The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
You can't flick and aim refinement is worse.
Same reason why competitive Siege players won't play on Console.
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you could flick with slinger?
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I would like to see in-game options put in, so folks don't have to go into the game files and set the VSYNC settings in the game folders. :-)
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Feel free to do so. I did play on an old gen console (Xbox) before I got my gaming PC a couple of months ago, so I do know how bad it is. I just think it's a lot more work and way more complicated than what most people think. I'm hoping they fix it for you guys! :)
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I play on PS4 SLIM 500gb with a HDD and i suffer everytime with freezing, lag, drop fps since RE release. After mid chapter update at 07/27 the most part of problems were solved, but, after 5.1.1 these problems come back again, and, unfortunelly, come back worse than before. Now, i have freezing for literally 2 or 3 s for exausthion perks, vaccine, unhooks, killer insticnt, and L2 power and others. These problems still when i play as survivor. Im very sad with all this. 2 months and we dont have solutions. I want change for pc, but i have 3k hours and a lot things in my acc and i'll dont put in to the trash and star again. 5 Years and optimization never was a priority, now, we suffer for this. Its very dissapoiting at moment.
I literally think BHVR dont care about this and support for old consoles generations is dead if depends her
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Sure, but it isn't like they haven't known about these issues for multiple years.
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There's also 0 excuses for BHVR to not give us any kind of official update on the optimization with a basic explanation as to why it takes so long to fix certain optimzation problems.
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How hard is to make a game that doesn't freeze these days? A lot of developers are still able to do it lmao.
I don't know how can people defend defective products and empty promises for years. What time to be alive.
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I also hate the fact that BHVR refuses to explain why it takes that long to fix.
It's insane that even just getting back to pre-Resident Evil chapter performance would be a major improvement.
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I'm sure they have. I don't think they've been ignoring it. It's just a very complicated thing, especially on old consoles. Again, I really hope you guys get fixes. I'll never play DbD on console again.
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I'm sure they would've already fixed it if they could've. They arent ignoring you guys. I'm sure it's being talked about and worked on. They've already released some patches that was supposed to help with performance(not sure if it did, tho). They aren't just doing nothing.
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This. Just something that explains what happened to the optimization they promised years ago. Instead we've had radio silence while performance gets worse.
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It would be great if they made a post about performance and what they plan to do to fix it. Would probably make a lot of people happy and feel like they are listening.
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BHVR should be modest and look for more improvement for performance and healthy. Its so much better at this moment. We have a lot of chapter, killers, survivors, 7 pages for perks. Its time for focus on performance, more and more content bugged game a lot, every single patch we have more bugs, minor performance and they dont stop realease content. i'm sure the most part of community would like that. I play since 2018 and i´ve never seen so many problems like now.
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There's more proof that they were ignoring it than that they were working on it.
Things went radio silent for over a year.
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wasn't here for that. Unless your talking covid/2020
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It was basically late 2019 until the RE chapter, iirc.
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this would certainly be helpful.
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Yasssssssss! My burning question is, what about that goal from March 2019 that they'd get all platforms running their game at 60fps minimum? Where we at with this? Abandoned? Soon? A couple months away? 2037?
An update on this would be greatly appreciated. We've already gotten over two years of silence about this. I'm full up on silence don't need no more.
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CoDiNg TaKeS a LoNg TiMe. I am looking forward to console optimisation in post apocalyptic world where technology doesn't even exist anymore.
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That's ons reason why this thread was started, to get an answer about that promised 60 FPS.
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More than just performance issues.
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Aaaaaaand still no reply from BHVR, we are literally just about to hit 100 pages on here
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To be fair, Mandy has spoken several times on here.
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Unbelievable isn’t it
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True true, but wouldn't it make a lot of people feel somewhat relieved if a dev came out and said something though? Not undermining Mandy at all tho.
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I haven't seen any of the Devs recently.
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When you wrote this, I reflected on my games that day and it felt like it had been running pretty decent for me too. Still some stutters here and there but not bad overall. The last couple days have been the same. Some stutters, but nothing unmanageable. After the performance patch, it ran decent for a couple days, then started to degrade again. When 5.1.1 came out it got really bad again. But that day it started feeling smoother. Have you been able to play the last couple days and does it feel decent still? If so, I wonder if there was some type of maintenance or upgrade to the server that would explain why that day it started feeling better because I don't think there was an update.
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Almo's on every so often
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Yeah, but they don't really offer input, more so just lighthearted fun.
We used to have a lot of Dev interaction.
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Tbh I feel like I will never take anything they say seriously anymore so their words don't mean a thing to me.
Results. That is what we need after all these years being played like a damn fiddle lol.
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Wow! 3K
props to this lively discussion and those passionate for positivity through game-health and the well being of DBD and it’s players, who care enough to contribute; breathing life into this important issue!
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I def still have issues from time to time. Had one the other night where if I hooked someone when a Gen finished (or at times for no reason) I'd get a small freeze. I also had a few hiccups during a match as Legion.
So far my issues have been:
-Midwich map consistently has performance issues
-Dead Hards can cause my game to freeze up, tho it's inconsistent
-Survivors running into me spazzing out can sometimes cause my game to hang-up/freeze as well.
Otherwise it's just seemingly random actions on maps that occasionally freeze/stutter etc during a match. Seen small bits of this on Yamaoka & Day Farm maps.
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And no one should doubt Mandy has already related all they can about issues brought up in this thread.
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I had a new one tonight: on one of the azarovs the skill check for Overcharge sounded but did not show on-screen three times for me. Somehow by the Entity's good graces I hit one of them.
Otherwise the match had its normal hiccups, like the Demo's shred attack causing a game freeze, Sloppy lagging each and every time it was applied, the usual suspects.
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I still have love for this game and while the whole "Spaghetti Code" has long been a thing we's still so bewildering how the game rarely gets a moment of peace, even when some things are fixed or tweaked.
For all we know the Entity is behind the actual issues that plague the game and feeds off all of the Sailor Moon villains would concoct elaborate schemes to drain humans of their energy.
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I also had a thought. Might be useful to include our platform & which variety with each relevant post. Who knows it may help the devs some!
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Just played a game against a Freddy with Sloppy, Franklins and Third Seal. The moment he hit me my game froze for 5+ seconds and when it returned I was already downed. I didn't even have the opportunity to run away. I swear a minority of these PC killers use this kind of build on purpose.
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That does not sound fun.
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Have you made a bug report?
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Thank you <3
I'm sure everyone else appreciates this too.
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Congrats on 100 pages everyone!
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WE DID IT!!!!!
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We did it we did it
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100 pages. Alright ready for round 2
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I have been upvoting what I notice within the Optimization area, but since I couldn't find one there about OC I created a new one.
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Wow 100 pages?
I'm surprised this thread lasted this long
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Just because they didn't say much doesn't mean they were ignoring you guys. I'm sure they want it fixed as much as you guys do.
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Congrats with the start of the Optimise consoles movement! 😁
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And that is why you're boosted, Dwight!