Final Survivor, First Hook

I find it incredibly unfair that if you've never been hooked and then get caught after all other survivors die that you a) lose your chance to get off the hook and b) get zero struggle points.
Why? How is that fair to the player that never got caught til all other survivors die?
Losing your chances to get off is done just so the killer doesn't have to camp you to make sure you don't get off the hook.
Trust me I played before the last hook auto death it was just a waiting game for the killer which was unfun and it was boring for the survivor as the moment they get off they get smacked back down then wait another minute on the floor for DS to wear off.
As for struggle point I think giving anyone who is auto death are given full struggle survival BP would be a good idea.
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Well then tell us your ideia, even if you kobe, what then? The Killer will just go after you again and down you, which will take like 3 seconds because he won't leave the hook until you reached the 2 phase, this was how it was before this change. Then the Killer would need to wait 60 seconds because of DS, so you get it, it was dumb.
There's a lot of unfair things, and this one is just ridiculous to complain about...
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No one asked you to be rude. People ######### constantly about the dumbest ######### on these forums, so I'm entitled to #########, too. 🤷 I haven't played long enough to know that it wasn't always this way and you could have informed me without being a dick. Please learn to be a kinder person or learn to stay silent, thank you.
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Fair enough. I appreciate you informing me of this without being rude. I guess I'll just cry in my pillow about it 😭
I guess I just wish something could have been done to help the survivor vs making the game end more quickly. A perk, maybe? I strive to be completely stealthy the entire game and go unnoticed even while doing gens, cleansing totems and making if there was a perk that gave me full health (like adrenaline) that can activate on my first hook as the remaining survivor then I would use up a perk slot on the characters that I give stealth builds to, and attempt to Kobe and attempt an escape. I am sure that my complaint may feel petty to some, but it's still my complaint which I'm entitled to. I play every single day and I give them plenty of money, so I'm going to voice my complaints, ideas, etc...I don't ever wanna feel like I can't, you know?
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using "sentence enhancers" only just to sensor them doesn't express emotion or make you seem more "adult". it just makes you look like a 12yo whos mother doesn't let them use swear words. it also just makes it hard to read
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That comment wasn't even directed toward you, so...? Also I didn't know that my words were sensored, so my apologies there. Again, that comment wasn't directed toward you so not sure why you care to read it at all?
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when you post on a forum you are putting out an invitation to talk with the whole forum. allowing anyone to chime in as they please
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excuse me? this is wonderful!
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if your team dies and you haven't been hooked once that doesn't make you better at the game. you should be taking chase for your team
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I'm not being rude, I'm being honest and direct. It's your fault for complaining about something WHICH you don't know anything about, and instead of going out to search WHY it's like that to have some value in your post, you go to the Internet that a lot of people will read just to make a post about something you have no knowledge.
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You weren't responding to my POST though. You responded to a comment that had nothing to do with you, so....
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If you want a chance to unhook yourself, get hooked when you aren't the last survivor. You didn't take the pressure off your teammates when they were dying so why should you get to unhook yourself now?
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Know what solo que taking pressure off people looks like? Dying on first hook. This doesn't happen when I play with my team because I know they won't screw me over. Sorry, not sorry.