Weren't breakable walls indented to have different looks to fit the theme of each realm/map

I thought with the release of deathslinger it was discussed that as breakable walls would be added to maps the walls would look different on each map to more match the theme of the map, well what happened to it, I still think its kinda weird to see all these wooden breakable walls in the places of doorways while there are other actual doors on the buildings and they don't match in any way, sure I get that a wooden house like Thompson house wooden breakable walls in doorways make sense but on a maps like asylum, father cambels, the game, and midwatch with its metal doors open right next to the wooden ones, breakable walls look out of place
Now I get that breakable walls need to stick out but I do think they could still match the map around them better while doing so
Its even in the trivia section on the breakable walls wiki page
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4th paragraph:
When breakable walls are added to other maps, they will appear differently to suit the Realm’s theme. Although they may look different from one map to the next, we will make sure that they are easily recognizable so it is clear which walls can and can’t be broken at a glance.
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Knew I read it / heard it somewhere, thanks for the reconnaissance
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Either they will do it later, or they decided to scap it. MIght be the second one to ensure that every Player can see directly that it is a breakable Wall.
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I hope they still do this!
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Yep but guess they forgot that lul
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I think it's to keep them in line with pallets, which are also the same regardless of the realm. They bear some resemblance to pallets as well, so I can understand this one.
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Maybe the "Realm Beyond" took importance over the walls. Either way, whilst it would be nice to have themed walls, it's not a big deal for me.
I do like the idea of randomized walls that only the killer sees as breakable though. It would make for some fun jump scares when I play survivor, and an added bit of tactics for killer.
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I do think it would be a cool change for breakable walls to blend in more when you are playing survivor but stick out more when you are playing killer for that kind of interesting gameplay, but most of the breakable walls don't support that kind of play in the slightest in the current state of the game they are just there to make a window stronger until they are broken most of the time
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This is probably the answer. Somewhere along they way they decided to keep the design uniform so people don't get confused. It also saves them time from having to design new breakable walls for each realm.
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Yeah, like what happened with Badham, and the breakable walls were used to cover the existing doorways, which felt a little lackluster. I was hoping for at least a randomized chance of breakable walls in the shacks - not every time, but still a chance that could spice things up, like at the Dead Dawg Saloon!
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Throwing 2-3 decently hidden breakable walls into existing tiles as part of map rng could probably make for some interesting gameplay
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The devs say a lot of things that they just don't follow through with.
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These echo my thoughts as well. Probably like there same reasoning for pallets looking the same everywhere: instantly recognisable.
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Never confirmed why we don't have them (yet), but it's most likely an abandoned idea.
Most likely wanna keep it in line with Pallets, Generators, Totems and other things that stay the same throughout all Realms.
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The devs love to say things, mostly to make things seem like they're going to be better than they actually turn out to be.
They most likely forgot and decided to hope the community forgot as well.