30-60 min matches on RCPD...

Is that normal (if the killer isn't slugging, camping and tunneling?)
The few times I've had games on rpd as survivor it was a minimum 25 minutes plus it's insane
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good to know i'm not alone.
And like... really, once they actually fix the lag on the map (which usually just adds to the disorientation), they should increase the hooktimer.
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From my experience nobody takes matches on this map seriously. Either the survivors or the killer always start farming, which in result leads to very boring and long matches.
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I’ve never had a match last more than 15 minutes on RCPD. It’s a big damn map for sure.
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Finding a gen is like running across the Skyrim map it takes a while.
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Hardly a surprise, to be honest. That map is pure insanity.
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That map is not for everyone, it's my favorite map but I can see why it's one of the more hated ones.
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What? No, not for me. The trials take a lot longer, sure, but by that I mean 10-15 minutes.
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The map is so big that it actually plays a bit like old swamp, and those maps, WERE H U G E
Matches on those maps tended to last quite a while as well
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These matches finish in 10 minutes or so for me.
But I generally do not like the map, even as Survivor. It's probably a nightmare for most killers. Maybe when we get used to it it'll be better, but right now I even have trouble finding the basement, and I must find the basement I need my chest.
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20 minute match limit. My suggestion.
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Not 30 minutes, but the trials are ridiculously long on RCPD. It shouldn't be in the game. Somebody d/cs. Always. I've seen survivors wander around for 5-10 minutes before a gen gets done, and then one or two quit, presumably out of frustration or boredom. And I've seen so many killers struggle to find their way around and ultimately quit. I've actually never seen a single trial be completed on that map. It shouldn't be in the game.
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I just had another match on it... 23 min... and someone asking in chat 'isn't there supposed to be a library'?... meaning they traversed the map and did not come across the library...
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I was on there as plague today and yeah it took about 20min. I mean infecting objects only lasts for 35sec so I was just... hoping I'd come across somebody and snowball. 2 people DC'd. Lol.
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I once had a teammate die on hook because I couldn't find out how to reach them.
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Yep god forbid you get hooked in the library basically no one knows how to get into that room lol
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This happens to me all the time...
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Don't worry it gets even better!
Some areas of the map can have door ways killers can bodyblock doorways you to force you to run halfway across the map to get to the other side of!
Its so much fun having teammates lose a hook state or die because a killer bodyblocked one doorway because the map design is just that well!
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It's massive but most matches have been about the same, haven't noticed a different besides that it's like 2 separate maps on top of each other. I'd imagine most matches on that map that are lasting that long are rounds where just everyone (or most) are just always lost.
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I've played this map 7 times total. 3 times as killer and 4 as survivor.
As killer nobody escaped, but it was hell to traverse the map and find people, it's an amazing map for immersed people.
As survivor, I've escaped once, all the other times I was either left to die or stage 2 on hook, cause survivors couldn't figure out how to get to me. :/
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This map is kind of silly. I played it as Nemesis, walked into the main hall and all 4 survivors spawned together at the door in front of main hall. Disaster ensued. One of the quickest 4Ks I've ever gotten as Nemesis
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I spawned there in my last Survivor game on this Map. Did not know that the room exist.
They are a bit longer, but not as extreme like 30-35 minutes.
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Correct me if I'm wrong doesn't that room only have one entrance open? honestly don't know because whenever I get the map I literally go games where I don't enter the library
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I dont really now, I instantly left the Library, lol.
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I have this every game!
Seriously, a hook goes to 2nd stage everytime a team mate wasn't working with you.