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Is playing stealthy wrong?

R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

There's several stealth perks in the game, such as Urban Evasion, Distortion, Calm Spirit, Quick & Quiet, and Iron Will.

Several times in the past, I've attempted to run an entire stealth build, with a personal challenge to not get seen once all game, having them see my aura does not count, the Killer has to see me with their own eyes. I called this the "Ghost Build."

While I enjoyed doing this challenge, and succeeded several times, quite a few players weren't a fan of it, often complaining that I didn't help enough, despite me repairing gens, cleansing totems, and going for unhooks, albeit in a stealthy manner where I simply sneak away afterwards. And even a few times, the Killer teamed up with another Survivor to find me, because I was simply good enough to avoid them, which is rather pathetic. Some of you may remember this in a few threads I posted about Survivors working with the Killer.

I've asked some people, and while some players say this is completely okay as long as I'm still helping in some ways, like repairing, other players say it's not right of me due to the fact that I'm not putting myself on the line to protect others, such as taking hits, leading the killer away, or healing near the Killer.

There's literally stealthy perks and lockers to hide in, yet many players appear to hate stealthy gameplay. How do you guys feel about playing stealthy? Is it wrong? Okay? Or somewhere in the middle?



  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    There is nothing wrong about somebodys playstyle

  • OldHunterLight
    OldHunterLight Member Posts: 3,001

    Nothing wrong with being stealthy and do gens on the back, while backing up teammates.

    Honestly I would take stealthy players like you rather than crazy and dumb players, at least I can count on you on doing gens.

    The only problem is when immersion is actually being bad, not skillwise or anything but rather stealthy and not trying to progress the game.

    You play how you want to not how others dictate.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,917

    Its never wrong to play Stealthy, but what everyone should consider is how useful their playstyle is to the team.

    Like if you spend more time sneaking around, than not. Could be a problem.

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    I do sacrifice the challenge to save someone if I think it's necessary, but I don't run at the Killers face if I think the Survivor can get away on their own.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Playing Stealthily isn't wrong but it isn't "meta"... and some players will be damned if other players aren't playing "meta"

    And if you want to play that way then do it... it isn't against any rules (also like you said there're perks for it)

  • Triforcer
    Triforcer Member Posts: 180

    Playing stealthy is great! I encourage all survivors to do it, all the time.


    an All Seeing Blood Wraith

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,120

    So long as you are contributing to the trial for the sake of the survivors, then play however you like. In the old tutorial, Vigo made a comment that he can't be killed if he can't be found (loosely remembered) and that's still a valid. It's just during the very brief periods people might see others, they make an assumption of how they play, because it doesn't fit how they want you to.

  • shinymon
    shinymon Member Posts: 298

    Playing stealthy can be detrimental to your team at times because you end up funneling all your potential aggro to your teammates. That isn't to say there are never good situations to play that way but when you have fellow survivors on death hook, then it's probably a good idea to start getting into chases.

  • Jeromy137
    Jeromy137 Member Posts: 348

    I don't see anything wrong with stealthy plays as long as you don't personally kill your allies I don't see anything wrong

  • TicTac
    TicTac Member Posts: 2,403

    The problem with playing stealthy is knowing when to use it. Simple said the more survivor are on gens the higher the change for survival is. So you need to ask you whether your stealth helps for that or not.

    If you hide and the killer searches for you, its a distraction and 3 people can work on gens. = useful stealth

    If you hide when someone gets chased near you, the killer pressures 2 survivor away from gens. = bad stealth

    One of the most important things is not losing a survivor. So if you are on deadhook more stealth than normal is the right play. But if others are dead on hook, you need less stealth.

    All of this doesnt matter anymore if you know the last gen gets completed anyway and you can open an exit gate alone. But it can be fun helping others escape.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Depends on what's happening in the match.

    Stealth has it uses and can be very effective when utilized properly

    If a teammate is on deadhook and you with zero hooks are still sneaking around then you are not being helpfull.

    Hookstates are a resource. Use them.

    There should almost never be a scenario where you haven't interacted with the killer at all and a teammate of you dies

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    If you're not going to ensure the safety of teammates you unhook then you really shouldn't be going for those hook saves.

    There's so many ways you can do this and it only ever takes 1 perk slot at most.

    Sometimes I adopt this play style where I go 100% gen monkey mode and work from the shadows popping all the gens in the background and cleansing totems. I don't really think there's anything wrong with this as long as you're pulling your weight but if you go all match without taking any hook states for your teammates then you're letting them down as a whole.

  • gilgamer
    gilgamer Member Posts: 2,209

    No there's nothing wrong with it, but I will admit I find it incredibly boring to go against. I'd legit rather get camped and tunneled out of a game before a gen is done then play a match against 4 blendettes.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited August 2021

    Some people say "yes", you should endeavor to get hooked on purpose because your teammates are getting hooked left and right, that you should "take the heat" off them (when they fail at stealth - if they even try), and so on. In my experience, they're also the ones who end up on the hook again and again after easily losing chases, while complaining that gens aren't being done.

    Play stealthily if you want, as long as you contribute to the team. That means gens, unhooks, heals, totems. However, do keep in mind that a dead teammate in early and mid-game usually means your chances to escape drop precipitously. In late-game, not so much, since any killer with common sense is going to camp that last survivor - make sure you don't get hooked in the late-game, no matter how much the loopers scream at you in the post-game chat.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    I definitely wouldn't say it's WRONG to play stealthy, I think there's a lot of circumstances where it ends up being tremendously helpful - I've played a few matches for example where me and my SWF are complaining to eachother about another survivor that we feel like hasn't helped but then all the gens fly and they do some clutch unhooking at the end that gets us out so we eat our words.

    It's frustrating though when it's say half a generator left, and you've been running killer for ages then teammate spectates them and they are hiding in a locker next to hatch waiting for you to die instead of doing trying to help by getting the gates going while the killer is distracted. Stuff like that is why people don't respect selfish stealthy play

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    A good player will alway adapt to the situation. If 3 players play stealthy and the 4th "weak link" always gets found and downed, it's detrimental for your team and progress of the match. Taking the aggro sometimes is important because a 3v1 makes it much easier for the killer. Besides that, time is an important factor against good killers and from my experience, stealth players waste a lot of time sneaking around and doing nothing to progress the game. But a good stealthy survivor can drive the killer crazy, because they first waste time finding the guy and then they have to chase him as well. So, it just depends on the situation i guess. There is nothing wrong with running perks like Iron Will, Lucky Break or Dance With Me and try to lose the killer in chase instead of relying on your looping skills.

  • lordfart
    lordfart Member Posts: 538

    But also if you're on death hook, 100% stealthy is the way to go, I'm thinking more of no hook state Blendettes who urban evasion away after farming you in the killers face

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    If you stealth away from the killer, they're just gonna find your buddies and kill them faster because you're not occupying any of his time

    Hooks have to be spread out between 4 survivors. If there's only 3 getting chased/taking hooks, you're indirectly giving the killer an advantage.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    Nothing wrong if it works for you as long as you're actually doing things like gens, unhooks, etc. I had a player get rude to me for going stealthy claiming I wasn't doing anything once back when I was trying that out cause I was the only one to survive even though I had done several unhooks, gens, etc. Even the killer pointed out that I had more bloodpoints than the person who was whining even without the bonus for escaping so clearly I did more than them. But I've found other perks more useful in the long run.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I love playing stealthy, or "immersive" as some seem to call it. I almost always run Bond, Kindred, Dark Sense and a rotation of a few others for my final perk. I enjoy the game the most when I'm sneaking around trying to accomplish goals without getting caught. Some people love the chasing, looping and confrontations, I love the cat and mouse: The hiding, sneaking, trying not to get caught.

    Some people don't like this because they assume that this means I spend the whole match hiding. Far from it. This build actually gets me killed more than anything because sure, it keeps me hidden for a time as I roam around and try to accomplish goals, but once I'm caught it's pretty much a guaranteed hook because I have nothing to defend myself or aid in a chase. All my perks are informational or help with trying to remain undiscovered with little to no room for encounter defense. That's the price I pay, and I'm willing to pay it to play the game the way that I enjoy it. I don't just hide, I'm always on the move. I try to do gens, make saves, cleanse totems (often the only one who does). I'm a good support member of any team I'm on. But I try to avoid confrontation when I can. Sometimes it works and I escape, and help my team escape, with decent points. Sometimes it doesn't and I die with the lowest score. That's okay by me, because I'm contributing in the way that gives me the most enjoyment.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    playing stealth isn't a good option considering it is a team because the more you go stealth the more others will get punished. You are encouring killer to tunnel in a way.

    Gens are the easy part everybody can do that. You should be able to give your teammates time to do gens by getting chased.While you are hiding you are not wasting killer's time you are passing the chase to someone else it is kinda like playing against 3v1. Sometimes alturistic game play is so important dying for a teammate can be help team a lot your doing it just solo game play I can't tell you how to play game but ı can't let you say it is a good gameplay.

    Sometimes it is not that bad to play like that it can help you and if it helps you it helps the team as well I'm not saying never go for stealth but playing entire game stealth is definitly wrong acording to me and I hope ı won't ever match up with you this game is not hide and seek.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    This game can be hide and seek if someone wants it to be. There's no rule saying that all survivors have to directly engage the killer. My stealth style has achieved countless gen repairs while the rest of the team was looping, getting downed, and playing musical hooks. As long as a stealthy player is actively participating in the match and not just spending the whole time hiding somewhere and avoiding assisting their team, they're still playing the game. Just because someone else might want them to be more reckless and aggressive doesn't mean that they're obligated to do so.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    People who rely on stealth aren't actually good at the game. Anyone can hide - knowing how to loop the killer is what's actually challenging. It also gets your teammates killed because the hooks aren't shared evenly between all four. I'd rather be left on the hook to go into second stage if my teammates are all working on gens than have someone farm me and then slink away. So it's not wrong, it's just rewards unskilled players and screws over your teammates.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    nope the game is not hide and seek it is not how it designed it can't be because you wanted it to be that way. You may succeed hiding all game but this doesn't make the game hide and seek.This game is chase based and if you have lack of it you can't say it is efficient it means your teammtates are good and they are carring the game for you.This is not a rule this is how game designed you are ignoring all the pallets windows , tiles etc. are there to be in cahse with killer not to hide.there is littealry a game called hide and seek you may one check that one out. I highly recommend for you

    Saying again you are pressuring your own team gens are that much of a big deal everybody can do that The thing is creating time for it you are not good teammate in multiple ways you are just doing objectives to get out and that's the only good thing probably and again telling you ı can't tell you how to play the game But niether can u say you are doing a good job by hiding

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    You can assume that by playing the game in a stealthy manner and accomplishing goals without being caught is "hiding all game". That's fine, you're welcome to your interpretation. That doesn't change the fact that your interpretation is incorrect, as is your assumption that I'm obligated to play in a way that satisfies the other members of my team. I contribute to every match that I'm in and if they don't like how I go about it that's their problem, not mine.

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    stealth oesn't mean getting caught it means hiding you were not chased you cannot me caught you can be found this is a team game and if u want to play like how you want and screw other it means you are a bad teammate being team requires playing for each otehr you play for yourself you are not contributing you are doing your only objective ofc they are not gonna like this cuz you are doing solo game play play something solo then not smt online dude that doesn't make sense

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 335

    When I play survivor I do gens, get saves when needed. I don't go looking for the killer but if they chase me I'll do my best to run them so my team can do gens. I don't mind stealthy teammates but they need to be on the objective and getting saves. As long as the game is progressing its fine. Just don't sit in a locker or at the side of the map doing nothing.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    No, I'd say it's the problem of the person who is being reported for working with the Killer.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Play as stealthily as you want, if you doing gens and going for unhooks and your playstyle is not actively killing your teammates, I am fine with it.

    You payed for your game so play it how it is fun for you

  • dezzmont
    dezzmont Member Posts: 481

    Depends on if you are productively or non-productively stealthy.

    Often as a solo player stealth is just smart because you have no idea how good the other players are at rescues (and most people default to bad) so taking a chase, no matter how good you are at running, may end in you losing. Stealthy play is thus 'selfish' in a sense because it forces someone else to eventually take a chase, but it maximizes your empowerment (and creates a longer non-productive period for the killer).

    The problem is when you value stealth so highly you refuse to do detectable things even if the killer is occupied or not present. Like if you are pretty sure the killer is distracted, just run to your next gen you goofball.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Being immersed isn't reportable under normal circumstances, and if you were unhooked too close to the Killer, the fact that the unhooked is going immersed really doesn't make much of a difference IMO.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Good luck convincing the people who read reports with that argument.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    If that were the case, every survivor who had ever made a mistake (i.e: everyone) would be banned at this point.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2021
  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428
    edited August 2021

    For me, there is nothing wrong with playing stealthy but if you are deliberately not taking any aggro in time of need for your team, you are indeed playing selfish.

    I’m not talking about going out of your way, but more so if say the killer was ready to tunnel and you saved someone without BT, you should attempt to take a hit, instead of crouching around the corner.

    At the end of the day play how you want, but in specific scenarios like the one I pointed, be ready to take some heat from someone.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    That would be sandbagging, which actually is against the rules.

    If you don't like being chased, you can always play stealthily yourself, you know.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2021

    If you are intentionally guiding them to the location of another Survivor, you are intentionally helping the Killer. That is a reportable offense.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,955

    no, there's a difference between being immersed and stealthy

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    No, because the Killer will find the unhooked Survivor regardless if they are unhooked too close to the Killer.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Whether or not the unhooker chooses to hide doesn't change that the Survivor is likely to get spotted in that circumstance.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,191

    If you're being inefficient on gens and allowing teammates to take every chase while you haven't seen the killer, then yes, the stealth playstyle is problematic. There's a time and place for stealth, but being all stealth all the time usually hurts the team as a whole.