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“The way you played wasn’t fun for the survivors”

Actual quote I got from my last game. I was going against a SWFs in coms so I secured a early 3 gen and slowly bled out there resources in my 3 gen area using the same hook in between the gens while patrolling it and prioritizing the unhooked survivors till I ended with a 3k.

securing that early 3 gen was the only reason I got any kills if one of those gens had fallen it would have been a 4 escape. so end game chat comes and it’s all “you tunneled you camped” which I did.

but the real kicker for me is “that wasn’t fun for the survivors”


l’m confused, do you think that you constantly calling out my position over coms is fun for the killer? Do you think 4 DSes is fun? Flashlight stalkers swarming every pickup? Constantly trying to distract me with your best looper who immediately runs to the portion of the map with the most pallets is fun? Borrowed time, unbreakable, dead hard, deliverance and the key you brought is fun?

I’m not even saying you shouldn’t do that stuff but why do you expect me to care about your fun? You don’t care about mine.

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  • Member Posts: 710

    Survivors dont play in à way that is fun for the killer yet it wont stop them from doing it

    Neither should it stop you

  • Member Posts: 26

    what else would you want op to do, report? lol

    and yea and it's why you should not give in and just move on to the next game

  • Member Posts: 8

    Why are you using banelings that’s not fun for the Terran.

  • Member Posts: 112

    Here is my personal perspective.

    Whether playing SWF or not, people will have several good games, a lot of times this will happen in rapid succession. This boosts their confidence level, and overall weakens their play. Whether it be excitement at winning, or cockiness, they will eventually end up in a game and make a mistake that costs them. This is when the killer capitalizes. The result usually doesn't end in the survivors favor. Their streak/excitement has come to an end and they are now upset. The easiest thing to do is blame the person that ended their fun, the killer.

    I say all this because I've been that person before. I've never been openly toxic to ANY killer. I may have certainly felt it, and most assuredly said so in comms with friends in the past, but I've never said anything in game. Why? Because I know the killer was playing to win, just like I was. I've changed more as I have gotten older, and nowadays, regardless of how the match goes or how I felt, I always say GG at the end. I find that initiating a post game chat conversation with GG almost always keeps the atmosphere friendly.

  • Member Posts: 488
    edited August 2021

    Really, just consider it feedback. I do try to play to make the game entertaining in some way for all 5 people playing. Sure, though, sometimes I just go into killer mode... Got a 4K last night as Oni and a 3K as Leatherface along those lines.

    But if your instinct is to say 'no [BAD WORD], I wasn't trying to do that", then you're fine, just shrug it off.

    If you thought 'darn, I like to think the survivors are having fun on my watch', then you can react accordingly.

    If you think of survivors as enemies that you just need to thwart and since they seemingly treat you the same, you don't care well, then.. I'm curious why you made this thread. If you don't care, don't care. If you do care, think about it in future matches. Seems fairly simple...

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Member Posts: 941

    I completely agree with you.

    You have to remember that you are the killer and your goal is not to help the survivors to escape.

    I don't know if you are new to dbd, but this is going to happen to you quite regularly.

    Don't worry too much about it.

    You should play the way you think is necessary, and certainly don't let what others think change your playstyle.

    Some survivors just can't stand their loss, and that's not your fault!

  • Member Posts: 131

    My dumb theory is that, since DBD is one of the few game where you are allowed to only play 1 side, the result is, that we see a lot of player that never play the other side for some reason (too difficult, not having fun…). So by doing that they tend to think that the game revolve only around their side, thus forgetting that both side need some type of fun to continue existing. And if you couple that with a bunch of egocentric brat, you get this type of reaction, because from their point of view, the other side didn't respect them, who are supposed to be the "main character" of the game.

    That could also explain why this community is more angry to each other than toward game related mistake, like balance, missplay, outplay.

    Another game that has this mentality that i can list from the top of my head is League of legend. Since you are allowed to only play a certain role (adc, mid, top, jungle, support), we see the same type of reaction: "our top feed", "mid role is too strong"," our jungle never helped me".

    In both of those game, players tend to project their mistake and anger toward the other role due to the lack of empathy toward them because they hardly have any experienced being in this position.

    TLDR: Them getting angry at you is like a kid being angry at his parent, he has never been one so he doesn't understand their choice.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    When playing as survivor, do any of you see the killer as an actual person playing a game? I don’t think I do. When I play killer, I don’t really see the survivor as anyone other than that survivor. Not a person but just a puppet.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    I am getting survivors rage at me because i am using lightborn.

  • Member Posts: 1,562

    How dare you negate flashlight save squads! 😂

    Or, as some Survivors put it 'A perk should never 100% negate an item! 🙃'

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Iron will got changed to 100% negate any effect of survivors being louder, whether that be from a killer perk or addon... Something tells me those survivors will give that a pass though, lol

  • Member Posts: 6,025
    edited August 2021

    I'm gonna be honest, when survivors hold W I get pissed off and talk ######### about them in my head. I call them a "megHead" or a "W gamer" in my head. I do the same for killers when they camp, tunnel, or slug at 5 gens (don't care if they do those during the EGC). But I don't do crying in the endgame chat about what they do. You know why? Because it's a playstyle and I respect that.

    I talk ######### about them but keep it to myself, because there's no reason to get all pissy at them for playing the way they do. I just say gg or ggwp or whatever, if I get no kills then ggwp, you guys did good. If I die as surv I'll just go to the next game or if it's a death as soon as the game ends then I'll just say gg. If I like the way they played, I'll either give them hatch or let them kill me.

    Plus, it would be rather hypocritical of me to ######### on them. I hold W against killers that literally require you to hold W as their counterplay, and sometimes I absolutely need to camp, slug, and tunnel (I respect if killers need to do those). Sometimes I even make fun of myself for holding W.

    I truly don't mean it when I insult others in my head while playing, it's just my mentality, heh. Play how you want, and respect how others play. (Unless you slug at 5 gens then please change your playstyle.)

    Post edited by glitchboi on
  • Member Posts: 452

    But when you give the survivors an easy game (while learning a new killer or whatever reason), you're still trash because it was "gg EZ".

    Some people are just stupid and want you to follow a stupid rulebook. It's whatever, play how you want.

    Sure, I sometimes get salty when I get 2 tunnel killers in a row, but the best I can do in that situation is to keep the killer occupied for a long time, or at least try that. But hey, the killer can also do what they want ingame since they play the game too. Neither I or the killer is responsible for the other side their fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,069
  • Member Posts: 4,105

    Aaaan again, we demonize the survivors and act like this is a one sided problem. Why do you keep doing this over and over again?

    I and everyone else who plays both sides experiences the same ammount of complains from killers too. Stop Genrush, buhu Deadhard, Sweaty SWF, annoying looping, complains about DS, keys, annoying tryhards etc etc.

  • Member Posts: 6,025

    Yeah, I tend to get angry and that's human nature, but I won't go as far as to criticizing the way someone plays. It's just a video game, I'd rather have people feel comfortable about how they play. As long as they enjoy it.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts by the way.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Who cares?

    Should everyone start posting about their post chat matches now?

    Oh wait they do.

  • Member Posts: 989

    Survivor mentality in this game summed up.

  • Member Posts: 305

    I mean . . . not gonna lie ... tunneling is cringe but camping is where you go too far.

    If you have to literally make the player on hook not have an opportunity or choice other than to die on hook because you're not good enough to get a sacrifice by actually playing the game then . . . you're the problem?

    The occasional tunnel? mkay. You lost track of the unhooker? Fine. The off hooked person ran in front of you? okay. You had a choice and opt to go for the weak link to get them out of the game sooner because you're not confident as a killer? Eh

    Let's be real. If you see more than one flashlight, maybe you should use lightborn or learn to not face the direction you suspect survivors are in. OR use Franklin's to knock it out of their hands.

    At least that way you're not getting a penalty for being a camper and proving them right? and if you actually play for fun? Why camp?

    How do you have fun playing a game if you're sitting at hook for more than half of it? And if you know who their best looper is, don't take the bait a second time?

  • Member Posts: 941

    Sometimes you just have no choice. If you get gen rushed by a swf team it's really hard not to tunnel or camp.

    It might be not fun for the survivor that is getting camped or tunneled, but it's also not fun for the killer.

    But i think this is something you can only understand if you play killer on red ranks. Maybe you should try to get to red rank as a killer and try to play fair every match. It's just impossible.

    I still think the biggest problem in this game are swfs. It is not the intention to be able to communicate in this game.

    If so, the game would have had a voice chat feature.

    Unfortunately, this is not something that Behavior is really concerned with.

    As long as swf is still an option, the game is not fair.

    That's why the killer doesn't have to play fair either.

    I would say try to get to the red ranks as a killer, and just play a lot of matches yourself.

    I am very curious how you experience this yourself.

  • Member Posts: 283

    This community is soooo toxic. On both sides.

    on one you got killers like you who are entitled af thinking camping and tunneling is okay.

    and on the other you got SWF which makes it impossible to win unless you resort to the previously mentioned toxic behaviors…

    You guys don’t ACTUALLY want go play fair you just want ppl to have a bad day

  • Member Posts: 305

    No, you ALWAYS have a CHOICE.

    If they're gen rushing you . . . which they're supposed to do. It's a part of their objective to do gens as fast as they can to try their best towards a 4 person escape . . . you're not applying enough gen pressure. You should probably look at your build and how you play the game instead of blaming it on someone else and I say this as a person who plays killer too. I just heavily prefer survivor. ( I really only play killer once all my survivor things in rift are done but I am still usually rank 3-5. )

    It's not a dig but it's really probably something to look at. If you're struggling with gen rushing you really should cater to your weakness in your perk choices.

    Also games are meant to be played with friends . . . ? It's the point of games to begin with and why there is an invite feature and you have the ability to add people ONLY in game and also on PC or console BOTH. Also why would the game have an in game chat feature? They NEVER work as well as party chat and then the killer could hear you. The game provides you the option based on how you want to play

    Playing on mic also isn't going to give them some inhuman boost that is going to entirely change the outcome of the game in my experience. We still lose all the time in my group lmao I find survivor way harder.

  • Member Posts: 911

    You don't need to generalise survivors, especially SWF.

    Me and my girlfriend play survivor together and despite being an efficient duo, we care about the killer's fun.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Sounds like you had a good game plan and the survivors either fell for it, or carelessly allowed themselves to be put in a 3-gen situation, which left you with a good tactic that worked in your favour!

    When some people lose, they're just extremely bitter, so whatever they say you won't ever be able to reason with them. They'll cool off and forget that round after a while, as will you no doubt, and life will go on.

  • Member Posts: 941

    The game has a feature to invite people, yes.

    But that has nothing to do with communication.

    It is still possible to lose as a swf, but communication affects the game in an unfair way.

    Constantly relaying the killer's location, and even being able to discuss things at all gives an unfair advantage.

    If the intention was to be able to consult, Behavior would have made this possible.

    And you yourself indicate, ''and then the killer could hear you''.

    If communication doesn't affect the game, why shouldn't the killer be able to hear what the survivors are discussing?

  • Member Posts: 305

    Because BHVR doesn't want to listen into / be reliable for what is said over mic?

    For example threats, " ######### " , racism, bigotry, etc. All the way to . . . people taking game hostage and working with the killer / giving the killer information?

  • Member Posts: 941

    It is very good that this function is not there, but that is why I also think that it is not the intention to be able to communicate.

    I play a lot of killer, and the more you play, the better you get.

    But still swf remains a difficult topic, and that's why I think Behavior should look closely at how this problem can be solved.

    Maybe it would be an idea to let swfs play with less perks, and for 4 man swf to repair 6 gens instead of 5.

  • Member Posts: 843

    If you have a good apm you can split your army well enough to win most of your fight that what i think it was fun in those game can i split my army well enough for you to waste your resource or you are good enough to split those baneling. Those were my favorite match ling/bling/muta vs marine/marauder/medivac ine missplay could cost you do game

  • Member Posts: 305

    I mean technically BY DEFINITION ( not an opinion ) camping is cheating.

    It's rigging a game by taking away someone's option to even attempt at beating you making it impossible for them as a single player to win. If you have a problem with that take it up with the English language.

    But yeah sorry, but I don't think removing a player from game through removing their option to play the game makes you a good player. It makes you a bad player who is only confident in playing killer if there is 3 survivors or less.

    So yeah, you should " Git gud " because you're playing with a handicap and forcing the game to be played with one when no one agreed to you taking the game hostage for another player if not all of them.

    If you disagree? I don't care. I made my statement. You can disagree. I'm not changing my stance, you're probably not changing yours.

  • Member Posts: 290

    better idea, quickchat. survivors have a limited way to chat by giving minor callouts. "killer is near me." "Im working on a gen." "Going for the unhook" ect. League has this feature with a TON of quick chat options and it works pretty well. smite was able to implement it on console, also works well. DBD can do the same so people wont say toxic af stuff over mics, solo que can be more bearable compared to SWF and people wont complain as much about SWF since solo q will be similar.

    "but then survivors will be broken!!!!" then we buff all killers to compensate, easy. as to what that buff would be.... im not sure. a warm up timer would be nice. As scott suggested years ago, gen repair speeds are lowered to a crawl until the first chase is initiated with a minimum timer to prevent hostage games. helps big maps, helps trapper and other trap based killers, "Gen rush" isnt that big of a deal, and survivors also would try to find killer to get the game started. everyone wins in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 1,562

    AHAHAHAHA! 'Camping is cheating by definition' 😂😂🤣🤣


    act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination

    deceive or trick

    avoid (something undesirable) by luck or skill

    Only the first really applies, so...

    So no, camping is not 'cheating because of the English language' because camping is not objectively unfair or dishonest.

    Is genrushing unfair or dishonest? No; it's survivors doing their objective. So is camping; it's Killers doing their objective; to kill.

    You are 100% wrong. It's not cheating, objectively or subjectively. Rofl. It's not 'BY DEFINITION' cheating.

    Peak entitlement; even tries to change then freaking English language.

  • Member Posts: 8

    I’m defending my 3 gen that’s how I have fun. If I let the 3 gen die I lose.

  • Member Posts: 305

    No one said anything bad about you patrolling 3 gens?

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    It's hypocritical to play super aggressively and then criticize your opponents for playing super aggressively, too. But it's also possible for adult humans to play a friendly game where they're considerate of each other and try to make sure no one feels like they're getting rolled. That's also a thing that can happen.

    So, I don't believe in this philosophy that says, "Only think about yourself and don't consider whether anybody else is having fun," but I also don't believe that you're obligated to play with one hand tied behind your back if the people you match with are being super sweaty. Just don't be the person who becomes super aggressive when everyone else is being chill.

  • Member Posts: 687
    edited August 2021

    Play how you want, people gonna be salty regardless. For once I opened my PlayStation dms and I got some real salt for when my 3 gen plan got smooshed too. I had downed a Nea and hooked her, everyone was injured. Kate tripped my trap and she went down feet away from hooked Nea. Injured Jake goes for the save before I even could pick Kate up! I saw an opportunity. I had 1 gen left and.. yeah. Finally got those 3 down and that left one more. WELL, we played a game of ring around the tractor because I had nothing better to do and I had all the time in the world, after all, it was just me & her after all. Anyway, she picks up Nea while I'm still hot on her tail, Nea goes back down and the last survivor trips a trap and goes down shortly after. Then two out of the four dc'd. Part of the salt I got was from slugging. I was being "toxic" and I shouldn't even play the game. You were all practically right there! What was I supposed to do? Leave you be to heal up and do the final gen in peace? Face a corner while you do so? The other part of the salt was using Knockout for some reason?? If I really wanted to do you survivors dirty, I'd slap on Third Seal as well and guard that totem with my life but I wasn't running anything too nutty. Just m&m + knockout + stbfl + corrupt so?? Why so salty about Knockout I don't understand it lmao

    If I was the same killer I was when I first started out... The game would've ended with barely any hooks and teabags at the exit gates. It is "gg ez" when they win but when they lose? "go ######### trash killer, learn to actually play the game."

    Point being: there is gonna be salt no matter what. Play how you want / see fit and just try to enjoy the killer / yourself.

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