Stealth killers

Look I’m a Freddy main (pre rework so I’m legit) so I enjoy oblivious and all that stuff…but I noticed that stealth killers like Ghostface, Wraith and Pig are pretty much all there.
To me this signify that stealth is too strong rn. I don’t like the idea of nerfing all killers but certain perks should work on them. Like how does it make sense that ALL aura reading perk are deactivated ? Even spine chill doesn’t work on all of them.
I feel there’s a problem with consistency atm and it makes it very hard to try to creat a build around them. Which in turns kinda makes it unfair for survivors. I mean I enjoy survivors DC as much as the next Freddy…but that’s kinda sad
Against which killer Spine chill doesn't work?
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Myers in stalk, Ghostface in stalk, Freddy if asleep but it works vs Pig and Wraith I think.
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I think premonition works for all but…who uses that
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Are you sure it doesn't work when they stalk? I will have to try it in custom...
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Yup certain. Feel free to try it.
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Kindred doesn’t work on any of them if they stalk or Wraith turn invisible. Same goes for all other aura reading perk including OoO and Dark sense
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Just tried it and Spine Chill works even while stalking...
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Spine Chill does work against Myers and Ghostface in stalk. I don't know about Freddy in sleep. You *think* it works against Pig and Wraith? I want to know how many hours you have in this game if you think something may or may not work. If you're a newbie you shouldn't be complaining about things like this when you have no idea what you're talking about.
Spine Chill is one of the strongest perks in the game. As far as I know, it counters all Killers.
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No it doesn’t literally just got out of a match with Ghostface and it didn’t.
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I’m a red rank with thousands of hours in so stop trying to sound like you’re better. No it does NOT work on Myers and Ghostface in stalk mode.
Let me make a guess; you’re a purple rank and tried it vs a random Ghostface which wasn’t even stalking.
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Also, I said think bc Wraith was recently buffed so idk if they changed anything about sensory reading related to him.
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I'm a Red Rank and I AM better. Here you go Kibbles
Spine Chill vs Ghostface:
Spine Chill vs Myers:
Spine Chill vs Wraith:
Spine Chill vs Pig:
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Oh and I forgot this one
Spine Chill vs Freddy:
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Well it’s been changed I’m guessing with the obvious status effect changes. And no you’re not if I look at your other videos mate xD you a purple going vs 3 bronze and one red xD
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Why are you quiet now. You send two message back to back 😊
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Because I'm playing DbD. :|
and my other videos are old..
Also, in the single Survivor video I have, I am in fact a Red Rank playing as Laurie at level 38 because I play Survivor's starting from scratch and as solo only. Gets more core experience rather than relying so heavily on crutch perks or comms as an SWF.
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I’m a red rank solo queue tyvm. But anyways point was that yeah apparently you’re right I hadn’t notice spine chill now works even if the killer stalk. Which is cool imo.
but idk the only videos I saw was you rank 5 from 1 month ago, not that old.
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Are you talking about the Trickster video? It was three purples and a red uploaded shortly after the Rank reset..
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"1 month ago, not that old."
That is really long. I could get from rank 20 to rank 1 in a week...
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Dude. Stealth killers are perfectly fine.. come on.. try being more aware or something.. sorry you can't watch netflix while you hold m1 on a gen.