Dead Man's Switch Rework

BoopMySNOOOOOT Member Posts: 13
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think we can all agree that trying to get any value out of this perk is almost impossible and when you do it's a miracle. I don't think there is much we can do here to salvage the perk and believe we should rework it from the ground up. I have a suggestion and I'm curious what both killers and survivors alike would think of a perk like this.

Once per trial you're able to damage a fully repaired generator. It would be usable even if all 5 Gen's are completed and lock down the gates from being opened, however and progress on opening that gate remains. The tier system would level accordingly.

Tier 1: Generator is reduced to 90% Completion and regresses at 100%.

Tier 2: Generator is reduced to 85% Completion and regresses at 150%.

Tier 3: Generator is reduced to 80% Completion and regresses at 200%.

Once touched the regression stops unless affected by other regression perks. In addition an obsession is created and needs to stay alive in order to use this perk (again only can be used once per trial). The Perk can not be activated unless 8 Tokens are obtained. 2 tokens for the obsession per hook, 1 Token for other survivors per hook. (The Killer will have to weigh the consequences of hooking the obsession for the bonus tokens.) The damaged Generators Aura will be highlighted in Yellow.

I realize that there are perks out there that can transfer the obsession but if the killer is willing to burn a perk slot to insure they get this perk activated then that's one less nasty perk to worry about. I could be wrong through. We can also offer a clue to the survivors that this perk is being carried. It won't be noticeable by the person completing the last gen but by someone working on another gen that they didn't get completed. Normally generators all become full repaired however in this instance they remain locked in animation at whatever percentage they were left at when the last generator was repaired.

Also in the event this is used in end game the generators that become unlocked again will remain at whatever progress you left them at. So you don't HAVE to do the gen that was broken again. (I think I would leave in if the hatch spawns it stays in game no matter what.)

I know, there is a lot to factor in here but I think this would be a fun addition. What are your thoughts?


  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154
    edited August 2021

    This is definitely a unique idea, and a fun one at that. But not without its flaws. I think it would need some kind of a defined aura like a Bright blue gen. keep it less confusing and suprising to survivors who otherwise might just see there gen count go from 2 to 3 gens left and not know which gen was done, maybe they never even worked that gen, it could get confusing fast.

    When it comes to all gens having been completed instead of interrupting survivors on gates etc when you kick a gen, perhaps as soon as the last gen pops if you havent used the perk yet, 1 of the first 3 gens completed at random gets damaged automatically.

    When the survs finish the last gen before dead mans has been used, instead of immediately triggering the gates to be opened , the gen pops and a new evil sound effect or loud machinery being damaged sound effect plays, and the gens remaining count slowly fades from zero back to 1

    now im not sure how I feel about only 1 gen left, sure its almost finished with the tiers you posted, but only 1 gen could easily be camped. So as a second thought to this whole thing Id recommend one of two changes

    spawn a second gen of greatest distance between the 1st gen and other completed gens if the perk is not used by endgame


    when the last gen should be completed, the entity blocks it for dead mans original value, one use per game. thats it once the entity unblocks the gen, it gets finished no matter what, it essentially just buys you 45 seconds at the end of the game, if no other gens are finished

    BoopMySNOOOOOT Member Posts: 13

    I really enjoyed your input and think you have something there! I think there was a little misunderstanding though and considering how all over the place my post was I can't blame you. So in the endgame you're saying you'd be concerned because the gen could be easily camped. That would not be the case. Let me explain a little better.

    In the end game, all Gens are completed and the killer activates this perk then the effected generator becomes damaged again and starts regressing. HOWEVER (this is the fair an balanced part of this perk), the last 2 gens keep whatever progress they were at when the last gen was completed. So out of the last three gens remaining let's say the other two gens were at 25% completed and 70% completed then they would become available to work on again at those exact percentages.

    Normally (at least I think) when the last Gen is done all gens automatically become completed and you can open the gate. However if this perk was active those Gens would Lock while the gates can be opened but unlock once a Gen has been damaged through Dead Man's Switch. The fact that if you were working on one of the last three gens in the map that didn't pop and power the gates and you see that it's still at the 25% animation would be a clear indicator the killer is running this perk and it might be worth while to stay by your gen to complete it.

    Honestly this perk is only meant to change up the end game and maybe give the killer another 15-30 seconds to apply some pressure. If used correctly in some scenario's it may be a lot more effective. I'd just like a different alternative to NOED.

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    Ok I understand your idea for dead mans switch a little better now thanks for clarifying. So the objective is a somewhat different alternative to noed, that changes up end game with 15-30 seconds of free pressure, I think the easy solution that keeps it interesting and suprising is that we just have the last gen completed paused for the 45 seconds, both parties unable to interupt the entities grasp on its progress

    But when the times up gen finishes and gates are available. Now of course, the other 2 gens that were remaining can still be finished, giving the survivors a fair chance aswell as the killer and easy time and free pressure for a short duration. survs could allways hide for the duration, so killer would still have to patrol gates if not in active chase, and its not skill less like noed where you still have to earn your value.


  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    Dead Man's Switch definitely needs a buff or rework, but heck no to undoing completed generators. That is so busted, it is beyond comprehension you would think it's ok as a perk.

    Instead, Dead Man's Switch could block all generators upon the Obsession being hooked, and generators that were being repaired when it was activated are shown in a yellow aura.

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    thats sort of why im leaning towards just pausing the las gen, it doesnt undo anything, other gens can still be done or wait till its unpaused and it will be finished.

    BoopMySNOOOOOT Member Posts: 13

    Thank you so much for your input! I understand where you're coming from but I know the change may sound daunting but in all honesty it really wouldn't be that strong unless you three gen yourselves and managed to complete the three gen. If we stick with my suggestion of the rework what would you change to make it more balanced in your eyes?

    As for your suggestion I feel like that is a good idea however it kinda cannibalizes thrilling tremors and surveillance don't you think? I realize it does WAY more than both of those perks inside of just one perk and you can only use it 3 times but it still. How long would you have the entity block the gens?

    BoopMySNOOOOOT Member Posts: 13

    Thank you so much for your input! I understand where you're coming from but I know the change may sound daunting but in all honesty it really wouldn't be that strong unless you three gen yourselves and managed to complete the three gen. If we stick with my suggestion of the rework what would you change to make it more balanced in your eyes?

    As for your suggestion I feel like that is a good idea however it kinda cannibalizes thrilling tremors and surveillance don't you think? I realize it does WAY more than both of those perks inside of just one perk and you can only use it 3 times but it still. How long would you have the entity block the gens?

    BoopMySNOOOOOT Member Posts: 13

    Amazing suggestion and I feel like this change is pretty fair. Survivors either complete the two remaining gens or wait out the perks duration before escaping. How would you do the tier system on the perk as it levels up? 25/35/45 seconds? It's not a whole lot of time but it might be enough to give the killer a chance to get something rolling.

  • Top_Secret_117
    Top_Secret_117 Member Posts: 154

    Ya id say those tier systems are pretty fair too. Its not much extra time but it synergises well with late game perks and garuntees value unlike ruin which cod be popped in 10 seconds