Survivor gameplay isnt engaging most of the time

Your main priority is completeing generators and sitting on a loading bar, which isnt fun most of the time. the most thrill people get playing survivor and it is why people play survivor is to do chases, but that involves putting yourself in harms way on purpose. I wish generators would be much more fun or we could have an entirely new objective/gamemode which makes survivor way much more exciting.
play killer.
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Yeah, play killer. I think survivor is not meant to be interactive the whole game. You are on a team of four and must take turns doing objectives to collectively escape. Take turns getting chased, hooks, saves, heals, totems, ...etc. This is why Selfish Q can be a nightmare, because so many have no desire to do the boring stuff , hence why a two minute chase results in one gen popping.
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Yellow glyphs feel like a test to make gens more interactive if you ask me
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i do main killer, im just saying its nice to switch things up, both sides should be enjoying
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Yet, you have lots of people who complain about tunneling, when chasing is supposedly the most fun part of the game. I've read many angry comments, berating killers for not letting them go so they can work on generators, open chests and cleanse totems. It just goes to show that you can't please everyone.
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I play both equally and I love survivor and do not mind doing gens at all, it only becomes a problem when I have to do most gens 24/7. I don't know what to tell you tbh, survivor is just as fun imo. gens are just the objective.
You're saying gens are boring then chases are fun but then saying chases come at a cost like it's just the game. I don't know what more you could want man hahaha
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I think you're both missing the point completely. The OP is complaining about the fact that the Survivor's core objective (gens) is extremely boring by design. The Devs themselves knew how boring it is so they added little mini-games (skill checks) to distract from the unbearably boring 'gameplay' of sitting still for 80 seconds just staring at a progress bar. The Dev's priorities are mismatched. They should be incentivising chases with in-game mechanics but instead, the primary objective for Survivor is to sit on what is essentially a loading screen. The 'game' is a series of watching progress bars fill up, followed by the occasional chase where the game actually becomes fun. Or alternatively, some people enjoy hiding from the Killer and the tension of just barely getting away with it. Both are significantly more exciting then staring at a progress bar. Telling the OP to just 'play killer' does not actually solve the issue the OP is addressing.
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Im sure we were being a bit facetious here. But, I think part of it being boring is also by design. Survivor is a team aspect of the game, and someone must also put in the boring work/grunt work if you will for the team to escape. Therefore each member of the team has to make a decision on when it is important for them to do some genny work, even if it bores the hell out of them. Or you are a detriment to your team.
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People typically complain about tunnelling for two reasons if I'm not mistaken.
- Being tunnelled typically means that they'll be taken out of the game early which can be frustrating
- If a Survivor is genuinely being hardcore tunnelled then they're usually in a very bad position so the odds are usually completely stacked in the Killer's favour. That doesn't exactly make for an engaging chase if they go down in just 10 seconds or less.
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I think its gonna be similar for the wiggle mechanic
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i was joking lol.
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Probably. I’m tired of ruining my joystick so I hope that’s added soon
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As killer we're expected to facilitate fun for survivors at times to the detriment of our own fun. We're not good unless we make the game super engaging, but also open the exit gate personally escort the survivors out judging by the way the forums usually tell it.
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I hope they make it less difficult tho.
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Yeah, holding M1 on a generator for 80 seconds sure is boring.
Survivor could've more interactions with it, for example, repairing a generator requires you to grab generator piece and it allow you to repair only 40 charges (1/2 of a gen), so you must run around and gather these pieces(there will be a lot by the map). It allows the Killer to have more time to apply pressure, there's more interaction by the Survivor, and it will require teamwork to complete gens and escape.
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You're not allowed to open the exit gate, they want the blood points for that too!
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I hope not, my reflexes aren't as good as they used to be. I mean, I can hit skill checks just fine, even with Huntresses Lullaby in effect, but that yellow glyph skill check challenge made me hold my breath.
Imagine getting a teammate who keeps popping the gen in every other match! I doubt the devs would do that.
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It doesn’t have to be the exact same but slower and slightly bigger versions could make gens require a little more thought than they do now
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That I can do. I was literally in a match against trapper a minute ago, working on a gen, thinking to myself that gens need more skill checks. So yea, this can work.
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Look every merry go round has an entry fee. I gotta wet my beak a little here.
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If only hiding from the killer were a thing anymore. People wonder why survivors ‘gen rush’ and commit to gens; well, there’s simply no option to hide near most generators these days. Or much of anywhere at all.
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Do you just not play survivor at all or have you never been tunneled? I doubt you have ever been tunneled. Getting tunneled isn't fun cause you know what will happen. At some point you get to a dead zone, you won't pip if you didn't get to do anything else. If you have a challenge that is not getting chased by the killer you won't get it done. If your found or brought a good item you will loose it and if you are unlucky and your teammates aren't doing good all 4 will die.
It is simple. No matter how good you are you might just end up dying nmw, if the killer has noed an no one did totems, if someone got chased before and threw 4-5 strong paletts, if rng isn't in your favor etc.
Getting chased isn't the same as getting tunneled. You might do good and take a hook stage rather than throwing a good palett just to have your teammates throw it before they are even hurt. And then on person that throws the pallette next to the hook going in for the "rescue" chased by the killer... I'd love to see anyone get of that hook, farmed with the killer around and manage to get away from it without bt or ds when all you had was the palette you teammate threw it with no need.
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I have over 3000 hours in survivor. I have been tunneled and camped plenty of times. Ranking and Pipping is meaningless, you literally get nothing for it. Challenges are called challenges for a reason, they challenge you to do something with the threat of the killer being present. They're not meant to be easy and you're not entitled to have the killer go away so you can achieve your goal.
Items are very easy to come by and you don't even have to spend blood points for them at all. All you have to to is run Plunderers. I have 132 red maps, 69 red keys, 72 Alex toolboxes, 55 purple keys, 80 engineer tool boxes, 56 purple med-kits and 70 purple flashlights. I'm not going to bother with listing the obscene amounts of lower rarity items I have. All from Plunderers, since I P3d my Claudette a long time ago and have all the perks I want on her unlocked, I haven't had to dump any points into her for a long time. Losing items aren't an excuse to not want to be chased. Even if Plunderers wasn't a perk, you know what you can do? You can play Killer with BBQ and just dump all of your blood points on your survivors!
You're right, no matter how good you are, there is no guarantee to escape! It is the nature of the game. The Devs have even said that their goal for proper balance is 2 escapes and 2 kills, so people are going to die. If the killer has NoEd and kills you with it, that is yours and your teams fault, not the killer. You take a risk every time you walk by a dull totem and not cleanse it. You take a risk by not playing stealthily when one gen is left.
Getting tunneled is getting chased. You may not like it, but they are the same thing. Having bad teammates who lead the killer to you is the problem, not tunneling. Going after the injured survivor who has already been hooked is usually the best choice a killer can make. If you and a lot of other survivors were honest, it really isn't tunneling that is the problem, it is the fact that you and your teammates are just not good enough to loop the killer and waste enough of their time in order to complete objectives. That is really it. And since it doesn't make you happy, you want the killer to be handicapped to give you yet another chance to succeed, in a game that repeatedly gives you chance after chance after chance to escape the killer and waste their time.
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Pretty simple change, I'd slightly decrease generator times by 25%, making generators take 60 charges to complete.
As compensation, we make the endgame more interesting by placing the gate switches somewhere in the map. Survivors can tell which switch is linked to what gate by the wires that connect the two. Survivors, upon completing a generator, will see the locations of the gates, but not their switches — while the killer sees both. Each totem remaining on the map will add an additional 2 seconds to the opening time.
Remember me — Increases the opening time by 10 seconds, and an additional 1/2/3 seconds for each totem standing.
The Obsession sees the auras of all totems upon the exit gates activating.
No One Escapes Death — Survivors who attempt to open the exit gate will become exposed and for an additional 45 seconds after they stop the attempting.HexOnce the exit gates are opened, the exits are automatically blocked by The Entity for 40/50/60 seconds.
Rancor — Become Obsessed with a survivor. When a generator is completed, all survivors see your aura for 10 seconds.
Once the exit gates are activated, the Obsession becomes exposed and can be killed by the killer. After killing the Obsession, the exit, if the gates are already opened, are blocked by the Entity for 40/50/60 seconds.
Blood Warden — Upon hooking a survivor after the gates are activated:
- If the gates aren't opened, the EGC will activate at 50% the speed until they are opened.
- If the gates are opened, the Entity will block the exit for 40/50/60 seconds.
Each effect can only be activated once.
General — EGC is slowed to 50% the normal speed while exit area of the exit gates are blocked. This is to encourage the killer to use blocking perks to hunt survivors rather than letting the EGC do the job for them.
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Primary reason why i switched to Killer-mostly.
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Wdym? What's not engaging about sitting on a gen holding a single button for 60% of the match? -_-
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There is a difference between chases and chase interaction, imagine if you get off a hook and then get downed within 5 seconds because a teammate farmed you. Is that very interactive?
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This is why I don't support making gen times longer you would literally make survivor gameplay more boring than it already is
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In all seriousness though a lot of that has little to do with how the killer plays and more with how the devs approach scoring mechanics. They could give you more points for objectives being completed as on the surface playing survivor is supposed to be a team effort. Yet the scoring for the most part is competitive between survivors. If they changed survivor scoring to pool all points and award them as a combined total for the team then it wouldn't matter if you got chased all over creation and back.
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How much more interactive can it be? You have the killers attention and are interacting with them. I understand that it is frustrating due to the fact that you're not prepared and are getting chased on the killers terms and not your own, but that is the nature of the game. The killer is supposed to be somewhat overbearing when its 1vs1. So, it isn't the tunneling that you should have a problem with, it is the teammate who farmed you that you should be looking at.
Even then, in situations where you get farmed, there are plenty of perks to give you help in order to get in a better chase, such as DS, Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, UnbreakaBill, Soul Guard and Flash Bang. If that isn't enough, you have teammates that can take hits for you, flashlight rescue you, or even sabotage the hook.
The game is interactive enough, the main issue is bad teammates, not killer interaction.
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That is your point of view. And if you had a million hours, it is still just your opinion. I have a different opinion. Getting tunneled is as much the same as getting chased, as stealing is the same as robbery.
Btw I explained what other point of view there is as you didn't seem to understand or take into account that there are different opinions. Take it or leave it. My opinion is as good or bad as yours or anyone elses.
I am not sure why you think it is okay to just subordinate what what I think or like/dislike.
Maybe you should be aware, that if the game would not grant second chances it would be a 4K's all the time. Long story short: killer players won't have anyone to play against. That there are second chances is the reason why this game is kinda working. Though it's mostly 3K's in the stats cause they might have based the killers and survivors around a 2K but I guess that would be if everyone played fair.
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Fair, I didn’t think of it that way. I feel like it’ll never be fair, but it’s too late to revamp the chase mechanics. What is a good idea to make it more interactive for both sides?
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I like the idea of a more interactive mini game on gens but then that makes it tremendously harder to have awareness of where the killer is and what is going on.
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You asked me if I even played survivor, so my hours apparently mattered. And no, it isn't just my opinion. The Devs have repeatedly stated that Tunneling and Camping are A-OKAY.
I never said that you had to like or dislike anything, I just said that it is a part of a game. In a game like this, you are going to have to face things you don't like. There is no workaround for it. If you can't handle that, you should consider finding a new game.
And I wasn't giving you my opinion, I was giving you the truth. My opinion is that tunneling and camping suck, for both parties, but its worse for the survivor receiving these treatments. But I am at least honest and understanding enough to know that it doesn't make them bad strategies.
I never said anything against having second chances and I agree, the game needs them, just as the killers need to be able to focus out a survivor. If a killer couldn't tunnel or camp, you'd no longer have very many killers playing the game and survivor queue times would go back to being 30 minutes or more for a match and the game would die.
You, nor I, get to decide on what fair game play is. The Devs do, and thankfully they know that it is impossible for killers to play according to what you consider is fair and have a shot at 4k, which every killer has a right to. To be clear, they have a right to aim for a 4k, not an inherent right to get a 4k, same as with survivors and escapes.
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I feel like totems need to be more important, just to slow down the gens and release pressure from killers and help promote more chases with different survivors. Adding a new mechanic that requires survivors to search for parts and fuel before they can work on a gen could work, but then the devs will have to figure out how to balance killers so as to not make it easier to tunnel and camp. I have no idea what, but they really can't just outright stop the killer from doing so.
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Can't that be changed with perk builds? Maybe you should try to be the medic for one game and on other you want to play totally stealthy. Next game you try to fix most gens, pick up the pallets and sabo hooks to help your team. Perks like flashbang, any means necessary, for the people, breakout make the game more interesting. Even balanced landing works for that.
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You are allowed to believe whatever you want to believe. That’s ok and I appreciate other opinions. Why are you explaining the game rules to me? Seems like you assume I've been talking about them or as if I didn't know them. You are mistaken: I know the game rules and I never said that tunnelling or camping were against the set rules of the devs.
Feels like you are assuming a lot about me and my opinion and you really seem to believe that you got the only truth, not accepting that there is no truth in this. But this is because I wasn't even talking about whatever you make it look like in your answer.
No I have no problem facing the truth, if there is one. Btw I don’t agree on your Opinion that if the killers couldn’t tunnel and camp there would no longer anyone play killer. I guess the devs would have to make a chane in order to balance the game, like giving survivors a second objective. I guess for the average killer players it would be too difficult to get any kills if fairplay (no that isn’t the same as in game rules; it is a term used in my country. It is a set of moral expectations including giving everyone a chance, respectful treatment of other opponents in any competitive situation that goes beyond game rules; therefore actions like tunnelling, camping body blocking etc would be seen as a violation to this concept) was a thing.
Right, the term I used is already defined. So neither of us gets to decide what fairplay is. Same goes for the in game rules the devs decided, but I with no word was talking about that topic.
So again you assume what you believe that I’d think is fair or what I think someone is allowed to aim for or not? This feels like a pattern with u. Although you have no clue about what I think you write as if I had said it or as if you knew what I think or believe. No, you don't. Just to clarify this: I assume that you believe that because you keep explaining things to me, as if I said them, when I did not. I didn’t say anything about anyone not being allowed to aim for whatever. I’d appreciate if you could stop making assumptions or write something as if I had said it or meant it.
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when you realize killer has the only fun objective, which is killing all the survivors in chases and putting them on hooks
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Are you trying to say that it's impossible to design a core objective that is fun in a team based game? I don't really understand what you're trying to get at.
Fair enough.
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It definitely is harder to hide nowadays with just base-kit Survivor gameplay due to newer maps often being open as well as other factors. However, if a Survivor wants to be stealthy then there are several perks that can aid them in doing so. These range from perks that allow the Survivor to hide and escape mid-chase (Dance with me, iron will, lucky break) to perks that can aid in avoiding chase entirely (Urban evasion, fixated and again, Iron will). Stealth isn't necessarily consistent but it's probably still semi-viable with the right perk build. Cosmetics are important too obviously. An Ace with a pink top is going to have a much harder time hiding then the P3 Jake, lol. I don't think anyone wonders why 'gen-rushing' happens. I mean, nooby Killers do but that's just because they lack understanding of the game.