i want the mmr back pls

we need the mmr banc, pls behaivour...
if some ppl dont want, just create a 2 queue, 1 with mmr and ranks , and the other 1 casual with no mmr and rank sistem...
This game is so full of ego I bet the casual mode would be hella neglected.
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I also want it back
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The matches during the test were great. But some people just didn´t want it, because they got matched with/against some new players.
Meanwhile, with the SBMMR deactivated: rank 20 killer gets matched against purple and red survivors.
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thats true... most of ppl are deranked
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That only happens when queue times get too long, and is designed that way by BHVR. They've said before, they prioritize queue times over a fair match. Do you really think they'll change that with the MMR? And if so, what's stopping them from adjusting the current system to eliminate that.
My late night matches with MMR when survivor queues were long were just as unbalanced as your example. We couldn't see ranks but it was obvious from the killer having 1 perk and having no idea how to use their power.
If you want to argue for MMR, you should compare the two when queue times are normal. The matchmaking falls apart with either system when queues are bad, and does so by design.
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There was no way of comparing it for me during the SBMMR test (and shortly before it), because i had instant lobbies on both sides (yeah i know, thats pretty rare).
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No lol, we don't want it, it sucks and it's bad for this game. I don't want this game to be Warzone 2.0. Stop it.
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MMR was pitiful. As survivor there's a 25% chance you just don't get to play because you get camped and tunneled out of the game back to the lobby, and as killer it maybe added 1 good player per team but was still quite easy to 4k on most occasions.
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I wasn't going to try sbmm but someone urged me to so I did. A big thank you to them. After a few very unbalanced matches they then became fair on both sides. Good killers and survivors with no extreme differences in skill between everyone. I didn't always survive or get 3k or 4ks, or has it is without sbmm 0k or 1k. I enjoyed it more for the first time in a while which led me to play more. If I play more I may be more inclined to spend more. This benefits bhvr greatly and I can't be the only one who thinks like this.
TLDR I preferred sbmm, turn it back on ASAP.