I uninstalled for mental health (rant post)

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 2,039
edited August 2021 in General Discussions

As a killer main i've been trying to enjoy this game and not letting other people ruin it for me, but after tonight i just cannot tolerate the toxicity anymore.

I went against a swf with 2 live twitch streamers and they were all disrespectful as any player could be. That's whatever, but in endgame chat they were just spamming hurtful comments and that really triggered me today. I reacted back in a bad way, and im probably going to get banned for what i said anyways because im outnumbered. I just cannot believe live twitch streamers were doing this and people were watching them. It just feels humiliating.

This stuff just makes me so depressed. I bought this game as an escape but all it has done is just make me look at humanity from an even worse point of view. I play killer instead but when people in this game constantly tell you that you are an unlovable horrible person for just trying to have fun and enjoy the experience, it will affect my self-esteem eventually, you can't just shrug these things off forever. I wish people would get that, it's not as simple as just ignore them or close endgame chat. When players act like that you want to know what they are actually trying to say...

And it makes me sad that Behaviour seriously does not care, about toxic people and hackers that ruin the experience. I've asked so many players why they don't report and it's because they say they do make reports and nothing happens, they see the same players again months or years down the line.

I really wish i could enjoy this game, especially considering how much money i've spent on it, and seeing what a dedicated community it has, but i just can't handle playing with this player base anymore.

I'm not really sure why im making this discussion. But i guess i just wanted to know if other people feel the same way. And what insight they may have.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • I was thinking about that, but they weren't really hiding anything. They only stream on twitch and have their steam private. They just like being that way. And somehow people like watching it.

    It's against the rules on the forums to name and shame people though so i can't share their twitch account.

  • Thank you for sharing your experience, it really does help :)

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,198

    There are a lot of idiots out there, amongst the players who play just for the enjoyment factor. It's a shame that many empty minds like to get their kicks out of the suffering of others.

    Not that this will be of much comfort to you, but those who act like that are hurting badly from other things, so they lash out at others to share - or at the very least unburden - their pain. Most normal people deal with it in less moronic and more constructive ways, but those who choose not to are not well-adjusted. They put up the pretence that they "do not care about others", yet actually they want nothing more than that.

    This psychology won't probably be of much use to you, but sometimes understanding why people are as they are is useful. Still, there is no excuse for them being as pathetic as they were. I hope you are able to get past this and find a place of comfort and happiness. They don't know you, and you're stronger than them.

  • Duke_Ragereaver
    Duke_Ragereaver Member Posts: 215

    for the record not all of us are like that, its truly unfortunate the way people treat others in this game sometimes. even compared to other games, in other games even like dota ive never had someone say something as toxic as "i hope you get to watch your children die of cancer because you cant afford to treat them." sadly this game attracts those kinds of people.

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901
    edited August 2021

    I feel this....overtime I feel this game has gotten less and less fun for me :/ Hellrasier is my favorite horror franchise ever but the way the playerbase is, I feel like it wont help make this game feel fun for me. Will see I suppose.

    Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on
  • One of them was drunk, so i got the impression they were dealing with other stuff but i still cannot understand how those people don't have empathy. Assuming they feel badly treated by other people. I don't get why they would want to do that to someone else, knowing it would just contribute to a vicious cycle. Maybe they are in too much pain to realise that, i guess i won't know.

    Yeah, they don't know me, but right now i don't feel like a lot people actually do. Because of the pandemic and things i haven't really been socialising much so i've been kinda lonely. So when i judged in this game, or online in general, it's feels much more true than it should, because there isn't much else to go off of.

  • Wow, that is really interesting, i'd like to watch that at some point. Thanks for sharing:)

  • That is true, it's just a matter of restraint. It's tempting.

    INFECTEDMANIAC Member Posts: 24

    Make a youtube video if you have recorded stuff, or if you didn't just record their video since they are live and probably have it as a vod. Disgusting behavior in general but if they stream they should be ousted

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    I just wish you could disable end game chat (on pc) in the settings. That way you can't be persuaded to take a quick look. That would make the game a bit more better on pc.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    I'm sorry this happened to you. BHVR doesn't do anything to moderate this game, it's pathetic. I laugh at the people who put in their quotes that it's their job to stop cheaters or check reports, because they literally don't do anything, ever.

  • razvicool
    razvicool Member Posts: 54

    I'm really starting to think that nobody is actually getting banned from this game. The number of daily active players is closer to being a constant than a variable. How does that happen with this kind of community?

    Dead by Daylight is by far top 2 most toxic games I've ever played, definitely not top 1, but also not top >_3. Point is, this community is full of disgusting, frustrated people, with the largest majority of it being people who say "This is fine".

    Too many players act like if there are 200 wholesome streamers or partners that pardons the thousands who might very well be psychopaths.

    Nothing significant is being done.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    Haha, on console people still can message you though, but it's more of a hassle to do that.

    I hope you calmed down a bit after this awfull experience you got. People can be trash towards others. From what I see on here, you're NOT a bad person. Please try to not let you get down because some lowlife on twitch was being a trash human being. They're not worth the time.

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    They gave an option to disable chat.

    The enacted a wonky filter system.

    I know for a fact reporting players results in bans.

    So - no your post is not factual.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,198

    I guess it's not that they don't have empathy, but moreover they don't care about the other since they're drowning in their own troubles, so choose to be blind to it. Their fears take over others. It's wrong and there is no excuse, but understanding why people do it at least reveals them to be human (if somewhat flawed and ugly).

    Also, the internet is too easily used to hide behind an anonymous profile. Someone online with a gamertag like "Bigdick6969" is most likely going to be someone with not nearly as much confidence as their name suggests. People say things they'd never say face-to-face because they can hide behind it with virtually no repercussions (although if the act is deemed criminal, then cyber teams, white hat hackers and police have ways of cyphoning them out). It's their supposed safe space, where they can be who they want to and puke out their venom.

    Covid has been especially destructive to those, like yourself, who have been forced into a more isolated existence. With not much else to go on, it can feel like they are the only points to validate yourself with. There are articles you can read about which relate to this about "conditions of worth". It may help you understand yourself more, how to take action and give you more assurance that you aren't what they say.

    To those guys, you're actually just a slate they are imposing the bits about themselves they don't like on, but only in their heads. You don't need those stickers; you can be how you wish. Just give yourself some belief and avoid those who can't deal with their own fears in an adult and practical way.

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526

    Lol yeah hackers aren't on the rise in DbD lately or anything. I've run into players I've reported previously for derogatory terms in chat, so good luck with that. 5000hr veterans of this community openly agree that BHVR doesn't enforce anything. They care so little about it that the report options still state bodyblocking to be bannable, even though it's commonplace

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,823

    It's definitely the right choice to stop playing for a while if it's making your life worse instead of better. If it feels too extreme to give up a game you want to like and spent a lot of money on, it might help to remind yourself that it doesn't have to be a Forever choice unless you want it to be. You can keep checking in with yourself over time to see if your feelings about the game have changed -- you don't have to stick to whatever decision you make today.

    If it helps, I started out as a killer main and ended up taking a five month break after about a year (which started off as me deciding to stop playing forever). I was upset about a lot of the same things you are and realized that the game was making my life worse instead of better, just by adding so much stress. Every now and then, I asked myself if I was still happy with the decision not to play and, about five months in, I felt something I thought I would never feel, which was a sudden interest in playing survivor.

    When I came back to play survivor, I ended up being a both-sider, and I have a better experience with that, though I'll still take breaks from killer for a few weeks at a time.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    If you ever see Streamer doing that laugh at them for being such losers also can you report streamers for that? I dont know. I'm sorry that happened to you. I cant even tolerate people like that

  • I looked on twitch, doesn't seem like any of the default options were applicable, so i guess not.

  • Fobbo
    Fobbo Member Posts: 452

    Oh well there should be a way to report them because some people dont deserve twitch

  • I dunno, Twitch itself is pretty unbelievable nowadays.

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    I really dislike seeing bm. It makes me feel bad even if it happens to others.

    Yesterday we went against piggy and guy was clicking at her for no reason at the gate. She downed him and picked him up somehow. I nodded she nodded back. But after she hooked him she was looking at me being distracted and other girl saved him. Idc what will people think of me but I tried to block him from escaping but couldn't, she didn't hit him cuz he probably got bt. He escaped.

    I felt really bad for her. She played nice...

    I understand you man. Pvp games are full of toxicity and world in general is not really a nice place imo. How hard is to be respectful to each other right?

    Try some other games. Playing sp games can be fun but also you can play some with friends only. I had fun with nioh 2, borderlands 3 recently etc.

  • NaigEtarip
    NaigEtarip Member Posts: 60

    DBD was never designed with having a "positive experience" in mind unless players are wiling to.

    It's all about the constant features that counter or block the possibility of the opposite role to show competence.

    If you accept an advice, don't leave the game at once.

    It might not work as you probably have the habit by now, find another game and slowly transition to it while you compare the worth of each experience for your mental health.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    I know the feeling. Play killer go up against sweaty SWF groups. Play survivor go up against hook campers and tunnelers and it's a coin toss how useful your team mates will be. Along with dealing with all the general toxicity from people. I often take long breaks from this game cause it just becomes too much.

  • ImBrakingBike
    ImBrakingBike Member Posts: 454

    I still don't know why we even need an end game chat honestly lol

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    Mostly it's so people can go off at each other it seems so probably not really needed.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    For the drama, of course. If only you could link end game collapse with your microwave so you had popcorn ready.

  • ZaroktheImmortal
    ZaroktheImmortal Member Posts: 326

    I did have one funny end game chat I wiped a group and we all started joking around it was a rather friendly group.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I actually never thought about it until you mentioned it. A simple thumbs up / down or even a basic selection of emojis would work just fine. Even nothing at all wouldn't be a serious detriment to anyone's gameplay. You can communicate "GG" without the need for a whole chat app.

  • kyogul
    kyogul Member Posts: 491
    edited August 2021

    Why not just disable end game chat? That's what I did. I don't even say GG. Unless I have a question for a survivor that I want to ask, I keep it disabled 99% of the time and it's made the experience so much better.

    As someone else who struggles with mental health do what's best for you but DBD's toxicity is mostly censorable. You don't have to read end game chat if you don't want to, you don't have to go into other people's streams if you don't want to. It's not like FPS games where you have to hear people pretty much at all times in voice chat in order to play at a functional level because the game is centred around comms. DBD is not centred around comms in the slightest.

    If you cannot handle DBD's optional toxicity then you will not be able to handle the toxicity in other games like Valorant where it's pretty much unavoidable unless you want to play the game poorly. End game chat, looking at people's streams, and comms are unnecessary in DBD and you can play the game pretty perfectly without it.

  • TerrorUnleashed
    TerrorUnleashed Member Posts: 497

    If a single game is causing depressive episodes, that's extremely concerning. I'm glad you've taken that initiative. Disregard anybody telling you otherwise mate.

  • TacitusKilgore
    TacitusKilgore Member Posts: 1,380

    It goes a lot deeper than that. People BM the hell out of you in a lot of your matches, just because you can't see what they are saying doesn't mean you don't know they are mocking you. And being mocked is not a good feeling.