Decisive Strike, Balanced

There will be no justification, nothing like that at all; I'm going straight into the change and I want you to see what Decisive Strike could be, if it were handled in a manner that was fairer to the Killer. This is a pure anti-tunnel perk in one situation and one situation only.
I've decided upon making three particular changes to the perk; two are much more noticeable while the other is so subtle that you may end up missing it the first time through.
Here we go.
Decisive Strike
Using whatever is at hand, you stab at your aggressor in an ultimate attempt to escape. Upon being unhooked by another Survivor, Decisive Strike activates for the next 20/25/30 seconds.
- When being grabbed or picked up by the Killer, succeed a Great Skill Check to automatically escape their grasp, stunning them for 5 seconds.
- Successfully stunning the Killer will disable Decisive Strike for the remainder of the Trial and result in you becoming the Obsession.
While Decisive Strike is active, the following interactions will disable it:
- Repairing a Generator.
- Healing yourself or other Survivors.
- Cleansing a Totem.
- Unhooking other Survivors.
- Taking a Protection Hit.
- Entering a Locker.
I've highlighted all of the less subtle changes, but the subtle change is still there. To whomever finds out what it is and points it out, I'll give my full reasoning as to why I decided to change the Perk into what I think it should be in another post.
NO. Current DS is just fine.
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The protection hit system is known for it's buggy detection rate so I doubt it would be good to rely on that turning the perk off.
If they jump into a locker like or not it is an evasive tactic. Just walk away at that point though I would say turn it off if they gain a health state by any means. So if they are inner strengthing in the locker they don't get D-strike.
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This is the most obvious I want to make tunnelling easier, DS nerf I've ever seen.
Here's my main reasons why your DS nerf is literally just a "I want to make tunnelling the unhooked survivor easier".
- If the killer is camping a survivor then they can quite easily make DS useless within 1 second of a unhook. All they need to do is make sure the unhooking survivor is injured then they just hit the unhooked survivor immediately after the unhook. You've now got rid of DS. If they don't have BT then the unhooked survivor is going right back onto that hook.
- If the person with DS is getting tunnelled and unluckily go anywhere near an injured survivor then they lose DS. Depending on if the killer sees the injured survivor will determine if they know you can't have DS.
- You can now camp the slugged body of the person your tunnelling a lot easier. This is just crazy that you've suggested this.
- The killer has a mori, I'm on death hook and getting tunnelled by the killer. The only thing to help keep me alive is lockers. Again just making tunnelling easier.
You haven't made the perk "fairer" to killer. You've just made the perk completely useless if the killer has played the game for more than 100 hours. Fairer is the wrong word, I'd say you've made the perk a joke to killers.
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I think ds is fine, there is no need to reduce the duration of it and add more conditions that deactivate the perk, and not having the perk activate on self unhook makes perks like deliverance, and slippery meat worse and makes the anti camping / tunneling synergy they have non existent
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Ds is fine
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No one? No one's going to take a guess at the subtle change?
In its current state where you can have up to all four Survivors running Decisive Strike at once, it makes playing Killer too frustrating.
Also, there's a lot of already-good anti-tunnel perks in this game. Survivors should just run them instead (not like Unbreakable, BT, Soul Guard or Deliverance exist or anything and aren't already run; let's totally ignore the fact this game has too many anti-tunnel perks already and instead say that just getting rid of ONE of the many anti-tunnel perks is just bad; give me a break and cry me a river).
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Honestly just leave the perk alone. I see no reason to nerf it any further, except maybe have it disable when opening exit gates.
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I see the subtle change and it's horrible. This just guts DS and I'd rather put my life in the hands of Off the Record instead of this.
- 30-second timer: All this does is make tunneler's lives easier since they only have to wait half as long before picking up. Yes, not every Killer tunnels and you'll occasionally be hit with a stray DS, but that doesn't warrant completely slicing the timer in half.
- More deactivation methods: Protection hits and lockers are an unnecessary change. Using lockers to guarantee a stun while being tunneled is pivotal to your survival since DS's main counter is slugging. Removing this just leaves you helpless since anyone who's played the game for more than 100 hours will know to wait out the DS timer... and will have to wait less due to the shortened timer.
- Not activated by self unhooks: Another unnecessary and random change. All this does is remove its synergy with Deliverance. I've never heard anyone complain about Deliverance-DS and it's never been a problem for me since you can gauge the timer based on how long they've been Broken.
The moral of the story is that your version of DS will only stop tunnelers who don't know DS exists... for those few who will run the perk after this change. If a Killer suspects DS, there will be a multitude of methods to avoid getting stunned, all of which are completely out of the Survivor's control, making the perk completely useless against any Killer who has knowledge of the perk, which is approximately 98% of the community.
Please, explain.
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In its current state where you can have up to all four Survivors running Decisive Strike at once, it makes playing Killer too frustrating.
Yeah, if you hard tunnel. You could just go for literally any other target than the one you just hooked.
Also, there's a lot of already-good anti-tunnel perks in this game. Survivors should just run them instead (not like Unbreakable, BT, Soul Guard or Deliverance exist or anything and aren't already run; let's totally ignore the fact this game has too many anti-tunnel perks already and instead say that just getting rid of ONE of the many anti-tunnel perks is just bad; give me a break and cry me a river).
Like what? DS is literally the only anti-tunnel perk. Unbreakable does nothing against tunnelling. BT does nothing against tunnelling. Soul Guard does nothing against tunnelling. Deliverance does nothing, period.
In case you are getting things really, really twisted, here's what Tunnelling means:
Exclusively targeting one specific player, typically right after they've been unhooked.
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Killers really don't have any justification for thinking that DS is too strong or frustrating anymore, outside of the niche scenario of getting hit with it inside the exit gate. (because if the survivor is downed in the exit gate with DS then it's a free escape no matter what you do)
Survivors now can't do anything to progress the game while they have DS active or they lose it. If you're getting hit with DS four times per game, then you are tunnelling. There is no other explanation.
Being unable to get in a locker makes it easier to tunnel a DS survivor, because now they can't hide, or bait out the DS. You're just looking for a sure fire way to tunnel and slug any survivor who has DS.
Taking a protection hit? First, the chances of a survivor with DS being at full health and able to take a protection hit safely is pretty damn low. Secondly, in most cases this would in fact disable DS upon getting downed. Basically, if you have DS, but you get tunnelled and downed, and there happens to be another survivor within 10 meters... you have no DS.
You are trolling, right? You must be trolling.
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Seriously someone want nerf ds again? lol, ds was broken in the past, but now is so limited
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People say something's fine at the spot it's currently at, but that something's usually a problem for the game itself and doesn't fix the issue of what it's supposed to do.
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Well DS is doing what the perk is designed to do so we can just leave it at that.
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Its already been guessed but you missed it I guess the person who spotted it was too subtle about it
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Well, well, well. Didn't think anyone would've gotten it.
Alright, as per my word, I'll finally explain why I changed it to be what it is in greater detail than I had.
Decisive Strike has been a meta perk for far too long and has gotten nerf after nerf, but still remained far too viable a perk to not run. What I desired to do was to change the perk to be an option, but no longer the option to use against Killers.
If a Killer player makes a good guess against you or your team, they should be rewarded, not punished. That's how a game should go in general; someone did the work in order to achieve their success, they should be rewarded. Doing the opposite is antithetical to good multiplayer game design.
Should the Killer have guessed you were using Deliverance and you unhook at the wrong time, you should end up back on the hook, no matter what the situation is. You decided to self-unhook at the time the Killer was paying very close attention, you should be punished for making a bad play. You should never, ever be rewarded for making a bad play.
Another reason as to why I made the changes to Decisive Strike is because the perk has seen overuse ever since it was introduced. Even now, people still use it to an incredible frequency, and it's time that perk gets its just dues. May I have gone overboard with some of the changes? Sure, I can admit that, and I can easily fix that thanks to the feedback I've gotten.
But, there are some justifications to some of my changes that are at least understandable:
- The Locker Deactivation Method: Due to there being many perks that affect lockers, including one that grants you the ability to craft an item, one that can stun the Killer and one that can heal yourself back to full, it stands to reason that going into a locker should deactivate Decisive Strike outright. If you cannot heal yourself with a Med-Kit, you should not circumvent this with a Perk whatsoever, so, let's cut the middle man out instead.
- The Self-Unhook Deactivation Method: Like I've explained before, if the Killer made a good play, they should be rewarded. You made the mistake of using Deliverance or just self-unhooking at a time that they were attentive, you should be given the consequences. If you aren't running Deliverance, a Killer who made an extremely good read should be rewarded; that's how multiplayer games should be designed in the first place. Doing anything otherwise is bad design.
As for the other things, considering the rather hectic feedback of this thread, I've got a different idea for Decisive Strike that will completely change the Perk's functionality and utility. Since this thread has been fruitful for knowledge, I think the next thread I make about it (which will be soon, and I will link it) will be the "version 2", as it were.
And trust me, you'll probably like it more than even the current Decisive Strike we have.
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If a Killer player makes a good guess against you or your team, they should be rewarded, not punished.
Here is the problem: You are only looking at this from the killer's perspective.
Flip the script: The survivor opted to bring a generally quite weak perk to the game because they guessed the killer would play like a total douchecanoe and hardline tunnel. I'm talking 'drop chase and hook-check the moment someone gets unhooked' tunnelling. They guessed correctly that you'd be so focused on cancelling out that one survivor at maximum speed, but they don't get to be rewarded?
Even worse with the Deliverance/DS combo, where they rightly guessed that they would get a safe unhook before they themselves were hooked, AND that the killer would tunnel like a mole on cocaine. And they dumped TWO perk slots for this, but in your opinion, the killer should just be able to double back to hook and undo both perks 'because he heard the loud noise notification'.
Hard, VERY HARD no.
And trust me, you'll probably like it more than even the current Decisive Strike we have.
Considering you thought completely removing one of the most niche anti-tunnel synergies was a good idea, I have my doubts.
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oh god.. please no.. why they keep talking about DS? i guess that's one of the reason behaviour stopped listen to the community
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When killers say "x survivor perk is not fair" what they actually mean is "x survivor perk is not complete garbage and actually has a small impact on the gameplay which requires me to very slightly adjust my playstyle which I refuse to do and instead demand it to be nerfed because it worked wonders in the past".
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And vice versa.