Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Legion Rework

Member Posts: 15
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Legion is really bad atm and i think that Legion needs to be reworked.

Legion also has one of the best skins i would by all of them if the killer was better.

Post edited by Mandy on

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  • Member Posts: 822
    edited July 2021

    Activating the Feral Frenzy causes the Legion to Ride on a Skateboard.

    This has 60 Charges & you lose 3 Charges a Second when using it.You recharge 2 Charges a second.

    When on a Skateboard the start at 90% Speed,every 3 Seconds Legion will start to move faster & faster (by 10%) all the way up to 150,but every Speed increase causes Turning becoming harder.While on a Skateboard you can vault Windows & Pallet.Vaulting a Pallet will decrease your Movement Speed by 30%.The Legion can Attack during this but is counted as a Special Attack.Hitting a survivor refills your meter but resets your speed.

    Feral Frenzy will be over when you have no charges,Stunned, or if cancelled.If the ability was Cancelled manually,for the next 3 second the Legion Movement speed will be equivalent to the Speed while in Feral Frenzy.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    Maybe in the future we could see them do something with AI killers, since Victor may be getting something like that soon as well.

  • Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2021

    I personally believe that his power and everything about it completely fine, its just that he needs better addons, because the only good ones are his fatigue-reduction and duration addons whilst everything else is complete trash and don't compliment his ability in anyway shaped or formed.

    Post edited by WhiskeyJ1 on
  • Member Posts: 1,158

    I think he needs some buffs (mainly his Fatigue being 3 secs) and an addon pass, and thats about it.

  • Member Posts: 325

    150% feral speed call it done

  • Member Posts: 35

    I really would like a Legion rework that would involve something along the lines of swapping between the 4 members of the group, because even though their lore and even their name implies that this is a Killer with several killers contained within them, all you get in-game is a speedy boy or girl with a knife. It's kind of lame that their theme is only reflected in the cosmetic swap.

    An idea I had is that Legion keeps their Feral Frenzy power, but now you can switch between the four members in-game (in the same way you can switch bottles with Clown), and each member grants a different bonus to Feral Frenzy. So for example:

    Activating it as Frank allows you to break pallets when you vault them.

    Activating it as Susie allows you to run faster and make the power last longer.

    Activating it as Joey allows you to inflict some kind of status effect (Broken, Incapacitated, etc.)

    Activating it as Julie allows you to lunge from further away.

    These are just examples, but it's a way to be able to switch characters in-game and this would make the Legion a Killer who's more true to their theme. This could even be a power that stacks, meaning that at the start of the match, you can only vault during Frenzy, but as you stab more Survivors with your power, you tier up, and gain the ability to break pallets, lunge further, inflict status effects, etc. (and this of course would also change the Legion member).

    But if BHVR never reworks them, all I think Legion needs is to have their fatigue reduced, so they can have some chase potential.

  • Member Posts: 325

    Lol what's wrong with that. Just would make it so he isn't just hard countered by every exhaustion perk. Not like his power can down anyway.

  • Member Posts: 4,428

    What they need to do with Legion is this:

    • Remove the basic attack punishment. (Also reduce the tunnel vision by a lot)
    • Decrease Feral Frenzy Fatigue duration to 3 seconds.
    • Allow Feral Frenzy to replenish even while in the Fatigue.
    • Better and more fun add-ons.
    • Increase Feral Frenzy movement speed to 140%.
  • Member Posts: 19

    I believe Legion needs to be rewarded more for hitting with Feral Frenzy. Maybe first person hit boosts speed, second person hit gives them broken, third person gets exposed, and if they hit all four the fourth person is an insta down. Obviously this effect takes off the lowest tier as survivors are sacrificed and canceled if the same survivor is hit twice.

  • Member Posts: 4

    Give Legion's Speed Pills back.

    Let Legion see scratch marks in Feral Frenzy. Victor is the only one who can't see scratch marks, or Spirit if you choose to use her Iri.

    Reduce his/her stroke stun to 3.2s base kit.

    Let his buttons actually affect everyone he hits with feral, not the 2nd target forward.

    Allow on-hit effects on his special swing.

    If pills are too OP (somehow?) then raise his base feral speed by 5-10%.

    Lastly, let him miss in exchange for half his timer or something, no other killer has a damn stroke whenever they miss, Bubba just walks stupid slow, but can still insta down.

    I know a lot of people are still salty about Old Legion and how toxically overpowered he was. But this legion cannot down with frenzy. (except in VERY specific circumstance, and you gotta hit them repeatedly while waiting for the refill, lots of time wasted.) I don't have the 2k+ hours some other legion mains have and i'm simply struggling to deal with very coordinated swfs and I need a bone to help me out. I don't expect nor want everything listed here to happen to him, but do give him his due and stop holding him down with hard nerfs from 2018.

  • Member Posts: 153

    I like his iri button w coulrophobia and /or overwhelming if you keep ur frenzy going it makes it a ######### to heal combind with other perks like DL an Sloppy but not really practical to dedicate that may perks too 1 ultra rare addon.

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