When you block someone, you shouldn't be paired with them.

Please add a button that allows us to block them in game as well so we can't be paired with them.
We blocked them for a good reason. We don't like how they play. This goes for survivors AND killers.
This will never happen, because it would only create a situation where some players get punished with long queue times for playing within the game's rules.
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Players would just block other Players who were better than them. Survivors would block Killers who were good at the game and Killers would block Survivors when they lost a game.
I can already imagine salty players blocking every player they lost against...
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Good point. I just want to not be paired with survivors who fake getting me or my friend off the hook on repeat / farm us or urban evade the whole match.
I also just had the same wraith 3 times who camps every hook and body-blocks people in on totems and other areas for a free hit.
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I think that with a playerbase this size, there are some blocking options that could work.
- block a very small number of people (like 5) forever -- if you want to block a sixth person, you have to unblock someone else
- block a larger number of people for a short amount of time (24 hours or less), so that you can't match with them back to back
Both of those solutions would stop people from spamming blocks while still giving them some ability to avoid repeatedly matching with someone who's targeting or harassing them.
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People have been asking for ban lists and block buttons forever. It would be living the dream but is ignored because some people would have 8 hour lobby waits within a week. This is the change I want more than any other, even more than fixing the server sided crashing.
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I second this.
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I think a remove as teammate option similar to overwatch would be fine. For like 7 days, you cannot be paired with that person, at least on your team as survivor and allow survivors to block up to 4-5 potential teammates. Maybe also allow killers to block like 2 people that stay blocked for a week. I foresee this really only being used to block annoying survivors that farm teammates/dc and hackers.
Imo survivors should not be able to block killers due to the fact that certain play styles are unpopular, and someone shouldn't get longer ques while playing within the rules (though it would be nice for hackers). Even if killers can block a couple survivors, there are less strategies survivors use that killers hate so killers likely would rarely use it.