Weren't breakable walls indented to have different looks to fit the theme of each realm/map

bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

I thought with the release of deathslinger it was discussed that as breakable walls would be added to maps the walls would look different on each map to more match the theme of the map, well what happened to it, I still think its kinda weird to see all these wooden breakable walls in the places of doorways while there are other actual doors on the buildings and they don't match in any way, sure I get that a wooden house like Thompson house wooden breakable walls in doorways make sense but on a maps like asylum, father cambels, the game, and midwatch with its metal doors open right next to the wooden ones, breakable walls look out of place

Now I get that breakable walls need to stick out but I do think they could still match the map around them better while doing so

