If you're slugged near a hooked survivor, crawl AWAY from the hooked FFS

Im in purple ranks and I see ppl crawling towards the hooked survivor when they are slugged.
When there is a hooked survivor, someone goes for a rescue but he gets downed. He doesn't get picked up by the killer. He crawls as close as he can to the hooked survivor.
If anyone with any reasoning ability, you can see why this is just a dumb and bad play.
The killer only has to focus on one spot while keeping tracked of both a hooked survivor and a slugged survivor. Essentially killing 2 birds with 1 stone metaphor.
If the downed survivor moves away from the hooked survivor, the killer will have to either keep track of both now, or just hook the slugged.
This at least gives the other survivors a better chance at rescuing either or both.
General rule of thumb: if you're not getting the save or blocking for the person getting the save, don't be anywhere near the hook.
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Yeah and for the cherry on top. They crawl below the hooked survivor, so the killer ''can't'' pick them up. I wonder what's happening on their heads to even do that. Jeez
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I had that match before as killer. Dying one crawl under Hooked one. I could not pick up so I just camp there.
Amazed that Dying one willing to stay there untill Hooked one sacrificed.
Another survivor blamed me for camping and I should left hook. Because there are 2 other survivors to chase.
I mean, I camped there for the Dying seeing when she leaves under the hook, not because both of them where there
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Lol this is one of my biggest pet peeves.
The worst part is when you know that not only are they not crawling away from the area, but they’re also just spinning on the floor as if they think they look cute doing it 👀
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I feel exactly the same way when slugs stay together, or quite literally stay right on top of each other.
“Great. Good one. Killer can hook one of you, and knows exactly where to come back the other. Good job.”
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How else are you going to make sure any killer with a brain camps, so you can insult them in the end game chat and whine on the forums...
I don't get these people either.