killers break chase before blood lust even becomes a thing (not to mention I lag when it activates) so what's the real problem? Want long chases and to never go down?
2 -
But the killer doesn't gain an advantage. The cooldown of a swing is 1.5 seconds. You said he missed 4 times so thats 6 seconds of delay added. What tier did this killer get of bloodlust before he eventually hit you? If tier 1 your chase lasted at least 15 seconds, tier 2 30, tier 3 45. If you stalled the killer to tier 2 + made him miss 4 attacks you won that chase by a massive margin. That's at a minimum 36 seconds of gen time your team can be doing, that's excluding any travel time to loops and what happened before he got very close to you. Let's say this is an M1 killer? You wasted 36 seconds of time and you're only injured. If you manage to do the same thing again you'll be at 72 seconds of chase, I'm even excluding how much time the sprint boost from getting injured will give you too, by the time he picks you up and hooks you if you're the first survivor he found 3 gens should be popping. If it's later on in the game just use the following 72 * n where n is the number of survivors and that's the amount of time your remaining team members should be on gens.
Killers by design should be able to eventually down a survivor, that includes new/not so great killers as well. You won this chase by a huge margin, I'm not really sure what else you want, to be able to 1v1 the killer for all 5 gens?
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The no bloodlust weekend showed that there wasnt that big of a difference but yea make it seem like killers are the bad ones again.
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Because survivors can easily shift w to the other side of the map.
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the main difference is the killer can catch up faster with blood lust. that's not a big advantage. if they missed once, they can miss again.
they aren't being's more like a "worst case scenario".
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Killers need blood lust as loops would become longer and more unfair
4 -
You give bloodlust way too much credit. Unlike the popular opinion, it's not a magical buff that guarantees hits or kills.
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Bloodlust needs to stay for the time being
Bloodlust is for extended chases or slower killers
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Honestly, all I wish is there was a video / audio cue for survivors to know when a killer has gained bloodlust.
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You just have to count to 15 seconds of the killer not using their power, breaking a pallet, or the chase ending. And then 30 and 45 for the other tiers
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I feel it's a simple change that would make it easier for newer players. Also, I'm high most of the time I play, but the only thing I think about in a chase is where my pallets / vaults / next tiles / teammates working on gens are.
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Bloodlust 1 is fine, but it shouldn't kick in until bloodlust 2 kicks in now. It should only be to prevent badly designed loops from turning into infinites.
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I’m not entirely against this but it would have to be tested before I can say I agree
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I understand if you’re playing while impaired. But for newer players who got a clear head. It wouldn’t take much to just stick in the back of your head to count to 15
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I think it's a difference in priorities, then.
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So they're wasting time in exchange for forcing you to stay in one place? Seems a fair trade to me.
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There were definetely a LOT of threads here that claimed that killer would be unplayable without Bloodlust and that they won't even bother playing during the weekend.
Those were funny
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Bloodlust was implemented to stop the infinite looping of window into pallet into window into another pallet. It's meant to make sure a chase can last for quite a while but not forever. The killer is sacrificing time they could be pressuring other survivors off of gens to focus on a chase. It gives your fellow survivors a chance to do generators. If it was removed, you would have much longer que times as survivor at lower ranks.
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They shouldn't down me because they get a free speed boost for doing nothing.
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They found you and you failed to lose them despite them (apparently) being bad. That's not "doing nothing".
5 -
It took them forever to down me and it was only because they got the stupid bloodlust. It needs removed.
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You should've tried to win the chase by losing them. The fact that killers will inevitably catch up to you is by design. If the devs didn't want killers catching survivors, they'd just put infinite loops back in the game on purpose.
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After the non-bloodlust weekend, it was discovered that removing it was more problematic and created infinite loops, so the idea was largely rubbished and thrown away.
As has been mentioned before, there needed to be some major map and balance changes to make that option viable.
6 -
It at least needs some tweaking. It can feel very unfair.