Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Change objectives when someone dcs

It makes no sense that if someone on my team dcs then the rest of us have to basically pretend to give effort afterwards when its a guaranteed 3-4k for the killer.

Example: someone dcs at 3-5 gens leaving 3 people to finish up to 5 gens. This isnt even remotely possible and the reason why other people go afk or suicide on hook after someone dcs. It leaves everything up to the killer as to whether the rest of the trial will be fun or worth the time and effort afterwards and that shouldnt be the killers responsibility.

If someone dcs then the number of gens needed to be completed should change based off how many gens vs survivors are left. If you start a custom match with less than 4 survivors the number of gens needed to be completed changes so why not if someone dcs?

Obviously it shouldn't change in some circumstances to prevent survivors from dcing to give each other easy escapes but it shouldn't be that difficult to make a simple formula as to when it changes and by how much.

You need to give survivors who stay despite being handicapped by a dc teammate a compelling reason to continue playing.

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  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Iirc they are working on implementing bots to replace survivors who DC.

  • Member Posts: 677

    I just cant believe they didnt implement what im talking about already. Their solution to balancing their game has basically been to force people to play with the dc penalty.

  • Member Posts: 3,294

    DC is not always same.

    DC can actually win you the game sometimes, because survivor was dead on hook anyway and killer didn't get pop / BBQ.

    I wouldn't change objectives, that would be too hard to balance to be fair for both sides.

    It would be way better to give extra BP, or prevent depips for survivors that keep playing.

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    Probably because your solution is good at the start of the match. But in the middle/end game, there are too many variables for a simplicistic solution like that to work.

  • Member Posts: 9,436

    Sounds like it would be very tricky to balance for all scenarios.

    What if a survivor DC's on death hook (potentially to remove the killers ability to Pop/BBQ), and is replaced by a bot.

    Would that bot also be on death hook? Or would it be a 'new' survivor with three hooks left in them?

    It would likely be significantly easier to find and down a bot than a player, especially at a high level, and so does that bot just count as free hooks, and thus free Pops and BBQs? Likewise, free hook farming for the survivors?

  • Member Posts: 3,786

    It would obviously not be a new survivor. Just the same, but controlled by an AI instead of a player. If someone dcs on death hook that's it, they're dead.

  • Member Posts: 393

    Wouldnt work because in the cases you are talking about with customs gens literally do not load into the map. So if there are only 3 survivors in custom then only 6 gens load in instead of the usual 7.

    What would have to happen is if someone dced then either gens would not disappear, thus making it abusable and giving survivors an advantage in some situations, or a gen would disappear which could screw survivors who are working on it/ had previous left progress on it. They could also make it so that the gen with the most progress just finishes if there are 3 or more left (the fairest option) but if survivors already had that gen like 80% or more it really doesnt benefit them.

    Likely would be to tricky to balance/properly implement since every new thing they add seems to break the game in some way. Also, the game is very reliant on the 4v1 dynamic due to time; that is why tunneling one person out of the game even if you give up 3-4 gens is a viable option for killer.

    I imagine the bot will just pick up where the survivor left off and immediately take their place. They likely will be worse then the usual survivor so it will benefit killers with hook perks, but it will prevent the angry dc to deny killer perks as well.

  • Member Posts: 1,168
    edited August 2021

    I've found maps where 1 survivor DCs with 3/4 gens left to do very doable really.

    Honestly the only change I would make overall to how the game is balanced is to have the wait for the doors to open be reduced or changed to skill checks for the final survivor in a challenge to give a fair chance to escape. I've noticed that many killers will go out their way to find the hatch before killing S3 now and when the hatch is down killers can get from one side of a map to the other way quicker than it takes to open the doors to give a lone survivor a chance. Thats even if the gates are ate opposite points if the map which they often arent. I had a map yesterday where you could see the other gates from the ones you were stood at.

    Either that or make it so the killer never has a clear line of sight to the gates. Half the time they can see you truing to open them from miles away and then it's game over.

  • Member Posts: 20

    A stiff penalty for players that DC might work. As a Killer, the DC means I don't get points for doing my part with 1 less survivor, and I imagine that Survivors feel the pinch when 1 of them DC's... so, penalize the DC player with a penalty where they can't play the game for 24 hours after a DC like that.

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