Self Care needs a buff.

It's not a bad perk, but it definitely needs some help. I think a small number change would be enough. Change it heal at 66% speed instead.
Please no
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I want it base kit so I can see the world burn.
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Why not?
I don't think that would get it done, but you do you.
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The forums would erupt in complaints about teammates hiding and self caring in bushes, and while they're in my warm embrace, I will consume them and make them a part of the hive.
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It would be way too strong if the heal went by faster. Imagine getting unlimited free heals that only lasted 24-28 seconds. Killers would literally go on strike.
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No way lol
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Self care as it is has the same total time effectiveness as being healed by someone else.
It used to be 80% instead of 50%(Then got nerfed to 50%) and it was overpowered as it makes the survivors too efficent let alone its old medkit self healing efficiency of 100%(now 20%).
Self care should never be buffed as it broke the game in the past and having it being any faster or more medkit efficient would break the game as they had tested with the nerfs.
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I never understood why people complain about it being bad but then say no to buffs lol
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Different people say different things.
There's also the fact that somethings can be bad but can NEVER BE BUFFED!
Its flat out what the devs have said is why Monstrous Shrine hasn't been buffed as they tested it being better and found out it would break basement builds if it was any better.
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Its 'bad' in that people use it poorly. Nothing is more painful then unhooking someone with we'll make it and instead of holding still to be healed they run to the farthest corner to sc... its painful to watch and loses matches ;_;
That being said I have run into players who use wisely. Regardless it does not need a buff. It works as intended ^^
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There are a lot of other worse perks. Check out Ash's perks...
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Self Care is a very good perk when used properly, and most people who use it just don't know how to use it properly.
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I'm down with this. Revert Self Care to how it was at launch please.
Thanks, and have fun.
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You use to be able to bring SC and botany knowledge and heal in like 14 seconds during loops all abd
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Oh god, I don't want it to become meta again. Not again.
In other words, SC is fine.
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Self-Care is one of those perks like Mettle of Man and Hex: Blood Favour that can't be too good, or it'll be absolutely miserable to play against considering what the perk does. However, this doesn't mean they shouldn't receive minor buffs - but Self-Care really would plunge DBD into an awful stage if it was buffed back to how it was before.
Imagine every survivor having an unlimited medkit that they can bring another item on top of. The mere concept of pressure, spreading injuries and hit-and-run would just evaporate.
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the perk can b god like or trash like, is just a matter of numbers, back in the day was dumb now is fine and balanced, if u need faster heals pair it with botany for 24 seconds heals or just bring a medkit.
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That's pretty easy to buff Self Care, just give it the Botany Knowledge treatment.
Instead of 20% Med-Kit efficiency, Self Care gives both 20% Med-Kit efficiency and increases Med-Kit healing speed by 20%.
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I think it would be a good idea. Self-Care used to be meta in the past, and it was perfectly possible to deal with.
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Partly because the time it was meta was a time barely anyone was comfortable being injured because no one knew how to loop. Imagine good loopers with the perk always being fully healed.
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Absolutely not, its not even weak people just use it poorly
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i wouldnt mind buffing the secondary part for self care, but the time spent healing should always stay at 50%.
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I never use Self-care, so they can buff it however they want. At least then the people who do who always scurry off can get it over with faster lol
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I feel self-care is in a good place right now you just need to understand when to use it and when to look for heals or push objectives.
I mean it's legit a free heal no requirements aside from some time. You don't need an item, you don't need any prerequisites you just heal. Where as other superior heals have a requirement. If you want a fast heal use a medkit at the bare minimum.
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Not quite, my friend. Remember that the Self-Care meta itself lasted until 2018, and back then we already had many experienced loopers.
If it worked once, it can work again.
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Self care itself is great because it takes 32sec, while another guy heal you will take 16sec x2 survivors.
Its about those moments when at Gen has 50sec progress, your team mate able to make a 30sec chase and you use that 30sec to self care instead of finish that Gen.
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No it's supposed to be a bad perk. When people get better at the game they understand it's bad and stop using it. It's a sort of graduation for survivors.
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Typical mend( 1C/sec) = 16 seconds
Current S.C(.5C/sec) speed = 32seconds
Proposed S.C(.66C/sec) speed = 24 seconds.
a pretty massive buff. Comobing it with other heal related perks would allow for some extremely annoying strats to heal yourself off hook in a few seconds (on the order of around 10 seconds if combo'd with 2 other perks)
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Maybe a 5% increase in speed for each perk level.
Lvl 1 = 50%
Lvl 2 = 55%
Lvl 3 = 60%
I've read that SC is only disliked in the Western playerbase.
Asian servers consider you a troll if you don't have SC. Lol the irony...
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Healing is intended to be a timesink for survivors. Altering it too heavily ruins killer gameplay, and we have seen this be the case time and time again, which is why stuff like syptic and strong medkits ALSO had to be nerfed to provide either less total healing, provide less rapid healing, or both.
A big problem with self care pre-nerf was that, while conceptually it was about self sufficiency at the cost of a longer heal time, in reality it shortened the total time spent healing rather than repairing once you factored it allows you to cut the 'survivor manpower' to heal in half. It is hard to directly compare effects because the game is asymetric, but imagine it almost like if Pop worked on completed gens and set them back to 99% while regressing: If a survivor was on the gen ready to re-finish it you could technically beat that effect but it would turn the game into a complete pain in the ass slog as the killer would too easily reset progress that was meant to be 'sticky.' Damage isn't as sticky as a completed gen, but it is meant to be pretty sticky.
It is still a good perk that allows you to save an item slot (which is more valuable than a perk) while still getting the ability to self recover in specific situations, or to extend the longevity of extremely potent medkits. You shouldn't want to self care LITERALLY ALL THE TIME but it is really clear there are scenarios self care is great (ex: An injured flashlight user who won't be able to safely rescue and doesn't want to take 1/2 of the other survivors off a gen when someone is being chased).
In a way it is a 'perfect' survivor perk in that it gives you a new extremely strong capability that fundamentally changes the game for you, but it isn't so strong you want to do it all the time, and it doesn't totally dumpster what the killer is doing (unlike old self care the killer is still getting a lot of value out of the hit they made against you, it just is easier for you now to avoid being injured at a bad time where it will lose the entire team the game so it isn't touching the 'average' value of damage like old self care, but is putting a 'cap' on the value of a hit instead) and it 'loses' to killer perks (A killer perk should generally 'overpower' a survivor perk, like how Sloppy 'beats' self care, because the killer has only 4 perk slots as opposed to the survivor's 16).
It really doesn't need to be changed at all. Fast healing can exist in DBD but it needs to be highly conditional, such as "We'll make it" and "Inner Strength" which both allow extremely rapid recovery from damage states but only a limited number of times per game and with much stricter timing windows or conditions than 'whenever you feel like it.' It isn't an accident that both of these perks resemble Pop quite a bit, because burst healing is about as strong as burst gen regression.
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What if SC gave you limited fast heals?
Self Care
Whenever you lose a hook state or a teammate is eliminated from the trial, gain a token in your possession.
If you have at least one token, you gain the ability to heal yourself without using a Med-Kit:
- You heal yourself at 80% the normal speed
- Each token grants 16 charges
Altruistic healing with a Med-Kit will increase its efficiency by 50%/75%/100%.
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Why does it need a buff though? It doubles the amount of time you need to heal currently but you won't need a teammate to get yourself healed up. I'd say that's a pretty fair trade. In terms of time efficiency it's exactly the same, only you're not depending on other people to heal up.
Not to mention, that right now survivors need to actually figure out themselves when it would be a good time to heal themselves and when it would just hinder their team. The need to develop this "skill" would decrease as well as a result of a Selfcare buff.
To be honest, I think Selfcare is one of those perks that is at a great spot atm. It's got benefits and downsides. And people need to learn when those benefits outweigh the downsides or when they don't. It's not like one of those braindead 2nd chance perks where the benefit will always be there when the perk activates like Noed or Dead Hard. There is actual skill or knowledge involved.
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My problem with your variant is that 1. It doesn't really take effect unless you yourself get hooked or a teammate dies, at most you can have 6 tokens then. For how rare it will be to get a token I don't think the effect is strong enough, but buffing it falls into the problem of 2. 2. It follows the design pattern of very very strong effect that can happen a limited amount of times per trial. These effects should not exist imo as they drastically pull power creep forwards. Survivors can heal too rapidly a handful of times per games....killers get given some crazy anti heal perk next to balance that out....then survivors have issues with that perk and will need to be given even stronger healing, etc.
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Lol no. People keep saying self care is bad but it isn't. "Just bring a medkit", yeah medkits are op that's not news. That doesn't make selfcare bad in good hands, it still saves the team time because it takes the same overall time to heal without counting the wasted time having to find a teammate, interrupt what he is doing... etc. Self care is already decent and I do not want a self care meta, please god no.
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Self Care feels like it's in a good place currently. The ability to heal without any cooldown and at will is pretty strong, so having the slower rate of heal counters that easy accessability.
The best way to use it depends on the situation, but it's always more important, where possible, to seek out someone to help you to get back into the game quicker.
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I think it should be either 65% or 70% of the normal healing speed. Why did they even nerf it from 80%? Was it too strong?
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In this case its like legion.
Its weak but if you buff it, it can get broken really fast.
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- Selfcare is a bad perk, never pick it, it's weak and inefficient!
- Then let's buff it a bit!
- No, never, it'll be overpowered and break the game!
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I never see people say its straight up bad. It's a bad perk in the hands of a bad player. If all you do is self care when you're injured its practically a horrible perk. If you know that its actually a great time to use self care, then it becomes a great perk.
Also, i think the perk is fine and doesn't need any buffs.
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Good reminder for everyone who wants to stay sane to never use a VPN to get asian team mates.
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Don't forget that healing was also faster back then, it took 12 seconds to heal someone instead of 16 seconds.
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Oh it was meta until 2018? Didn’t know that.
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They're not gonna buff self care, its already the most used survivor perk, despite being mediocre
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I could maybe see buffing its secondary effect of making self healing with medkits more efficient. They shouldn't buff its healing speed.
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Imagine this new SC with Desperate Measure, Bothany and Resilience.
But yes, buffing or nerfing a perk has to be wise thought because there is synergy/combo with other perks that has to be kept in mind.
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I would think it would be nice if there is a slight buff in which it heals bit faster like around 60% then 50%; but not heal fast enough that teammates are a better option to heal!
Also, if you decide to self care and a teammates is nearby and unable to help you; they should change that do that teammates can regardless help you out by simple healing; regardless of want their help or not!
Of course, if solo que is improved and if they offer some sort of better communication wheel; that would be awesome too
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It was comically broken. Killers landing hits basically didn't take time from the survivors at all, and it was possible with a good medkit to suddenly self heal mid chase multiple times.
Healing is meant to either be a timesink for one survivor, inconvenience two, use a precious resource, or have a very limited window to be fast. Self care can NEVER be 'good' because the concept of a lone survivor efficiently healing whenever they want breaks DBD.
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I'd personally be more for it highlights you to nearby team mates while you heal so they can come help like a reverse empathy. It would be so helpful for solo survs.
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This isn't some 'you just don't know' but honestly if people didn't play with the 80% SC speed before the nerf then they don't understand how utterly broken the perk can be.
Medkits are powerful but a killer can see pre-game and bring counters like Franklin's, Caulophobia, or Sloppy. SC is a random shot in the dark where a killer can waste a perk slot for something that doesn't quite impact healing done by other survivors.
SC can be used effectively well, it is in a good place because it gives a survivor a free option to heal (regardless of teammates left), and it needs to be slower because when it wasn't a good looping survivor could tap heal while running a killer.
Not to mention the absolutely disgusting days of dead hard/SC where good loopers would purposefully get hit at pallets, stun killer with a drop, run to next pallet and start SC only to be a single tap away from full health making them immortal in a sense unless the killer purposefully ran away.