Legion proposal: No self mending, much longer timer.

TL;DR in title.

Right, so, I've been having a load of fun with Legion recently. Pinballing around between survivors for hits just feels good. The only problem is, despite farming high BP and often pipping up, the Legion is pretty terrible at getting hooks.

I've been thinking more about it, and the main problem is that as they are currently, the Legion's kit is pulling them in two directions at the same time: They're both very fast in frenzy, yet the deep wound mechanic encourages a 'slow stalk' type of gameplay. Making Deep Wound useful in the CURRENT iteration of the Legion means letting a survivor slip the chase, then following them till you find the spot where they're forced to mend or die. However, everything else about Legion's power directly contradicts such a style. Not only do you lose scratchmark visibility in frenzy, there's little reason to intentionally lose a survivor since at the point you're no longer chasing, you're either focused on someone else, etc.

I kind of like the idea of a Deep Wound/Slow Death focused killer (someone with low mobility but a very insidious death timer on hit), but Legion isn't that. They're a frenetic, jumpy killer who spreads hits out like candy. And Deep Wound doesn't do much for that style, other than impose a time penalty similar to what Mangled does.

The solution is to refit the Deep Wound debuff into something that is meaningful for the Legion. Forcing a survivor to seek the help of others would really synergize with the idea of spreading one attack to each survivor. It could also create scenarios where, if multiple survivors are ticking down, they might not be able to all mend before one bleeds out.

To compensate for this, the time it takes to bleed out would need to rise, but I think this might be the only way to salvage the Legion's concept without a remake.

(Though honestly, a remake wouldn't be a terrible idea - you could split up the idea and make 'fast pinball legion' and use Deep Wound mechanics on some future hero in a way that makes more sense.)


  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    If you couldn't self-mend he would be OP.

    What happens when there are only 2 survivors left? Or even 3?
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited December 2018

    No self-mending would be too powerful. However, if you increase the timer by 5-10 seconds and make it so the timer only stays at 99% if another Survivor is mending you, you accomplish two things:

    • Forces Survivors closer together, which benefits the Legion. In other words, you reward the Legion for using their power.
    • Makes the Legion's power actually dangerous. Right now, Survivors don't even bother to heal against the Legion because their power isn't dangerous. This change will fix that.
  • That_One_Scrub
    That_One_Scrub Member Posts: 35

    @Orion said:
    No self-mending would be too powerful. However, if you increase the timer by 5-10 seconds and make it so the timer only stays at 99% if another Survivor is mending you, you accomplish two things:

    • Forces Survivors closer together, which benefits the Legion. In other words, you reward the Legion for using their power.
    • Makes the Legion's power actually dangerous. Right now, Survivors don't even bother to heal against the Legion because their power isn't dangerous. This change will fix that.

    I would 100% accept this as a reasonable compromise.