The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Tunneling Nerf

Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

Without actually nerfing it.

Simply, considerably reduce the amount of points you get for hooking the same survivor multiple times in a row, to at least 50% of them, this applies for at least 1 min after said person got unhooked or someone else gets hooked, if the person gets tunneled a second time in a row, the hook will only give 25% of the BP.

This no longer applies if theres only 2 survivors in the match left (Since tunneling at that point is whatever)



  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I don't think this can work based on what others have said

    The only meaningful way to stop tunneling is to slow the game down. I'm going to assume that most killers tunnel because of how fast gens seems to go by. The more gens are completed the more the killer is going to Tunnel in order to get an advantage. So if there is a way to slow down the game then killers would find tunneling as unessacary since they have the time to get 12 hooks. This is ignoring tunneling to be toxic though.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,152

    Instead of removing BP should give a BP bonus for going after different survivor or going after the unhooker instead of the recently unhooked.

  • Zokenay
    Zokenay Member Posts: 1,158

    Not that simple on solo cue, people will likely dont know where you are, or that you need help due to a tunneler.

    (Can we add an emote wheel already?)

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    Someone has to get you off the hook do they not?

    I play mainly solo as a survivor and understand that concept, I protect the one I unhook and even usually have BT in my builds. I have also been left alone, had the healthy person hide away, slam a pallet in my face and farmed straight under the killers nose enough... yet I don't blame the killer for slapping me down and putting me back on the hook (I don't really run DS).

    In the vast majority of cases it isn't the killer that created the scenario for the tunnel it are the survivors! I play both sides and understand that it is in the killers best interest to punish survivors for mistakes they make. If the killer hasn't found a new survivor to chase once you unhook, expect them to come back... if you rescued someone, you tend to have an additional health state, maybe less hook states and maybe you should you know... take agro!

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Still plenty of people who tunneled with old undying + ruin.

    Killers hellbent on tunneling and face camping a survivor cannot be stopped. That's a problem with the player and no amount of anything can ever fix it. There's a lot of killers who get fun out of making other players miserable even if it's only 1 out of 4 survivors that's all they want is to ruin one persons fun.

    So sick of it in red ranks lately like grow up. Idk why people have to be toxic at higher ranks but it really is just in every single rank and it's depressing.

  • PlayEvilDead
    PlayEvilDead Member Posts: 91
    edited August 2021

    They would still end up with more bp playing optimally, penalized or not, than running the risk of a game ending with only 3 or 4 hooks or barely 1 kill if they're lucky against a competent swf on comms. They will still tunnel at least one player at some point in the match, the same as sometimes camping one out may turn out to be the move they need to make in a specific situation. Which makes more hits, more hooks, and a longer game leading to more bp possible for them when it's the right call. Play killer down to green ranks and begin understanding why it is sometimes necessary, though more often necessary to tunnel, camping less often and typically by proxy (like hag traps, or hooking near a gen or two you are protecting for late game and patrolling in between checking the hook so that you can respond quickly when they're unhooked).

  • Fiesta_de_guerra
    Fiesta_de_guerra Member Posts: 6

    Just because they're within the rules doesn't make it not toxic. It just means it isn't bannable.

  • UseTheValve
    UseTheValve Member Posts: 350

    I play solo and you know what piss me off more, dude unhook me without BT and then just crouch in a corner while i can’t do that because im not running IW, learn to take the aggro and i see that all the time playing killer, I’m going back to the hook and the only scratch marks lead me back to the injured guy.

  • dannyfrog87
    dannyfrog87 Member Posts: 568

    lol #########. yeah they do this no one would play killer and as usual survivors abuse anything they can. so in a nutshell no. just no lol

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435


    I think everyone agrees that tunneling is the most effective way for the killer to quickly take a survivor out of the game, but at the same time it is the most frustrating situation for the survivor because he is simply down in one hit.

    And we all know that neither BT nor DS can really stop the killer.

    Just because something is within the rules doesn't mean it doesn't take the fun out of the game for the other side! Why doesn't DS activate twice, after all you can be tunneled twice or why isn't the stun for example 8 seconds, so that the survivor really has a chance to make distance or hide...? Or why does it deactivate when you get tunneled but manage to stall the killer longer???

    It's really cheap to argue that changes to the tunnel theme (same goes for camping) are abused by the survivors, so the conclusion of the devs is "then let killers continue to use these game mechanics, even if partly the survivors are deprived of the fun of the game"....

    in my opinion, it is the task of the devs (in the best case in exchange with the community) to look at these mechanisms, and to find a reasonable solution.

    Or maybe you should be tunneled away five matches in a row in your game... and then tell us again: „hey, it’s the game rule“

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266
    edited August 2021

    A hook is only 500 BP. 3 Hooks from a survivor will have 1500 BP, with 250 Caught on 1st hook, 250 Summon Entity on 2nd hook, 250 on Sacrifice on 3rd hook. Even if you completely remove hook point from the tunneled survivor, they merely lose 1000 BP.

    Killer can still earning point from using power, hitting ect on other 3 Survivors to fill up all the categories.

    Otherwise, Killer tunnel because they want 4k, not BP.

    If anything, there should be something to add more BP for the tunneled Survivor so they dont get out of a match with 6000 Boldness.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Better idea: make all the survivors share 12 hook states, so that the order of hooking does not matter: to kill all 12 survivors the killer has to hook any survivors 12 times in total. There will be no point in tunneling, and the game will still be fare for killers (for those who play to play, that is, not who play to be toxic and ruin the game for other players).

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    I’d rather have camping nerf first than a tunnelling nerf, at least when being tunnelled you can play the game.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435
    edited August 2021


    My point is to make it clear that not everything that follows the rules is fun for both sides at the same time. I think it is elementary for the game that there should be a reasonable counter to all situations, tactics and perks, and I find it more than a pity that in topics such as tunnels and facecamping bubba has done virtually nothing to date. Maybe it's time to look not only at numbers and statistics, because they are not really meaningful in terms of fun in the game.

    I'm not talking about punishing killers who use such strategies, but more about giving the survivors a proper counterplay in the form of perks to at least have a chance to participate in the game reasonably in these cases.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435


    To be clear, I play survivors and killers, so I am very familiar with both sides. Of course, it can be tactically correct to camp or tunnel, especially in the endgame.

    However, there is talk of survivors abusing game mechanics, and that is exactly the point: currently, many killers abuse tunneling from the first hook or facecamping the first survivor to secure a kill quickly.

    I don't want to punish killers across the board, I want survivors to have a fair chance to participate in the game for more than two minutes.

  • ich_häng_mal_rum
    ich_häng_mal_rum Member Posts: 435


    “Don't blame the killers who tunnel, blame the game design.“

    That I do.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 942

    Tunneling is a tactic

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I have similar idea before, but its a perk that allow you to share a hook stage to another survivor.

    So if I see my team mate being tunneled and already get 2 hooks, me with the perk can share you a hook stage. Which you get 1 hook, I get 1 hook. Once per match.

    Most of the time Killers cant afford first kill at his 9th hook. Though first kill at Killer's 3rd hook is certainly not fun for the tunneled survivor.

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    Honestly I don't think anyone too invested in the game (i.e. the people that seethe and go "typical survivor/killer") will ever understand why most players tend not to like tunneling or genrushing. The simple answer is, it eliminates gameplay way too early like you said. This isn't a game like League where you continue to play until the objective is reached. Once someone speedruns the match or decides you're out within minutes of joining, that's it.

    Leave it up to these same people to use fun passive aggressively in quotations. lol Isn't that the goal of any game? To have fun? Personally I play in a way that hopefully ensures everyone can have a good time. But most people don't and it's not against the rules not to, so it isn't some kind of demand. It'd just be nice to be less likely to be sweated out of the match so early, whether that's via hook or gens being completed way too quickly.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    They can balance later around that. The point is to rework hook system to make it pointless to tunnel for start. That would solve a lot of issues.

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,019

    Ah yes, that old excuse. "They can fix what they broke later."

    Sorry, but no. Either it would be "fixed" in one step or not at all.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    So better not fixing anything at all then? No patches, no bugfixes, no updates. Why patch a game if they don't fix every single problem in the game with one single patch? Yeah, better abandon the game completely. Good philosophy.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352
    edited August 2021

    Except why should a player who is constantly making mistakes and getting caught out have a free ride? Not to mention making survivors share the hook states nerfs the pressure hooks provides, because it doesn't matter if a survivor sits on a hook for a couple of minutes if the rest of the team finishes gens.

    Your change idea is bad is because it rewards bad survivors.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    Yeah, if someone gets camped and tunneled - it's his mistake for not having a godmode and speedhack to outrun a 115% killer for 3 hours. But the "genrush" is somehow always a problem and not the killer's fault at all. I've heard that gymnastic before.

  • socalfusions
    socalfusions Member Posts: 123

    Tunneling is a disease in 90% of matches because not only is it an effective strategy but in the vast majority of games survivors simply don't have the skill to do anything about it so they go down back to back to back until they're dead, it leads to a terrible gaming experience and is probably why the que times get longer and longer for this game because no one is queing up again after being on the receiving end of chain tunnels. Decisive Strike is a band aid fix for hard tunneling that usually results in 5 more seconds of freedom before, guess what, you get tunneled right after by the killer.

  • SleepyWillo
    SleepyWillo Member Posts: 2,197

    Unsafe unhooks are kinda punishment. Cant we have the same for rehooks, etc?

  • Apollos
    Apollos Member Posts: 1,052

    Killers don't need to do anything. Survivors don't need to do anything either. Everyone has the freedom to play the game the way that they like.

    Personally, I do what I can to not push gens too hard and work on the other objectives I'm able to complete as survivor. I take protection hits and distract the killer when necessary as well. I do what I can to make sure my teammates get a good amount of time in during the match, while also maximizing the amount of points I can get. I also try not break Ruin the moment I see it or work on more than 2 gens per match (unless we're down to the wire).

    Do I wish more people played like me? Of course. But do I expect anyone to? No. Like you point out, fun is subjective but it's nothing worth seething about or getting mad at anyone over. Naturally that goes for both roles. But I think it's fair to say that ending the match quickly and minimizing the amount of gameplay isn't the way most people prefer to play. Hence why nobody typically has anything nice to say about sweat.

  • BuddhaBing
    BuddhaBing Member Posts: 248
    edited August 2021

    The real fix to tunneling is fixing the skill requirement of repairing gens. Right now, a good survivor can loop the killer way better than a bad survivor and waste much more of the killer's time. On a generator though, the good survivor and bad survivor are basically impossible to tell apart so the killer is highly incentivized to go after the bad survivor because the chase will be faster. If gens had a skill cap high enough that there was a noticeable difference between a good survivor on a gen and a bad one on a gen, the choice wouldn't be so easy.

  • Kalinikta
    Kalinikta Member Posts: 709

    If you take your gameplay as survivor, I believe that it would prevent tunneling far more than anything they can do to a killer. From my perspective it are your teammates that can improve your chances against tunneling than anything else.

    When I unhook someone I try and protect them, also nearly all my builds have borrowed time and I will flat out body block if needed to give my teammates time.

    I am not as nice as you, I will cleanse the totem, I will push gens if needed and I will do my best to distract or loop to the best of my ability (which isn't amazing at all).

    The issue is that people turn to their opponents to make the game fun for them instead of their own team.