Going solo, all I've been getting is swfs cheating with the killer

So far I've been going a few matches as a solo survivor after playing killer and majority of the matches I've been getting into are 2-3 man swfs cheating with the killer and I'm the one getting killed. This has happened to me more than 3 times now this week and this just makes solo queue feel really scary at times now.
Just wanna know if anybody is also experiencing the same thing whenever they go solo. Or is it just me?
That happens a lot during BP events if you refuse to farm, so I'll probably stick to killer or swf
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So you got, and I quote: "a few matches" and now that is your resume? Rather thin on the evidence.
Obvious Troll is obvious.
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I just go killer instead.
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Not a troll. I don't need to post vids because that's not the point. I'm just asking a question. Seeing if any other solo survivors are also experiencing the same thing.
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Consistently two-three times a weak there are 2-man SWFs of trolls who act like this: whenever one of them dies and I'm left with the other one as the only two survivors, that dead friend tells the living one where I am so that he can lead the killer to me and get the hatch. A lot of times I've seen SWF's who just plainly sandbag teammates the whole game (mostly those are 2-man parties). Whenever they can, they cooperate with the killer and teabag in front of me when I'm dying on hook. And that's just what happens to me, I have no idea how many other victims there have been in my games which were harassed after I died, since I never remain in spectators after death. I guess it's just a SWF thing to be annoying, no good person plays on comms in DbD or something.
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Luckily no, they usually leave me to die to escape.
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This has happened to me a couple times, but thankfully not often. Someone telling the killer to hook me like we've planned something lol I usually try my best to communicate that that's not the case.
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Welcome to Solo Q :(
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I think you just got the bad eggs all condensed into one week. I'm usually a 2 man and the other 2 man will grief one of us. Luckily it doesn't happen often, but when it does it's frustrating
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It's always the 3 man parties that troll or throw the game for me. Some days I'll be playing with just a friend and the games end up going really well... without any trolls.
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That's very sucky of them.
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I've been a soloist ever since I started this game :(
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Some days are fine as a soloist and some days aren't but experiencing swf cheaters 3 times in a week is just horrid.
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Working with the killer is way worse. i can't stand these people..
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Nah, leaving you to die teammates and working with the killer are probably on the same level. Can't stand both of those types of players
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What the hell is the matter with you? This happens to everyone who plays Solo Q at one time or another. Grow up.
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It has happened to me, and its frustrating and sad when it happens. But not often. Most games go the normal way, killer tries to kill us, we try to escape.
But it does feel awful when you're the one who does 3 gens for your team, 2 unhooks, a totem and your 1 remaining teammate decides to show and bring the killer to you just for you to die (and then they usually die as well).
I'm just happy its rare.
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He definitely needs to grow up AND grow some brain cells. The guy probably never goes solo so he can't talk.
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Yep, I managed to unhook this Nea who was about to die in the cage. (It was just the two of us left). And took out the devour hope. Ended up me dead and spectating just to see her take the escape...
Post edited by ZonkyWizard on0 -
Thank you kevin smith, it is indeed time to grow up now.
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Honestly, all that toxicity of survivors ratting each other out is one of the reasons I don't Solo Queue anymore. I got left on first hook to die, sandbagged by a survivor and decided to DC after a survivor helped a Ghostface kill another survivor by farming them.
I had a group of survivors leave another survivor to die first hook. I didn't camp and felt very bad for that person because they never got saved. I punished the survivors from both matches for leaving a teammate to die. The recent one happened with two megs and another one dcing so there were only 3 survivors. I hooked a Feng min and felt so bad that she never got saved, she got sacrificed when I walked by from kicking a gen at the circus of asylum.
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Nope, my experience as a solo queuer lately is literally not a single one of my teammates seeming to understand that you have to do gens, and if by change I get a game where people are actually playing and not walking along the edge, waiting for everyone else to win the game for them, they're os bad they can't even do a ######### skill check.