Stop releasing new chapters and fix your old god damn killers

There are old killers that are terrible and boring to play/play against that need reworks, pig, clown, deathslinger, myers, ghostface, all these killer powers are copy and paste, Ghostface is just myers with a gimmick
uhhh ok.
Feel better?
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What killer is deathslinger a copy of?
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What is Myers a copy of?
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Old killers don't bring the monies, new chapters bring the monies. There is a bug in the game which has lasted for as long as I remember, and probably even longer: that "iron will on the ground" bug, which makes survivors silent when they are in the dying state. And it hasn't been fixed after all these years: I experienced it today. And you are talking about balance, funny! So no, 98% of their resources will continue to work on new chapters and cosmetics, because it's the main source of profit for them.
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I'd agree but you lost me halfway through. We have what, 25 killers now? And more than half of them could use reworking IMO. Not even just their powers, but their design and backstories too (Which I know would never happen). I was seriously disappointed by Twins, Pyramid Head, Nemesis, Trickster, Legion, Demo, partially Blight, etc. The last thing we need is more content. I'd appreciate more than anything, making all that we have right now, the best it can be. Bring back the old UI that was changed for no reason, and rework these newer killer powers.
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Every killer you mentioned has people who like playing as and against them. "Terrible and boring" is just your personal opinion.
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No i said Ghostface is myers with a gimmick and basically a copy of the power, its literally the same code. Good slingers arent even fun t o play against because u cant even predict when he is about to shoot, there is no windup he just does it, killers are becoming boring to play against and im a Killer main
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Yeah I used to love old Clown, old Doctor, old Bubba and old Freddy. It didn't mean batshit when they got changed, nor should that mean batshit regarding these killers. M1 only based killers are pretty outdated in the current meta. A little change to help them out making loops riskier against them or to break those loops faster wouldn't go unthanked. :(
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The current meta are mobility killers such as nurse, spirit, oni, blight and many more that thrive.
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but finally He Came
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cannibal is the #1 most recommended DLC for anybody who is interested in the killer role. older chapters can be milked for a long time if they are still desirable to people whether it be related to fun, teachables, cosmetics etc.
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DBD can save alot of their ideas for the future and just update the old killers, it would be exciting to see myers or freddy be an actual fun killer...
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Whenever i see someone complain about the frequency of chapters i just roll my eyes. You do realise that BHVR is a company right?
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Bull. That mentality is what's going to keep us in this state of eternal roadmaps and unfinished content monthly for all games. You know what else gets money and players into your games? Having a good game. Good games can't be made if you commit to rushing ideas and content every few or so months. That's not how good products are made. It takes time.
Also if anything, nowadays, me and my friends aren't even phased be new content. We check to see if the content is still rushed and lackluster, then carry on when we realize it is. The one thing that would get me back to 2017 levels of playing, sharing, and investment, is if they completely 180'd and owned up to mistakes, and had the balls to fix what we already have, rather than making cash grabs.
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"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." - Shigeru miyamoto, the maker of Mario the most popular game franchise in the world.
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I can't name a single person who genuinely enjoys playing as or against clown.
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my 19th century uncle who died of dysentery
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All my homies hate Wraith with that horrible backstory, and he is kind of ugly. But I am jealous because he is really fun and strong. With a tweak to the lore, I could be convinced to play him. You don't need to change anything, per se. Just add some context. A lot of it.
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I think trapper could use some loving. He has to walk all over the map to pick up his own traps just to step onto them himself. I'm not a trapper player but i feel bad for the poor guy :(
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trapper kill me last game he too strong :(I
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You just made me laugh..I imagined you saying that with Samination voice :P I voted for the sounded better in my head.
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I feel the opposite. I love the sweet and simple backstories. Horror and mystery are supposed to leave things to the imagination. Him snapping and killing his boss, and ripping out his skull and spinal cord is crazy. And from there, no one knows what happened. But we know the vengeful Wraith wanders throughout Autohaven Wreckers to this day. It's like a good urban legend, and the entire idea of coming into the fog realm, is that you went missing. New backstories and archive lore don't understand any of this.
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I disagree. I hate it when horror and mystery stories "leave things to the imagination". That's just lazy writing, when you expect your reader to fill in the gaps with something exciting because you couldn't come up with anything. It's like never showing monsters/ghosts in monster/ghost movies. The unknown isn't scary, it's annoying. How am I supposed to be afraid of something I know nothing about?
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The power isnt just a copy paste, but yes the power is similar. So what?
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Why are you complaining about a game that has more than 25 killers yet, it's biggest competitor(or was) had only 1. learn to appreciate some stuff even if they're not perfect.
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Michael Myers is a genius example of horror at it's finest. Looking at the first movie, why is Michael killing all these people? Why is he stalking and going after Laurie? Why does he creepily stare at Bob's corpse? Because according to Loomis, behind his eyes is only pure, irrational, unreasonable, evil. There is no explaining it. It's chilling. The moment they try to go into detail and explain Myer's (The horror), it falls apart. Having him be a relative to Laurie, having some connection to a cult, having him have a connection with the cult that has some weird ritual every Halloween; It just tarnishes it.
DBD's backstories were supposed to be urban legends about said character. Urban legends, revolving entirely around mystery. Now, they're written like some kind of elaborate omnipotent novel with a 5th graders purple prose. And the unknown isn't scary huh? Try playing a Silent Hill game.
Quality over quantity. F13 and DBD are not the same games at all, and I'd rather slowly have 5 perfect killers than quickly get 20 meh killers.
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Michael Myers is a genius example of horror at it's finest. Looking at the first movie, why is Michael killing all these people? Why is he stalking and going after Laurie? Why does he creepily stare at Bob's corpse? Because according to Loomis, behind his eyes is only pure, irrational, unreasonable, evil. There is no explaining it.
You literally just gave an explanation, though. It's a poor explanation, bordering on a tautology ("Michael Myers does evil things because he's evil"), but an explanation nonetheless. I'll take that over no explanation.
And the unknown isn't scary huh? Try playing a Silent Hill game.
I have. I tried playing Shattered Memories because, IMO, it was the pinnacle of horror games: a game that adapts its creatures to what frightens you the most. Unfortunately, I couldn't finish it due to problems unrelated to the game. What I saw, though, wasn't scary. It was disconcerting and occasionally surprising, but scary? No.
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Right? The last 8 killers have very similar powers. Aim, then execute some linear attack that has some nuanced feature that makes it easy to dodge. Demo, Deathslinger, Pyramid head, the twins, and the nemesis have powers that are almost identical.
If anything I think they need to address base movement speed killers. They don't need to make them faster, but they need to give all of them better tracking abilities. Like, the doctor is base movement speed and he's fairly strong because he can easily find people, so he doesn't need to be as fast. Whereas with Myers or Ghostface it's all up to the survivors messing up. Leatherface might be one exception because he downs people quickly. Trapper, Shape, Clown, Pig, Ghostface and Plague perform like garbage at higher ranks for the most part.
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Him being pure evil is vague enough to where there's still discussion to this day on what could be behind Myer's. Carpenter knew people would ask the question, so rather than giving a real explanation, he answered it in the most intentionally mysterious way possible.
And I wouldn't recommend Shattered Memories personally. It dropped the ball, especially if you were expecting adapting enemies, because outside of visuals, its still the same one enemy. If you want to see the best of Silent Hill, try 1-4.
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I mean, when was the last time there was a good survivor perk introduced? I know the last few survivors perks that were ruined, but it's not just killers who are neglected by the every-three-months schedule they're on.
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Are you asking for buffs or nerfs? This isn´t exactly clear here.
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Him being pure evil is vague enough to where there's still discussion to this day on what could be behind Myer's. Carpenter knew people would ask the question, so rather than giving a real explanation, he answered it in the most intentionally mysterious way possible.
There will always be questions, no matter what. It's why kids can ask "why" all the time, because there's always something more. However, being pure evil is at least an attempt at an explanation, however poor it might be. If he wanted to be intentionally mysterious, he should've just left the question completely unanswered.
And I wouldn't recommend Shattered Memories personally. It dropped the ball, especially if you were expecting adapting enemies, because outside of visuals, its still the same one enemy. If you want to see the best of Silent Hill, try 1-4.
I was only expecting adapting visuals, not behavior. However, those games are far too old now. I've been spoiled by modern graphics.
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The most offensive part of it to me is that it's so painfully obvious that some of these killers could've had some of the most interesting ideas, and somehow BHVR manages to not even come close. Hell, in Nemesis's cinematic, it shows him picking up and throwing Meg with his tentacle. And you're telling me they best they could come up with is a lite PH attack, with some differing properties? And then slap on "go to object to heal status effect". Cool. Really feels like I'm playing Nemesis.
Demo had the entire concept of the Upside down to use for his kit, and in the end it's just a portal? Seriously? And you slapped on a charge attack too?
Pyramid Head really did it for me. I would've loved if they did something really creative and polarizing. Really flip the rules of the game upside down on it's head. He had such potential to defy every trend DBD killer's have followed up till this point. But nope. 115 killer with a ranged attack. You should be making powers for these characters that could only ever apply to this one character. Otherwise, what's the point. To build "hype!", and get people to buy the cash grab.
And when we can't figure out what that something more is, it can be unsettling. When something genuinely unexplainable happens, even as a skeptic of the paranormal, it's spooky. When you hear a freaky sound in the middle of the night, and can't figure out what it is because of the darkness; That's the unknown.
They're really not that old. If anything the older graphics add to the atmosphere. And sometimes, like in Silent Hill 3, it looks even better and more stylized than all these generic Unreal Engine "photorealism" games we have now. And you're just missing out on great games, and some of the best horror games made to this day most importantly. Are you not gonna play Mario 64, because it's old too?
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Exactly. So much lost potential, and unfortunately I think it's because they don't invest enough, or see any value in making killers anymore interesting than they currently do. In a way, killer's seem to be serving the function of a skin and nothing more, considering how similar all of their powers are. The idea of playing a specific killer is mostly up to your imagination to fill in the holes. It would have been awesome to play the nemesis as we know him in the RE games, but we just have to pretend we're not playing a reskinned demo/PH/deathslinger.
Also, I haven't heard any news about why McLean left, but I have been wondering if BHVR is giving up on making their games any more complex than they currently are, meaning they're ok with average level programmers to simply recycle existing functionality - as long as they sell cosmetics! I don't mean to be so cynical, but one dev stream about hit validation had a dev that was basically pleading with viewers that "the math required to do this properly is so hard". That's fine and all, but it definitely made me consider who they were hiring and what their goals were.
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I hate to be so cynical too, but the reason I complain so much is that I really loved this game. I see so much potential in it, and I want it to be better, but it keeps screwing itself over.
I think a potential reason to these samey killers might be that, BHVR has become misguided in the sense that their biggest priority is making a "balanced" killer. They think of ideas with balance and rules in mind first, rather than a fun idea. They don't come up with ideas like Old Freddy where they say: "Since he's Freddy, maybe he could be all about bringing you into the dream world. And it's just like the movie, where he's invisible and cant hurt you when you're awake, but you're dead meat when you're asleep.".
Now it's more like: "Well to properly fight against looping, lets give him some kind of slowdown trap, or fake pallets. And to help him with better map pressure, he can teleport to generators. Those things feel kinda dream related right? We can make it look dream related, don't worry about it. And, him not being able to hit survivors is just too out there, so you can kinda keep the invisible idea, but just let him hit a survivor and it'll auto put them to sleep." They don't want to try a crazy idea anymore. They realize that they can get by with a ranged attack, status effect, cooldown meter, etc. People will argue over whether it's balanced or not all day, and BHVR can stoke the flame and just tweak little numbers, maintaining discussion. I want to play as Pyramid Head in DBD. Not a generic DBD killer, if he was kinda like PH.
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The only killer I agree on being changed is pig, but even then I think she only needs an addon pass as her ability is pretty good. The other killers you have listed are all fine and interesting to play as/against.
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And when we can't figure out what that something more is, it can be unsettling.
Maybe I'm just wired differently, then, because not being able to figure something out is frustrating/annoying to me, not unsettling.
When something genuinely unexplainable happens, even as a skeptic of the paranormal, it's spooky. When you hear a freaky sound in the middle of the night, and can't figure out what it is because of the darkness; That's the unknown.
That doesn't scare me, it irritates me. If I hear a spooky noise when I'm trying to sleep, because I already know there's no such thing as the supernatural, I'm just annoyed that a noise is keeping me from falling asleep.
They're really not that old. If anything the older graphics add to the atmosphere.
Silent Hill 4 (which I'm guessing is the most recent one you mentioned) is from 2004. That's old as hell. Older graphics don't really add anything, IMO, unless they were actually being stylistic and not going for realism. And if it's not going for realism, then it can't scare me. It can surprise me, like a game I played recently, but that's not the same thing.
And sometimes, like in Silent Hill 3, it looks even better and more stylized than all these generic Unreal Engine "photorealism" games we have now.
We'll have to agree to disagree on that. It's a matter of personal taste, after all.
And you're just missing out on great games, and some of the best horror games made to this day most importantly.
I need a minimum of graphics to be able to immerse myself in an action game. MGS3 had better graphics than SH4 and was released in the same year.
Are you not gonna play Mario 64, because it's old too?
Yes, actually. Putting aside the fact that better games have been made since then, how would I even get around to that? I don't own a Nintendo 64. Or a PS2, for that matter (regarding Silent Hill games).
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I think you hit the nail on the head! It would explain why lots of recent killers seem to be 'cut from the same cloth'. I find it hard to blame them for wanting to maintain balance in the game, ebcause I think it's an important aspect of what makes the game fun - it legitimizes everyone's skill, and highlights good plays. But too much focus on that would kill the creativity - it's just too much standardization which makes it easy to become complacent and focus on other things, like monetizing. Although, looking at it from this perspective you created makes me feel more sympathetic towards them XD because they're trying. The problem is, though, when you're paying good money for this stuff, they should do their best. So, I'm with you. I really want DBD to work, because I love it and lately I haven't been happy with it because something is clearly wrong!
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Yeah, and I don't really blame BHVR much honestly. If anything it's the fans being very vocal about what THEY think DBD should be like. So BHVR did their best to listen to their audience and completely change their game. And since people like me are usually the minority now, there's not much of an actual problem here. I just happen to really miss what DBD used to be. I think it's just time for another competitor to step up and fill that missing place.
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I wish they had fix some things. Priorty should be making game more consistent at this point in my opinion but New chapeters are also fine for me btw what is wrong with deathslinger
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clown already got a rework, he's fine now outside 2 addons(pinky finger and the hindrance addon).
Ghostface is basically old myers, sure, but current myers cannot be like old myers due to his addons. Let alone that ghostface doesnt need to stalk to reach his power, and that ghostface can literally turn off his terror radius whenever he can. Ghostface is t1 myers without the aura reading.
As for other reworks, they are still coming, that's what mid-chapters are for.
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Its not the obligation of the game make you enjoy every match or every killer, if you have fun or not is up to you. Every game has annoying things, and both sides of dbd have, survivors bt faceunhooking, flashy clicking, things that you can say "i don't enjoy playing agains clickers ;(" but is not up to the game this aspect, as well as these killers.
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Twins is one of the most unique killer in the game what are you smoking
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I've always disagreed with this. I think the devs should really be able to keep releasing new chapters while ALSO fixing the game's problems and buffing weaker stuff.
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wouldnt the craftsman be The Devs? are you this clueless?
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they have multiple teams who work on new content and reworking old content
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They keep releasing new chapters and also gave Wraith very nice buffs, so i don't think that continuing to release more content is the issue.
Also, do we already call Deathslinger an old Killer?
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killers are ok, it's the game that needs a fix, on ps4 we still get terrible lags.
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If anything the only killer imo that needs a little buff would be trapper. It really that bad just to let him carry +1 extra trap without having to use a bag add on every single game.