Bad Players Playing Killer

Why are Killers in this game becoming worse at playing? It's like all they do now is Camp, Tunnel, or just Slug Survivors. Like some games, I get in the start and finish before a Generator is even touched, and if one is even being worked on. Now I play both sides Killer and Survivor but, I do play Survivor a bit more and with friends, so an SWF team but, when I do play as Killer I don't do any of that because I know what that feels like as a Survivor but if by chance I do it is because of two things one being that they have been chosen towards the end of the game and I want them to be the one to leave the game by the Exit Gate or two they block my attack to save someone else. I just need to know how come Killers are now being absolute trash at this game than what they use to back when I started playing this game back when they released Stranger Things DLC. 



  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Sorry I have to say you're completely wrong. Anyone who Camps, Tunnels, Slugs can't play the game and you need to learn to take an L. Stop with the garbage plays again I also play Killer but as I said I don't play this way and I end up double pipping or almost double pipping.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Idk how it is more stressful unless you're making it stressful for yourself because I don't have any issue playing Killer to get a 4k same goes for my friends who play Killer. If you're playing and stressing out while playing as Killer then don't play Killer

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    If you're in the looping game with one survivor then that is your fault you need to learn how to break away from the chase when going against a good survivor. Also, you talk about survivors holding M1 and Running Decisive Strike even though I rarely see Decisive Strike when I play Killer or when I have Randoms as a Survivor but let's talk about Killers just using M1 and ignoring if they have other abilities other than M1 or about the half a dozen perks that make them pretty OP even ones I use but and the end of the day I am fair in my games

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    So what you're saying is that you're bad at that game and can not find other ways to get better at the game gotcha

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Then learn and get better at the game just like them watch youtube videos on how to play without having to use those cheap tactics because at that point no one is having any fun but with the fact of me playing with friends and using comms doesn't mean that we are talking tactics we don't even really say who the killer because we know what the sounds are that they make and can make out who it is without any issues so if you're playing the game like garbage then again either learn or don't play killer

  • knight_killer
    knight_killer Member Posts: 54

    It's just simply hilarious that people have turned to camping as blight, the highest mobility and most efficient vanilla killer in the game, at 4 gens. People simply don't want to try for more than one kill they'll take it, ruin the game and depip anyways because they don't pressure.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I don't know why, but let's nerf Spirit again, that should fix the problem. And if not, throw Hillbilly and Legion into there as well.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Solo queue is not easy, at all. You have to deal with so much bull.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Eh. I mean it can be bad but I don't ever have a worse time than playing red ranked killers

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    You know how it goes. "I never have to tunnel, slug, camp and I still 4k as killer" coming from someone in green or lower ranks, or just plain bullshit. You don't 4k all your games at high rank without AT LEAST the occasional slug, tunnel, camp. Like you mentioned before I as well don't start with none of these tactics I go for the 12 hook and yes there are games where I win using the survivor rule book. You can't do that every game not to mention as I have said in other posts not every killer uses just their main. Truthfully speaking you have no idea if the killer is at his best unless there is something in his profile showing his top killer. For Instance I got the twins ritual last night "chase for 180 or 300 seconds with twins" can quite remember the time but the challenge should say chase with Charlotte because Vik don't count towards the ritual. I had 20 minutes before the new ritual came out and I needed to clear the spot. So I never used vik to get it done in one game. Got a couple to death hook and they barely got out against a killer with no power. Get a message your trash.....I tried to explain what I was doing but they no care and said we would beat you in a custom as well.......Okay now that I want to see (killer my choice, with perks my choice, I'll take those odds) sent him request, got message back "We don't have a fourth sorry" which I responded "That's convenient lmk when you do". Can't tell you how many people I run into who can't think outside their little bubble. When I destroy a killer my team usually starts the "man he sucked speech" which I politely say look at the perks, how he played in trial, it's clear he don't use him/her often if not at all. We should have won. just like OP can't see outside his own SWF, run anti-tunnel, slug, and camp perks that is what they are there for. They won't it's easier to cry when you die.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    Depends on the killer. If it’s wraith, spirit, cannibal for example, you can have an easy game and relax as those killers are extremely simple.

  • DwarvenTavern
    DwarvenTavern Member Posts: 2,495

    Nemesis, Huntress, Deathslinger, Trapper, some other killers

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    Why would you feed into that? That 1v1 me shtick is so 7th grade.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    1v1? That is ######### but they asked for a custom match against the team, that's a rematch which I would gladly take against anyone unless they just beat my main/s which if that happened you get "GG WP. You/You guys were great."

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    I'm not trying to harp on you or anything, I just don't get why you'd take them up on the offer when they were already pretty tilted. It just seems better to explain yourself (which tbh you didn't even have to do, but I do the same thing too) and move on.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Wraith, Spirit, and Bubba I can tell you dislike. That's ok we all have killers we hate to go against but to dismiss any skill with these killers that the player has is just trash. Even the most basic powers you still need to learn how to use, WHEN to use, and know your limits. Now this is of course based on not just the basic camping versions of these killers. I am referring to playing a normal game. Spirit takes more skill than people think, she is a complete different play than the other killers, you can't see survivors using your power and now you can't hear either since they buffed a already powerful perk (IW), nerfed a sub-par perk (stridor) just because of one killer. If that's how things are going to go then expect a nerf to star-struck because Nurse/Doc are powerful with it, Let's nerf infectious thanks to Oni, see where I'm going with this?

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    True. I tried that first and to be 100 clear I have never went into a custom with a team I just played. They offered I accepted but as I said they dipped out.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    But..  Camp, Tunnel and slugging Survivors is a tool of the Killer, BHVR even said its okay for the Killer to do their worst-

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I've accepted that I'll play how I want as killer. Ive been enjoying Devour Hope/Haunted Grounds/Undying/NOED or BBQ. I like to give BPS or cakes since I know they're not getting a lot of BP once they are mori'd.

    Slugging/tunneling will help a person win. You can play to have fun like my build, but its not going to be better lol

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    I don’t dislike Bubba at all, he’s very fun to go against, sans face camping. None of this means anything to me, I used to play spirit and Bubba a lot, I’m a bad killer and could reliably 4k with both, especially spirit. Again, I’m not good at killer and found them easy to play. Took 1-2 games to adjust to spirit’s power, after that it’s a breeze. If I can do it, anyone can, I didn’t even have the best perks. This was at red ranks btw.

    Ex killer main, but thanks for calling me trash based on a wrong assumption.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Whoa....Did not call you trash. I said dismissing skill of these killers is trash. Now more to the point you say your an ex-killer main so that tells me you were killer a while ago. Things change, meta changes, maps change, the game is different then when I started a year ago. You being able to 4k with spirit has nothing to do with others experiences. There are two many factors in game experience between player to player. Ranks, maps, level of opponents, perks of said opponents, and most of all intelligence of said opponents.

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    It was this year, only a couple months ago that I was playing spirit. It’s completely fine to say survivor is easy (when solo queue is literal hell), but as soon as you say even some killers are easy, the pitchforks come out.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,395

    You are unlikely to consistently win as killer without some form of camping, tunneling, and/or slugging. They aren't "no skill" just because you don't like facing them. As nice as it would be to 12 hook every game, it's just not reasonable if your goal is to win.

    These tactics aren't auto win either. A killer who commits too hard to tunnel out a single player can still lose even though they ended up killing that 1 survivor. A killer who hard camps the first survivor he hooks can still lose if the rest of survivors just do gens. Slugging takes much longer to kill survivors than hooks and it's much easier for survivors to rescue slugged survivors than hooked ones, meaning slugging without immediately pressuring another survivor can backfire heavily.

    You just have to be smart when you use these tactics. Camping a person on the hook, because it also allows you to defend a 3-gen setup is a smart play. Or camping a person, because the other survivors are all trying to rush the hook is a smart play as well. Tunneling out someone on death hook to force the game into a 1v3 is smart, especially if you know that survivor messed up and touched a gen or started to heal someone disabling their possible DS.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171
    edited July 2021

    Some killers are EASIER than other killers is the proper way to say it. Easy, Brain Dead, no skill, etc are the words/phrases I dislike/disagree with and have been pretty vocal about in my time on the forums. Now I play survivor too I dislike being camped and tunneled just like most do but I do at least take the time to look around and investigate whether they are doing it for strategic reasons. Two hooked near each other, multiple gens in area, just some examples where as quite a bit of survivors just cry on the hook and send hate. Quite frankly play your game and relax. In the end it's a video game that people get bent about....Does anyone really expect to tell the other player what to do? With the game that they paid for? NO.

  • aryola03
    aryola03 Member Posts: 23

    4k = no problem??? I guess your killer rank 15-20 ?

  • Shirtless_Myers
    Shirtless_Myers Member Posts: 372

    The pipping system needs a total overhaul IMO. It's far too easy to camp and tunnel your way into red ranks as a killer. For what is supposedly the best, the gameplay generally revolves around the easiest method of achieving a victory.

    It'd be far nicer if the devs implemented further safeguards to encourage better gameplay on both sides beyond perks. Borrowed Time and Decisive Strike feel too required. Gen slowdown feels far too required.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Killer win chases by holding W and bloodlust. See how bad the "hold W" mentality is?

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696
    edited July 2021

    Hopefully OP plays against or with a good team sometime before the game's demise.

    Reading through their replies on the topic really demonstrates their ignorance towards high level play.

  • Psycho_
    Psycho_ Member Posts: 360
    edited July 2021

    Some people like to play like if they don't 4k they will die in real life. Whatever to each their own, killer is much more enjoyable if you just play the game and don't worry about killing everyone. less stressful too.

    Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose, but I still sit at rank 1.

    Slugging at 4-5 gens on nurse... it's whatever, but kind of just a waste of everyone's time.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696
    edited July 2021

    Very poor rebuttal.

    As killers build bloodlust, gens are being done.

    Every tier of BL hit is 15s off a gen, with extremely weak killer players often relying on Tier 2-3 BL to score hits on strong tiles as BL1 still doesn't compensate for their inability to run said tile.

    Killers that actually rely on BL often trade .5-1 (or more) gens for a down, depending on if they required BL for both hits.

    Conversely, following someone that's just holding W is also giving survivors free time on gens (especially if the person you see is initially outside chase range) - if that is the only person in view and you decide not to commit, the time spent finding another is also additional time to crank out gens.

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    Very poor rebuttal.

    Dont waste time on people who know you cant get fast then, go pressure the gens that are being done.