Hooks are WAY to close to one another

Right u are. Even with 2 offerings to get rid of a hook and the 2 survivors with the new hook destroying perk the killer didn't even need to have a perk to get you on a hook. No chances whatsoever to wiggle free cause there is nearly always another hook nearby.Do s.th about it or stop that survivors have to wiggle. It's just wasting a controller for nothing.4
I don’t ever wiggle unless I know the hook is decently far away.
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Have you tried to sabotage the hooks?
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Survivor that is not wiggling? Great, basement it is6
Sometimes I feel like there isn't a hook anywhere, in fact one game, where I was playing on The Game, almost all of the hooks spawned downstairs so survivors were camping one side of the map where I couldn't hook them at. It was a bit annoying.
Alternatively when I'm playing Killer, I feel like there is too many pallets being slammed down forcing me to break them, but when I'm playing survivor sometimes I'm like where the heck are the pallets? Honestly though, I'd rather not have hooks be nerfed, nothing like knocking down survivors and knowing that you can't reach a hook in the distances where they are at, and they know it too so every time you chase them they try to get to that area.
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Tsulan, duh me and my buds try and leave hooks at 99% but it still doesnt really matter. We get NOTHING from sabatoging hooks.. its not worth the waste of time, and thats not a fix. Its need to be fixed.. well honestly irdc anymore.. im off this crap for good pretty soon.what kind of question is that HaVe yOu TrIeD SAbAtOgIng ThE hOoKs?2
Blaque_magik87 said:Tsulan, duh me and my buds try and leave hooks at 99% but it still doesnt really matter. We get NOTHING from sabatoging hooks.. its not worth the waste of time, and thats not a fix. Its need to be fixed.. well honestly irdc anymore.. im off this crap for good pretty soon.what kind of question is that HaVe yOu TrIeD SAbAtOgIng ThE hOoKs?
I mean... hello? It's not rocket science.
Playing solo, there's no point to sabotage. But SWF?1 -
There's a minimum amount of hooks for each map with 16m between them and if there's not enough room for the minimum amount one will get placed closer.
The same holds true for pallet spawns sometimes they spawn really close together are you as survivors going to complain about your pallets being too close together?
What about when there's dead zones on the map for hooks or one gets sabo'd and that dead zone becomes really huge?
1 -
Tsulan said:1
Michiko said:Tsulan said:
Also, with the perk, the hook stays more time sabotaged. Devs gave the last survivor a perk that destroys hooks when being unhooked. So the devs obviously want the survivors to destroy hooks.1 -
@Blaque_magik87 said:
... its kind of ridiculous... im just really tired of the bullcrap with tjis game all around, devs will lose me when this year is up. Much better less infuruating games to come, HOW DARE YOU PUT $99 WORTH OF Auric cells in the store when your game is really half ass and lacking real depth and balance. Chime inDon’t let the door hit you on the way out. The wiggle mechanic has one purpose, and one purpose only. That is to prevent the killer from putting you in the basement on every down. It has absolutely no other purpose. It is not supposed to be a get-out-of-jail free card. There is body blocking, sabotage, and Decisive Strike to give you better chances, but if you think that you are owed a chance to wiggle free from a nearby hook, you are sorely mistaken. We’ll be having a great time in DbD while you complain about whatever game you decide to move on to.
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Not with fat Jeff breaking them now.
Between his perk and typical sabotage, I have had numerous games where there is no hook within range when I down survivors.
Prior to jeff, I almost never had this problem.
Easy fix though: I slug A LOT now. And camp those slugs.
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There are enough challenges in the game for killers without removing hooks. We got sabo people, DS, flashlight stuns, pallet stuns etc
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imagine playing SWF and complaining the game isn't easy enough lmfao
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You crybaby killers are rampant and some of the most toxic people i have ever met in all my years of online play, this is supposed to be a game we all enjoy, but you guys do the most whining and complaining ive ever seen, waaaahhhh gen rushing, wahhhh swf, waaaah, you are already playing a being that is superior than all survivors put together, but you guys complain that its not easy enough for you to kill people... this is what i meant by i have a real problem with the killer mindset, losers with no friends who wanna play god and dont like to be undermined. Most are probably an only child who wasnt liked in school or something, cod superheroes, or just plain losers that dont play well with others, i feel like the dev team may be the same, at least the majority, in the future you guys will get a killer who can fly like superman and you will still cry, but why can he not carry two survivors at once?!?!? Waaahhhh bunch of bitches.0
Funny, I've had survivors run to a corner of the map where there are no hooks near by. At least a recent surge of it.
I slug them, and watch them bleed out.1 -
Blaque_magik87 said:You crybaby killers are rampant and some of the most toxic people i have ever met in all my years of online play, this is supposed to be a game we all enjoy, but you guys do the most whining and complaining ive ever seen, waaaahhhh gen rushing, wahhhh swf, waaaah, you are already playing a being that is superior than all survivors put together, but you guys complain that its not easy enough for you to kill people... this is what i meant by i have a real problem with the killer mindset, losers with no friends who wanna play god and dont like to be undermined. Most are probably an only child who wasnt liked in school or something, cod superheroes, or just plain losers that dont play well with others, i feel like the dev team may be the same, at least the majority, in the future you guys will get a killer who can fly like superman and you will still cry, but why can he not carry two survivors at once?!?!? Waaahhhh bunch of bitches.
You do realize, that YOU complained first?
4 -
Wiggling out of the killer's grasp should be a rare thing. Play killer and you will see how dumb this request really is.
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@Blaque_magik87 said:
You crybaby killers are rampant and some of the most toxic people i have ever met in all my years of online play, this is supposed to be a game we all enjoy, but you guys do the most whining and complaining ive ever seen, waaaahhhh gen rushing, wahhhh swf, waaaah, you are already playing a being that is superior than all survivors put together, but you guys complain that its not easy enough for you to kill people... this is what i meant by i have a real problem with the killer mindset, losers with no friends who wanna play god and dont like to be undermined. Most are probably an only child who wasnt liked in school or something, cod superheroes, or just plain losers that dont play well with others, i feel like the dev team may be the same, at least the majority, in the future you guys will get a killer who can fly like superman and you will still cry, but why can he not carry two survivors at once?!?!? Waaahhhh bunch of bitches.Jesus Christ dude, I didn't notice any crying up until now. And that is with you right at this moment. Just because some people disagreed with you does not mean it is the end of the world. I saw a (maybe not equal but still) equal amount agreeing with you and disagreeing. And before you start crying at me let me let you know, I've suffered both Survivor and Killer problems. I've been playing a while now, though possibly more or less than you, I don't know.
Yes the killer is meant to be superior in theory, but in practice you have no idea how survivor sided things can get. I understand it is frustrating that we as survivors will die, either by our own faults or the faults of others. But do not call people crybabies when you do not know them or their situation. A good majority of people here were being pretty polite all things considering. I don't expect you to either answer me at all, or answer me like a decent human being. But take this in mind, by throwing a tantrum, you've lost whatever ground you had upon everyone arguing against you.
We don't need another Bubba throwing a tantrum when hitting walls.
1 -
Bully killers?! What a joke. You can go invis, you can tele, you can see me when you hook my buddy, you can see me when im healing, you can see me in the basement, you are faster, you can hit me through pallets and windows, you can stop me from doing objectives, you can jump over pallets, you can see my blood and hear my footsteps, you can mask your radius, you can throw axes around corners like this is the movie wanted, you can spring a trap that makes me high five you and throws me off course, then tele to said trap, you can use a chainsaw and fly around the map just because your sister had sex with your dad, you can hit me and make me drop my awesome godlike flashlight, you can stare at me and get a hard on and down me in one hit, you can torture me until i scream out in agony and see exactly where i am, you can put me to sleep while im still clearly awake and doing gens, you can stop me from leaving (baby its cold outside) you can put a trap on my and play a game with me, you can crouch and have zero audio cue as to when you are near, you can take the same jump from a window have no stagger whatsoever, you can throw a bottle of ######### juice at the wall behind me and make me cough and slow down for your pleasure, you can see and my gf work a gen together, you can see if i want to go afk for a second and hide in a closet, you can lunge at me with halo-like rocket sword laggyness, the list really goes on and on, am i salty? Sure obviously, am i garbage no. I escape a lot and almost always with at least 20k bp, but the amount of things that swing im my favor versus the amount that swing for killers is blasphemous. Its not balanced and never will be, assymetrical isnt supposed to mean broken and unbalanced. Alot of issues can be solved with better servs and attention paid in greater detail that really make the game unbalanced and infuriating. And again how they can justify asking for 100 bucks for Auric cells when the game has the polish of a ps2 title is nuts. Am i playing right now? Of course because thats what we do until we are truly fed up, and gents that day is almost here. Idc if you see it as a threat and you dont care, but its a fact. Want the devs to fix major issues and Do what needs to be done to even the playing field... or just fix the lag. Ya know what? Idc dont.0
wheres the LOL button when you need it
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Blaque_magik87 said:Bully killers?! What a joke. You can go invis, you can tele, you can see me when you hook my buddy, you can see me when im healing, you can see me in the basement, you are faster, you can hit me through pallets and windows, you can stop me from doing objectives, you can jump over pallets, you can see my blood and hear my footsteps, you can mask your radius, you can throw axes around corners like this is the movie wanted, you can spring a trap that makes me high five you and throws me off course, then tele to said trap, you can use a chainsaw and fly around the map just because your sister had sex with your dad, you can hit me and make me drop my awesome godlike flashlight, you can stare at me and get a hard on and down me in one hit, you can torture me until i scream out in agony and see exactly where i am, you can put me to sleep while im still clearly awake and doing gens, you can stop me from leaving (baby its cold outside) you can put a trap on my and play a game with me, you can crouch and have zero audio cue as to when you are near, you can take the same jump from a window have no stagger whatsoever, you can throw a bottle of ######### juice at the wall behind me and make me cough and slow down for your pleasure, you can see and my gf work a gen together, you can see if i want to go afk for a second and hide in a closet, you can lunge at me with halo-like rocket sword laggyness, the list really goes on and on, am i salty? Sure obviously, am i garbage no. I escape a lot and almost always with at least 20k bp, but the amount of things that swing im my favor versus the amount that swing for killers is blasphemous. Its not balanced and never will be, assymetrical isnt supposed to mean broken and unbalanced. Alot of issues can be solved with better servs and attention paid in greater detail that really make the game unbalanced and infuriating. And again how they can justify asking for 100 bucks for Auric cells when the game has the polish of a ps2 title is nuts. Am i playing right now? Of course because thats what we do until we are truly fed up, and gents that day is almost here. Idc if you see it as a threat and you dont care, but its a fact. Want the devs to fix major issues and Do what needs to be done to even the playing field... or just fix the lag. Ya know what? Idc
In that blob on text I just see you list off powers, am I missing something?
0 -
@Blaque_magik87 said:
Bully killers?! What a joke. You can go invis, you can tele, you can see me when you hook my buddy, you can see me when im healing, you can see me in the basement, you are faster, you can hit me through pallets and windows, you can stop me from doing objectives, you can jump over pallets, you can see my blood and hear my footsteps, you can mask your radius, you can throw axes around corners like this is the movie wanted, you can spring a trap that makes me high five you and throws me off course, then tele to said trap, you can use a chainsaw and fly around the map just because your sister had sex with your dad, you can hit me and make me drop my awesome godlike flashlight, you can stare at me and get a hard on and down me in one hit, you can torture me until i scream out in agony and see exactly where i am, you can put me to sleep while im still clearly awake and doing gens, you can stop me from leaving (baby its cold outside) you can put a trap on my and play a game with me, you can crouch and have zero audio cue as to when you are near, you can take the same jump from a window have no stagger whatsoever, you can throw a bottle of ######### juice at the wall behind me and make me cough and slow down for your pleasure, you can see and my gf work a gen together, you can see if i want to go afk for a second and hide in a closet, you can lunge at me with halo-like rocket sword laggyness, the list really goes on and on, am i salty? Sure obviously, am i garbage no. I escape a lot and almost always with at least 20k bp, but the amount of things that swing im my favor versus the amount that swing for killers is blasphemous. Its not balanced and never will be, assymetrical isnt supposed to mean broken and unbalanced. Alot of issues can be solved with better servs and attention paid in greater detail that really make the game unbalanced and infuriating. And again how they can justify asking for 100 bucks for Auric cells when the game has the polish of a ps2 title is nuts. Am i playing right now? Of course because thats what we do until we are truly fed up, and gents that day is almost here. Idc if you see it as a threat and you dont care, but its a fact. Want the devs to fix major issues and Do what needs to be done to even the playing field... or just fix the lag. Ya know what? Idc dont.The wall of text is actually hurting my eyes, it took a hot minute to decipher this, I will try to answer you point by point (if you had actually taken the time to separate by paragraphs at least).
Silly point 1: What game are you playing?! I wanna be able to use all that with just one setting! Like holy shite this sounds like a killer I could get behind on.
Actual Point 1: No, just no. You can only play one of the different killers per match. I know what your point is, but Jesus no. All these killers have drawbacks to them that could be used against them. Can they be overpowered? Yes, in the right hands. Can they be outplayed? Of course, if you can adapt.
Point 2: We all suffer the lag. As a killer I hate that a survivor is given infinite dead hards even when not injured. As a survivor I hate when I vault a window, but I'm teleported right back to the killer. It doesn't matter which side you are on as we both can equally suffer.
Point 3: Knowing is half the battle. This game IS ASYMMETRICAL, we as survivors have to work for our survival. Either as a lone wolf or a group. There is no balance when the killer is supposed to kill us, and have to have the means to kill us. That is why we come in groups so we can outsmart the killer. That's why SWF exists so you can bring your friends with you to increase your survival.
Point 4: I will admit that having (THE OPTION) to pay $100 worth of auric cells is ridiculous and should be removed at the very least. The game has come a long way sure, but not enough to justify that. Just no.
Anyways, the point is you just have to adapt to the situation. When I lose I don't blame the game, and I will only blame other survivors if they are blatantly trying to kill me, which has only happened a rare few times. Other times I've just not played good or the killer was better than me. Just take some time to conder this before saying or doing anything else.
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Theres literally a perk that breaks the hooks when you're unhooked... you run 4 of these and the killers prettymuch breaking their own hooks as fast as they can hook you guys.. combine this with offerings and sabo boxes and hooks being "too close" isnt really a problem anymore, it's on the survivors for letting the hooks be that close..1
@ArecBalrin said:
Survivors keep claiming there are more hooks but produce not a shred of evidence for it. In reality there has been no change to number of hooks per map, but the pattern in which they spawn, leaving places where they cluster and places where there is no chance of reaching one even without any being broken or used. Survivors only remember the former case, this is confirmation-bias at work.
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But in all seriousness I refer to my earlier comments on hooks along with pallets etc.
0 -
The problem here is the balance act. If survivors run Sabotage and with toolboxes, hooks can easily be destroyed and it gets annoying for the killer.
There is that. And if there are less hooks to destroy because they get placed further away and thus less hooks on the map´you would destroy killers.
I know why you say there are too many hooks to close to another, you cant use the wiggle free thing, BUT if hooks get sabo'd its game over.
0 -
@Blaque_magik87 said:
Ok. I could get on here and complain about the MYRIAD of REAL issues with this game, i wont, first off i am survivor main, matter of fact, i have maybe played 3 games as killer, (i have a fundamental problem with the killer mindset) i am devotion rank 2 so i have played A great deal of DBD. That being said i have a real problem with how close the hooks are, tonight my gf and i were playing, gasheavan i believe it was (almost all maps have this problem) when she was downed and hooked for the last time, i was also down right next to her, so obviously i crawled into the far corner in hopes that he would have to carry me further and id have chance to wiggle free, knowing the hook she died on was down, he proceeds to pick me up walk past said hook and about 20 meters away was another hook, whats the point of wiggling and breaking my sticks to wiggle if there are hooks 20 meters apart... not to mention there are what 7 gens on each map, and about 10 hooks or more on the bigger maps... its kind of ridiculous... im just really tired of the bullcrap with tjis game all around, devs will lose me when this year is up. Much better less infuruating games to come, HOW DARE YOU PUT $99 WORTH OF Auric cells in the store when your game is really half ass and lacking real depth and balance. Chime inI ask you one question.
Do you like bleeding out on the floor, crawling around like a fish on land waiting for your misery to end?
Also, a devotion 2 player with 3 games played as killer.... classic
0 -
I thought they fixed thus?
0 -
0 -
"when she was downed and hooked for the last time, i was also down right next to her"
That's so romantic!
Don't get caught little survivor.0 -
@RoKrueger said:
"when she was downed and hooked for the last time, i was also down right next to her"That's so romantic!
Don't get caught little survivor.
"gOD dAmNed KiLLeR mAInS TeLlInG mE To gET beTtEr."
1 -
@Tsulan said:
powerbats said:But in all seriousness I refer to my earlier comments on hooks along with pallets etc.
This has to be bait. There is no way he's that biased.
Well as to the op you never know given how biased some are on both sides it's either or there' been no buffs for their side and all nerfs only. cough Bar*on cough.since I won't name and shame but you know who i'm referring to. 😁
0 -
Am I the only one who finds more humor in the fact he is mad that BVHR is selling $99 worth of cells than his entire hook rant? He is angry over the ability to buy a bulk load of cells (which is optional) that are used to buy cosmetics (which are optional). Ok, back to enjoying the train wreck.
3 -
@lasombra1979 said:
Am I the only one who finds more humor in the fact he is mad that BVHR is selling $99 worth of cells than his entire hook rant? He is angry over the ability to buy a bulk load of cells (which is optional) that are used to buy cosmetics (which are optional). Ok, back to enjoying the train wreck.Nah, I'm here laughing even though I am also trying to give this person a actual response and rebuttal that they are clearly not listening to. Want popcorn mate?
1 -
@Shad03 said:
@lasombra1979 said:
Am I the only one who finds more humor in the fact he is mad that BVHR is selling $99 worth of cells than his entire hook rant? He is angry over the ability to buy a bulk load of cells (which is optional) that are used to buy cosmetics (which are optional). Ok, back to enjoying the train wreck.Nah, I'm here laughing even though I am also trying to give this person a actual response and rebuttal that they are clearly not listening to. Want popcorn mate?
Popcorn is a requirement for these threads.
0 -
@lasombra1979 said:
@Shad03 said:
@lasombra1979 said:
Am I the only one who finds more humor in the fact he is mad that BVHR is selling $99 worth of cells than his entire hook rant? He is angry over the ability to buy a bulk load of cells (which is optional) that are used to buy cosmetics (which are optional). Ok, back to enjoying the train wreck.Nah, I'm here laughing even though I am also trying to give this person a actual response and rebuttal that they are clearly not listening to. Want popcorn mate?
Popcorn is a requirement for these threads.
Got ya homie.
Now if this person responds with another wall of text I'll have to be ready.
0 -
I always keep Popcorn handy now who has the butter?
0 -
Gr8 b8 r8 8/8 m8.
Love satire posts like this, just mocking the super salty surv mains0 -
@powerbats said:
I always keep Popcorn handy now who has the butter?
I have ya. Also I've seen you post around, gotta say, I respect you a lot
0 -
@PapaAndrei said:
Gr8 b8 r8 8/8 m8.Love satire posts like this, just mocking the super salty surv mains
Somehow I don't think they're joking. If they are then they got me.
0 -
Shad03 said:
@PapaAndrei said:
Gr8 b8 r8 8/8 m8.Love satire posts like this, just mocking the super salty surv mains
Somehow I don't think they're joking. If they are then they got me.
1 -
@PapaAndrei said:
Shad03 said:@PapaAndrei said:
Gr8 b8 r8 8/8 m8.
Love satire posts like this, just mocking the super salty surv mains
Somehow I don't think they're joking. If they are then they got me.
No one is actually this is stupid, like this is sub 60 IQ idiocracy. This must be a bait
Let us pray.
1 -
@PapaAndrei said:
Shad03 said:@PapaAndrei said:
Gr8 b8 r8 8/8 m8.
Love satire posts like this, just mocking the super salty surv mains
Somehow I don't think they're joking. If they are then they got me.
No one is actually this is stupid, like this is sub 60 IQ idiocracy. This must be a bait
You must be new around here.
1 -
Hello @Blaque_magik87 !
I went to the map designers and got some information for you!
The hook spawns are as follow
- A maximum of 1 hook per tile
- An average 9 per map (a bit more on the larger maps, depending on the tiles) + 4 in the basement
- The closest the hooks can spawn from each other is 16m, on different tiles.
As for the 99$ Auric Cells pack, as @lasombra1979 mentionned, it is totally optional and it's used to buy cosmetics in the store that are also optional, it has nothing to do with gameplay.
EDIT: Typo