The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
So your ok with people suggesting that you get a newer generation system however not a suggestion about getting a PC?
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If you read the comment Pulsar is replying to, there is no suggestion to upgrade at all; they are just talking about their own experience with the games performance and the difference they experienced between 2 different consoles.
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I hate the yellow glyph challenges so much because of the performance issues.
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Show me one person on last gen not having freezing issues.
Why are you even here? To speak about things you know nothing about and try to tilt people who are already frustrated by game performance on last gen?
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He's just here to troll, we just gotta ignore him. He got upset with Pulsar in different performance issue post so decided to come in this one to try and bait an argument.
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And yet, you ignored the post where I disproved your argument.
i put RDR2 in a very stressful scenario and it suffered from no issues. Likewise, the mods are apparently using this thread and the videos in it to help illustrate the issues current-gen Cknsoles are facing.
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Just because you don't like what I am saying doesn't mean I am trolling.
As I mentioned previously some of the game stopping issues being mentioned are not affecting everyone who plays on PS4.
So can you explain how these issue's are a problem with the game's optimization when only some are experiencing them on the some type of console?
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I think a lot of this is irrelvent as we've already acknowledged that these issues do exist on consoles and that we're working on a fix. Some PS4's users having switched to SSD's are not having further issues however, we're not about to recommend people go out and purchase an SSD to run the game.
The users that are affected by these hitches/freezes etc, this is through no fault of their own - as we've said many times over the past couple of months.
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Oh so it is those who are running a certain type of hard drive that are having an issue.? That makes sense and it gives at least a place to look on what is causing the issues. I thought they were all basically the same type of drives.
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On ps4 its all hdd unless you switch to ssd yourself.
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I know I'm super late but I have a question for you since you play on Low. Back when I had my older PC I noticed that my low FPS improved when I switched to medium instead of low. Does that do the same thing for you?
Again though I have no explanation for it but I did benchmark my PC and low settings had a lower framerate than on medium. Granted this was about 7 or so months ago but still. Pretty sure it was CPU related since my hardware stayed relatively the same on the new PC minus the CPU.
I went from an intel i5 3570k ivy bridge to an AMD Ryzen 9 3900x to clarify.
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Some of our fiesty PS4 cousins experimented around and got noticeably better performance when they connected a SSD and ran the game from there. Pulsar tried the same idea with his Xbox1x (the absolute strongest of the proir gen consoles, I also have one) but sadly it had little effect, most likely due to this console already having a hybrid-SSD inside it.
One of the last patches forced all Switch machines to run this game on low graphics to improve their performance. The rest of all consoles are locked at Ultra, while PCrs can toggle their graphic settings at will.
Most of us firmly believe the lack of a thorough optimization when the game was ported over 2and the bizarre need for the game to load in each and every asset for every killer every match are at the root of our issues. Despite their age and wear our consoles are capable of running DBD just fine if it weren't for the coding.
I'll give you the same advice I always give our PC cousins: borrow a friend's PS4 or whatever and pick a killer. Let's say Doc or Freddy. Load into Lery's. Go to the center room. Let us know how it goes...
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I believe Console's are locked at High, not Ultra. There are many particle effects missing compared to PC.
And yes, I did purchase an SSD and it seemed to do very little.
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Possibly. We know there is some sort of issue regarding HDD drives, but the issue isn't entirely solved by switching to SSD, which is exponentially more efficient.
Some people had their issuss fixed, others (like myself) did not have the issues fixed. I theorize that the HDD issue is a symptom of a larger problem.
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Yeah we should not fall into the trap that ssd is a "miracle" solution to everything (one we have to pay for btw).
We saw some examples of how it improves things but also other people claiming they are still having problems with it.
And like @JPLongstreet said there is a posibility that the game actually loads everything into the match as evident by people hearing and seeing stuff that shouldn't be in that particular match.
Dbd is kind of a mess and even tho strong pc's can push through it all I wonder what if one day everything just falls apart and no amount of bandages applied keeps it together well enough for people to endure it.
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I suggest everyone goes to sign this petition made by Otz:
If this doesn't help, I'm afraid nothing will.
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Are there any examples of any petition there changing anything?
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Was about to post it myself, lol. Well done. Hopefully this makes a difference.
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I think it's a good start but lowering the graphics will only mask the issue.
if they still intend to fix it, but are lowering graphics to buy more time, that's fine.
However, if they do lower the graphics but stop work on Optimization, that will only be hiding the issue for a short while.
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How did lowering the graphics helped switch? If I am not mistaken I saw people still having issues.
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I don't know, but this doesn't make BHVR look very good to say the least.
Current gen console players are kinda out of options.
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That's very true.
We just have to wait and see what kind of impact this has if any.
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CoD Warzone: 100 ppl, extra large map, vehicles, explosions, etc. = 50 stable fps.
DbD: 5 ppl, small map, perks. = 30 fps with freezing.
GG, i'm still waiting for you Behaviour.
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The streamer Otzdarva made a petition to allow consoles the ability to lower their graphic settings, so I'll post a link if you want to sign it.
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The fact that it still won't be fixed at Pinhead's release is insanity.
I used to disagree with people who say we need to just make a "game health" chapter instead of actually releasing new content, but now we need it more than ever.
3 Months? 3 Months and they've still yet to locate and fix the issues. WHY?
They need to take most or even all of the dev team that is working on new content and put that power into finding and fixing the issues.
I'm not gonna complain about the cosmetics since its a very different team, but anyone else who can work on the game needs to help with this.
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I've also made a post of the DBD Reddit, so hopefully that draws some more attention to the petition.
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I hope this Otzdarva petition doesn't draw attention to the wrong things. Although I agree a Low graphic settings would help greatly, it only would affect the basic FPS, which itself is not that bad already. The problem lies in the hitches: Dead Hard, Bloodlust, unhooking/hooking, gens being done, Sloppy Butcher and so on. Lowering the graphics doesn't help with those.
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aight last comment on this because i dont want the thread locked but this is a pony, there's a fullly fledged post in off topic of donkeys
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I agree with both of you. While I like the idea of the petition I do worry about actual fixes to performance issues being brushed aside. I hope that if they do add the graphic settings they continue to work on fixing the causes of the performance issues. Band aid fixes are nice but they should not be considered a solution to the problem.
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Same old story with the devs.
"We're aware that there's an issue, we're working on a fix."
Yet the issue doesn't get fixed.
Consoles have it rough and I feel sorry for console players who have to put up with poor optimization and constant bugs.
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I feel that it may be a band-aid fix in the best scenario that may minimize SOME of the issues (look, at this point any improvement is welcomed) and the bigger optimization issues tackled down the line. Worst case scenario this becomes our only help in the foreseeable future. This is all conjecture and predicated on BHVR taking up the petition xP.
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I think it will help in the immediate future and so long as they continue to work on Optimization, it should be fine.
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Oooooh. I didn't know consoles were locked on HD graphics. That's horrible. And the petition makes more sense to me now, too.
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I believe that the base PS4 and Xbox One run DBD on High with HDD storage.
There is no option to change those settings (though it would only be masking the issue, not fixing it) and buying an SSD isn't a full-proof fix, nor is it financially viable for many people.
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I'm not too hopeful about that considering the sorry state optimization is in right now.
Like after all these years,it didn't get better,but worse
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I would be immensely surprised if lowering the graphics hurt the FPS and other Optimization issues.
However, what I fear is that if we do get that, we will not get any other Optimization.
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This crap ruins my day on a regular basis now. More than half of the killer cast's power is affected every single time you try to use it.
Nurse - cant basic attack when after blinking coz frame drops and game cant register attack input.
Plague - vomit legit goes through surv's torso and they cough for a solid second yet not infected/hit with projectile.
Bubba - gets tantrum every single time going through tight spaces, whats the excuse for this?
Huntress - every windup ends with a stutter, how are you supposed to hit tight shots at corners?
Twins - might as well just use charlotte and become trapper without traps, every victor charge results in 2 second stutter and surv just dissapoears completely.
Freddy - every teleport results in you coming out of gen one way and then start moving on a diff side.
Deathalinger - see huntress
Myers - no more popping tier 3 and downing instantly coz stutter again happens everytime you tier up and you can only attack after 2 seconds.
Wraith - see Freddy teleport
This is only from the killer power itself. Add this with deadhard issue that was only fixed for a week before appearing back, frame drop during a chase when another surv gets healed across the map. Heck I even get stutter for a bbq stack, seriously whats so demanding for my ps4 to register an increase in bbq stack coubt from 2 to 3?
Being a red rank killer for 2 years, its soo terrible to play on a good level these days. Legit youre fighting against the game itself right now. Console killer mode is just a ptb of how terrible the game is in terms of optimization.
If this was a new game, ######### wouldnt even be allowed to be available on psn. Game is legit not working. What great care they have for their console player base. Ill continue to not purcahse anything as I have done since our campaign.
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Either way, I think it will help and at the very least, it's exposing our issues to more people.
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Really hope whatever they are working on actually fixes all the current issues the game has.
Post edited by JacksonWise on0 -
I'm sure they are working on it. It's not an easy thing to do.
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Clearly not if it's taken 2 years
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They have released performance updates in the past. It's not like they have ignored everyone and done nothing. Performance has gotten pretty bad since the RE chapter and they have acknowledged it and I'm sure they are trying to fix it.
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I literally had to build a pc just to play the game. And repurchase all my dlcs. It was frustrating playing the game at console cuz you can't do anything not even dead hard. And most console players I go against still have the same frame rates drops.
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Those updates haven't done anything.
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They have released performance updates in the past.
If that's the case, why is this thread still going, even after 100 pages?
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I tried the game again a couple of weeks ago and it didn'tt lag nearly as bad as it did after the RE patch. It improved some (at least for me). I played on an OG Xbox one if that matters.
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Obviously everything hasn't been completely fixed. They haven't been ignoring everyone, though. We wouldn't see updates with some performance fixes if that were the case. The RE chapter also hurt the performance a bit which probably helped get this thread to 100.
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I'd say it isn't as bad as it was right after the RE patch or I'm just extremely lucky.
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Given the fact that this thread was made 2 months before the RE patch released, it definitely was bad but the release of RPD didn't help.