FNAF will be the next chapter.

Obviously, this is my reason why it will NOT be Candyman or Pennywise.
Well, I was remembering that when the Trickster chapter came out, the developers played with us making us believe that it would be RE, FNAF, The Ring, Soma and Slender. Well, in that photo I remembered that Feng was watching the cameras of The Game, many believed that it would be FNAF because the main objective of the guard is to ensure that the animatronics do not move. Or Mr. X in a scene.
Well, it wasn't like that, that resembles a music studio, which Trickster and Yun-Jin Lee are linked to. Feng was a reference, well.
This did not happen for months, because the devs in the Resident Evil episode confirmed earlier that a collaboration would come. Well, here I have my conclusions and my argument why I now believe that it could be FNAF and not Candyman or Pennywise.
- As I am guided by all the signs that there may be, in the main image where the letter S appears, it is a reference to Springtrap of course, who other Slasher could start his name in S or what franchise? Well, a rabbit also appears in the distance and according to my perspective, it is Springtrap, only that as the graphics are in ULTRA it is difficult to analyze well. Also not many noticed that there was something else in that photo, a kind of machine next to that supposed animatronic. Well, this comes to mind that his power is linked to sneaking through these machines and appearing in a new location, as they always disappear in FNAF from the guard's sight, it is a machine that allows him to teleport, in FNAF they used the ventilation of the building.
I look at Ace, who is locked in the tickets, because in FNAF the guard, Michael, was locked up watching the area through the cameras, as I remembered Feng in The Game and it was a reference to Yun-Jin Lee, his position of My job was to compose the Trickster songs, adding audios, etc. Well, here I think the same would happen but with Ace. Call me crazy but this has coincidence and similarities with the leaks of chapter 19.
In the 2nd photo, many are guided that it could be Pennywise but it is not like that, according to the emojis of 2 clowns, because we are in Volume 8 and the clown is just like the image of this take with Jake, I do not think that be Pennywise because Sthephen King is very strict with the license and also, it does not make sense to have a legendary skin of Pennywise, who could it be? The skins that come to mind are the remake and Pennywise 1990, we would have 2 skins in total. The base and one in the store, because it does not make sense who could be treated.
In my conclusion, if it is FNAF, there will be no more possibilities for Candyman, I mean, his movie will be released and if it is not him, it is a fraud. Now there are licenses like Chucky available and I have a theory that Chucky could be the 6th Anniversary for Syfy's account following Dead by Daylight, a television company following a game on Twitter.
Sorry Candyman, but this time no one will say your name.
Tbh Would love Springtrap in dbd but I just hope he has some sort of mechanic that will scare survivors almost all the time.
Kinda like Mirror Myers.
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Also maybe it makes sense, it is the only license most requested after Alien and Jason. Maybe the devs found out about that video of the FNAF concept that has like 1 million views on YouTube and maybe they did something about it.
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i don't think it'll be fnaf, but i won't be surprised if it is. i have some cautious optimism if that turns out to be the case, i think it can work.
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I don't know how I'd feel about the FNAF and DBD fandoms coming together.
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There are good parts of FNAF fandom but only the part that focuses on the lore, horror, and scary free roam fan games.
Other part........we never mention it
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Honestly all I care for is a fun killer for both sides, where he comes from means little to me.
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If so, this will be the first time I'll be skipping the chapter regardless of the perks. I'll spend shards but not opening my wallet for it.
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DBD Chapter 18 Posts: "Why it's guaranteed to be FNAF!"
DBD Chapter 19 Posts: "Why it's guaranteed to be FNAF!"
DBD Chapter 20 Posts: "Why it's guaranteed to be FNAF!"
DBD Chapter 21 Posts: "Why it's guaranteed to be FNAF!"
You know, I'm sure it really will be FNAF one of these chapters and that's fine but at this point it's like the boy who cried wolf. Even if it really is FNAF nobody is going to believe any of the clues because of all the false calls in the past.
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I didn't realize there was ace in there lmao.
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In fact I do not care if it is FNAF, I am not even a fan of that franchise, but I am convinced that it may be the one according to what I have seen in those photos.
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I don't think the devs would want a fnaf chapter after all there pro LGBT messages, only to have a chapter the puts the money into the pockets of someone who is openly against that
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That was controversial when they wanted to add an LGBT survivor or killer in chapter 19.
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To be honest, I don’t think that BVHR would care. Yeah, I appreciated my rainbow charm, but I think if they knew they could make a ######### load of money with a FNAF Chapter, which they can, I don’t think they’ll show us that much consideration.
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True I suppose. It would be a damn shame to see fnaf, at least imo.
And tbh, I'm not as concerned about Scott making money from this, but more about the horrible community a fnaf chapter would bring. I actually wanted to buy fnaf on steam, thinking "separate the artist from the art", but then I saw the steam reviews, and holy #########...
Positive after positive reviews that were only positive for what he did. Hell a lot of the reviews I saw were people saying they disliked the game but supported scott
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The unfortunate truth is that a lot of companies claim to support LGBTQ+ rights, but they just put up a rainbow banner one month out of the year and donate to anti queer and anti trans organizations the other 11 months.
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I welcome more video game licenses into DBD.
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No thank you, unsubscribe. Don't want. Here is receipt, would like to return and exchange.
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I really hope that the "Springtrap" in the background is just a crow on a rock and that some temp merely took this screenshot, threw the S by the bench in there, and now everyone at Behaviour is dying of laughter over all the theories the image caused within 0.1 seconds.
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Um, they're probably trying to make us think it's Springtrap but it really isn't. S for sike you thought probably
Post edited by ZonkyWizard on0 -
I still wanna think the S represents the one from the welcome sign of Silent Hill. Like, they're adding more Silent Hill to the game.
But that's what I want to believe. I feel we see what we want to see. I've read theory where the S suddenly looked like a 5 for people, because they wanted to add a theory about the fifth anniversary of something. (It was 1 AM, I don't remember what license they were thinking of.)
I like all the theories around. We all are trying to fit our clues into the screenshots.
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It's fun and it brings hype.
Ofc releases don't define the game, I enjoy it regardless in-between the chapters, buuut whether it's DbD I play or any other game like League, bringing in new characters is always exciting.
Whether the killer lives up to the hype when released is a whole other story tho.
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I think you're reading too deeply into ambiguous signs. Good easter eggs are not only supposed to be readily accessible, but also clear-cut and unambiguous. That S could stand for Salmonella and the next killer could be Chipotle, for all we know.
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It's a crow, not an ear. Look closely at the original image, the one that wasn't degraded by making it brighter and highlighting compression artifacts.
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Thats a crow, and using actual grammar so far the teasers spell out Si, or iS
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Why have a robotic bunny rabbit when you could have a;
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Nothing wrong with any of the characters on the bottom.
And it won't be FNAF because Candyman will be the next licensed chapter.
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Even the Among Us Impostor?
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THe next killer will be a Yeti. I saw it in a dream. My dreams are never wrong*
*except the times they are, which is like 95% of the time. All guarantees are not actually guaranteed. If prediction is wrong you will receive all money back you paid for said prediction. Terms and conditions limited in canada, the united states, europe, south america, africa, taiwan, japan, most of asia, and any country that has a vowel.
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I could see some skins being added. Maybe a chapter would be asking for too much since its popularity has died down.
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If they the Letters are Teasers so far there is 3 Letters that are S,I, & A.Which are SprIngtrAp has
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SIA? Lady Sia confirmed.
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