Bad Players Playing Killer



  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    This here is actually the perfect killer mindset in my opinion. As a survivor I understand using dirty tactics to regain some control. What I have noticed is they seem to be the immediate go to anymore for alot of killers.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    You don't need to be god 5k hr survivor to win the game, 4 solo survivors who know the basics of looping can easily trash a killer

  • WexlerWendigo
    WexlerWendigo Member Posts: 1,867

    you’re the one getting in a fit about me calling a killer easy, think you should relax

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Killers these days just can't play they don't bother to learn some Videos will help you learn some sites will help you understand the perks but no they don't want to learn they just want to be unfair and cheap but the funny thing is they're not just doing to the Survivors they are doing that to themselves because doing that you won't pip nor you won't safety

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Ahhh I get what you mean now that is completely understandable but. it's sad that no one does that or at least Killers that I normally run into because it seems that everyone who is new to the game has been watching YouTubers or Twitch Streamers. That do these cheap and unfair tactics and they get the concept that it the way to play the game and the way I have gotten this information was my last survivor match with a rank 16 where my team blasted him/her and I asked them why did they play like that and they said from videos from someone names Spook N Jukes so I told them to watch someone else like Stalky Boi and RapidMain because they will show you how to play Killer better and after that match, I went to watch Spook N Jukes and a few videos he Flip Flopped where he would Tunnel, Slug, and Camp and other videos he didn't not saying he isn't a bad source to learn from but keep your eyes open for better Creators who will teach you to play better as a Killer

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Not everyone gonna play the way you want.

  • Unifall
    Unifall Member Posts: 747

    Becusae killers can't pressure 4 people at the same time. Right now gens go by so fast that with prove thyself I can get at least 2 gens done before the first person is downed. Which is now easier these days. Killers should be allowed to tunnel, camp and slug. Becuase those things slow the survivors progress if that's their playstyle. Also killers shouldn't play by your rules but their own. Make gens take longer to complete and maybe killers will play less like that.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I'm simply saying that every Killer as of lately has been trash which is 1000% true and it's not like I'm saying that they need to stop playing the game and more learn to play better. If you Tunnel, Camp, and Slug in any way shape, or form clearly show you haven't learned enough to not do a trash playstyle because in no way is it fun or fair to either side. Which if they keep playing that way and they rank about going up in rank then later down the road it will become a problem for them as a Killer.

    Now to you saying oh Tell BeHavior people have been for quite some time when it started to be a problem in the game and they ignore players who do play Survivor and the ones who Survive with Friends and the fact of the story is this game is completely Killer sided because any and I mean any Killer Main makes a complaint then they do whatever they say and fix or make an update to the game as for an example one of the Devs in a stream talked about how they are planning to remove the Mori Offerings and you will be able to Mori whenever you want to and as a Killer player myself that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard as well as weakening Survivors more by nerfing some of their perks and I also play Survivor as well and that also sounds pretty stupid so I can not trust BeHavior when it comes to fixing anything or adding something to help Survivors and the ones who Survive with Friends.

    Now to your last statement IDK if that is a gab at you guessing how I personally play the game as Survivor or just as a general statement about all Survivors but to clarify about the way I play but I am far from Bad at the game to where I can not lose or loop a Killer because I practiced with many of people who helped me learn the game and how to with my best of my ability to avoid them with Pallets and Windows shot even ways to hug trees and rocks to be able to same myself. The only way 9 times out of 10 when I go down it is because I help my teammates who are being Tunneled, Camped, and Slugged because I find helping my team shows that they will come help me when I do need it which happens a lot

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Depends on the time or Day so Yes and No. I live on the East Coast so if it's Mid Day no but at Night Yes like around 11pm-3am time does very

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70


    I have watched plenty of Tournaments and I never see Heavy Camping or Tunneling then again I watch people that are really good at the game like Monto Noob3 and a few others and I never see any of that. So I have no idea who you're watching that does this but they may have their reasons.

    Now to the main thing, you said it seems like if you're not using Perks if I understand this correctly then that seems to be the problem there are Killer perks that slow the game down which then makes gen times longer there are even Killers other than Nurse that can put presser in the game without perks like Doctor, Legion, Sprit so on that help slow the game down so no reason for the heavy anything

    NOTE: If you have links to those matches with tru3talent vs oracle please drop a link so I may watch them Thank You

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    Ok I never claimed to say I was in High Ranks as a Killer I bounce between Green and Purple also never claimed that I always get a 4k but when I do and when I don't I personally don't use cheap tactics now a few friends who bounce between Purple and Red also don't use cheap tactics. I've been practicing with High-Rank Killers with Custom games and been taught not to do that because when the game is over you personally feel cheated for the win and that's if I get it also not saying I always win because most of the time I do pick one person to escape the trial. Also, I assume that your High Ranked Purple to High Ranked Red.

    Now in the telling, if a Killer is good or not everyone can tell pretty easily when they use the M1 attack or the killer special attack good killers that I have seen can keep up in a chase doesn't easily fall for pallets or windows same with flashlights, and flashbangs so it's elementary to know who is good or bad. Also to add in Ranks kind of don't mean much of anything but bragging rights which whatever but Ranks are broken and you can get any ranked survivor or killer because of it which then makes it even easier to tell.

    Now you trying to complete something and the Survivors trash talk you because you either didn't know what you're doing then they themselves are garbage and themselves seem to not play Killer and don't plan to do so. Sorry, you had to deal with ignorance with those people not understanding that you were doing something that needed to be completed I know what that feels like which is why I don't normally myself type in end game chat unless I got completely Bodied within mins of the game starts which does happen since some Killers do single out 1 person.

    Now the last thing yes you're right I do see it often when I do play Solo or SWF that my team trash talks the killer and not seeing any Anti-Tunnel, Slug, and Camp perks but in my experience with my more current games that they don't always work its someone does have Decisive Strike if Killers think you have it they will not pick you up and wait it out. Dead Hard works like 60% of the time depending on the map then it's higher. Borrowed time yea you get free hit but if the killer wants you badly enough then there is no point. Unbreakable 90% of the time you're never left on the ground long enough. Adrenaline 50/50 but I don't see it anymore because it's the same as Borrowed Time if they stay around you when you're down. We're Gonna Live Forever great for bloodpoints but that still isn't the best if the killer camps at the end. Soul guard is basically the same as Borrowed Time. Off the record garbage version of Iron Will but the killer not seeing you is good but there are better ways to not have your aura seen. Flip-flop again not on the ground long enough ever. No Mither you're just asking to get bodied from the start USELESS. We'll Make It this one is nice to have as long as the killer doesn't come back to you fast heals are good. Babysitter is an ok perk teammate doesn't leave marks or pools and I can see the killer but he/she can see me too. Tenacity never left on the ground long enough.

    also yes when a Survivor doesn't run at least ones that would help which are a couple of good ones regardless of what I said Survivors shouldn't complain as much about not running at least one of those perks and they need to understand and find the good ones so I do agree with you on that one

    Sorry for that last part being different something bugged and I couldn't bother typing it all again.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I feel your pain Coldwind map sucks needs rework lol. Also, I don't think anyone is bashing me it's just words if I reply to someone its to agree with what they say or drop my reasons for what I think about the topic even if it is my own topic if my message sounds rude I don't mean for that to feel like I'm coming off in any way. I try to stick to some form of positive outlook reading each comment even if its someone trying to be negative and I do know everyone has their own opinion but just like everyone else when they make a discussion I like to stand my ground on how I personally feel about especially this one where I do play both sides and understand how each side feels others feel differently and that is fine as well

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I don't remember them ever saying that but again I did mention I have been playing since Stranger Things so could have been before I started playing if you could find the Sauce please share it I would like to watch or read what they had to say Thank You

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    You seem to be a fair enough killer and id be glad to run into you one day

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    When I play Survivor I don't care that you kill me as long as I can do something which seems that in most games when the sweaty Killers are out don't happen I did say that nighttime games are bad but, when I play killer I can take a simple L because as a Killer I do enough to pip and even safety is a win for me

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    I agree - killers who camp, tunnel, and slug are bad at the game, and unfortunately that's most killers. Most survivors are bad at the game too, so it works out really well for the killers. Solo queue is just not fun to play anymore. At all.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I have played what I would classify as Good Teams as a Killer and Survivor

    Killer, I was Clown and they all ran me, oh boy would say 45 mins that was when I was rank 10 at that time granted Ranks then were also broken if I remember correctly 2 people were Red Rank 1 was Purple and I don't remember if the other was Green or Purple since I didn't see him as often in that match I enjoyed myself in that match long game those sat one 1 Gen for a long time

    Survivor, I was with some Streamers all Red Ranks they did their best to keep me alive the Exit Gate opened and that's when I went down I either pipped or double pipped the Killer was a Spirit she was nice I believe she knew I wasn't at their Ranks but fair enough to let me do my best that match was a long time ago maybe around when I first started the game or sometime after

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I never said I want them to play the way I want them to or that stupid Survivors Guild for Killers Meme. I just want as a Survivor is for there to be fair games which I do see from time to time but not often also its called common sense to play a game fair I don't care that I get killed I just want to be able to do at least something if I lost the match and it was fair then I move on if it was a piss poor game then bet it gets under my skin especially because of how I was taught to play the game for both sides of the game

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,442

    Generally the tournaments that you see like that have created a special subset of rules, or some kind of point system. Like i have seen some do like "Survivors can't repair gens if they are injured" or that there is a kind of point system where the killers get more points for hooks than the do sacrifices, and survivors get points for things like totems, and winning chases, so they are less likely to rush gens so they can get more points.

    The ones that go off of kills/escapes always go that way though.

  • KSzerker
    KSzerker Member Posts: 191

    How is it unfair to survivors? Of course by "trash" we all know you mean "don't play how I want." but to call a player trash implies they're not good, which would mean the games are unfair for the killers, not unfair for survivors.

  • Grimmy_Bluues
    Grimmy_Bluues Member Posts: 354

    If they're getting kills, clearly their strategies are working. A player isn't automatically bad when they do something you dislike.

    At high ranks, killer is much harder than survivor too, so a lot of the time, killers are almost forced to camp/tunnel/slug.

  • onemind
    onemind Member Posts: 3,089

    Idk man I would say they are bad but the amount of time I've had people throw the game because I wanted my 2sd kill is incredible

    Sure they might of not been good but you played that worse

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    So they chase you, which is their role..Camping isn't technically breaking rules, it will give you less points tho. Slugging is an actual tactic

  • Ashreave
    Ashreave Member Posts: 139

    I mean...camping is technically a viable strategy if the survivors fall for it. It's a very boring strategy and it means losing out on certain kinds of BP. But if they win they are technically not bad at playing. Plus in a 1v4 scenario making the survivors come to you is technically on the bear face of things a logical thing to do.

  • Rescultir
    Rescultir Member Posts: 185
    edited July 2021

    I don't try as much as I used to anymore. I used to be a killer main back when Freddy came out and over the years I just realized there's no point in trying. The amount of stress that gets build-up is too much, the mental state that you put yourself in after a good hour or 2 of playing nothing but the killer is not healthy at all, and the backlash you have to deal with when that 4 man SWF loses because you had to do some "bad plays" like slugging when there's one gen left but 4 survivors are still alive and only 1 or 2 might be on death hook.

    I read some of your comments and I personally don't believe you've played killer to its full potential. Play killer for 1 month or however long it takes you to get to red rank and you'll see. Not sure if it even makes a difference now because of MMR which is also the reason I don't try at the game so I can just relax with music and get blood points and not care about getting enough points to pip. It could also be that, maybe, most of the good killers probably quit or they started playing so that they could get kills since there was a discussion between Tru3 and Otz about hooks over kills and since not a lot of people like Tru3 they went and did what Otz said which is to just slug/camp or whatever to get kills and that's what people did for a month, straight. I don't know if it was to prove a point but it was boring and that was around the time I stopped playing DBD again. Overall, I probably quit this game about 5 times because solo queue sucks, and playing a killer isn't any better now that they nerfed the good ones. I used to main Trapper all the time, Trapper was BAE, fam. When I wanted to try I would just play Nurse which is also not the same now that I have to wait for the stupid blink timer to refill but at least she is still viable.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150
  • FrndlyChnswSalzmn
    FrndlyChnswSalzmn Member Posts: 705

    You're playing easy mode. But I already saw that you don't believe that and refuse to hear it, so that's all I'll say about it.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Killers haven't gotten worse, they have become more efficient, just like Survivors

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    The problem OP, is that many of those killers who do Camp haven't played survivor at all.

    So the reason why you don't do it, is because you've played survivor and know how cheap it feels. Many of these killers who camp wouldn't know the first thing about what it means on the survivor side because they simply don't play that side.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    I don't think it's fair to say most Killer players haven't played Survivor. I played both(enjoy killer more tho) and I don't care about tunneling/camping/slugging since they're fair just like genrushing

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430


    I didn't say most, I said many. Many of which frequent these forums.

  • Ryan489x
    Ryan489x Member Posts: 1,469

    The camping has gotten pretty bad as of late, I can attest the that. The worst experience I've had in the past week was a wraith who cloaked right in front of the hook. and since the animation priority is to show your character screaming I didn't see it. and no terror radius means a random person would have no clue. and sure enough as soon as I got off the hook un cloak hit. It was sad, that's even worse then when a bubba face camps. Just because people can't see you doesn't mean you're not doing it.

    The other issue can be that some survivors don't understand what tunneling actually is. I got told off by an 11 year old on playstation because I apparently tunneled her, her friends and her mom. but in reality all I was after was the crown on blight, A killer I never play and had no perks on. If I had I would have gotten adept and that was annoying because the game reset my perks to zero thanks to the tutorials I did for blood points.

    the one survivor already had a crown on their head, they were all running borrowed time. I only headed back to a hook after I got the notification that someone came off. I never saw them come off. I'd swing at who I saw and of course they had borrowed time so I'd let them run and go after the other person with them; borrowed time activates no matter where the killer is now. I got a 3K because someone DC'd on hook because they were mad they were on death hook too.

    If someone is playing killer and they're able to get all iridescent emblems at the end of the game, they were not tunneling and camping you.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    Interestingly those strategies are the ones that require more skill from survivors to be solved.

    So why would a Killer need to choose a more skillfull playstyle when the opposite side is equally annoyed by having to?

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Been camp and I camp. Everything fair except hacking and exploit.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70
    edited July 2021

    So you're saying that the Face Camping Huntress that I just went against is 100% ok to get confirm kills because if so then hate to say that is a trashy playstyle that ended screwing them over in the end after they complained about why they depipped as back to rank 12 because they thought that how they played was a good strategy in the game which sorry to say it is not

    Also, love how I have talked about playing both sides multiple times, and seems that most people ignore that and only focus on the point of when I played Survivor but its cool LMAO

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    You're 100% correct and I bet that most of the people that have come to this forum are people who only play Killer or Rarely play Survivor because of the Rift so they don't fully understand some of the things some Survivors if not all have to deal with. Like some who see a KEY OMG A KEY they oh boy the sweat just drips off their necks because of it flashlights have the same rule applied but not as much as lately but it is there and it is a problem. When I see a KEY I don't lose my mind over it I see who it is clearly and I can deal with them when I see them but it doesn't mean to get rid of him as soon as the game starts to go ahead and Tunneling Camping and Slugging them down hook leave if he heals then ok I don't go out of my way to down them because of a KEY.

  • Power_Guy
    Power_Guy Member Posts: 1,562

    JFC. How often do I need to say it?

    Camping punishes itself by giving the Killer 1 or maybe 2 kills (if Survivors play badly). This is all the 'punishment' it needs.

    That Huntress got her 'punishment' when she depipped, as she should. I never ######### said camping should give Killers a 4K or anything.

    The Huntress camped, Survivors did gens, Huntress depipped. As it should be.

    But if Survivors swarmed the hook & the camp turned into a 3-4K? ALSO HOW IT SHOULD BE.

    Survivors would have fed the camper, and the camper would have had an easy game. But it would have been the Survivor's fault for playing badly.

    The problem being; Survivors will swarm a hook 0.05 seconds after a Killer hooks someone, then screech that they 'camped'.

    Or the Killer will legit camp, and 2 Survivors will start circling the hook like morons, the Killer will down them for BEING morons, and they will scream onto these forums with how 'camping needs a punishment!' because they can't comprehend that they fed the Killer. No, it's never their fault; the Killer CAMPED and MADE THEM go for the unhook!

    But what you described is EXACTLY HOW IT SHOULD BE. Because if Survivors do gens, and the Killer depips? THEY WILL STOP CAMPING.

    Killers only keep camping because Survivors feed them, then scream how it's not their fault, and camping is 'OP' and somehow magically teleports them to the Killer for downs. And how the Killer can somehow camp NoED AND the hook at the same time because <vague reasons>.

    But Killers getting 1 kill & depipping? That's literally all the 'punishment' there needs to be. All this bullshit about making the Killer blind, or slowing him down, or preventing attacks, or stealing his BP, or teleporting him away from the hook, or teleporting the hook; It's all petty garbage, or it's abuseable or otherwise will screw over the Killer in the end game.

    I mean, imagine hooking someone, and the hook randomly teleports in front of the open exit gate, or across the map as a 110ms Killer.

    Or imagine Survivors running you around the hook, so you lose BP. Or running you around until you go blind, or can't attack, and then they get a free save. Or the hook progress freezes (already tried; not coming back.).

    That is why I'm against 'punishments' past the built-in depipping and lack of kills (If Survivors stop being greedy for unhooks); because it's either abuseable, broken trash, or pure 'Screw you' spite towards the Killer. NONE of it is balanced. You think the devs have not spent the last 3+ years (at least) thinking of and discarding various 'anti-camping' methods? Do you really think they just said 'all's good' and stopped?

    I would bet money (If I was not a broke joke) that they have tossed around every idea seen on these forums, and probably a few more besides. If they had figured out a way to fix camping without screwing over either side immensely; they would have thrown it on the PTB by now. Like they tried with the 'struggle timer does not move' idea that was once, literally, in the game, and was abused to high hell by Survivors.

  • BigKuhfahl
    BigKuhfahl Member Posts: 70

    I'm not going to lie to you I don't push myself into using a Killers full potential and I probably won't I know what it's like in red ranks, not through my account if I'm going to keep it 100 with you I used my cousins account when I was visiting family that man was Rank 1 for both Survivor and Killer tired both sides and dropped him to rank 2 almost rank 3 so I felt bad and got off the game I'm comfortable with Purple ranks because that's when it starts to get bad IMO but I am able to stay afloat around there but I am also fine with being in Green Ranks.