Edward Scissorhands next killer or Survivor?!

Honestly can you imagine?!
Wouldn't making him a killer kind of... Betray his whole character though?
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Ya it's more of just a joke 😅
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He isn't really a bloody thirsty killer though, he would be better suited to be a survivor and and Sweeney Todd, another Depp character, could be the killer.
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You know what-- That makes more sense now that I look at it in context.
Whelp. What can I say, I've drunk a lot of dumb ######### juice today.
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Oh god, not Depp Sweeny Todd. That musical was screwed up because the producers just HAD to bank on Depp's popularity.
If you listen to the proper stage play; Depp would have been a shoe-in for the Judge, due to his range, and Alan Rickman should have been Sweeny Todd.
Sorry, it just angers the musical lover in me that the whole thing was butchered because 'star power' put Depp in the wrong role. It's not even his fault.
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Honestly, despite Depp's voice for Sweeney, I actually really enjoyed the film. I thought everybody else nailed it, the costumes were ######### awesome, the movie looked sufficiently grimy. I'm glad they went with practical effects for the kills and even the chair. Depp doesn't do a nearly bad enough job to make me dislike the movie.
It's leagues better than most musical adaptations, imo.
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Oh, Depp was fine, in my opinion. He just did not have the proper voice for the role. He should have been the Judge.
Hell, him and Rickman's duet of 'Pretty Women' was amazing together; their voices complimented each other well. The roles just should have been reversed, and would have been, if they were not banking on Depp's popularity from Pirates.
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What a silly rumor, it is clear that the next killer is Willy Wonka but not the one we all know, but his evil version of Epic Movie.
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That's fair. If what the interviews said are true, Depp had never even sung before the movie, so either way-- Definite props to him.
More on topic, I definitely wouldn't mind some kind of Killer from either a musical or a play. Sweeney Todd would definitely be cool, just to get some Sondheim music in the game, but I'm not sure what kind of power they would make for him.
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It's been so long that I forgot what happened in that film and how good the performances were. It was just the first Depp villain that came to mind that I thought would be a better fit for the game.
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Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's D L C!
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You're 2 years too late, buddy.
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TO be fair there is The Scissorman from Clocktower