Pallet Validation System Too Generous

I legit tunneled someone to death that I thought was hacking my first game witnessing it because of how many times I hit him, saw blood, and got hit by the pallet. It's not like it's a close "Oh, you barely hit, but they pallet hit you, so...." It is almost an add on's level of time difference on some of these hits. The amount of times you get hits that get cancelled now, and the fact that the hit effect plays to MOCK you, is ridiculous. It needs to be undone. You can play safer as a survivor and just drop a pallet early in most cases. Killers can't get hits early. This is not something that should favor the group who is already in control of the interaction, especially not this heavily.
I say its fine, you can't lunge through pallets anymore and get a hit while you are actively having wood slammed on your head. For the most part, its just buggy. It shouldn't play any audio or make any blood splatter, since not getting the hit means the server actively deduced that you did not hit them, and thus did not injure the survivor. Survivors don't really have "Pallet I-Frames" so much as the server registers whether your m1 connected before you were stunned. If you were stunned first, because of spaghetti code, it'll play all the SFX of a survivor receiving damage, but they won't actually get hurt. As im sure you've noticed as survivor though, you don't ever see the killers melee connect with you. On your screen you got a perfectly normal pallet stun. Its all server side, what looks like buggy baloney to the killer is a perfectly normal interaction to the survivor. All that really needs to be fixed is synchronizing what the killer and survivor see when interacting with a pallet. Overall should make for a less frustrating game when they do this, no more jaw dropping "HOW DID THAT HIT ME???" moments, and as a killer you won't really notice it much since you'll just be playing normally, minus the ridiculous hits.
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This still means that if my connection to the server shows that I hit, and the survivor's connection to the server shows they weren't, the server now prioritizes their positioning over mine. This is especially problematic with pallet vacuuming making a return lately. I can lunge through a pallet when they thought I would respect it, see my weapon connect, have them make a noise, NOT have wood falling on my head, get stunned, and have all that I did taken away. But the survivor never has what they did taken away, because the calculations the server did, if I am interpreting the video they showed, always gives priority to negation. The reason I am saying that it needs to be more killer sided in it's analysis is that with the exception of 5 killers, the killer does not get to determine when the hits happen. Survivors have control over chase interactions in the game as it is. A killer cannot just 'get a hit', the killer has to outplay the survivor or the survivor has to make a mistake. A survivor determines when the pallet is thrown, not the killer. They have every ability to just throw a pallet early. A killer is limited in when and where they can interact with the survivor. Since they can already determine the location of the chase and the time when the pallet goes down, they should not also have the preference in server ping for these interactions.
Basically, if I am playing survivor, and the killer's connection seemed a little wonky, I just dropped the pallet a little earlier. As a killer, I cannot make that choice. My only choice is deciding when I attempt to hit. Since Killer cannot make their action, successfully, earlier, Killer should get the preference.
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The pallet validation system isn't too generous, the problem is you are getting feedback you shouldn't be getting in the first place.
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Like I always say, BHVR doesn't care about killers as long as survivors are happy. Near impossible to get hits anywhere near a Pallet now
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It's so funny how survivors say same thing, but for killers...
I think they somehow need to fix what killer see, because right now we can't rely on it, which is not good. I am not sure it is possible tho.
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There's still desync and they refuse to acknowledge it, just like console is still broken
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Have yet to see a negative roll back effect happen when playing survivor. Having it happen multiple times as killer is just crushing .
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It seems fine to me, the Hits you got before the validation you where never meant to get, now that you cant get them it feels a little bad, survivors have felt this way for years. tho i wish they got rid of the blood and hit noises that annoys me when playing killer
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I think it's a bit finicky bust mostly fine. There are definitely sometimes where I question "how did that not hurt them?" despite me having better connection.
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Sorry, but I play with 20-30 ms and I get it a lot anyway, I already managed to get it multiple times in one chase. My record is 5 times in one game. I have good ping, so either I am super unlucky, or survivor's ping is the reason now.
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If we address this then we need to address the very overly generous hitboxes that killers have. Hits landing when they are nowhere near you or at the wrong angle where the their weapon visibly doesn't connect with your body/ through walls etc. There are things that work in the killers favour too.
Post edited by jajay119 on0 -
"never meant to get" means you agree the survivors PoV in this game means more than the Killer's. Which, given that it is harder for a killer to get a hit than throw a pallet, I have stated I heavily disagree with.
Also, jajay, stop going to threads and complaining about unrelated things.
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no im saying with hit validation these hits you were never meant to hit. that all. don't know what you don't understand.
"Also. Jajay, stop going to threads and complaining about unrelated things" ah yes, beaing on this thread about hit validation and talking about it is unrelated, get a grip
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Here is what you do not get;
There is the killer PoV.
There is the survivor PoV.
Due to server lag, they are slightly different.
When you say "You were never meant to get these hits" even though they do get these hits in the killer PoV, you are saying the Killer PoV is the incorrect one, and the survivor PoV is the correct one, because the survivor's positioning is what the server favors in an interaction over the killer's.
And Jajay has done that in several threads. Hitboxes are unrelated to hit validation, mechanically, and not what is being discussed.
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It's not a prioritization, the survivor just has a better connection to the server and the pallet drop registered slightly before your hit.
Sounds like an internet issue.
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just cause the view shows they got the hit, aint meant anything, sure it annoying that it makes blood and a scream but there patchin that out
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It literally is prioritization. They recently announced they were changing it, and it became an issue.
Just cause the view shows you hit the killer with the pallet before you got hit, aint mean anything. Sure it's annoying, but accept you were hit.
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It "literally" is not. The server processed the hit as still pending while the pallet drop was already registered, so the hit was denied.
Sounds like a connection issue.
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It is not prioritizing either side. It is looking at which action got to the server first, the pallet at 50% or the hit. If the pallet reaching 50% made it to the server before the hit makes it to the server, then it rewards the stun and not the hit. The reason the killer might see a hit and have it cancelled is because the game is coded to give instantaneous client side feedback for actions to reduce a visual lag effect to all actions because of latency. The same thing happens with dead hard when the exhaustion is refunded. The hit made it to the server before the dead hard even though it looks like on the survivor side you hit dead hard first.
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Server side validation does prioritize survivors. Its been an issue for a long time and before the pallet validation it was seen through grab animations. Killers could grab be half-way through their animation in their PoV but survivors yoink away because the server prefers their inputs and their camera PoV.
The opposite is true for killer hits through windows. Some killer hit registrations will still happen despite the survivor being a clear 4-6 meters past the vaulted window in their PoV but to the killer they got a clean swing right into the survivors back from their PoV.
BHVR should allow killers to see their pings and try to attempt a tick rate increase for their servers. Validation should be ping related, if a survivor is running 80-100ms and a killer is running 20-40ms there should be no legitimate reason the server prioritizes the survivor.
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lol , do you think i only play survivor, ur acting like i do.