Just remove RCPD.
My most recent game on this map as killer, I had 2 people who wanted to out themselves by attempting on the hook then I realized it was because of this map
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Not actually sarcastic. I meant it.
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I don't like something? ReMoVe It aT OnCe!
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Because people can't share the same opinions as content creators? Saying stuff like this doesn't invalidate/disprove our complaints or buff up your argument. If a well known youtuber came out and said "yeah rpd is totally fine and little to no issues at all", can I tell others who have that opinion to jump off the bandwagon too?
I've been saying a lot of the complaints others had the moment I launched the PTB after the stream and finished my first match in it. But I'm not really a fan of any of the indoor maps in the first place (except Midwitch, which I weirdly grew to love recently on both sides).
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okay good then yes i totally agree with you
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They only need to remove several of the additional doorways they added.. most of them are unneeded and only make the map look like a maze. You can close several if you look at the map, without making it a death trap.
This is the one in the game 1 floor:
And i changed it to this for example:
I removed 6 and added 2 new ones, its looks much better like this, and probably the bath can be removed and closed imo.
If they would do a rework like this and fix the performance issues on the map, it would be a whole different story.
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Look, he didn't say you or others can't voice opinions, I think you're just saying this because you just disagree with him.
I agree with @Coder, a map should be friendly, at least having some sort of pattern to it. Hawkin's Lab is the perfect example: Hallways with rooms adjacent to them, this is pretty simple to understand and loops are predictable. If you walk into a room, you're pretty much guaranteed to find a pallet and rooms with generators are indicated with doors struggling to open. These map mechanics are easy to understand and doesn't require extensive knowledge.
You reach RCPD: There's no pattern, just a maze with pallets scrambled wherever see fit. Players have no sense of direction, leading to some awful experiences for both roles. This map is incredibly huge, amplifying everything that makes this map terrible. Even if you managed to painfully memorize all pallet locations and generators, given the claustrophobic nature of this map, you still won't know for sure until you waste time check each and every location. Don't even bring up how unhealthy loops are designed — There's no sweet spot with their design, and the mind games are borderline nonexistent. No creativity at all.
However, after we give you plenty of reasons as to why RCPD isn't fit for DBD. Not have you once wanted to have an actual discussion, and just resorted to the classic, probably the most childish response:
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I guess my response is as childish as calling anyone straight up disagreeing with you in the start of the thread a paid actor :) . Calm down.
You really don't need to get so heated over a map being difficult to learn. Just go in and play it and eventually you'll figure it out. I'm not even a RE2 andy and I still could figure out pallet spawns after a few games. Still I just refuse to go developing a discussion over a issue that has been annoyingly spammed in this forum for the last month and a half+, this making it bold of you to think I'm gonna read the entire thread giving me all your "plenty of reasons as to why RCPD isn't fit for DBD".
I feel it's fine and I have fun on it, figured the map out without playing the og game right after a few losses after they reenabled the map offerings. I get it's confusing for you guys but giving up so fast on learning the map and running into the forum whining over it and over with 50 different threads for the same thing, bumping again and again over every other possibly interesting post done in this forum is getting annoying already.
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Honestly playing it as both sides it's a good map, the only reason I used to consider it "bad"was because I couldn't play on it so I had no opportunity to learn the layout, not that I can play on it regularly I enjoy it for what it is.
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putrid map, horrible optimization, looks alright but i aint blinded by nostalgia, a ######### ton of safe pallets, then literal waste pallets. And not to count is a maze.
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I mean, you would think if there's a problem with the map, like an actual problem, that people wouldn't bring it up to the developer's attention? That doesn't sound right at all.
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It's a "maze" that never changes. If you keep running into dead-ends, that's on you. Learn the map.
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You say problem I say change. A lot of people concluded that new Gideons is a terribly confusing map with tons of unpredictable dead ends, they don't whine about it in a new post every day. A lot of people hate midwich as the hold W through corridors map and don't bring it into the devs. A lot of people are sickened by perks which have a point on powering you up on endgame, on giving you a free second chance or on ending a game if secondary objectives are ignored for too long and these are complained about everyday for working as intended, I don't see what would make this rant compared to other rants something objective having each and every other rant completely subjective, probably born out of a ######### game where they suffered the worst handling of whatever issue they're talking about.
This is a generalized rant for people that don't want to adjust to something new, something that might prove difficult, but it's still subjective, it's not an actual problem. It's a bunch of people handlng their opinions with points shared coincidentaly exactly to the words of this X streamer mad about this map because it doesn't adapt to the map design they've been dealing for the last 6 thousand hours and it's uncomfortable to play on and instead of admitting that, they will create points to try and comparatively cancel this map through other maps designs and how it doesn't fit this game.
It's all a shared opinion by a portion of the community, not a factual objective problem that the devs should work on to fix, like pallet stun bugs, game crashes or exploits to avoid being picked up.
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It's a terrible map for killers for sure however... I am a crazy ######### and sent myself to RPD with Hag and did the dirtiest Hag build imaginable on it. I'll just say have fun trying to find your pals being blind as bats. I lost my devour ... But got massive value out of third Seal while it was up and then Knockout. I ######### them up five ways to Sunday ngl. They got clapped.
Also sent myself to RPD with wall hacks piggy. As well as Haddonfield.
Basically, I'll only accept that map as killer when I have a fun build I wanna do. Basically if I'm relaxed as killer, I can play on it.
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Who's a little edgelord? YOU are! Oh, yes you are!
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Yes please remove it or make it come with a mini map of it in the HUD for both sides. I dc on loading any time i see that map offering in solo q. Odds are high that someone will die on first hook because they cant find how to get to the person on hook or youll end up with a camping hag or a sweaty nurse.
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cut the map in two halves and destroy a bunch of walls.
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The thing is with this rant / complaint, it's something that the majority of the community agrees on — Unlike others where it's usually a minority or even mix of both sides. You comparing a typical NOED discussion, where the majority of the community thinks it's fine has nothing to do with this thread where the majority of the community thinks something ISN'T fine. On one hand, there's not a problem and on the other, there's a problem.
And you say change? Please tell me how can I change? What am I missing that can make RCPD more bearable? All you say is memorize the map, but how do we even start that process? I believe you don't know and are just saying that just to say it at this point because you never attempted to rebuttal my points nor gave me helpful advice to memorizing the map.
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Yeah also the majority of the community apparently hates SBMM too but this is a common belief by people who think SBMM can't be right, just as RPD can't be right. Most of the community won't ever voice their opinion because they don't care enough for this game to go into social media and state how they feel about it, yet they still will have an opinion on it as they're part of the playerbase. The fact that a lot of people rant about RPD, having that opinion as the most voiced one in forums and everywhere doesn't mean anything, because normally anyone that is fine with the map won't voice their own opinion because it's not required for nothing, since it's already alright.
Also the phrase "You say problem, I say change." refers to the game, not to you in any personal level. You have your own take on the map which I respect. Something I don't is believing that your opinion is right and overwrites others opinions because you believe an opinion can be objective.
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Imagine the outrage from players if the devs put walls and doors throughout the entire Red Forest map, and then stacked another layer over the entire map that's just as filled with more walls, corridors and doorways. That's literally the RCPD map and I don't know how on Earth people are defending it... The old complaints used to be "Red Forest is too large! Mother's Dwelling is too large! Temple of Purgation is too large!". Now the devs add a map that's roughly the same area size, but THREE floors of it, and people are really trying to say "OmG JuSt lEaRn ThE MaP"? I don't see any consistency here. The map is terrible and needs to be way smaller. Barely any killers are functional on it and it's filled with safe pallets.
Plus, Capcom are usually very nice about their licenses and how other companies use their assets, I'm sure if the devs wanted to separate the map into an East and West Wing variation, they would not give a #########. This is quite frankly just a matter of whether BHVR actually want to listen to their community.
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Why don't you like the map?
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hmm ion think so
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They should just make it into two maps. One map with bottom floor, and another with the top floor.
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I would rather want Lery's to be removed. It's much worse IMO
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I never said my opinion overwrites others, I'm not sure where you're seeing this because that's the second time you implied and-or outright said. I'm just saying there's more to my opinion than what meets the eye, I wouldn't even call it my opinion, it's our opinion and it's backed up with factual evidence [not going to tell you because me and others have explained many times, just scroll up to previous comments]. Not once have you or anyone else attempted to rebuttal our opinion with your own factual evidence behind your own opinion. Until you or someone else quotes me and explains to me, I don't know what else to tell you if all you're say is "Memorize RCPD Layout" and not tell the majority of the community how exactly. I agree it's a pretty map, I'm with you on that, but it's not designed to be a good map gameplay wise.
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First time I've gotten that one. Go ahead and ignore my completely valid point, btw.
I'm over all of the comments calling this map "bad," with the reasoning "I can't find anything/I keep running into dead ends/etc." It makes absolutely no sense; just learn the map, it doesn't change. If your complaints are valid, cool. If you keep complaining about your lack of map knowledge, then blame the map for that, how does that make any sense? Sounds to me like a lot of people are just whining because it takes a bit of effort to learn.
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You realize there's some maps with layout you eventually have memorize because otherwise you'll be running into who knows what? Midwich? Dead Dawg Saloon? Hawkins? Only things that change on those are generator spawns. Play enough RPD to remember at least vaguely what to expect from each part of the map. Also calling the base of your opinion evidence means nothing.
I skimmed through this entire thread just to see if any of the points given here felt somehow right and could be called factual evidence on where you could support your opinion and dare to call it objective and honestly the only one I can agree on is on lack of illumination if you're running the game in low graphics. Map has that one awkward problem, apart from stability issues which are mostly fixed excluding last gen.
Being as big as it is isn't an issue because it's not that ridiculously big. Mothers Dwelling is way more painful to deal with 100% of the times regarding size. Now imagine the time Doctor players, anyone running infectious fright or anything with decent mobility like Wraith or Spirit would have if the map was cut in half. The problem is that you can't comfortably move around the map unless you learnt the staircases positions and I get that's understandable for whoever has less than 10 games on this map, but still this doesn't make the map bad.
Now pallets, everyone is pretending this map is the first map to have both extremely unsafe pallets and multiple god pallets around it and I'm not sure why that is a valid point to ask for this map to be thrown out.
idk if I'm missing something apart from the map being considered a maze which is again in the eye of the beholder.
I'm gonna leave it here bud, you can try and keep making your point on your (plural) opinion based on factual not so factual evidence. I'm just fine giving a simple and short answer denying anytime these kind of threads arise so the devs or anyone reading this doesn't start believing in the illusion that everyone hates this map, but it's only that only the ones hating it voice their opinion and try their hardest to make it sound right.