No point in spending money

Tactrix Member Posts: 420

When I first started I had a reason to spend money on this game, but as time went on it became clear that BHVR goes out of their way to make this game a miserable experience, and no one should be wasting their money on this game.

I'll give you an example, as a killer it sucks when you get gen rushed, but at least you know what you're playing against. However as a survivor, if a killer decides to tunnel you for 3 hooks straight you're dead, there is no "oh you can get away because you have a DS" you're dead. No half way decent killer will let you escape even with DS. And sure the other 3 people MIGHT get out, but you're still gonna have a horrible time in the process.

Now does BHVR know about this? Of course they do, every single survivor in the game has told them this repeatedly. And what is their solution? They don't care, in fact from what I've seen they actively encourage toxic playing. They keep making killers who play more toxic than the last killer they made and I'll give you a demonstration of this. Let's look at the last killer they made nemesis, his STARTING perk is to know exactly where you are on the map, and I know that doesn't seem like much but think this through, he has 9 seconds to get to exactly who he wants to, down them, hook them, and then tunnel them to death.

And this is my point, it's not the killers fault for playing the way they do, it's not the survivors fault for hating it, it's BHVRs fault for leaving them virtually no other options.

I play as a killer too and I don't tunnel, or camp or slug, but I'm also a very low tier killer, and still it's pretty hard to get a 4k without playing toxic, at red ranks I imagine it's impossible. So until they fix the mechanics in this game to reflect some semblance of none toxic play, it's not even worth spending money on.



  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    screw em play toxic. They don't care about your fun stop giving a hoot about their fun.

  • Anniehere
    Anniehere Member Posts: 1,265

    You are absolutely right.

    I bought quite a lot of cosmetics despite the issues you mentioned and it's not worth it.

    People can be quite destructive in the game and cute cosmetics can not change anything.

    I don't really know why we are still here despite all the toxicity we are dealing with every single day.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    Well I've already spent close to $150 on this game in total so too late.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315
    edited August 2021

    Don't get found first, problem solved. If you sprint to a gen right off the bat for the rush you are asking to be found quickly. Sure tunneling is no fun but at worst the other 3 people walk out with no problem, be one of those people.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    But like I said they keep making perks specifically designed for you to be found, but lets say I'm not found first right? I do as many gens as I can but the second the killer gets me which at some point they always do, if they play toxic they will never let up.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    I mean you can, but then when this game keeps getting worse you'll know why.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    I think the intent is to look at playing survivor as a team game. Thus if you get tunneled out and it results in your team escaping, then the survivors win. As a solo survivor, I do care about keeping my team mates alive long enough to help pull their weight in completing the generators, but past that, I don't really care if they escape or not. That doesn't mean I dip out as soon as the gens are done, but I'm not staying for their enjoyment, I'm staying for mine.

    If the killer allows me to be healed before recommitting to me, it looks like they made an effort to find the unhooker but couldn't, or it is close to end game and they need that kill, I understand and don't mind being tunneled so much. But when they leave a chase to come back to the unhook at 4 gens left to tunnel me because I'm injured and closer to death, that's when I really get frustrated with the choice to tunnel.

    I don't really care about rank. But I do like blood points. If me being tunneled helps the team to complete the objectives and escape, I wish I was awarded with more blood points for being the one that took that aggro and not be able to do anything else to earn blood points.

  • Mattie_MayhemOG
    Mattie_MayhemOG Member Posts: 315

    I'm not sure what level your playing at but in my experience it gets better at higher ranks because those killers what to get everyone and tunneling will never get you everyone.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    No I understood perfectly fine, and there's a very easy way to get rid of all of that without hindering the killers abilities, simply make every hook act the same way that cage of atonement acts, where the second you're put in a spot where the hook was you get teleported to a random location and trapped inside a cage until rescue or death. And they know this because I've told them about this, it's not even a new mechanic, they already have it in the game for pyramid head.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    I'm playing at red ranks, and I assure you most of them do exactly that, because lately I've been playing exclusively against rank 1-4 killers.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    Except in this instance the only thing it helps is the team, they literally camp and tunnel right off the hook. So there's no enjoyment or bloodpoints for you as the person who gets tunneled, the rest of the team might get 15-18k but you're getting 3-8k at most, since you can't do gens, you can't unhook, you can't heal, you cant do anything but hang and run for the entire duration of the match.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    No, because you don't seem to mind that they keep going on and on with this persistent behavior of making it a toxic for kills game.

  • Red_Beard
    Red_Beard Member Posts: 550

    Am I missing something? You just repeated what I said. I'm saying I wouldn't mind as much about being hardcore tunneled if the blood point system were changed to grant me more points for being the person that took the aggro from the killer that allowed the rest of the team to escape.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    Yea but the point system will never be changed, because they encourage tunneling to be toxic and want it to reflect that.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    I know, but the entire game is a joke right now, and I'd like at some point for that to change.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498

    High Mobility Killers would be able to keep a person in teleporting Hook limbo. That isnt great game design.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    The only way to remove tunneling is to make survivors share hook states or something, the only way to remove camping is to remove the hook mechanic completely. These changes are so dramatic for DbD they will probably never happen, because the devs can't fix the "Iron Will on the ground" bug for more than 3 years I think. Some things are just too complicated for those who work on the game, so the only change you can expect is endless new cosmetics and visual reworks, and occasional new maps with hideous level design.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    Actually no, the real way to remove both tunneling and camping is to make every hook location act the same way that cage of atonement does, where as soon as you're hooked to teleport to a random location and sit in a cage until your escape or death. And since that mechanic is already in the game they really wouldn't have to change anything except the way a hook acts when you hook someone.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    How do you figure that? They can't see where the hooked person is, that's part of how cage of atonement works, the killer doesn't get to see where the person teleports to.

  • DaWeezerd
    DaWeezerd Member Posts: 256

    Shared hooks is a bad idea and has been stated MANY times before. Killers will get no kills and 4ks would be impossible. It's a really bad idea. Glad you aren't on their balance team.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    I mean... I am going to buy whatever licensed killer they come up with unless it is horrible. Horrible as in a bad choice of character, not their power level. Albeit, I got the game for free, so, you know, it is like I just bought the game from back when I should have.

    But yeah, even though I had a really rough time yesterday and ran into 5 tunnelers who found me first in a row, half of them being degenerate, I was obviously triggered. But I do not blame the good half of those killers. The other half? Nah, they were just scummy and would play that way even if it was the weakest style.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420
    edited August 2021

    Muting someone for speaking the truth is another issue I see quite a bit, because this is a very common shared view among players in this game.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    But see here's the thing, blaming killers for playing in a way in which the devs DESINGED this game to be played makes no sense. Because sure they could play none toxic like I do, but I don't blame them for playing toxic, when the devs literally made this game so it was the prime way to play. I'm saying that the way to fix it is to simply fix the way this game is designed so toxicity is extremely hard to do, and you will have to go out of your way to do it. And it can be done very simply by changing the hooks to act the exact same way that cage of atonement does. That 1 change will nearly completely eliminate tunneling and camping.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    It's obvious the game will have to be balance a bit about it, and it has been stated MANY times before.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Nah, I can blame them for being a piece of garbage if I so desire. I am a killer main that supports camping, tunneling, and slugging. Whatever gets the job done. I rarely do those useless a challenge needs completed mind you, but I totally understand.

    The 2 I am talking about? I have no clue, fam. No design would have saved me from them as they did go out of their way to basically misplay after I already indicated I had no real intention of playing. Blaming the devs for them being literal trash makes no sense.

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    not the only way....make the game more end rewarding for a killer, so that his goal is to finish survivors only when the last gen is done, and offourse more difficult to open for matching keys to open them or something like that.

    no more reason to camp and tunnel anymore if your goal is to hook all survivors not to kill right away.

    then survivors made it till the end, dead or not, they got to play the game.

    for the OP, toxicity is trough the roof the last week, even know 5 other players who dumped the game cause of the last days....killers an surviors, so not spending money on this game neither by the way, and thats the part i dont get from a selling point of view from BHVR.....isn't that the point of selling a product? making as much cash as you can on happy buyers? Look at the amount of unhappy survivors...and killers? both blaming eachother...hmmmmm strange when you think about it, both want to play a fun game but both only get to play toxic games? As a survivor i never run in to supertoxic teammates?

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    The devs were asked point blank "do you think that camping, slugging and tunneling is a toxic way of playing" and they said it was a strategy that they encouraged. So I 100% blame them.

  • Babawizwiz
    Babawizwiz Member Posts: 347

    if you really want to spend money on this game, buy the rift pass once and never top up again. You're basically tons of skins for months to come. I myself have spent maybe $50-60, equally on chapters and skins. Although i've stop playing the game for a month now, bought the rift pass and haven't done much, it's the same thing over and over again.

    Already getting bored of the game, don't see how people can spend thousands of hours and play daily, we've basically memorized BHVR's schedule at this point.

    Release chapter- bug fix- bug fix- rift pass- mid chapter- bug fix- bug fix

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    I so miss the days when freedom of speech actually meant something.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    Heck, I more or less agree with them and do not feel that I should be blamed for the egregious use of them in those games, if I wasn't outright planning on leaving the game, we would have probably gotten a 4 man escape with ease. I am not mad at killers in general. I am mad at one killer specifically and extremely confused at another. That is it, and as I said, I was tunneled out first 5 games in a row.

    The developers are not to be blamed for the actions of those 2 dirtbags. I am almost mad that they didn't camp and tunnel properly.

  • Junylar
    Junylar Member Posts: 2,005

    The main reason behind Tunneling is that it helps removing one survivor from the game early. And people do it to win easier. The only way to remove it is to make it so that tunneling no longer helps to win games.

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    trust me i know the main reason well...a victim 4 out of 5 games i play....but like i said more end rewarding takes that away...even at the end game camping and tunneling is not an option when thats the time to kill them all off.....

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    And by bug fix you mean claim to fix things that are clearly still broken, and break more lol.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    So would I but we can't modify the game to nudge people in the direction most of us seem to think is the most fun for all. I gather some people like camping the first person they find and after a game with two wannabe streamers I'm certain some people get a lot of enjoyment tag teaming gens and not seeing the killer or helping the others playing.

    Leaves two choices since the devs will do whatever. Quit playing or reconsider how you play and find enjoyment being one of the turds.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    I'd rather keep writing on the forums until the devs see it and realize that there's a very simple way to fix it.

  • Axx
    Axx Member Posts: 392

    If I get tunneled to death and the other 3 escape, I'm happy with that. The devs can't do anything about killers that tunnel hard. If they add a mechanic to combat it, it will be abused somehow. People always find a way to abuse, and exploit things. Being tunneled is just a part of the game. If you can't handle it happening sometimes, play only killer, or stop playing the game. Those are really your only other options outside of getting over it and just moving on to the next trial.

  • Tactrix
    Tactrix Member Posts: 420

    The mechanic is already in the game, it's called cage of atonement, and there is no way to abuse it. It's designed in such a way in which the killer can't tunnel and camp, and survivors can't insta rescue.

  • AnneBonny
    AnneBonny Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252

    i played on console for 3 years before switching to pc because, well it's obvious to anyone who has ever played on console in 2021 why you would want to switch. but now i'm locked out of content i paid for and pretty much only keep playing in the hope that we get cross progression someday. i've spent far more money in this game than i ever should have and i feel locked into it. i know that's entirely my fault but i just feel stupid for not understanding how awful of a decision that was.

    i don't want to hate bhvr, i know the devs are human and i don't think anything they do in a video game is a black mark on them as people, but god, it really just seems like they don't care about the game/community anymore. idk if this is a rant i'm just angry man

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  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    just dump the game, this toxicity is just not good for you and sinds bhvr is promoting it....

  • Jasix
    Jasix Member Posts: 1,245

    I miss the days when people understood what Freedom of Speech truly means. BHVR is not the government - your Freedom of Speech is protected from abuse/silence by the government not private companies. Please go take a basic civics class. Embarrassing that this has to be explained to a supposed adult.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I still love the game and will gladly spend more money on it.

    If you don't find it fun you have every right to stop supporting/playing the game.

    But don't tell me what i should or shouldn't spend my money on

  • toastcrusher
    toastcrusher Member Posts: 110

    for the 2 comments got to wonder, whats more toxic...gameplay or this community....hmmmm