Two mechanics that need to be adressed THIS YEAR

I want to keep this short so I won't go into full detail. You can figure some things yourself.
I will answer one question tho. Why do I consider these two changes important & why this year?
- They must happen THIS YEAR because I can see them being added in the next mid-chapter update. A 3-month period to work on this should be more than reasonable.
- These two mechanics are really, really outdated & are one of the most frustrating things as killer hence why I consider them important. They're a very important quality of life
Gen Tapping
Probably the oldest mechanic in DBD. A killer can kick a gen only for the survivor to stop it from regressing by simply touching it. The survivor has magical working hands apparently. Give it the Blast Mine Treatment, after working for 3 seconds on a gen with blast mine charged, you can activate the trap. SO... After working for 3-5 seconds on a a gen, you can stop it from regressing, leaving any sooner than that, will cause an explosion and make the gen regress. The explosion is optional and could remove 2-3% of the gen's progress
A killer needs to waste a lot of time by kicking a gen. This allows the survivor(s) to get make a lot of distance whilst he's busy kicking the generator.
In conclusion, here are the changes that I consider important:
- Kicking a gen should instantly regress it by 2-3%
- You need to work on a gen for 3-5 seconds to stop it from regression.
- OPTIONAL - Leaving any sooner than that, will cause an explosion that will remove 2-3% of the gen's progress & continue regressing the gen.
Keys instantly opening Hatch
Ah yes, the good ol' keys discussion.
Simple as day. Opening a hatch requires 3-5 seconds of the survivor's time. Here are two things that need to be settled upon whenever this change goes live:
- If the survivor should continue the action if it gets hit by the killer. Aka, if the killer hits the survivor, it can interrupt the action & allow the killer to down the survivor, depending on the time. Also, if perks like Resilience could affect the hatch opening speed.
- The next thing should be the time. How long it takes for a survivor to open the hatch.
Note 1: One must remember that changing one thing will affect the other. AKA if the hatch opening action is interrupted & the time to open it is around 3-5 seconds, this will allow the killer to down a fully healed survivor. The next thing, is the action is not interrupted and it takes around 4-5 seconds to open, perks like STBL will have a significant impact on this.
Note 2: Perks that open the hatch without the use of keys must not exist, or if they were to exist, they must have a tremendous requirement to activate
Personal opinion: If you ask me, the hatch opening action should take 4 seconds, should be interrupted because this must be done in a safe spot away from the killer & not when ur being chased by him.
I can't wait for this not to be seen and be sent to the Depths of Forum Hades.
Don't worry, If this post blows up... SURELY they'll see it. That's how it goes.... RIGHT?
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Bro, we're in the Feedback & Suggestions section.
The only thing that blows around here is the wind.
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Gen tapping is rarely a problem for me... maybe I just kick gens that often mid-chase...
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It's like a ghost town
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Cool and simple idea about the gen tapping, and yes, the base kit gen kicking has to get a liiiittle buff, it's more of a time wasting ability if you haven't any kick perk (oppression, pop, brutal strength, overcharge,...).
As you said, just a 2-3% regression on the kicking would be enough to make it more or less worthy. Plus the 3 seconds working to make it stop regressing, kick a gen would be a wise decision at certain times.
About the key yes, it has to take some time. 5 seconds, and if you take a hit, imo it has to be reset, and 5 seconds again. Or you make it 8-12 seconds. Anyway, instant escape thanks to closed hatch (that has been instantly opened) is busted.
I'm with you.
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Mainly comes from my frustration as killer whenever I loop around a loop with a gen nearby or at the same loop. I need to waste 2-3 seconds to kick the gen only for the survivor to tap it & instantly continue to loop me around it. Whilst the progress remains the same with no consequences for the survivor.
There are probably other better situations as to why this should be a thing. Not to mention it's extremely outdated & could use an overhaul tbh.
Edit: Thought of another, if survivors are so eager to finish a gen whilst I'm nearby, me constantly kicking it should change their mind cause it regressed 2-3% of it, rather than nothing. Hence why perks like Ruin are so good for these kinds of situations, there's no kicking required, it regresses at 200% speed and all you need to is stay around. With my suggestion, you also waste time by kicking the gen, so it's not exactly super strong.
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Nothing like a survivor dead harding for the hatch with a key amirite? They dead hard your attack & get to the hatch.
Nothing gets the blood flowing, like this sensation.
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I lost numerous adepts because of keys so... I admit I'm a strong advocate of nerfing the key in an efficient way. :')
Edit : I don't want them to become useless or nerfed to the ground, I just want to make them legit to use and when used. As a killer, you can't do anything if there is a key, or survivors messed up quite heavily.
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Good ideas.
But i feel we could additionally do with an aligning animation for clicking a gen. Like killers who hook survs. That'd get rid of survivors not stop running when tapping a gen.
Not saying we should not implement your ideas, theyre awesome and kicking is too weak without those.
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Damn, some suggestions that are actually good and not ridiculously broken? Color me surprised.
That's a great idea for gen-tapping, I'd never thought about it but it'd be a good way for every Killer to have some gen slowdown potential without having to run Ruin/Pop every game.
Keys definitely need to get looked at, but as many other people say, hatch spawns are the real problems. It's ridiculous that if a single Survivor dies, the three others can just leave through hatch.
Hatch should only spawn when a single Survivor is alive or when all gens are done.
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Get tapping is fine.
Keys aren't nearly as much of an issue as you make it out to be.
Done, addressed.
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When I said "addressed" I did not mean by you, but by the devs.
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You make a lot of logical sense and these changes are very sound and solid.
They'll make sure to nerf Billy again next patch, instead.
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I can understand the keys, but gen tapping isn't a problem.
We should nerf twins again
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Well first of all they would have to "get the stats"...which the stats are apparently based on the last 5 years collectively. Second of all a dev would have to read this post, which is in feedback so thats not happening.