The New Hit Validation is honestly terrible

I get the aim of hit validation (especially through pallets when the killer gets stunned while hitting the survivor) is to reduce the amount of hits on a survivor that look like they shouldn’t land on their end, but all it did in return is make things worse on the killer side of things. It’s not even reasonable at times how some of these hits don’t count. I was literally right behind this one survivor as Leatherface and chainsawed him through the pallet (very obviously hit him, wasn’t even by like a single pixel or anything). The result was being stunned and the survivor running off to the next loop bc he basically cheated death. And you want to know the worst part? In the end game chat he even said on his side that looked like I was completely robbed of a down. My ping for the match was very consistent and good too, which is like salt on the wound because now I don’t even have a good enough reason as to why this happened. Something needs to be done further to address hit detection bc the problem has literally shifted from affecting survivors big time to affecting killers big time.
"the problem has literally shifted from affecting survivors big time to affecting killers big time."
I've never been a fan of Survivors getting hit that feels unfair either, but throwing it to the other side to deal with it is not a good design fix. And anyone who thinks that "Killers deserve this, because Survivors has been experiencing this for years."
Go outside and touch the grass.
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That's what they tend to do. Shift the problem onto the other side, basically fixing nothing in the process.
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It's still bad for survivors: you can still get hit through a pallet like before the update.
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All i want to know is.. WHY TF ARE HATCHESTS AFFECTED BY THIS #########?!??!?!?!?
Worst moment to learn hunrtess i guess.
I swear i had a game today where i got denied 3 HATCHET hits!!!
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I just got a pallet hit on a Nea as Blight, where it made the noise, her icon changed, and she even screamed in pain.... then when pallet stun was over she had full health like it never happened.
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Yeah some hits are being rolled back when they shouldn't, times iv hit people way before the pallets half way down and its rolled back, like come on they just started the animation... meh use to killer issues though, sound are buggy near every patch
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Welcome to the world of dedicated servers with a client that isn't coded to work with dedicated servers
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It’s a terrible system that should be reverted until it’s fixed.
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This system is good. It is ping where problem lies. I dont see many animation issues when all players have stable low ping
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I had a genuine trade option.
I marked a pallet camper and I was standing mid pallet and swung, but the pallet rework just caused me to lost the trade
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The hit validation isnt the problem, its the devs not coding it properly to not show the killer false information. They did say that fix is coming soon though
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Update, it works with headon. Just got a hit before the locker player jumped out. The person I hit became healthy, had a sprint burst and I'm left there stunned no hit and worse off than ever
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The problem is not shifted to either side. Previously, latency on killer's side was an advantage at pallets. Now it isn't anymore.
You're not being punished for playing killer. You simply stopped being rewarded for lagging.
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I still cannot believe anyone thinks this is in ANYWAY a good system or that the devs should be excused for it.
That includes you. No one should be punished for what felt like a clean shot. Like this one from @Ruma
This is just absolutely ridiculous. Are you seriously expecting the Killer to time travel into the future to know when to actually use their power or attacks so it looks "right" on the Survivor screen?
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You didn’t chainsaw the survivor. It’s the game giving false feedback after your hit being rightfully rejected, hopefully the devs will fix that to stop the complaints about “robbed hits”.
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Yep, rather then fix an issue that everyone wants fixed by upgrading/fixing the servers and optimizing the game, they just switch who it effects and play killer mains and survivor mains against each other.
If everyone put pressure on the devs to fix core issues, and didn't just complain about and want to punish the other side then issues would likely be resolved quicker (still not quick though because this is behavior)
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People are trying to justify this by saying they dealt with it for years... that's great but the problem is it was favoring the 1 person who's vsing 4.... see the problem now? No wonder why killer queue times are instant....
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I literally had to wait 30 minutes to get in a Survivor lobby today.
And well.. The matchmaking matched me with Yellow ranks. I waited so long the system decided that no one in my rank wanted to play.
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Yeah it's not the best. I had a match where two survivors ran towards the same pallet, I swung at the closest one while the other threw the pallet- leaving their teammate on the same side as me- so the hit would, in most cases, register yet it didn't because I got stunned by the pallet. Makes sense.
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"It looked fine on the killer's screen" has literally been the justification for bs hits parroted on this forum for years.
Now, because good ping survivors have one fewer instance of unfair hits, that justification is not valid for them? Double standard off the charts, if you ask me.
If both players have the same ping, whoever registers the action first wins. If either one lags, they get penalized, instead of profiting from it.
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I don't understand the complaint. It's not being put onto the other side, it's actually fair now. If you have higher ping, your hits arent prioritised and the server decides what happens, thats how it should be. I got validated as pig earlier, and while a bit confusing as i heard the nea scream and still ran off instead of going down, it was fair. I shouldnt be rewarded for being laggy.
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*People ask for it to be balanced on both sides* "wow what double standards" you act like killers didn't know it was a problem before and said that it needed fixing, why do you think this "fix" is so frustrating they didn't fix the problem at all just kicked it further down the road
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It's not favoring neither survivors nor killers. It's favoring the side with lowest ping
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Yeah I've had multiple games where I've hit a survivor before they even started the animation, they scream, get a burst of speed, but aren't injured because of the roll back. If you're vaulting a pallet, and I hit you before you even get over the pallet, it should be a hit. Now if they're over the pallet, yeah that's a miss. But don't roll it back, but still give them the benefit of pretty much a free Sprint burst, but not give me the hit. You want to roll it back and not count it as a hit on my end, that's fine, I can still catch up. But not registering my hit, and making me stunned, and giving them a burst of speed all while they're still healthy is quite a bit unfair. It doesn't make any sense.
Before this change, yeah there were times where I may have gotten a hit that I wasn't supposed to, and I was always like "Yeah that shouldn't have hit."
But 90% of the time that didn't happen, if I swung too late I'd just hit air, the pallet, or eat a stun. I never felt like the game was wholly decided by one hit that shouldn't have happened. Now though, there's no option but to wait for them to throw it down. Because even if I swing, if they'll start throwing down a pallet or vaulting, I just have to wait for their animation to be done. Because it won't register a hit anyways. It's clunky, it looks downright bad, and adds even more time to chases and being looped. Now survivors can just go from pallet to pallet, just camping at each one because they know you can't swing through them.
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I don't know what you're on about, because in the very post of mine you quoted I stated that the new system treats both sides equally.
And no, the overwhelming majority of times when people complained about the old system, they were talked down and told to aDaPT and don't greed pallets because it was lAtEnCy, all online games worked like that and it looked fInE on the killers screen.
As stated, the same justifications apply here. So, lose the double standard.
For once bhvr made a balanced feature. Period. Laggers won't be carried anymore by stupid hits when the pallets down. Good riddance. Welcome to how we good ping killers have been playing the game for years.
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I have an actual question :
Why does that problem must be on the side of survivors ?
To begin with, I must say I play both sides (I have to, or the classic "survivor main spotted" sentences will rain). The problem is unfair, may it affect only survivors, or only killers. 90% of these unfair hits were totally risky, and in the mind of "let's try it, the server will probably give me the hit", proving that this kind of hit was busted.
Now when I got denied a hit, I'm like "yes, that makes sense, guess I shouldn't try this", and I'm perfectly fine with that.
Basically, saying that it should be reverted is saying that survivors don't worth this fix, or that killers are worthy to be able to land these hits, let's ignore the survivor side.
I'm not saying that killers have to be quiet and can't say it's unfair, nop, it is unfair, but saying it should be rethrown on the survivors face like ""good ol'time"", it's pure egoism, sorry to say that (but hey, I guess it's how it works in our society, by seeing how the covid crisis is happening)
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simply outplayed
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It should be on the survivors because chases are reactive on the killer's side a killer has no clue when a survivor will throw a pallet when the vault and other actions so when the process is survivor -> server -> killer killers literally need to be mind readers to get a hit at a pallet or vault since survivors actions are counted first
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This isn't about whether or not it's fairer to the survivors or the killer - it's about making the system fair for all players.
The player whose action is sent to the server first gets the priority, that could be the killer or the survivor - which is now the case (previously it was the killer who had priority). That's a pretty fair system.
The issue is only the information that the killer receives, where they see the hit, then it gets rejected - and as previously explained it's currently like this because otherwise every action would be delayed whilst the server receives, processes, then sends information back to the players.
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Nah, I have a great ping but I did have matches where the animation didn't even start and actually, the pallet throw happens after they throw the pallet...
The main problem is... tolerance, the server must have a big tolerance in which if the pallet stun happens in example 0,4 seconds after the hit, then the server takes it as the hit should have never happended... Which honestly is the better explanation of this, the server doesn't count who hitted the button first because that would make good ping killers hit bad ping survivors but right now bad ping survivors can invalidate a hit.
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Actually, if the hit happended before a survivor throw a pallet then it must have been guaranted and I could understand if the hit really shouldn't count but the server negates the hit if the pallet stun happens short after the hit, because that's the way they should probably have fixed it... you need to think of how they really could tell the server how not to take the killer hit, remember that a code is not an inteligent being.
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It's getting weird strike a survivor, I hear the scream and get stunned but the hit is cancelled ... And Im always with 30/60 ping
I mean its very close hits, nothing absurd, And 100% stunned always ... kkkkk
Should be changed ...
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I'm not convinced by this best ping wins argument idea either. My ping is also really good and it happens to me too.
A survivor getting hit through a dropped pallet IS unfair but for me it has less impact on the game than having a hit taken away from you as killer, hearing them get hit, getting a teabagging for good measure and then having another 30 seconds of chase while three gens pop in the distance.
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I have good ping, 40ms or less and im still getting hits robbed. I check the ping of the person who was just saved by it and they almost always have worse ping. So how does that work?
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I am saying that it's happening to me as well
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Since that update I haven't seen any clip, which would show survivor getting hit for throwing pallet late.
They don't need to finish animation. The just need to start, which I don't think is right.
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I play with 30 ms and I get this a lot, mainly on Wraith. So your lagging argument is BS.
Survivors could adapt and don't greed pallets. How is killer supposed to adapt?
Main problem is that they don't need to finish animation, just start it and server will protect them.
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I get the intent, but remove the side preference and go back to prioritizing the first action with closest connection with the server. Invalidating one side to prioritize making things look better makes everything feel that much worse.
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Actually, that particular shot doesn't even look like it landed, killer side. The hit fx doesn't touch the survivor on Huntress' side, imagine what it looked like for the survivor.
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I think it's easier for 4 survivors to track 1 killer's ping then for 1 killer to track 4 survivor pings. Back in the PvP days survivors were told how much ping they played with and could adjust accordingly. When dedi servers were introduced they weren't told the killer's ping and had to risk wasting pallets to find out.
As someone who plays both sides I feel this should be killer sided because the killer is involved in every chase whilst survivors spend half the game stationary and can play safer and stealthier to compensate for a bad connection.