How important are headphones?

Because I have to be able to hear what is going on at home I can not wear headphones during gameplay. How important are they to playing well? Do they make a big difference in determining where other players are? Does it make game noises more accurate, like is the Huntress still super loud even though she is a mile away from you?
They make a massive difference, noises are clearer and more easy to tell the direction etc.
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They make a huge difference especially for playing killer. Tracking a surv, in particular a hurt one, is much easier with your ears. It can make the difference in losing a surv in a good tile or not.
As for survivor I'd say it's slightly less critical but so helpful, be it heading GF's clothing rustle or any killer's footsteps for instance, or which direction they are coming from. And you may miss the distinct sound of a hex totem or the open hatch, or even that glyph for your challenge.
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For the most part, headphones are quite important. If you're playing Survivor, you can run perks like Spine chill and stake out to kinda make up for the lack of clarity in the sound. It's truthfully, not even worth playing Killer without headphones. It is totally possible, but I personally wouldn't recommend it.
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I would say A LOT.
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I used to play without them back in 2016-2017 and didn't consider them that important but after eventually getting some, they are quite a big deal at least as long as you play killer. With survivor too but to a lesser degree.
Without them, hearing some of the softer sounds and determining their direction like footsteps, breathing, grass moving etc is near impossible. As killer, they are very usefull to improve your tracking. For survivor you can use them to hear some of the soft killer sound cue like sounds of leather for GF and so on but it's not that big of deal if you don't have them imo.
If you can, definetly go for them.
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Very VERY important.
Hearing soft sounds like footsteps or grass can give you a massive advantage as either side.
Knowing exactly where the Killer is coming from if you're on the second floor and they're on the first floor can give you enough time to hide in a place they aren't exactly expecting.
Hearing Survivors who try to sneak behind you as a Killer and catching them before they could react can turn the tides of a game instantly.
And of course, you get to play Spirit.
The Ultimate Ghost Simulator.
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When I play killer headphones are a must for me ^^ Grass rustling, breathing, knowing if a gen is being completed at a distance, people slowly getting into lockers, survivors touching my totems >:( All of these I only catch with my headphones on.
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Headphones with external amplifier? Game changer.
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Having played using a TV speaker for my first year of DBD, god yes. You miss so many auditory cues without them.
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What noise the sound are bug
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I would say they help a lot. Just last night I ran into multiple situations to where if I didn't have headphones on I wouldn't have herd survivors getting into lockers or GF sneaking up to try and grab someone.
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I don't use headsets since I'm not a fan of having my ears getting crushed. And I like to keep my ear open so I can be aware of my surroundings, and sometimes I like to hear my tv shows in the background. But yeah headphones sadly do give a massive advantage when playing killer compared to non headphone users. Which is why I get bored of playing killer real quick since it requires to much attention and focus.
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If you think killer is frustrating with headphones, it’ll be a [BAD WORD] nightmare without them.
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I wouldn't bother playing this game without headphones.
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Think of it like this; no headphones is like not having surround sound in a movie theatre.
You can get away with it on survivor, but they're pretty much crucial for killer. It was a literal gamechanger when I put on headphones for DBD.
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Pretty sure I can't use that.
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Bruh get a compatible headset sounds aren't even bugged y'all just using headphones from 2008
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Pretty much essential for killer.
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Dude a injure survivor make no sound XD i dont know what game you play but the sound are bug right why do you think you see less spirit
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Bruh I hear injured survivors just fine, the only ones I don't hear are the ones using Iron Will. Though I'm sure you can't hear injured survivors cause you probably blasted your ears to oblivion with loud music.
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Use open-back headphones.
They are the best headphones in terms of sound quality and they do not silent the environment.
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You need them to play this game.
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Headphones make a huge difference. It could be a little as hearing grass rustling as killer, or hearing the breathing of Pig or Myers.
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My ear are fine ty for your concern you cant hear them because most of the survivor use iron will so you dont hear them at all because iron will is bug and the survivor make no sound no running no breathing nothing
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Yea you need them lol
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The difference is massive. Being able to hear much sooner and from which direction helps a lot. I also find skill checks are easier to hear. I genuinely will not play without them
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It connects to a USB port, and the headset jack just plugs into the front of the amp. There is software to make adjustments.
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Yeah all that confuses my Xbox1