We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

How to stop camping and tunnelling

SleepyAven Member Posts: 2
edited August 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

They should put in a system so if killers camp the survivors don't have to struggle when on hook and the timer doesn't count down. Only fair since they apparently like to reward people who play the game with the soul intention to tunnel and camp, survivors should actually be given a chance or something that they can use against this.

Borrowed time shouldn't be the only defence, cause that means survivors have to constantly run it or get tunnelled and camped, completely unfair.

Just my opinion, but if they want to actually improve on the game and make it fun and rewarding for everyone and not just people who play the game to ruin others experience.


  • FreddysMain
    FreddysMain Member Posts: 289

    Well there is BT and DS..but if a killer wants to tunnel or camp then sadly you will just need to take your points and leave. unless your team mates are strong enough to body block and sab hooks and take hits for you.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,296

    It was tried five years ago when DBD was a completely different game and it didn't work then, so that obviously means that there's zero chance it could work now.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Not the ultimate solution but here is a perk idea i posted a while ago

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683
    edited August 2021

    This idea is even worse than the original thing that BHVR themselves tried by stopping hook progression. So essentially you'd be asking for survivors to abuse this system in order to give themselves a buff.... yeah no.

  • HaunterofShadows
    HaunterofShadows Member Posts: 4,092

    Tried, abused, NEXT!

  • Tekno_Badger
    Tekno_Badger Member Posts: 526
    edited August 2021

    They would need to severely nerf survivors then, because this game is not balanced around 12-hooking. And there's BT, DS, Unbreakable, flashlights, firecrackers (bugged btw, looking up doesn't even stop them) to protect survivors

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105
  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    BHVR tested out a very similar thing early on in the game where if the killer was standing near the hook it would pause whatever hook state the survivor was in. Survivors abused this by purposefully looping the killer around the hooks. Your idea would be the same, only it would then buff the survivors on top of that. So no, that's a terrible idea.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Okay i am aware of that and this is definitly absuable, but how is a 5% buff for totems and gens when the killer stays next to the hook abusable? The survivor is still dying. The dumbest thing a survivor can possible do is looping next to the hook so the remaining survivors cant unhook.

    Or to quote Junylar:

    "You don't even see that three free survivors are more efficient than two survivors with a single digit percent boost, so nobody will do what you just described on purpose."

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    That person isn't thinking clearly about the different variables on how this would be abused. 5% bonus to gens already shaves off 4 seconds from completing it, and that's not counting perks or items. Now combine that 5% buff with a perk like resilience that gives you a 9% bonus on gens if you're injured and you essentially have given all survivors a bonus equivalent to prove thyself without them needing to have more than 1 person on the gen. Again you combine that with other perks and add-ons and yeah no, this is too easy to exploit and abuse.

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201

    Tunneling and camping is 100% fair. I don't get upset when it happens to me, you shouldn't either. The killer is trying to...kill you. They should pursue the goal in the most effective and efficient manner possible. You're obligation as survivor is to avoid that fate, repair 5 generators, open the exit gates, and escape the trial. You don't need gimmicks to make your criteria for victory easier to achieve.

    NO HANDOUTS. For survivors or killers.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    There is no abuse at all, just think about it. Those 5% are absolutly meaningless when you can "abuse" those 5% by looping around the hook. How is 5% worth 2 survivors inactive? Possible 3, because the 3rd can not go for the unhook.

    Its a streight up anti facecamp build, thats all it is.

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    It was tested and you know what survivors did i tell you it was abused by survivors

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Ok, you're coming from the side of a killer camping 2 or 3 hooks at once. I'm coming at this from what the average experience will be like, because again survivors abused a similar system way back. Now follow me here:

    Killer downs 1 survivor. Killer hooks survivor. Killer plays like normal to look for more survivors. Survivor comes and makes obvious attempt to go for unhook. Kill goes back for them. Survivor then proceeds to loop and run close to the hook, giving the other two survivors a gen speed buff on top of whatever items/perks they may have.

    Now you may ask, well why doesn't the killer just walk away from the hook? Because that would ruin any sort of pressure building. Why would you force a player choose between letting survivors get a free unhook, or giving all survivors a repair boost? That's not in any way fair.

    Now let me paint you another scenario. Say the survivor gets the unhook and the killer goes after the unhooker, downs hooks them. Now say the recently unhooked has resilience. If one of the other survivors comes and decides to do the same thing, running the killer around the hook, you have now given that recently injured survivor a free prove thyself bonus on top of everything else they're running.

    Plus when you consider SWF as being a thing in the game, this system could be exploited even MORE with them communicating with each other.

    So again, no this would not work. Survivors have shown in the past that they abuse mechanics like this and that is why such mechanics are not in the game. Survivors literally ruined anything like this from ever being implemented for themselves.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Killer downs 1 survivor. Killer hooks survivor. Killer plays like normal to look for more survivors. Survivor comes and makes obvious attempt to go for unhook. Kill goes back for them. Survivor then proceeds to loop and run close to the hook, giving the other two survivors a gen speed buff on top of whatever items/perks they may have.

    Again: Swarming a hook or looping around it is the by far dumbest thing survivors can do, period. There is zero room for discussion. If you really think looping around a hook is any beneficial for surviviors, we might have a completly different understanding of the game.

    Now you may ask, well why doesn't the killer just walk away from the hook? Because that would ruin any sort of pressure building. Why would you force a player choose between letting survivors get a free unhook, or giving all survivors a repair boost? That's not in any way fair.

    I would never ask that, because it is plain stupid to leave the hook as a killer when a survivor is looping around it. Thats the point you somehow miss. It is a great benefit for the killer, he is slapping 2 flys with one clap.

    Now let me paint you another scenario. Say the survivor gets the unhook and the killer goes after the unhooker, downs hooks them. Now say the recently unhooked has resilience. If one of the other survivors comes and decides to do the same thing, running the killer around the hook, you have now given that recently injured survivor a free prove thyself bonus on top of everything else they're running.

    If they keep doing this, they loose. My experience as a killer and survivor is that all you discribe is very ineffective and a deathwish. I only see those playstyle against super alturistic survivors or if they troll. We are talking here about 5% for throwing the game just to gain those 5%.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    You say that playing around hook is a dumb thing to do but that is LITERALLY what the survivors did in the past that made BHVR say nope to their own mechanic. Like I'm sorry but that is a fact, and you thinking it's a dumb thing to do doesn't negate the fact that this is what happened and it happened to a point where it became a problem. This "fix" that you are offering is again very similar to what BHVR themselves tried to do, only you are giving survivors a buff rather than stopping a hook state and just like in the past, survivors will find a way to exploit the hell out of this mechanic.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,022

    Ideally if it were me in charge, if a killer camps for too long the hook should move to a different point on the map with the survivor still hooked. Like how Pyramid Head's traps work.

    That way the killers have to get to the hook again but so do the survivors and it gives everyone involved a chance.

  • BlazeFire7
    BlazeFire7 Member Posts: 16

    I'd actually like a way to opt-out of playing against killers like that without taking away from playing survivor with them or playing with them with myself as the killer. But I agree with @jajay119's idea. Sitting there with people camping does not make the game any fun.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    How was it abused and when exactly was it tested? Seeing the same response quite a lot but never seeing any proof of it.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    How to stop gen rushing and gen tunneling. Entity blocks the gens worked on by survivors for 20 seconds when killer is too far away from them, and when survivors tunnel gens by going back to the same gen they were doing after being chased off it, instead of starting a new one, gen will explode and lose progress as soon as the survivor touch it again.

    Now this has not been tried before pretty sure about that!

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,022

    Then when it unblocked survivors will just refuse to do it because they know the killer will be nearby.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    I guess we have to agree that we disagree here. Swarming the hook is in my book not benefical at all and 5% wont make it. As killer this is one of those free win games that end very fast in a 4K. Smart survivors sit on gens and dont hold the killer busy next to the hook but that is just my opinion.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683
    edited August 2021

    But....there is nothing to disagree about... This literally happened in the past and it was abused. Like this isn't something where we can agree to disagree on like whether or not we think the Marvel movies are good or bad, this is something that actually happened in the past. Like I don't know what to tell you, I'm not a magician, I can't make the past go away so that I can agree with you. I'm sorry but this just won't work based on past behavior with a similar enough system.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    You are right.

    However the developers were going in the right direction when they attempted a blanket fix for camping/tunneling with the hook-pausing mechanic. Where they failed is by not following through with what they were doing. The Developers had a very generalized rule for camping; if a killer stayed within so many meters of the hook the struggle timer would pause. What they should have done, was once they realized survivors could abuse that rule, then they should have taken that rule and made it more precise to prevent abuse.

    For example: If the killer is within so many meters of a hooked survivor and is not in a chase, then the struggle timer pauses.

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Cant remember a single moment in this game where something like this was implimented. They played around with the idea that the survivor is not dying on the hook if the killer camps, but that can not be compared at all.

    The benefit of it would have been huge, but in my scenario, the benefit is 5% and therefore WAY to little to force the killer to stay by the hook. You know, it takes at least one person doing nothing to gain 5% on a gen. Simple math that 3 survivors on gens is more effective then 2 (or even 1 if the one is going for the save).

    Agree to disagree, lets move on.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    Honestly I agree that something should be done, but I don't think there's anything they could in this game that's going to prevent camping other than just try to incentivize the majority of killers to leave hooks and go for chases instead. But even then, you will still get that one dick head who will still face camp for the lulz, even if you pause a hook state, you'll still get that one guy who will do it. There's literally no system that they could implement to stop it which honestly is kind of the cold hard truth when it comes to this whole situation.

    Every game has campers, EVERY GAME. World of Warcraft, an MMO-RPG has campers, even after Blizzard implemented a system to where if you killed a player, then they are worth 0 honor for a certain amount of time and that didn't even stop people from camping. There are people in every game where they don't care a out points or gold or rewards. To these dickheads their reward is making others suffer.

    Again it sucks, but there's nothing that can be done about it unfortunately.

  • SleepyAven
    SleepyAven Member Posts: 2

    Ah, so we found the toxic killer who only plays with tunnelling and camping then. It just ruins the game for people, I don't get why killers think it's fun to camp and do nothing. The same with face campers. Why is that fun? You just stare at them. Go play minecraft if you want to stare at stuff. Tunnelling and camping is 100% completely UNFAIR to do to people. You are literally sabotaging their gameplay, which technically is a reportable offense if you do it over and over again..

  • Viktor1853
    Viktor1853 Member Posts: 943

    Tunnelling and camping is fine

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,022

    Make it so the hook moves if the killer has been within 5/10 metres and not in chase for 'x' amount of time.

    The hook moves with the survivor still on it. The killer and survivors then have to find the hook before the other.

    Think Pyramid Head's cages.

  • Marik13
    Marik13 Member Posts: 683

    I actually do like this idea, but it's gotta move somewhere away from everyone. Cus like, yeah I get being camped sucks, but if the hook just spawns right next to the survivors you'd essentially just be giving them a free unhook which will remove pressure from them. If the hook would work like that then yeah something like this wouldn't be a bad idea. Essentially it'd function similar to a king of the hill style mechanic where in some games the hill will move away from the teams and force them all to move. Yeah thumbs up from me.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,434

    People just got to get over themselves that losing a game is wrong and needs to be fix.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 1,022

    Well PH's cages move the survivor to the furthest point on the map from the killer. The hooks should work the same. Survivors wouldn't know where that is until it's spawned: just as they don't with the cage.

  • NoTerrorRadius
    NoTerrorRadius Member Posts: 201

    I don't do either of those things when I play. I don't complain when it happens to me though. It's a video game🤷🏾‍♂️

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    This mindset is what causes the toxicity in this community to flourish. Your excuses are tantamount to "SWF should be removed because as a killer it makes the game no fun". Or "lets remove flashlights because survivors abuse them and make the game no fun to play". Oh you play survivor and disagree to my game play? Well you're toxic and only use flashlights or play swfs so your opinion is moot.

    If you're not having fun playing the game then go launch up Roblox. Ive been camped, tunneled and been the one camping and tunneling enough times that someone trying to boil it down to "unfair" just comes off as whiny and why so many people, survivor and killer, still act like toxic nutcases.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    • Yet flashlights did get nerfed because they were unfun for Killers.
    • Sabo got nerfed because it was unfun for Killers.
    • Moris got nerfed because it was unfun for Survivors.
    • Iridescent Heads got nerfed because it was unfun for Survivors.

    Unfun things do actually get nerfed, because, it makes the game unfun.

  • IrishRedCap
    IrishRedCap Member Posts: 153

    Im not disagreeing with you here but the reason the examples you provided were nerfed was for making the game unfun they were legitimately busted in one way or another.

    Flashlights were nerfed because of instant blinds (still shudder remembering those days). Abused to no ends with 2-3 flashlights blinding killers for so long people afked.

    Sabo got nerfed for swfs abusing it by purposefully making dead zones in corners and making the game unplayable. This coupled with the toxic groups that would purposefully delay the game and hold it hostage means Sabo deserved to be nerfed, it was also met with the DC penalty down the road to punish killers that didn't wanna deal with Sabo teams.

    Moris speak for themselves, they needed to be reworked for years.

    Iri heads weren't nerfed, they just don't let it couple with add-ons anymore which as a pink instadown on a ranged killer is perfectly fine. Not to forget like killers avoiding Sabo teams the DC penalty stopped survivors from rage quitting iri huntress the moment 1 survivor dropped. Iri head can still 1 hit you just can't carry 3 anymore. I dont see that as a nerf as much as a needed balance.