Can we have a Casual Mode?? Pretty tired of tryhard tunneler camper champions

Artemisha Member Posts: 401
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

I´m red rank solo survivor. About 70% of the times I´m just playing vs tunneler proxy-camper tryhards that need win at any cost.

Can players that just wanna have fun, loop, avoiding gen rush, and play nice have a casual mode? I´m pretty tired of tryhard killers abusing the Solo Q with camp tunnel tactic. There are also really good killers that don´t need to cheese their victories and are able to win splitting hooks, but thats not a big percentage unfortunetely.

So behaviour don´t wanna deal with Solo Q unbalance and makes the more dirty strats the more effective plays....Well, at least just give us a casual mode where people is more focused on have fun than on "winning". People usually forgets we are not playing tournaments or playing for money. Just for fun.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410

    It would split the playerbase up too much. If you hate tunneling, run DS. It does its job real well!

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    I do always run DS. But I can´t apply ds to my teammates. When a killer is up for tunnel, he will ignore bodyblocks and wait for BT expire.

    Tunnel is the most absurd and effective strat on solo Q.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,776

    Chances are those types would still pick the casual mode but yeah I want seperate queues

  • MyNamePete
    MyNamePete Member Posts: 1,053

    you act like that isnt literally every video game ever with a ranked mode

  • madradfox
    madradfox Member Posts: 190

    Red ranks are not ranks, they are a mindset. Expect the same thing you might except on your next trip to the bathroom after gorging on Taco Bell for 2 days straight. As Terry Tate the office linebacker put it: "Get ready for the pain train, boy....pain train is coming....woo, woo!!"

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    I don´t play tryhard, trust me. Not toolbox, not keys, not prove thyselfs, not selfish scapes (I always try rescue), and I don´t gen rush if killer is playing fair. My rank is 4-6. If killer is hard tunneling intentionally I´ll bodyblock and If I can´t evade it I´ll just step in killers face pointing him with the finger till he kills me. These guys don´t doubt usually and take the offer and claim his victory after that. I don´t care win or lose neither the ranks. Just want funny games.

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    Nah, I'm a purple/green solo Q and I get sweaty red ranks too, matchmaking doesn't really care where you are, if there's a free spot for a game you're in lol

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,140

    I dont want to vs swf squad, I want to play casual mode

    So my camp, tunnel tactic could work.

    The idea of Casual mode will never work.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,544

    What does splitting hooks and cheesing their victories mean?

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,988

    Oh, I was getting the impression that you were like rank 1 and wondering why you get rank 1 killers. The same happens to me too even though I am only rank 8. I get tons of red ranks that play as though their actual life depends on it while I go for 2 hook cycles and let everyone go. They even teabag me after I purposely slug them instead of hanging them on death hook. So yeah, those types slip through the cracks, unfortunately.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380
    edited August 2021

    Splitting up the playerbase is a terrible idea. We already have very bad blood between killer and survivor mains, we don't need even worse blood between comp mains and casual mains. You'll just have to accept that some games will be sweaty. People take this game pretty seriously

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    I just wished there would be a casual mode.... I mean....this game is really unbalanced itself (too much diff on killers, addons, SWF or Solo, maps RNG). At the end I think it´s the players who have to "balance" artificially the game. U can easily gen rush a Bubba or a piggy, but as survivor u must gen rush a spirit or nurse if u wanna have a little chance. Also, sometimes more effective play as surv is let someone die on hook. But that sucks as survivor, and I won´t do it.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Cheese your victory is going for the most ez effortless way to win.

    Split hooks is basically not tunneling and distribute the hooks.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,544

    Isn't that what you should do though? Shouldn't you be efficient?

    Granted, I come from a very different school of thought, so I'm probably missing the point entirely.

  • Grandpa_Crack_Pipe
    Grandpa_Crack_Pipe Member Posts: 3,306

    What we have is the casual mode.

    There's no incentive to rank up, the game balance is a nightmare, the game can be decided before it even begins by what map loads up, you could have 20 pallets or 7 on the exact same map, every update that fixes 5 things breaks 10 more, the power imbalance between killers and perks is mindboggling, and actual top-tier competitive play in this game is equal parts painful and boring.

    Believe me, i'd like to filter the perspiration princess slugfectious Nurse out of my queue pool when i'm running a funny meme build too, but until BHVR majorly overhauls the entire game (which will never happen), this is the best we got.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    We have seen efficient gameplay in tournaments (where u only see spirit, blight, nurse going for sweaty tunnel) and survivors gen rushing the gens.Is the more effective way to play? Yes. It´s boring and repetitive as hell? Also, yes.

    it´d be nice if there would be 2 different queues. Because nowadays a high percentage of the games is people playing most tryhard as possible and sometimes u just wanna chill, focus on chases or meme.

  • Underdawg
    Underdawg Member Posts: 193
    edited August 2021

    The problem isn't the mode of play but the mindset of the players playing the game. One reason I loved SBMM is that going against players at my "skill level" meant that I wasn't going against "red rank" players with thousands of hours who have become jaded. Until this game moves away from "4k wins/escapes" as measures of success, you're going to have people do whatever they can to assure their success and ergo their "fun". Casual mode probably won't fix that.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    I'm actually over these pointless, whining threads. If you're so sick of 'proxy-tunnelling' (sorry bud, going for a kill every now and again is quite viable; when I need a mission done I'll see it through a couple of times) and 'pseudo-camping' (as others I have seen have put it), run the right perks to address that and don't be what you say: a 'fun-at-all-costs' Survivor. I've had plenty of run-ins with pain-in-the-ass, toxic Red Rank Survivors since rank reset when I'm a very low rank at the moment, as I've recently moved over to Xbox and I play very inactively. So much so that, amidst that horrible lag and those frequent glitches, teleportation issues and yes -- occasional 'exploits' on my opponents' end -- playing for 'fun' and just messing around rather than going for 4ks head-on has been rendered almost impossible unless I dedicate a 3-gen bracket to legitimately going out of my way to hook 2 Survivors twice. At least. I can't just have fun; God forbid I be 'nice'.

    And as much as it may contradict a thread I've made recently, I'm getting fed up of treating every SWF I come up against like they are deserving of respect and a fun game. Because so far, every group has been the same: triple flashlights (annoying, but I just make sure to be a pest to them), quadruple BT and oftentimes triple DS -- which is ok given how it counters many 'irritating' Killer strategies -- and the constant tea-bagging all the while. If you're not on a last-gen console, then you won't know how painful it is to have these things -- especially with the unforeseen freezes and lag spikes -- happen to you on not just a regular recurring basis, but dozens of times every game. The actually decent and fun matches I've had recently have been 4ks, which is often the ones I'm not having so much fun in, but luckily enough I received games with Survivors who are just nice and fun like I am. For reference, those 'fun' games in question are ones I played today with PH and Demo for the first time, with only 2 and 3 perk slots respectively, after I bought them yesterday. I'm having a fun time so far with them both, and I'm getting a good grip on their gameplays.

    On the whole, though, this really comes down to you dealing with your own issues. Take the initiative. You mightn't like having to resort to running certain perks, but count yourself as one lucky person. Most of us Killer mains don't get that liberty. If you don't run certain perks 90% of the time, say goodbye to even decent pipping, because a majority of your matches will be just plain toxic. Even given the horrible experience I've had as of late, I've never acted or even once thought it was my opposition's fault. It always comes down to my own rejecting to play certain builds, Killers, and add-ons and/or strategies. That is, I'm afraid, the end of the story.

    But whatever, you do you I guess. That's just my two cents.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    In which proportion do u go against sweaty SWF in comparison to random solo q players? I don´t play killer often, but i heard killers say that most of the times they play vs solo q randoms. And even if sometimes they face SWF, a good proportion of this groups are just fooling around not going for gen rush. I think t-bag and clicky clicky must be something usual on this type of games, but many of this guys are still playing unneffectively.

    Solo q is the weaker role of the whole game. Solo q < Killer < SWF. But don´t forget most of the games happen on Solo Q, where every killer can certainly work.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    I'm almost always going against SWFs. No joke. Team names across the board, gen-rush approach to the game, all mirroring perks, and constantly aware of my every move. Thing is I don't let it get to heart. It's just a game.

    In fact, I right now happen to be in my 'relaxed' mode: late afternoon, chilling to early Christmas music, and revising work for school exams. Maybe you just have to take a break? I don't know, DBD can burn you out quite easily. Take care.

  • MrCalac123
    MrCalac123 Member Posts: 1,147

    Not if it makes queue times worse, no.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Casual queue is just one of those nice things we can't have in the real world.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    You could start from scratch with new account perhaps. Or derank. There won't be a casual mode anytime soon anyway and at the highest ranks killers often needs to play like this unless they are really really good and can play "nice" and still win a lot.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    We technically already have it.

    KYF ensures you play with people who you can agree with to play casually

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Why would a casual mode in dbd not be filled with tryhards, smurfs and throwers, like casual modes in other games?

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    Eh, it kinda goes both ways though, as KYF is also what people prefer to use for 'Comp' games, as teams will be able to have complete control on what maps to go to, along with a mutual understanding of both sides being there to practice at their best.

  • PanicSquid
    PanicSquid Member Posts: 655

    What would make a casual queue different from what we have now?

    Are we banning certian Killers/Perks/Maps/Items?

    Is the idea to just ignore ranks, so a rank 20 and a rank 1 could be randomly matched together?

    Are we preventing Camping/Tunneling/Gen Rushing/SWF?

    I don't think a casual mode could exist without barring content and mechanics of the game.

    When I want to chill I bring my meme build and an understanding that I will die.

  • BabuDweet
    BabuDweet Member Posts: 556

    Splitting up the player base is just not the way to go. I understand your frustration honestly cause I too play solo at red rank.

    However, yano it can be flipped that the killer doesn't wanna have to deal with good loopers while gens fly a lot their games which can force them to tunnel and camp (not always the case)

    This game just cannot fully provide for both sides so just best to leave it how it is. No competitive or causal modes, it wouldn't work.

  • StibbityStabbity
    StibbityStabbity Member Posts: 1,839

    Just curious, but I have seen two posts talking about splitting up the player base.

    This game now rocks traffic that is up there with MANY games that already have casual, ranked, multiple game modes, etc. How is this ONE game such a special snow-flake that splitting up the players would be so detrimental when it doesn't hurt them at all?

    Statistically, it would still be a 1/4 split. Each mode would likely have 20% Killers and 80% Survivors. It would be VERY unlikely that ALL Killers or ALL Survivors would part into the different modes and create an imbalance.

    When the game was smaller, I could see that argument having some merit to it, but it seems like no matter how big the game gets now, that reason will always be brought up. I don't get that. I also don't think this game is so particularly special that it can't support two modes based on whether or not people want to be competitive.

    Now, as far as people asking what a Casual mode would entail and not coming up with much, I entirely agree on that point. It would likely have to not affect rank, not reward BP the same as ranked, and completely throw matchmaking out the window for the most part. However, for the most part, the difference between a Casual and Ranked mode would likely be pretty minimal.

  • LeFennecFox
    LeFennecFox Member Posts: 1,216

    Well if they add MMR then you should have competent teammates at your level and a killer at your level making the game at least possible.

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,929
    edited August 2021

    a "casual" mode is just going to create the same problem in "casual" mode

    the solution to your problem is MMR

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Tunneler camper champion. Damn. I wish I was on pc so I could name myself like that or whatever I find funny at the moment.

    That is hilarious.

  • Rey_512
    Rey_512 Member Posts: 1,620

    Make casual mode earn 1/3 of the normal blood points and you got yourself a deal.

  • Machini5t
    Machini5t Member Posts: 20
    edited August 2021

    You're a RED rank player. You were a "tryhard" to get there. You say 70% of the time you play is with tunneler proxy-camper tryhards and tired of tryhard killers, abusing Solo que players with camp tunnel tactics.

    Did you just assume that "70%" or did you actually calculate the number based on the actual time you spent playing as a tryhard to reach that RED rank ?... Did you factor in, that the Killers may have to be that same "tryhard" to gain points because too many of the games are Survive With Friends with Mic's that coordinate against 1 killer without communication with others ?... Did you consider that too many of the games being played are SWF and Killers are looking for tactics that actually work to offset SWF's and maybe you as a RED rank player are just caught in the mess that SWF has created ?

    Kudos for your efforts to reach that RED rank status, you likely earned it as a "tryhard" and you should be proud, really !

    But asking for a Casual style play from the game makers isn't going to change what the SWF community has caused the Killers to adapt and overcome as a "tryhard".

    If this game would make one change, eliminate the SWF's communication... 4 players coordinating against 1 Killer, all of them with Mics's for assistance, then I would agree with you and make a "Casual" style game mode.

    We both know it isn't going to happen.

  • Guest1567432
    Guest1567432 Member Posts: 728

    I would rather a real practice mode tbh. Like more than just Trapper.

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    I don't think splitting the playerbase would cause problems, DBD has 70K concurrent players. The problem is that if the ruleset is the same in casual and ranked mode sweaty players that want to own noobs would just play in casual. I wish they try it with 2 different rulesets and rewards.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    I certainly do. i usually play with good players. What tilts me is when a killer is just proxy camping a teammate not letting him play (ignoring bodyblocks, chases, eating Ds and keep tunnel on, etc.), and just forcing survs to let him die and full repair gens. I can´t with that. Just prefer die, not even try,

    Concerning splitting the queque, why not? I mean.....DBD has about 60-70 k player and only one game mode. Games like Smite (5vs5 moba on their most) have about 20k players and has: 7 casual game modes and 3 ranked modes. Most casual and popular mode runs in periods of 1 minute. Most popular ranked mode queues run every 2 minutes. All games matchup is concerning a MMR system and u can have diff MMR on differente game modes.

    When u play on ranked games people play usually according to the metagame and picks the gods they are good at (like metaperks in DBD). But, when u just wanna play a casual game, usually is for proving new characters or builds or just have fun on a "low tactical" game where people won´t complaint much about about your perfornance (there is no ranking in casual modes although the matchups are organised in base an internal and hidden MMR system)

    On DBD a casual mode would be great for focus on playing chill, meme builds, and low tier killers. I agree with somebody who said maybe rules also could be different and encourage a different playstyle other than gen rush vs camp tunnel. If killers proxy-camp tunnel is because game rules encourage it. So let´s change that with different game rules that encourage splitting the hooks and more focus on distribute the hooks, have more interaction with killer than with gens, etc.

    I mean....c´mon. We only have 1 game mode. Let´s give it a try to other game modes with different meta games. There are people don´t wanna go full tryhard every single game. Besides that, it can be hard for new players to get in the game and get experience on DBD mechanics (loops, mindgames, strats...). Casual modes also would give an accelerate learning to those players that want to step up their game.

  • jacindazs
    jacindazs Member Posts: 139

    unfortunately.. solo Q or SWF. It doesent matter at all. This bad situation is valid for both. (for example check my ticket about no penalty for facecamper...)

  • fogdonkey
    fogdonkey Member Posts: 1,567

    The other side of the story:

    I guess you should just hope that you are not the first survivor to go down.

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Trapper games are like that in red ranks. Trapper carrying agitation, noed, and just trapping bassement until he catches up someone.

    Yes Sir!

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    might not result in how we want though

    Imagine people waiting too much for a match and in the end they found themselves at casual matches not to wait So same hardcore player will come there and play it there

    can't be sure the player will think it is casual match so no need to be haarcore player so they might just do the same thing there in casuals

  • Artemisha
    Artemisha Member Posts: 401

    Talking back again against smite 10 queues: they are not much longer than what we actually have in DBD. So that shouldn´t be problematic.

    And regarding the "sweatness" I would create a different modality as i mentioned that encourages distribute hooks and interaction with killer more than with gens. Random presets or perks for survs, a choice between 2 random killers... or imagine that: 3 survs 1 killer vs 3 survs 1 killer. Where your team has to repair the gens of the other side or capture a flag). Imagine collaborating with your killer bodyblocking other survs (that´d be hillarious).

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,685

    You think people wont camp/tunnel in Casual Mode?