Got banned for bad connection.

Well I waited now 6 hours to play the game. I got banned for "disconnection" but it was my connection, it's not my fault. And when i started this game it happned again. I got banned now for 24 hours! And that's just pain. I already made an ban appeal? Will they even unban or help me in this case. Or do I have to deal with that until i get perma banned?
I wouldn't get your hopes up. Im sure they're really busy with the ptb
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How far can these bans go? Days, weeks, or even perma?
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Whether you lost connection cause you quit or because your connection is awful doesn't matter to The Machine (nor does it matter to the four people's game you just ruined).
You're not likely going to get any help to get unbanned. I don't believe you ever get actually perma banned for DC'ing but you're unlikely to ever get any help as it builds up because you keep getting disconnected.
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How are you even at 6 hours to begin with?
And if your internet is the problem, others shouldn't have to deal with that either.
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"I got banned for "disconnection" but it was my connection, it's not my fault"
yeah, totally not your fault.
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@DeadByFrameLag, Yeah totally my fault, that my connection random crashes for no reason. Next time I will tell me connection to not crash!
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It's not your fault, but it's also not the fault of the four players left behind in the match now ruined because of your disconnection.
It's not fair to anyone forced to play with you.
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As far as I know, the max ban for disconnecting is 72 hours.
The disconnect penalty is applied whether or not you intentionally disconnect to prevent people from circumventing the ban by just unplugging their internet or force killing their game. Blame the players in the past that abused the Leave Match button so much that they had to create a disconnect penalty.
You are responsible for the reliability of your connection, because this is inherently a multiplayer game and one person leaving is detrimental to the rest of the players in that trial.
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You shouldn't be playing online multiplayer games with crappy internet connection. It ruins the experience for everyone you play with when you're booted from the game.
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That sounds like the DC penalty is working as intended. I don't want somebody who regularly disconnects in my games, and I'm not even sorry for holding that opinion.
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Unfortunately bad connection is a problem and the system is working as intended.
Sorry, not to be harsh, but if you are playing online games you need to have all the right equipment to participate. If you don't you are only making a frustrating experience for yourself and for the other players :<
Maybe time to upgrade your internet?
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I never had this probleopm in a other game. In other games u can just wait until the lag stops and just go on playing. In dead by daylight you getting instanly disconnected and cant do anything against that.
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And I think a ban for bad connection is too hard. Just put someone with a bad connection in a low priority que.
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nope, if you insist on playing despite your terrible connection you deserve what you get.
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Yeah you can talk easy. I hope you will experience something like that too. Maybe that will change your opinion. It makes no sense in other games when u have a bad connection, u wont get instanly disconnected or u can just reconnected. But here u get instantly kicked out of the game. No reason for that.
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i have actually multiple times, never got worse than a 5-10 min ban, you know why? because i dont insist on playing when im unable to.
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Please try to read my post. I said that it happens 1 - 3 times over the day. So I can not know when it happens and when not.
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brick wall, do what you want.
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I've had the DC penalty from disconnects several times. I just stop playing the game for days at a time when that happens. I'm not sitting around, waiting to play a game that punishes me for their poor performance.
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Disconnects have never ruined the game for me (and I'm a solo survivor).
I can still play and have fun if someone DCs. I have always thought the penalty was bad for the game.
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Wow, I never knew the ban can go up to 24 hours! Does anyone know what the cap is?
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Cool for you, but that's not necessary everyone else opinion. You're fine, so everyone should be fine, right?
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With how bad servers can be they should just remove the penalty honestly people can easily die on hook to get around it anyway
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Dbd sessions are too short to make you able to reconnect. While you reconnect you waste half of the match. By this time your team may easily lose without you. Because it's much harder and because they lose their motivation to play. If you lose connection as killer, survivors will end a match without pressure. There absolutely no reason for survivors stay in game without killer.
You really need to fix your internet. If you play by wifi you should probably connect via ethernet cable. It usually makes connection more constant.
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I've had disconnects which were obvious on DBD server ends especially since it said something about server issues and even then when the game knows it's a server issue it will give you a disconnect penalty.
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I had those. But it's too rare to worry about. I never get more than 5 minutes penalty. Last time I lost connection was probably this spring.
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Not 100% on the cap but I’m sure someone posted on here that they couldn’t play for 7 days.
To the OP: as for getting DCed 1-3 times a DAY, if that’s been an ongoing thing - you should see what’s up with your connection that’s causing that rather than letting it continue… do the basics like resetting router etc before trying more technical things…because even if BHVR decide to overturn the dc penalty for you, it’s going to be an ongoing issue if your connection is that bad. There’s plenty of things you can do before you call your SP.
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I dunno about OP but the country I'm from has worse internet than Kenya, whqt you're saying is priveleged as #########
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I don't know why you guys blame him for his connection. And the fact that you're just telling him to upgrade his internet like he can just do so by the click of a finger is really rude.
I hardly think one person dc'ing ruins it for everyone else. The killer gets a BP bonus, and the survivors get an interesting challenge. What, you tell me a 3-survivor-team can't win a game?
I think the game should have a system which detects the reason you DC'd: 1. Your internet cut out, or 2. You left the match on purpose.
If the case is 1, there is no penalty. If it's 2, then you get the timeout because it's YOUR fault.
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I don't know why you guys blame him for his connection.
I think it's more that people are blaming him for playing despite his connection. My BF's connection is occasionally on the fritz as well. We don't play multiplayer games with other people when that's the case, because we know it ruins everyone else's game. We also don't play games that have requirements our systems don't meet.
I hardly think one person dc'ing ruins it for everyone else. The killer gets a BP bonus, and the survivors get an interesting challenge. What, you tell me a 3-survivor-team can't win a game?
You're free to play as many 3v1 trials in KYF as you want. In a normal trial, people are counting on a 4v1.
I think the game should have a system which detects the reason you DC'd: 1. Your internet cut out, or 2. You left the match on purpose.
If the case is 1, there is no penalty. If it's 2, then you get the timeout because it's YOUR fault.
So then people who want to DC just pull their ethernet cable and get free DCs. No. The way it works now is fine, if people whose systems don't meet the requirements for playing online multiplayer games don't try to force it and then blame the game for enacting completely normal penalties.
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Yeah, indeed very privileged, because breaking news, considering the requirements for gaming, one is privileged to be able to play online games.
If you have no way of getting the right specs for an online game, then don't play it.
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It's now 13 hours. They still didnt answer me so yeah i gotta wait and hope that my connection works.
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It's one of the scariest things about the game. When I'm in a match and it starts lagging, I'm terrified it's gonna disconnect and lock me for another hour. They need to fix this or remove the penalty till they can.
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And I hope it gets even longer. Buy a good internet connection before you play online games. If you can't, then don't complain that you get locked out for constantly ruining others' games.
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@Pukenplag @Orion as i said u can say that so easy. There are many reasons why this punishment is not okay. As survivor you can just die on hook. As killer just go afk and u will probably get gen rushed anyways. But then for the people who has real problems is the punishment just dumb. If a killer for example is letting you bleed out you have to dc. For people with bad connection u get instantly kicked for no reason. In other games u just wait out the lag and you can go on with the game. Or when ur game crashes without a knowning reason. All these examples are poor people that now have a punishment. Because the mad Andys can't realise that there are people out there who also want to play this game but does not have all the perfect requierments.
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1) you don't have to dc if the killer slugs. Wait 4 mins and you are out of the game. 1 min less than dcing and you also gain bp
2) I also want to have my own make-up brand. Sadly I don't have the perfect requirements to achieve my dream so I work my way into having them.
Please understand that, just because video games are popular, you aren't born with the right to play them. If you don't own what's necessary for playing them, then don't play them.
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Thats just the DC penalty working as intended.
If your connection is that bad, quit playing until you get a better one.
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so caring about other players experience or following the rules is being privileged? Gaming is a luxury not a right, you can't play? stick to single player games.
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I feel for you, dude. I have really good internet but like you, it is sporadic at times. There is absolutely nothing I can do because the govt. made it where certain zones can only have one provider that is assigned to it. I assume to make it fair game for smaller internet companies to stay in business. It just happens randomly, for no reason at all, internet outage. That's Cox Cable for you.
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Your last sentence must be one of the most arrogant things i have read for quite a while.
Who do you think you are? Trying to dictate who can play games and who doesnt.
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Lmao the entitlement of some people.
Video games are NOT a right god damnit. They are very popular and for the majority affordable, but that doesn't mean you have to play them. If you don't afford/ can't buy due to other reasons the right specs for them, then don't play them.
People that don't understand this are the same people that justify piracy by saying they don't have money for games. Just because something is popular it doesn't mean you are given access to it regardless of your situation.
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That is the most ridiculous comparison imaginable. Comparing an internet connection with
YOU are talking about entitlement?
YOU! The person here trying to dictate who can play and who cant.
No one said that video games are a right. That doesnt mean that you can come in here on your planet sized horse and tell people what they can and cant do.
If the OP has a problem wit his connection, thats unfortunate but it can happen.
And if its only happening in DBD then maybe its netcode isnt quite up to the task?
Thats not the fault of the player.
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That is PRECISELY the fault of the OP because they said multiple times how they have bad connection in general.
LMAO, I am DICTATING who can play and who can't? It is exactly how I would tell you you are directing who can and who can't buy real estate because you said you need money for it.
And how is that a ridiculous comparison? Both are cases of someone justifying their situation by saying they can't do better. If you can't do better than bad and detrimental to others, then don't do anything at all.
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@Pukenplag I never had problems like that before. My connection always worked. And that only happend and Dead by daylight. And I dont know how many times i said that. BUT THE PROBLEM IS THAT U GET INSTANTLY DISCONNECTED. Don't u get the point man? What is your plan here. Are you here to blame other people for their bad connection?
Post edited by Rizzo on1 -
Why is it his fault? Connection problem do happen even on the really high end ones.
You cant simply blame the player for that. As i said maybe the DBD netcode needs some optimizations so that DCs dont happen that quickly.
Are you seriously asking me why your comparison is ridiculous? Do i have to spell it out for you?
You are comparing an illegal criminal activity to someone how has connection issues. Do i need to say more?
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"Illegal criminal activity" - it isn't one in my country lmao.
I also have issues every so often, but maybe 1 time a month. When you get to the point of having a 24h ban, it means you KEPT ON disconnecting for I think 12 times?
OP just said that it is mostly DbD that causes them issue. For that I apologize.
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You never said you didn't have problems before, you just said you wait out lag in other games.
I don't know how bad your connection can go that you get instantly disconnected up to the point of 1 day time outs. Considering lag switching works well in DbD, it means your "instant disconnecting" is not so instant.
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Software piracy or in other terms Copyright infringement is illegal in most countries.
So its not a valid comparison to someones internet connection.