Audio is the #1 problem from this patch

Had to make an account to voice my opinion, i hope others chime in as well.

Generally, i'd like to think the visual update, the Legion, and the audio are the biggest gripes coming from this new patch.

However, the Legion does NOT take away the joy i get from playing the game how i want, and i would like to assume many others can relate to this.

The updated engine may be good for the long haul if they tweak a few things, I normally ran the game at medium with 60 frames prior to this new patch, however, i now get about 30-40 frames, and find myself switching between medium and low depending on the map. I usually just leave if i get Mount Ormond, because it is heavily more taxing on my frames than any other map and is very unpleasant to play on.

However, the audio changes are painful. I play my game at the same optimal volume, and the chase music genuinely hurts my ears now, as before it was fine. Footsteps, the brushing of grass from crouched survivors, and injured moans are all now being immensely overpowered by the ambient sounds that have been dialed up. I am not sure if this was intended, or was just tweaked quickly to go with the new package that is the updated engine/new chapter patch. i have searched "Audio" on Reddit and this forum to see the other complaints and how they fare with how i feel, and have found a handful of others within the last 2 days voicing displeasure with the current audio situation.

I hope this can get fixed before the employees in charge of this fix go on break for Christmas, i came home after doing my last bout of finals today in anticipation of enjoying some DbD, but this audio change killed my vibe and left me flaccid more quickly than any change that has been made. I don't mind having 45 frames or less, but let me hear my victims please.


  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    I complained aswell, not a single statement of the devs so far. I hate if they completely don't voice up and say straight away what the plan is, hopefully tomorrow in the stream we will know more 
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    Definitely noticed this. I thought it might be my headphones.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    I complained aswell, not a single statement of the devs so far. I hate if they completely don't voice up and say straight away what the plan is, hopefully tomorrow in the stream we will know more 

    @purebalance said:
    Definitely noticed this. I thought it might be my headphones.

    Are you guys killer or survivor mains?
    I hopped on as soon as the patch went live and didn't really pay much attention to the audio as i was in a SWF's group at the time and we were talking, but now that i tried to play killer on my own, the difference was huge.

    I don't really play survivor by myself much, so i'm curious if the audio changes are equally as detrimental to those who play killer.

    You would think if it was, this would be quickly fixed.

  • Fropps
    Fropps Member Posts: 66

    Definitely. Not being able to hear footsteps and grass is horrible. Same with the fog changes. You can't even see someone if they're far enough away now, it's ridiculous.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    First thought was my headphones were shorting out, spent most of my time in survivor cause everything except music was to difficult to hear for killer.
  • DwightsLifeMatters
    DwightsLifeMatters Member Posts: 1,649
    Hex_Flex said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    I complained aswell, not a single statement of the devs so far. I hate if they completely don't voice up and say straight away what the plan is, hopefully tomorrow in the stream we will know more 

    @purebalance said:
    Definitely noticed this. I thought it might be my headphones.

    Are you guys killer or survivor mains?
    I hopped on as soon as the patch went live and didn't really pay much attention to the audio as i was in a SWF's group at the time and we were talking, but now that i tried to play killer on my own, the difference was huge.

    I don't really play survivor by myself much, so i'm curious if the audio changes are equally as detrimental to those who play killer.

    You would think if it was, this would be quickly fixed.

    I play both, and the sound is broken for both sides (music extremely load). But since as survivor it's not that important my complain comes more from Killer side
  • Kamikaze_Rose
    Kamikaze_Rose Member Posts: 247
    Yeah, I main Pig and the audio is bugged on her, too. I can now hear survivors removing traps no matter how far away they are. Talk about a Pig buff  :)
  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883


  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    @Kamikaze_Rose said:
    Yeah, I main Pig and the audio is bugged on her, too. I can now hear survivors removing traps no matter how far away they are. Talk about a Pig buff  :)

    I actually like that

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,144

    Yeah, the music is definitely too loud, now. The audio mixing is terrible and for a game that's so reliant on sound that's really bad.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    @HellDescent said:

    @Kamikaze_Rose said:
    Yeah, I main Pig and the audio is bugged on her, too. I can now hear survivors removing traps no matter how far away they are. Talk about a Pig buff  :)

    I actually like that

    Even still, i think this "buff" does not make up for what seems like a moderate indirect nerf to all killers, and a general unpleasant experience for whoever is in a chase, be it killer or survivor.

  • antgnstea
    antgnstea Member Posts: 869
    Even when you are not in a chase while you’re injured the heartbeat and the tension music never goes away. And it is so loud. I think I’ll have permanent ear damage if it stays like that. 
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    edited December 2018

    I play killer...

    The survivors used to.make noises...breath...cry in pain..have footsteps...

    WAY worse after patch. I hear burning barrels, fixed gens, wind, grass, dumbass music..pretty much everything EXCEPT what I am.listening for (survivors).

    ### bhvr?!?! I used to love to wear headphones with this it doesn't matter because sound means nothing.

    Christ, I might as well put Halloween on Netflix because I can't hear crap anymore in your game.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @Hex_Flex said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    I complained aswell, not a single statement of the devs so far. I hate if they completely don't voice up and say straight away what the plan is, hopefully tomorrow in the stream we will know more 

    @purebalance said:
    Definitely noticed this. I thought it might be my headphones.

    Are you guys killer or survivor mains?
    I hopped on as soon as the patch went live and didn't really pay much attention to the audio as i was in a SWF's group at the time and we were talking, but now that i tried to play killer on my own, the difference was huge.

    I don't really play survivor by myself much, so i'm curious if the audio changes are equally as detrimental to those who play killer.

    You would think if it was, this would be quickly fixed.

    I actually haven't played killer since the patch since I'm working on prestiging my licensed survivors and don't like to use bp a killer earned for survivors(I'm weird). Like as a survivor hearing is very important with stealth killers. I used to be able to hear Myers or Pig breathing in their mask since they sound asthmatic like Feng, but now if there's a wall they can creep around you're screwed.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @DemonDaddy said:
    First thought was my headphones were shorting out, spent most of my time in survivor cause everything except music was to difficult to hear for killer.

    One of my weird things is that the skill check success sound was changed. The skill check trigger sound is the same, but the volume on the great and good skill checks is way lower and bothered me.

  • yeet
    yeet Member Posts: 1,832

    haha remember when they broke sound for killers like a year ago glad that would never happen again HAHA!

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @purebalance said:

    @Hex_Flex said:

    @DwightsLifeMatters said:
    I complained aswell, not a single statement of the devs so far. I hate if they completely don't voice up and say straight away what the plan is, hopefully tomorrow in the stream we will know more 

    @purebalance said:
    Definitely noticed this. I thought it might be my headphones.

    Are you guys killer or survivor mains?
    I hopped on as soon as the patch went live and didn't really pay much attention to the audio as i was in a SWF's group at the time and we were talking, but now that i tried to play killer on my own, the difference was huge.

    I don't really play survivor by myself much, so i'm curious if the audio changes are equally as detrimental to those who play killer.

    You would think if it was, this would be quickly fixed.

    I actually haven't played killer since the patch since I'm working on prestiging my licensed survivors and don't like to use bp a killer earned for survivors(I'm weird). Like as a survivor hearing is very important with stealth killers. I used to be able to hear Myers or Pig breathing in their mask since they sound asthmatic like Feng, but now if there's a wall they can creep around you're screwed.

    Yeah, it's borked. Very disappointing.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    I heard the rain is really bad in red forest but I haven't played it yet.
  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited December 2018

    I thought Iron Will was being picked more, but actually the injured sounds are very low compared to the rest..., also, the Nurse's "whoosh" volume is very high and not directional even when near, it's very confusing. I hope they fix the audio soon.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    @White_Owl said:
    I thought Iron Will was being picked more, but actually the injured sounds are very low compared to the rest..., also, the Nurse's "whoosh" volume is very high and not directional even when near, it's very confusing. I hope they fix the audio soon.

    It is sad that the audio changes are practically giving the survivors a free iron will. I know its not that bad, but you really can't hear the moans of pain unless you are RIGHT up on them.

  • last_juggernaut
    last_juggernaut Member Posts: 44
    Not just the audio changes, I'm not sure if anyone noticed but the killer colour palette have been changed. Everything is way too bright now and hurts my eyes after about an hour. Especially the new map. It's crazy bright. This needs to be reverted back to the old structure. Also borrowed time now being bullshit status effect is absolutely stupid. Why change something that wasn't broken?
  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647
    Last time we had issues with sound and being able hear survivors those issues stuck around for like half a year xD
  • notveryyoung
    notveryyoung Member Posts: 28
    edited December 2018

    thank you thank you , i been complaining about this since the first game after patch. I too made an account for just this.

    It is much harder to find survivors based on sound after this patch. some stuff is turned down. some stuff like chase music and game music is up.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    I saw this, but i don't recall anybody focusing on solely the audio issue, i did not want this massive problem to be swept under the rug by an influx of fps drop comments. Nor did i feel like posting my specs was relevant to the problem.

    @Bravo0413 said:
    Last time we had issues with sound and being able hear survivors those issues stuck around for like half a year xD

    I bet killer que's will be faster even at rank 1, since others including myself are reluctant to play killer with these new audio issues. My ears do more work than my eyes in this game.

  • BlackendSea
    BlackendSea Member Posts: 49
    Does anyone else who play survivor have difficulty hearing perks such as when the killer uses bamboozle. I was at the killer shack and I am usually able to hear if the killer uses bamboozle and run away, now I can’t hear it at all and it’s just annoying because I know I used to hear it before
  • PatBrutal
    PatBrutal Member Posts: 566

    Thank you for your feedback I will send this to the right person. I'll get back to you when I have more info.
    If you have any concerns with the audio please don't hesitate to share.
    Thanks a lot!

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @Patricia said:
    I've talked with our Sound Designer and for the Footsteps they are too low and this is something he will fix eventually same for the injure sound that are too low. Also he will investigate the overall sound that seem to be louder. This is the info I have for now.
    Thanks !

    Is Stridor working as well as they want it to? Seems quieter than it should be.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    This will be like the sound issues they had when the engine was upgraded last time.

    Don't expect a working fix for about 2 months.

  • FalseFroggs
    FalseFroggs Member Posts: 60

    Glad others are voicing their concerns as well! While playing survivor, the chase and/or injured music is soooo loud, can't hear anything else.
    I was wondering if any other survivors have noticed these as well:

    • When a Nurse Blinks away, there's a very loud popping sound that resonates almost throughout the entire map (to be fair, I've only played against 1 Nurse since the update, and it was on the new map, so maybe it's map specific?)
    • Completed gens don't sound the same as they used to - they have an overlaying sound of an almost-completed gen. So sometimes I'll be in the area and think I hear a gen that's near completion only to turn the corner and see the gen has already been finished.
  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Kamikaze_Rose said:
    Yeah, I main Pig and the audio is bugged on her, too. I can now hear survivors removing traps no matter how far away they are. Talk about a Pig buff  :)

    It's not a buff because I can't tell where they're at.
    This patch is so ######### stupid.
    I don't mind the visuals but come on, the new map is garbage, barely any tracks or none at all.
    And the generators popping sounds like underwater to me.
    Jesus Christ.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132
    edited December 2018

    @FalseFroggs said:
    Glad others are voicing their concerns as well! While playing survivor, the chase and/or injured music is soooo loud, can't hear anything else.
    I was wondering if any other survivors have noticed these as well:

    • When a Nurse Blinks away, there's a very loud popping sound that resonates almost throughout the entire map (to be fair, I've only played against 1 Nurse since the update, and it was on the new map, so maybe it's map specific?)
    • Completed gens don't sound the same as they used to - they have an overlaying sound of an almost-completed gen. So sometimes I'll be in the area and think I hear a gen that's near completion only to turn the corner and see the gen has already been finished.

    So the audio is in a very bad state right now for both killer and survivors, wow that's unfortunate.

    @Patricia said:
    I've talked with our Sound Designer and for the Footsteps they are too low and this is something he will fix eventually same for the injure sound that are too low. Also he will investigate the overall sound that seem to be louder. This is the info I have for now.
    Thanks !

    How long does it take to resort this sort of problem if it happened before?
    Glad you guys are working on it though, i watched the live stream today and was glad to see the problem was recognized and that its being worked on, but can we expect to receive any kind of ETA as to when we can expect the problem to be resolved?

  • Darktronik
    Darktronik Member Posts: 94

    ooh again this kind of problem.

    Remember: survivor's breath sound was tuned down permanently. And it never came back to the state before the last engine update.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Yes. I just had a game as Spirit and the lack of sounds REALLY hurt. I even had Stridor and it was hard to hear injured survivors. This needs a fix.

  • Hex_Flex
    Hex_Flex Member Posts: 132

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Yes. I just had a game as Spirit and the lack of sounds REALLY hurt. I even had Stridor and it was hard to hear injured survivors. This needs a fix.

    Spirit definitely got hit the hardest by these changes, shes going on the back burner until this gets fixed for sure. Might try to abuse some Myers since apparently survivors cant hear breathing/footsteps nearly as clearly anymore.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    @Hex_Flex said:

    @thesuicidefox said:
    Yes. I just had a game as Spirit and the lack of sounds REALLY hurt. I even had Stridor and it was hard to hear injured survivors. This needs a fix.

    Spirit definitely got hit the hardest by these changes, shes going on the back burner until this gets fixed for sure. Might try to abuse some Myers since apparently survivors cant hear breathing/footsteps nearly as clearly anymore.

    Yea I've had Myers and Pig sneak up on me WAY more in the last few days than almost anytime ever. I am a very alert survivor, even as a Wraith it is difficult to get the drop on me. One day, 3 different Pigs managed to ALMOST grab me off a gen in a spot where I had pretty good visibility, all because I couldn't hear her breath as well. Only knew she was coming because I heard the SNIKT of her blade coming out.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    edited December 2018
    Yeah footsteps are definitely quieter. Havent had as many issues with groans of pain though.

    Hopefully the fixes come sooner rather than later.
    Post edited by The_Crusader on
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    The Audio is nowhere near as bad as the playstion freezing and the fan kicking into overdrive and finally the playstation being unresponsive and you having to hard boot it off or it hardbooting itself off.