I uninstalled for mental health (rant post)



  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 992

    Perhaps they should spend more time fixing things that are currently wrong rather than chasing the next chapter then?

    The Resident Evil chapter was an absolute farce. The RPD was deactivated in general play for the entirety of it. I literally only started getting the RPD consistently in general rotation about two days before they got rid of the RE menu screen and intro etc. Since the inclusion of that map there have been numerous issues with other maps too that have been disabled that never seem to have needed to be before such as The Game of Dead Dawg Saloon.

    Despite that they're now pushing another chapter out. They need to slow down and improve the content they have before adding more. Telltale proved constantly pushing for more content can have detrimental effects.

    The game has been out long enough now. It's unacceptable that BHVR doesn't have a team specifically for the social side of the game.

  • Mwasi
    Mwasi Member Posts: 35

    Damn, OP. I am really sorry people treated you this way while you were just trying to relax and have fun. Unfortunately, in this increasingly voyeuristic trend, we see people doing things you mentioned for cheap thrills to pull in viewers. You did not deserve this sort of abuse and disrespect.

  • laKUKA
    laKUKA Member Posts: 406

    Uninstalling the game is the best option! That is why I do not recommend the game to my family or friends. I don't like anonymous people or streamers blatantly insulting them. Worst of all, BHVR does not ban streamers who have more than 3000 followers and have toxic behaviors towards their rivals. (And when I talk about toxicity I don't mean tbag .. I'm talking about insults and bullying.)

  • Daddy_Doctor
    Daddy_Doctor Member Posts: 158

    It’s a really ######### situation that you have to uninstall dbd because of the toxicity. I totally get the whole “just shrug it off” thing doesn’t work, it’s ppl going out of their way to make someone else miserable. You take care, and good luck in the next game you choose to play, hopefully one day you feel well enough to come back.

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    I play on PS5 but can you turn off end game chat on PC?

  • SweetTerror
    SweetTerror Member Posts: 2,695
    edited August 2021

    I can certainly sympathize with you. There are far more good-natured gamers in this community than there are toxic players, but sadly it's the toxic ones that stick with you the most. Like you said there's only so many times you can shrug off what people say. Not everyone is built the same way, and some people can't understand that. Some players can turn the other cheek or laugh off those hurtful comments, but some people aren't as lucky. Don't pretend to understand why someone can't do what you do until you've walked a day in their shoes.

    I know conversing with like-minded individuals can be fun, but sadly you're better off turning off comments altogether, or like others have suggested, playing something else to cleanse the palate until you're ready to go back.

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    These types are all the same.....Don't have the gutz/ballz to do these things irl so they try to act hard over the internet. They would not do the ######### to my face so responses like GG, LOL, 😂🤣, are all you need to respond with.

  • meatisadelicacy
    meatisadelicacy Member Posts: 1,920

    Why did you watch their stream? Why did you watch BOTH of their streams? Why do you read the post-game chat? Why did you respond with things that are going to get you banned? You're not going to get banned because you were "out numbered, " so if you are banned, it's because YOU chose to say things that are bannable. All of these things YOU chose to do.

    People constantly tell you you're unlovable? I've received a lot of messages and hate via in-game chat in other games, and not once have I ever been told I'm unlovable. I have a feeling I've been playing games longer than you've been alive.

    I'm glad you're taking a break from the game because I don't know why anyone plays if they're not having fun, but you also admitted you did things that might get you banned, so maybe you should have stepped away sooner.

    And hackers are a part of every game you play on PC. It's just the price you pay for those great frame rates. Companies that are much bigger than Behaviour struggle with hackers.

    I dunno, it sounds like this post was just a whole lot of excuses, but I hope you feel better after a break. I didn't play this game for nine months because I wasn't having fun.

  • SloppyVoldemort
    SloppyVoldemort Member Posts: 452

    You can, but not in the settings itself. You always see a small chat symbol. And I find it sometimes tempting to click on it still. Thats why I wish I could turn it off in the settings menu itself.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    I have absolutely no idea whatsoever why you responded to my comment with a completely unrelated rant, bar 1 sentence at the end about a social team (and even that I'm not sure has any major relevance). There are plenty of other threads you can comment on that would make more sense to put this to.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 992

    I was actually responding to your first paragraph which I now realise I entirely misread lol. Some how I thought you meant BHVR dont have empathy and are more concerned with their other troubles than to fix stuff like this. Sorry about that confusion!

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    Good for you. Your health and well-being are more important than any game. I've seen too many people carry on playing despite it (it usually being certain elements of the community) making them miserable.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,180

    That's fine. If anything, you did make me spend a few minutes re-reading my post going: "How the heck ... what am I missing!".😁 No harm done!

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    It puts it in to perspective that some players names (including twitch) have toxic or toxicity plays etc. People actually set out to try and put down people.

  • Bennett_They1Them
    Bennett_They1Them Member Posts: 2,513

    I support your desicion, games are meant to be fun.

    however, I don't think this discussion needs to exist. we don't really know you, and this topic feels quite personal.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    I wish you the best, really sucks to deal with these sorts of people. Do what you think is best for you <3

  • Moloxia
    Moloxia Member Posts: 2

    I think this post is very relevant.

    The very fact many people (myself included) are potentially victimised for unwanted behaviour, both ingame and post-game, and that it goes unpunished and is enabled is a problem, for any game.

    Lots of people argue "then just ignore it, just a game" is not a good enough argument.

    So if i walk to you on the street and call you a wanker, I guarantee more then half will pummel my face. Why ? Cuz ur not showing common courtesy; and alot of people in a game behind a pc suddenly feel entitled they can tilt other players for their own amusement. Its disgusting.

    Behaviour interactive allows this and ignore these posts; that makes it even worse.

    I feel with you OP; I'm a killer that doesnt hard pursue for 4k and often let people go if they played the cat-mouse aspect well and a survivor that tries to make sure as little people as possible de-pip and I get rewarded with teabags and flashlight spamming or bodycamping and facecamping.

    I cant shut it off and ignore toxicity, people shouldnt be like that in the first place

  • justbecause
    justbecause Member Posts: 1,521

    Don't blame you we keep losing one brain cell each time we open this game but we keep playing because it's addictive

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,281

    I stream too when i play this game althought im a nobody, but i still try to be respectful to others and when i see toxicity towards killers i usually step in and tell them to be quiet. When i play as killer i get a lot of toxic people into my twitch chat being toxic. In game i keep the chat closed as killer.

    I hope your day gets better and remember there are also nice people in the game! <3

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Good, uninstall the game if you need to. Don't force yourself to play a game that makes you absolutley miserable.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,932

    Do I feel that way? Nope. I just ignore people that try to make me mad (it's rare that I get hate in chat, but it happens sometimes). You just have to move on and don't give them a reaction. That's what they want. Ignore it.

  • Iliketoplaykiller
    Iliketoplaykiller Member Posts: 352

    This has happened to me a few times with toxic streamers, if you do come back to this game I suggest you dodge lobbies with more than 1 streamer. It’s not worth the time of day to play against these guys if they are toxic no matter how you played.

  • tortrader
    tortrader Member Posts: 539

    I have no sympathy for the masochists who keep post game chat on.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    If you read chats or allow messages on console you have to deal with it. That is your choice.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    Than you should play on Switch. There is no chat. Really calm 😄

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    No chat and no salty messages, I'd consider it if I hadn't seen what switch performance looks like.

  • DieGräfin
    DieGräfin Member Posts: 227

    Looks horrible but runs stable now. I don't have this stuttering lags like others for example.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I've been in your position before and I can say I totally get uninstalling for your own health. People not going after you to stroke their own ego or play up to their audience always feels like it is in short supply. Take care yourself and try other games for a while.

  • V1X
    V1X Member Posts: 23

    I stopped playing with twitch streamers a while ago, when you 4k all of them they accuse you of stream sniping or just call you a sweaty try-hard or op your perks/addons. If they escape they say "gg ez baby killer" and your be the laughing stock of their stream its even worse when they are swf.

  • Voriis
    Voriis Member Posts: 131

    I hope you enjoy your time off from the game. Theres a pretty good line up of games coming up I'm sure you will find something that brings you enjoyment.

  • KblokoBR
    KblokoBR Member Posts: 209

    If you see somebody dying in the street "its just don't look", see that this don't solve the problem? the thing will continuing existing

  • TheGhostofZgor
    TheGhostofZgor Member Posts: 334

    I've been here big time, even made a couple posts here about it. I took a couple weeks off, came back a little refreshed but I'm not playing like I was. I'm taking longer and longer breaks and after whatever the Halloween event is (assuming it's not a let down) Imma take a good long hiatus. You gotta do what you feel is best for you especially when it comes to your mental health. Best of luck, look after yourself!

  • Kazim
    Kazim Member Posts: 229

    The best thing to do if they start insulting you is to leave the chat and go on with your life because the discussion will only make you angrier.

  • miketheratguy
    miketheratguy Member Posts: 2,719

    I've actually found that toying with the people who try to bother me in chat is both fun and kind of therapeutic. If someone says "GG EZ try harder next time loser" (or something to that effect) I might say something like "I know something you don't know I know" just to mess with their head. Or if someone is angry that I didn't perform to their standards as a survivor, something like "Nice job hiding all match", I might throw some random irrelevant quote at them like "Be mindful of staring too long into the abyss, lest the abyss stare also into you" and then skip right along into the next game. If someone calls me lame or a poor player or whatever I might even just say something nonsensical like "Rows? There are seven. How often do you fall for it?" just to completely throw them off. They'll be thinking about it for the next hour.

    Try it sometime. Anonymous badmouthers want one reaction: Anger. You'd be surprised how easy it is to frustrate them by going completely sideways and saying something that makes them have to question what you're talking about.

  • MsGoddessLauren
    MsGoddessLauren Member Posts: 42


    I'm very sorry you went through that,people on here can be harsh and toxic..but dealing with depression is a serious thing when told harsh things. so take as much time away from here.Want to say that don't let negative people define you of who are and what you do,it only shows how ugly they are and making themselves look bad. Stay strong,I believe in you

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    If I reply it's usually with 😂 or 🤮 or GG. I have had multiple people get a communication ban from things they have said. Xbox sends you a message letting you know when report turns to a ban.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    Glad to hear it, OP. Not because of what happened to you, obviously, but because you recognized it was affecting your mental health and took steps to fix it. Too many people ignore mental health or say "it's just words/pixels", like that's supposed to make it better.

    Take care of yourself, OP. Don't feel bad about removing something that worsens your mental health.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    If you're console, sure. But you can also block incoming messages and set it to friends only.

    Toughen up, cupcake. It's a big world out there and nobody's responsible for your feelings except you. There are much worse crimes against humanity than distasteful comments from people you don't know and won't ever interact with again.

    Control yourself and filter what comes to you, but it's inadvisable to try to control others and how they waste their breath.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    That's not a comparable situation. Unlike the situation you described, a chat message doesn't inherently indicate an immediate threat to human safety. Please don't be extreme about human life vs human speech.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I fell for ya OP

    I wish you luck on whatever you do next

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645

    I would get VERY frustrated also bro, but... You know what I realized? We’re playing public matches. This isn’t a tournament where there are “rules”.

    As Killer you’re the dungeon master. If you want to tunnel/face camp do it. Play how YOU want! Who the **** cares about what some sweaty SWFs think? They’re all toxic, have a dozen second chance perks, and use comms. As killer the match is automatically unfair. I feel that’s why all killers are given “broken” add ons. I use them as I see fit.

    I don’t believe in those mega streamers that win consistently without any perks. Sure they’re good at the game, but they’re typically fighting their fanbases. Their fans let them hook/escape all the time.

    I’m an eye for an eye type of guy. So if the community is mostly toxic you have to be as toxic! If you STILL have hopes for DBD I suggest playing on console and NOT PC. PS5/XBOX Refrigerator (IF I HAD ONE!!) *Timmy’s Dad Voice*. If you see them on the same platform you block them before the match starts. You can’t communicate with cross platform players unless they find you via Console App on their phones. Then I just reply “lol” before blocking them too. They’re just salty because they couldn’t bully/tbag me. Sure I can never truly master Nurse (Sad Face), or do crazy moves with the mega sensitivity PC can achieve; However, I never have to hear what players have to say. Ever. Since I fight mostly PC players as Red Rank anyways.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 645

    What is the most toxic game if this one isn’t? Call of Duty?? Please tell!

  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789
  • VikingWilson
    VikingWilson Member Posts: 789

    I feel you. Break time or quit time, I wholly understand. You've seen the good and bad of this community, unfortunately, the bad is outweighing the good for you. Maybe you'll come back and maybe you won't, either case, to hell with those jabronis.

  • unluckycombo
    unluckycombo Member Posts: 582

    I've had this moment quite a few times myself, so I totally feel where you're coming from. Coming home from like a bad day at work, where you were already mentally feeling like crap and use this game to unwind only to get put with folks who seem to make it their goal to drag everyone they verse is depressing.

    I hope you're doing better, and just remember you can always disable chat. And here's to hoping that there are more things done in the future to discourage this sort of behavior among the community- streamers or not. There's some great moments (Like Light in the Fog event), but I do think that there are quite a few folks who are needlessly toxic who have a scarily big following in this game, and it merely encourages the spread of negative behavior.

    Hope you can one day come back to the game and enjoy it. I know I was feeling really burnt out of it for a while recently due to a mix of mental health issues and cases like this, but I've found that running random perk builds and being overwhelmingly nice and positive to nasty teammates has helped me out a lot, so hopefully you can find something similar to bring you enjoyment if you ever return!

  • Marigoria
    Marigoria Member Posts: 6,090

    I dont get it. So survivors were rude to you (and them being streamers has any relevance apparently?), and you say something worse to them.

    You mentioned you will most likely get banned for what you said, so it was probably something really bad like calling someone a slur or the usual ######### comments.

    Idk how many hours you have in this game, but if someone being rude to you in end game chat is something that affects you this much, you need to disable chat.