Tunneling and camping should be illegal by DBD rules/standards, yet it is not?

Under the DBD rules, it says that all reports for both will be discarded. However, both clearly go against one of their bannable rules "Targeting specific users repeatedly in order to ruin their game experience." When face camping an individual from no hook to death, it's targetting that player, and well... Not being able to play the game ruins the experience. And tunneling? Come on!!! This is outrageous. You hook a target and walk away and then when someone unhooks you, they come right back. And that altruistic survivor that takes the protection hit? That hit was to get them to run away so they could... Target a specific user... repeatedly... knowing it ruins their game experience. Yet, they still do it. Any player that knows the game even fairly well understands that both actions ruin your gameplay. In order to grind and get blood points to level up you have to make more blood points than one dot on the blood web. If I got the measly 5000 points you MIGHT get after being tunneled or camped it would take me a whopping 50 games just to reach level 10 on any given character. Not to mention, grinding for teachable perks you're looking for after you prestige three times. No one with a life and a job can afford to play that many matches in less than a month. Not to mention it's enjoyable to feel like you're decent at the game. It feels good! So if you get unlucky and get camped and tunneled as often as it happens now, you could go from rank 4 to rank 6 in a matter of 8-12 games. Now I've just wasted 2 hours of my Saturday trying to grind a little more. And I have a sour taste in my mouth and I'm grumpy for a few hours because people don't have the decency to learn how to be a good killer!!! Not to mention it's ruining it for the other survivors. Camping takes away much-needed blood points for people who are trying to rank up and kills your emblem for Benevolent or makes getting challenges done more difficult. Once again, ruining the game experience/ gameplay. I didn't make the game so I cannot exactly say. But this is not the way the game is meant to be played and the BP, rank and emblem system in place is a clear indication. As to why the devs don't think this is an issue or say that it is part of how the game was meant to be played, I cannot even begin to understand. My brain literally hurts trying to comprehend. Are they just sick of the never-ending reports? Do they suffer from dementia? And when they say it's a strategy...? You have literally created 24 almost 25 killers with 96 (almost 100) wicked perks. Quite a few OP perks and some OP killers. To name a few that easily make these disgusting actions unnecessary: BBQ, Bitter Murmur, GearHead, Tinkerers, Spies from the Shadows, etc. And in the off chance that you don't get one or two survivors, you could always rely on some crutch perks such as NOED, Rancore, NWO, Blood Warden, Hex: Ruin. There is just so much to choose from. And lastly, allowing it to continue is probably the main breeding ground for toxicity between both sides. Want to make the community less violent with one another get rid of the biggest culprit. This isn't rocket science. I am just beyond baffled with the lack of respect in this game, to make it enjoyable for everyone. Camping and Tunneling just means you are not a decent killer and you refuse to learn how to play the game and strategize with a decent perk build. On my last note, there is only ONE time camping is understandable in a sense and that is in end game collapse and you have no kill.
Didn't fully read, but I think by targeting the same person they mean, that if you would be matched with the killer in multiple games and killer would always target the same person.
There are 4 survivors in the game and if you are always the one who is camped, then you are doing something wrong. Try not to be the first person who is found and goes down.
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Tunneling and camping isn't done to ruin your experience, it's done to win, because the devs won't balance the game around 12-hooking
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Im rank 18 and win just fine against survivors and often get 4ks or at least three when I play seriously. Also, by imbalance you mean the killers have favor/ advantage right? Because even with SWF I have been tracking our matches for a few different reasons. But I we were able to play 13 matched today. My BF is rank 2 survivor, I am rank 6, a little less good, and the friends are rank 4 and rank 7. So we are a decent bunch together. Due to tunneling mostly, we won 4 and lost 9... wheres the balance? And 3 of those games were pure tunneling/ camping. Seems decently balance without the unnecessary actions.
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When it says targeting specifically one survivor that means multiple matches in a row by the same person
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I'm curious as to how you would not allow people from doing this while not completely breaking the game.
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It is multiple matches. For both in a sense. If a killer is tunneling/ camping all the time that's an issue. Because if that were everyone's "Strategy" then all survivors would get constantly tunneled and camped and a lot of people would ALT F4 and uninstall. This thread just goes to show how awful tunneling and camping has become. Great respect to killers who get 4ks without that. They're the real MVPs and Gods of the Killer side. Praise be unto them. There is no viable reason for any of it. And I guess the only people to truly blame for the ruined experience is the Devs themselves for allowing it to continue. I didn't talk about deranking two ranks for fun. It happened to my entire group for literally 6 matches in a row last week. That's disgusting.
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Too long, won't read
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by the same person?
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Dont list Camping and Tunneling as "do not report". It sits right alongside griefing or unsportsmanlike. Either or. And make it so that people report it the same way you would a teammate who is griefing and siding with the killer. Shadow plays sent straight to them. a decent permaban not horrific to start but increasingly more harsh with more and more reports against the same player.
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"In a sense" do you know what that means? Killers who choose to constantly tunnel are knowingly killing everyone's experience. and there for if its allow to continue, then the devs themselves are allowing game experience to be ruined. I cannot tell you the multitude of people who literally scream, cry (me sometimes) or break things in their own home because after getting tunneled 6 matches in a row... it really tests your anger and frustration. If they wont make it a banable offense they should fix the game to allow you to opt out of the game, when its not playable to begin with. Again, the amount of people that are defending it, shows what an issue it is.
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When they say targeting they mean a specific person who targets another specific person over multiple matches. Your matches with/against them don’t have to occur one right after the other. Just anytime those two specific people get matched together the one always goes after the other.
BHVR doesn’t consider tunneling and camping to be unsportsmanlike because these are just tactics the killer can use if they chose to try and kill survivors and win the match.
Lots of players don’t like it but understand it is part of the game and deal with it when it occurs. There are some perks you can run to try and help you as the survivor. Also the more experience you gain from playing will make dealing with these tactics easier.
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6 times in a row?
Then you are doing something very wrong (you are found and downed the first in every match), or you just have a very broad definition of tunneling (and it isn't even tunneling what's really happening to you).
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Idk about lower ranks, but at red ranks, SWFs can bully killers. Any high-level player, especially one with a comp DBD background will tell you this game is survivor sided. The problem is that solo queue < killer < SWF, and the devs don't care about 12-hooking so they haven't incorporated that into their stats. Survivors don't slow down on gens so it's not like killers can slow down with killing people. Tunneling and camping is necessary at times, unfortunately. That's the devs' fault, not killers'.
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I know what it means. But unless it is the exact same player targeting you specifically game after game it is not reportable. Those are the requirements for camping/tunneling to even be reportable.
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Here's the issue and I'm not trying to be mean just blunt with the totality of hours I've put into this game.
Rank 18 killer you're playing against new survivors, your games will be distinctively easier from killer POV. If you go out of your to not camp and tunnel evem at that rank, kudos! you're one of the reasons this game has grown over 5 years.
Onto survivor, you say you're rank 6 and your bf is rank 2. At that point you're playing high level, majority of killers will notice a swf when they see one at that skill level. Small actions like quick unhooks, persistent protection hits taken, gens being worked on in specific orders or never done by a solo survivor. This.... pisses off high skilled killers. It lets them know that not only has the game which is survivor sided currently (ree all you like survivor mains it is and killers are being buffed lately to balance it) but tells them you're likely on comms.
When they notice that if they've downed you, and they chased another player (like your higher ranked BF who probably has more hours than you) but couldn't catch them. A common strategy is to take you out of the game. 3v1 is EXTREMELY more manageable than 4v1 and easier to do quick calculations like when to give up chases or which gens/loops to check. It might feel bad but you are the easier target and they will, and should, take the opportunity presented to them.
Also try to change up your play style and see if anything changes. Watch people loop, learn what pallets are safe and unsafe, camp them, live them. If you get unhooked dont stay in the same general area but don't full dash to opposite side of the map in the open, utilize crouch effectively. Try BMing your teammates (yes this is a legit way to get better), run perks like Bond and if your being chased lead the killer to a teammate who might loop better or distract the killer giving you time to walk and find refuge. Use DS. If you feel you're being tunneled constantly DS/HeadOn/Inner Strength/Quick and Quiet is a common build to counter it. Just do a totem and don't waste inner strength until you've been unhooked, you will either heal, get the DS check, or be able to stun killer at locker.
You're always gonna find salty killers who will face camp or hard tunnel you for being a swf team. It sucks 😕 but it won't change because just as toxic as killers are there are just as many bully swfs that run key, map, flashlight, medkit with 4 BT 4 DS and purposefully taunt/antagonize the killer without actually playing the game.
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I want to clear up something about the game rules here...it has already been said in this thread but I want to emphasis this.
Camping & tunnelling are not against the game rules, they are actual mechanics in the game and survivors also have perks to assist with this. There's also many reasons why camping/tunnelling are very valid strategies in a match.
The targeting of an individual player DOES NOT refer to being camped/tunneled by a killer but being actively singled out over many matches by the same player. If you get camped/tunneled every single match by different killers, this is not targeted harassment.
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Maybe you dont comprehend what tunneling means or there is a plethora of meanings. With the multitude of people I play with the definition is unanimous. Tunneling is when a survivor pulls you off the hook. The killer drops anything they are doing, maybe wacks another player just to get them off of them and goes for that freshly unhooked survivor, downs them and hooks them again. And then repeat until that specific survivor is dead. Doesn't matter if you are first to die or second to last. If that is what happens all the survivors to die have been tunneled. A wild guess but you think it only applies to the first person to die on hook? Because that is severely incorrect.
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Sometimes tunneling is necessary for the killer to have even some chance.
There are ways around it and survivors need to learn it:
- do safe unhooks when the killer is far away
- do gens while the person is on hook
- don't unhook immediately the person can stay for some time on hook
- the team goes for protection hits and forces a swap
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Oh... And it often happens that the unhooker hides and leaves a loud crying survivor under the hook... No wonder that tunnel happens in cases like this, the killer can see only the unhooked person.
Also don't heal under the hook, just get away from the hook.
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Camping and tunneling are NOT strategies. Tunneling and camping is like giving someone a toolbox to do a job and that person tries to do that job without the toolbox. It's pointless. I am actually starting to pull statistics of my own and on average tunneling/ camping occurs over half of the time. Also, there are no perks that help with tunneling. The false notion and misguidance that DS will help you against a killer is mind-boggling. Have you been a fair player, but not an amazing player, and used it to stop tunneling??? Yeah no! That answer is going to be no for any player who has gone up against a REAL tunneler. I have literally had teammates run in and get downed, slowing them down enough that I should have gotten away because they hook that person. No, they're hell-bent on getting me. But it not only is always me. I have also been the downed individual. Just recently against Freddy who wanted my friend. Downed me. My friend almost lost the loop until the Freddy noticed the Steve healing me. Still was not enough as we got away and he found the teammate again and then hooked them for the third time. That's not a strategy. That's not skill. And its blatant disrespect for the game and all survivors who play it. And anyone who doesn't agree... they are the tunnelers. Tunneling cannot be stopped. Camping can which is the lesser of my worries in all honesty. Also I have only ever refaced the same killer one time, ever. So that rule is literally useless and just shouldn't exist then.
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So that rule is literally useless and just shouldn't exist then.
The rule should most definitely exist, just because you have not experienced something doesn't mean that it doesn't happen - there's a reason why we put that rule in the game in the first place!
Whilst you might not agree with regards to camping/tunneling - it is not against our game rules and is an acceptable mechanic in game.
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I think most people that play the game agree, whether they are a survivor or killer player, that being camped and tunneled is not fun. I myself try not to camp and tunnel when I play killer unless I am doing a challenge or achievement that requires me to kill most or everyone and I feel it is my best way to achieve the goal. It is not my intent to ruin the survivors' fun, only to accomplish my goal. Some people have a goal of killing everyone every time they play killer. Knowing that getting a survivor out early means they will have an easier time accomplishing that goal they use those tactics, again not intending to make it not fun, only to achieve their goal.
The makers of the game have told you it is acceptable. Until they change their mind and make changes to the game, perhaps this isn't the game for you.
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My friend almost lost the loop until the Freddy noticed the Steve healing me.
EDIT: sorry, i misunderstood the comment. But still often survivors are responsible for tunneling.
Original comment:
This explains everything... That's not tunneling if you are (sorry to say) stupid enough to heal next to the killer. The killer is chasing someone else, and you start healing close to the killer, giving the killer an easy target... Then you are a surprised Picachu when the killer strats to chase you. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, in many cases the survivors are responsible for "tunneling", because they allow it or make it easy for the killer. And I am using "" because that's not even a tunneling anymore, that's the survivor's fault of playing stupidly.
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In that part of the example, it was their friend being tunneled, not them. They were saying they tried taking hits for the tunneled survivor and the killer downed them and slugged them to go after the unhooked person still.
Just because a survivor played stupid doesn't mean it is still not a choice the killer is making to go after the recently unhooked survivor. I personally choose not to capitalize on a survivor's poor game play many times because I don't really care about killing and I want to play in a way that is fun for both sides in the majority of my matches. If your goal is to kill as many as possible and want to do so using tunneling and camping tactics, that is your choice. I'm sure you understand it is not a fun game experience for the other side so you shouldn't be surprised when someone is venting about it.
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Now your just throwing around accusations.
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How many times, when they were being camped, did the three of you finish 3 gens instead of continuously trying to save them? I almost never lose to campers unless the team gets stupid. Tunnelers are even easier if I am the one being tunneled, because I can loop for 2-3 gens easily. That is the balance. At the highest level play, people like me can make it so that it can take 80+ seconds to down us. If they camp me after it took 80 seconds to get me down, that is 120 more seconds. In 200 seconds, 3.5 minutes, 3 survivors can win the game. 1 or more of you still has room to improve, or you don't punish it, you complain about it.
Also, OP, if you want to complain that 'targeting a specific player' includes camping or tunneling, then killers would be able to report flash light players for targeting them, since they are a specific player. It's part of the gameplay.
Anyway, a huge part of the problem is being call things Camping that aren't Camping and Tunneling that aren't tunneling. If a killer sees you near the hooked person, they have 2+ people not working on gens. They are not only not obligated, but they should rarely, if playing smart, allow a free unhook. Better to chase you around a hook, not leave, and increase the chances of a trade. If you are around the killer to see them 'camping', and they see you, it's not camping. If you come back after 30-40 seconds and they have just never left and are staring into Claudette's Baby Browns, then that is camping, and just do the gens.
'Tunneling' is another huge misnomer. You want players out of the game as killer. 1v3 is a massive dynamic shift. Tunneling would be if you literally refused, all game, to acknowledge any other player and hunted down one person relentlessly. If they get unhooked in your face, or in a bad spot, and you hook them a second time, that is not tunneling. Also remember that some killers will tunnel you if you are toxic, and rightly so. A good example of something people call tunneling, that isn't; in my last game, I was Demodoggie with 8 stacks of STBFL. This Laurie got unhooked while I was real close. I downed her rescuer. She stayed nearby, because she had a flashlight, and thought she was invincible because she had DS. I downed her. Picked her up. She DSed me and ran.
...Except I am a Demogorgon with 8 stacks of STBFL, there is a person who got left slugged because you were being stupid, and I now have 2 people off gens, maybe a third. I downed her a second time and hooked her, and after she got unhooked, killed her off ASAP to preserve my 8 stacks. This is not tunneling. This is someone making a bad decision based on perks they knew I had, staying close to me, and me eliminating a threat and crippling a team. But that didn't stop them from crying Tunneler.
Another mistake survivors make; it is sorta tunneling to go after the weaker player, but it is the Killer's job to kill survivors. If Claudette is using Ninjustsu, Meg Sprint Bursts away every time, and Feng takes 60 seconds to down, but you are the Dwight who gets caught in 15 seconds or throws down every pallet, the killer should be targeting you. Is it tunneling? Kinda. You are going for the easier kill. It can get upsetting with the recent matchmaking, since you can be a green paired with reds against a red killer. But the killer HAS to go for the weaker people if the other 2-3 are strong.
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I would love where you are pulling your statistics from.
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I am conducting my own. Thank you. I just began so I don't have much but out of 10 games 7 were against. Tunnelers.
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Riiiiiiight...so your basing statistics on a game that has how many thousands of people playing at a time, around just your own experiences? Ummm...that's not how statistics work my guy.
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That is called anecdotal evidence from a narrow range of the game play. 7/10 games is hardly a proper sample size in a game this large.