Distorsion buff suggestion + reasons

Artick Member Posts: 623
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Passive: Each time your aura is revealed to the killer, the perk icon lights up for 3 seconds. This works for the entire duration of the match, regardless of tokens/state of the perk. The idea is to add more value to the perk, so you don't play with 3 perks for most of the match, if the killer has a heavy aura reading build(or just BBQ for that matter).

Active: press a button to activate the perk. After you activate it, it works just like it works now. You have 3 tokens and it blocks the next 3 aura readings. The reason is that some people may prefer to keep the 3 tokens for late-game when having your aura revealed to the killer is much more impactful than an early game. Others may have a different preference so everyone can activate the perk when they feel it is the right time. I suggest this because 3 tokens are basically nothing given how many aura reading perks the killer has, but just adding more tokens doesn't feel like the right move. Allowing survivors to activate the perk adds more depth and strategy.

Optional: add a way to replenish a few tokens. After your aura is revealed to the killer 2(or another number) times gain one more token, for a maximum of 3 tokens. Basically, after you consume the 3 you can get 3 more and that's it, then you can't get any more tokens. To replenish all 3 you'd need to have your aura revealed 3 * 2 = 6 times.


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    They should just add a way to replenish tokens, I think safe unhooks and completing 100% worth of generator repair should create tokens.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    This would make Distortion synergize well with Babysitter. Unhook, Babysitter lets the unhooked survivor get away and reveals you and the killer's auras to each other, Distortion stops the killer from seeing you, so you know how to make a stealthy getaway, and then you get a stack back for the safe unhook. That said, it promotes killers camping to counter.

    I like the OP's idea better, though.

  • DBK1
    DBK1 Member Posts: 66

    Distortion should hide the aura of generators you are working on.

  • 1miko
    1miko Member Posts: 268

    Given that you don't leave any scratchmarks for 10 seconds each activation it would be just a shorter but better perk that steps over what Lucky Break or Poised does, so if you take out the not leaving scratch marks which could be exploited to leave a situation where you're caught sneaking in a really bad position without any punishment or given circumstance which the perk rewards (e.g. Poised), you could actually add even more tokens to it and it would actually be a super niche perk that does something unique and again, doesn't step over what other perks already do.

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623

    That's a fair point, but Lucky Break would still be the superior perk as it also hides the trail of blood and it kicks in right after you are injured. Distorsion usually triggers when you have some distance from the killer(like a BBQ aura reading across the map) so hiding scratch marks wouldn't be as impactful. But regardless, I agree this part should be removed so the perk does something unique.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    The way I read it, they wouldn't be getting constant 10-seconds-of-no-scratch-marks. That would only happen the first 3 times after pressing the Activate Ability button (maybe while walking, so as not to interfere with other Activateable perks). Any time the survivor's aura is read, regardless of token count, the perk icon would light up. Otherwise, it defaults to being unlit.

    This would give the perk value even if the tokens have run out, as you could still tell if the killer had BBQ, Nurses Calling, etc.

  • WishIcouldmain
    WishIcouldmain Member Posts: 4,082

    It keeps all the current affects, but you regain tokens by a safe unhook or healing a health state. To encourage the blendette to help

  • Artick
    Artick Member Posts: 623
    edited August 2021

    That's pretty much it, you read it correctly. Regardless of the token count or if you activated the perk by pressing the Activate Ability button, the icon would light up when your aura is revealed to the killer. No other effects, just the icon lights up.

    Once you activate the perk, it works as it works currently: blocks the next 3 aura readings and gives you 10 seconds of no scratch marks for each of these 3 aura readings.

  • Didiez
    Didiez Member Posts: 51

    This should be a different perk, not distortion, would be too broken.

  • Troman
    Troman Member Posts: 264

    Token-based perk like that is a bad idea to begin with. Killer's aura-revealing perks work the entire match, so it would be better to make Distortion cooldown-based for example.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    A survivor perk that is powerful enough to be "too broken...?"

    Hmm... Sounds like a possible Boon Perk then

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    I for one at the very least love the idea of being abble to toggle my distortion on or off.

    Too many games I get a token taken away from bbq, and know the killer has it now, and wouldnt be able to try my no aura build because bbq ate all the stacks. let me save them for when I want to use them, and maybe allow stacks to be toggled on while downed as a trade off, because afaIk it doesnt work when downed.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,230
    edited August 2021

    Distortion doesn't need to gain tokens, or anything permanent. It already has a permanent effect in the info it gives you.

    You use your 3 tokens to safely learn what aura reading abilities the killer has, then you can work around them or even counter them for the rest of the game.

    One buff that would be useful however, is if it extended to other survivors within 4m, like Prove Thyself. That way it's not completely useless when you're being healed or co-op on a gen.

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2021

    I would be inclined to disagree here, yes it has a permanent effect on the info it gives you, but sometimes that info is very limited or pointless. For example, you learn killer has bbq, but no lockers near you every time the killer hangs someone. well great you knew the killer had bbq all game, you could have figured that out on your own without it. theres gotta be a way to balance getting tokens back, without turning every survivor into snake from metal gear. I dont know the most fair way to balance it, but I would agree that the perk needs a cooldown or a way to get tokens back.

    maybe if it is just meant to be a permanent info perk, then when a perk is revealed, prevent it from using tokens on that said perk or leave an on screen warning incase someone missed it mid chase or something

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    what if you could press a secondary action button and reveal your aura to the killer for 10 seconds, getting 1 token back afterwards, that went on a cooldown for like 20 or 30 seconds so they cant just spamit when they know the killer is far, gives the killer lots of info in return, and created an interesting distraction perk element too

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,230
    edited August 2021

    BBQ is literally the most counterable aura perk in the game, knowing if the killer has it is priceless.

    You can either get in a locker, hide behind a gen, get within 40! Meters of the hook, or even change direction 4s after the hook if for some reason the first three aren't options. You have plenty of warning, unless the survivor got downed literally under the hook.

    If you absolutely have to get tokens back, I'd suggest the only fair option would be; gain a token for every 20s spent within 10 meters of the killer without being detected.

    It fits into the stealth theme, and is in direct opposition to it's effect. You need to take a risk to gain the safety of being undetectable.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Maybe not the generator part but definetely safe unhooks

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    That would be a nerf because you don't know exactly when the killer is going to hook someone and because of lag. You would press the active button and would get partial use of Distortion, but the killer would see part of your aura, just like going into a locker at the wrong time shows your aura to the killer.

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    This perk needs to be toggleable at the very least, I think we can all agree on that.