Legion simple buff (NOT 115%, down with power, deep wound change, power rework, etc.)

We all agree that this character is still pretty weak because he has a lot of trouble ending chases.

Devs allready said they dont want to buff his movement speed to 115% and people still think thats the only way he could be viable. But there is another way to end chases sooner without being too overpowered and this change would also add some mind game to fight and play this character.

Just reduce his frenezy stun if you cancel the power manually.

This would make it so that The Legion should use his power to catch up with survivors before his power runs out. He'd still have to take the stun but he'd have to be careful on when and where to use it.

Kind of like Nurse blink works, the more you blink the longer the stun, but if you land the hit you get rewarded with less stun time.
With this change the more you hit a survivor in deep wound status the longer the stun and survivor makes It to a save place,  if you take the stun before without hitting the survivor you get rewarded with less stun and the survivor doesnt get that sprint when they get hit.

Right now you can end the power manually right next to a survivor who is nowhere near a pallet or window and you'd still get punished for It because It takes too long and the survivor can easily make It to a pallet or window without any problem.

You could also use the manual cancel to body block certain windows or pallets and the survivor should think if it'd be a good idea to go for that pallet/window or look for another loop while The Legion should try to body block the strongests loops and force survivors to go for those weak loops.


  • Youkari
    Youkari Member Posts: 53

    i also suggest giving Legion a buff with exposed effect like if a survivor suffers from exposed and deep wound ailments, additional frenzy hits should down that survivor instantly then. I mean we speak about exposed effect and it's the ultimate threat killers can impose... except Legion as of now unless he's going for being a 110% speed M1 killer...

  • BeanieEnthusiast
    BeanieEnthusiast Member Posts: 213
    The 115% speed buff is literally ALL he needs to be a decent killer. Right now you can be looped for far too long as the legion, even being able to vault pallets and windows. 
  • That_One_Scrub
    That_One_Scrub Member Posts: 35

    How would reducing the stun on manual cancel constitute 'killing with power'? It's literally not.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    The 115% speed buff is literally ALL he needs to be a decent killer. Right now you can be looped for far too long as the legion, even being able to vault pallets and windows. 
    Devs allready said they wont buff his movement speed. They did the same with hag.
  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463

    How would reducing the stun on manual cancel constitute 'killing with power'? It's literally not.

    His power wasnt designed to kill survivors thats why It takes so many hits to down them. It was designed for crowd control.

    With this change he'd still have to use his power like that but he'd also use it to get near survivors running, take a little stun and then down them with his M1.
  • Najemniczkas
    Najemniczkas Member Posts: 88
    Youkari said:

    i also suggest giving Legion a buff with exposed effect like if a survivor suffers from exposed and deep wound ailments, additional frenzy hits should down that survivor instantly then. I mean we speak about exposed effect and it's the ultimate threat killers can impose... except Legion as of now unless he's going for being a 110% speed M1 killer...

    If not down with Exposed in Frenzy, than at least make it so first Frenzy hit reduces half of the bar and second downs them... Seriously, exposed is so useless on Legion.
    I can see why Exposed won't work with Frenzy one hit, one down, because it would activate killer's instinct. Though, making it so it stuns him instantly or, like I suggested, making it so exposed reduces required hits to 2, would make any Exposed Perk viable on them
  • Youkari
    Youkari Member Posts: 53

    exactly; it's still a 2hit mechanic but still better having him a option for the various perks at killers disposal.

  • Kind_Lemon
    Kind_Lemon Member Posts: 2,559

    I'm curious what people would think if instead of downing the survivor, letting the timer run down would give the survivor a permanent broken status effect.

    Or even give the hindered status effect to survivors with deep wounds.

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    Youkari said:

    i also suggest giving Legion a buff with exposed effect like if a survivor suffers from exposed and deep wound ailments, additional frenzy hits should down that survivor instantly then. I mean we speak about exposed effect and it's the ultimate threat killers can impose... except Legion as of now unless he's going for being a 110% speed M1 killer...

    Yh, I still dont get why Expossed doesnt work like that. I mean... There are killers like Nurse, Billy, Spirit, Hag (with her traps) that can catch up with survivors waaaaaay easier than legion since they are much faster than him, and all of them benefit from the expossed effect ussing their powers or just dont have a 4 seconds stun after cancelling it.