Remember when..

People said breakout was gonna be op,
Soul guard was gonna be op,
New sabo was gonna be op,
For the people was gonna be op,
Lucky break was gonna be op
new bubba op,
nemesis op
mettle of... oh wait
am I missing any?
Lesson learned.
Pig is clearly OP, in need of nerf Immediately.
Get to it, BHVR.
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I think the reason why people freaked out about it is that they think it would require them to adapt their playstyle.
But then realized it was such a non-issue that they could just play like normal.
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Well, Mettle of Man was actually OP once.
I hate this perk because of that.
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Mettle was honestly the only stupidly OP perk on the list. Sad it got nerfed down into low tier hell, it couldve at least been medicore.
Lucky break is the funniest for me. I cannot count how many times i finished a game and said out loud "Wait, that guy had lucky break?"
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if only people will test the ptb before saying anything
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TBF; both sides scream anything is OP within the hour it hits the PTB.
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Some people test the PTB and still scream stuff is OP.
Remember when Power Struggle is deemed OP? Or that a Killer like Pyramid Head is uncounterable?
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Remember when people said counterforce would be op?
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I mean mettle of man was op. originally.
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Counterforce was going to be OP and kill NOED. 😂
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Mettle of man was op though shame how it was Nerfed into F tier though would like to see another way to get tokens if possible
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People said new BT would be OP.
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I remember reading people think that Any Means Necessary would be crazy.
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To be fair MoM was insanely powerful on release. It was crazy and hair pulling frustrating to play killer at that time.
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I've seen people claim it was overpowered because it could lift up god pallets and it's like
Shouldn't you break those instantly?!?!?
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To be fair with break down:
There have been bugs with it that make it OP by causing it to permanently break hooks.
So due to game breaking bugs Break down has been op in the past even just a few months ago.
Also MoM at release was one of the most blatantly overpowered perks ever released.
MoM was just nerfed so hard there's still is a smoking crater from where the nerf hit it.
MoM's old effect is after you were hit 3 times you gained endurance. So you always got an extra 2 hits in every trail(Even more if you managed to escape a chase and heal) much like how nemesis gives survivors' with contamination.
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You're forgetting one key element when mentioning survivor perks.
SWF. Whenever something new comes out that people claim is going to be OP, at the top, or near it, is because of how SWF can use it. They may not use it well, but they sure as heck use it better than most solos.
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The thing mettle was op and all those perk are good but they dont break the meta because the survivor meta is broken. Take lucky break for example when people was saying the perk would be op it was because of the furst buff they had in mind if that buff was passing the pbe no way we would have seen DS in a lobby. For the people is only run in swf anyway that the only time me and my friend use it