The Continued Ignorance of Performance Issues Continues to Hamper Player Fun
I've been getting this recently with pallet drops
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Saw this on Twitter. Good example of freezes when someone is unhooked.
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The simple answer is: BHVR doesn't give a #########, we're a dying breed and not important to their profits. And unfortunately, it's not just console. QoL just goes down with every chapter, this game isn't nearly as fun as it used to be.
Their code is also hot trash, and they won't take the time to fix it instead of pumping out unfinished content
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Does anyones game look too dark even with max brightness on tv etc.?
I can hardly see anything. Even things in front of me.
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How tf do I get back to page 1 to read the original post?
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Anyone plays wraith? Is he freezing when uncloaking etc?
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He feels fine to me.
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Thanks. I hardly ever played him and wanted to try again.
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For some reason the last couple days I have been getting micro stutters and freezes when nothing in game even happens. I'll just be running along, looking straight ahead and the game just freezes for a second. No updates lately. Perhaps it is just as much server issues as it is coding.
The performance has just gotten worse and worse with almost every update and ignored for years. The very little communication they have done lately promising they are working on the issues is too little too late. Combine that with the game play "tactics" that have been allowed that both sides like to use that make the game unfun for whatever their justification is, to win or because being a dick to a random person on the internet is meta, this game just isn't for me anymore.
Good luck with your fight. I hope it works out for you. To anyone I have had a spirited conversation with on these forums, thanks for either or great discussion or sorry if I offended you in anyway.
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I've seen a ton of Wraith lately, he's one that doesn't seem to cause issues for either side with his power. Any freezes I get as survivor against him are the known triggers and increase based on map. I did have one match where a wraith and I switched sides of a pallet when I dropped it while he was swinging, that was odd and we just stared at eachother after it happened. 😂
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At the end of the url change p105 to p1 or copy & paste this
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I can't blame you for leaving this game.
After a few weeks break, I started the game up again. The first match, my first step and I already got a stutter. Nothing even happened.
The matches after I already got bored of the game and switched to RDR2. Way better performance. Only stutter I got there was because a few people were trolling with dynamite in a free roam event. The many explosions caused a brief stutter, nothing more.
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Although it seems to vary by the TV, I've seen most comments like this from those on Xbox1 mostly. I have a hard time seeing through the Deep Wound status myself and a few spots on indoor maps.
The PCrs who read these just "laugh in filters" I suppose, but it shows console needs more setting options as well.
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It's best to just share helpful information instead of lashing out at the devs. We know they are working on a fix and leaving rude replies aren't going to get things done faster.
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It is also best that people who don't even play on last gen don't leave comments like yours since they are also irrelevant to this topic.
You don't play on last gen. You don't share your experience about last gen. You just defend devs in every comment. And that is all I am going to say. I am not even bother responding to you any more and I suggest everyone else to do the same.
You are obviously just provoking people and downplaying what they had to endure for years. To get this thread closed I assume.
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I played on an original Xbox One before I switched to my PC a couple of months ago. I actually have been playing on my Xbox for the past few days trying to level up the pass (I have it on PC and Xbox). I'm provoking people and trying to get the thread closed by saying we shouldn't lash out and that the devs are working on it? Ok, lol. Just keep going off, I guess?
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The older killers (Trapper until Spirit) are mostly fine from what I've seen. From Legion and beyond problems start to appear a lot.
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Spirit is not bad yeah. I find Legion playable also.
I would really like to play Myers and it is hard to fill that void playing others. But it somewhat works and I am trying killers I didn't play much before or at all which is fun at times.
I just can't play Myers tho because poping tier 3 at the right time is really important. When the game freezes and they gain distance it feels wasted. Also losing progress on the power or accidentally activating it because of the issues ruins everything.
So I guess Myers is the older one that doesn't work well for me anymore.
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I just want to point out that to much complacency is also a bad thing. After the amount of time that has passed and the amount of information given its about time to speak up and let them know that we won't take this kind of blatant disregard. I honestly don't think Pinhead will even be playable for last gen if they don't fix somethings. Do you think they will warn last gen players that pinhead might not be playable and to maybe not buy him yet?
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Do any of you have issues playing as Huntress? I haven't played as her since not a fan but every game against her since the RE chapter I get freezes when she goes to throw a hatchet and when it makes the sound when she fully winds up. Doesn't need to be near me for it to happen. I just had match on Coldwind and she seemed to not throw too many hatchets, could be because she wasn't connecting, but every time it'd freeze me. Couple times it did thing where I was running one direction and after the freeze I was running the other way. It was so annoying.
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God I’d love a brightness option... It’s tedious to adjust brightness on my tv right before I play this game...
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People have been speaking up for quite some time. The devs know about it. I'm saying we don't need to lash out at them. What will that accomplish? I have never said that you or anyone else shouldn't post on here. Feel free to post (like I've already said multiple times now).
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We know they are working on a fix
But are they? Because it's been 2 years and people are still having issues.
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Yes. I've already been through this with you before. Mandy has mentioned it several times as well.
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I agree it doesnt need to me so aggressive but they are not helping anything by just saying we know there's a problem and we are trying to fix it. I'm sorry but that isn't a good enough awnser anymore the amount of time that has pass and the awnser been the same is not acceptable especially with a new killer coming out thats about to add in a bunch of effects when the game can't handle unhooking or a killer M1 with out freezing
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I do agree that they need to communicate more on the issues and how they are working to improve the game for everyone. This would make so many people happy.
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Ahh ty
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See when you keep throwing out cosmetics and new content but have a whole player base suffering from serious performance issues and are almost completely silent it doesn't look good. It makes said player base feel like they don't care and are just trying to get money. The silence is causing more problems at this point than it is helping. IMO
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A game that you purchase, can buy cosmetics, can buy a battle pass, can buy DLCs, can buy individual characters, has zero excuse for the current state it is in in terms of optimization.
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Your not wrong
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I don't care what you've said to me already and I know what Mandy said, however that doesn't change the fact that it's taken 2 years.
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I'm sure its not an easy thing to do
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No one said it's easy. But it was released on console in a bad state. It shouldn't have been sold at all. They pushed it out instead of optimizing it and making sure it performed well, and years later not only have they still not done it but it's gotten worse.
The state it's been in on Switch from day one is abysmal and they should be embarrassed that they charged money for it.
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The last couple of patches seemed to fix a lot of FPS issues I was having. It doesn't feeze as much as it did. They are working on it. It's just taking a while. I'm sure they want it fixed just as much as you guys do.
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Don't forget that they still sell broken cosmetics without any warning prior to purchase and refuse to rerelease Rift content unless it can be sold in a complete set for maximum price. So even those things are taking advantage.
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For an analogy, say you want your car fixed. You take it to the shop, and they say "Sure, we can fix this. We'll call you when it's done."
It has now been two and a half years, you've given them your money, and they still haven't fixed your car.
We understand that it takes time, but two things have become abundantly clear.
One, they were almost certainly not working on Console Optimization in March of 2019.
Two, this fix will take time that many players are not going to be willing to give them.
Post edited by Pulsar on10 -
Are the devs even listening at this point? I can't be civil when they choose to prioritize pumping out unfinished and buggy content instead of repairing and balancing all the content they still need to. And now they refuse to even acknowledge that console is still broken
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That last part is completely false.
Mandy has been here and has assured as that they are WELL aware.
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So they've made some small acknowledgement in a forum. Let me clarify. There has been no true announcement, not on stream that I've seen, definitely not on Twitter or in PTB or Patch Notes. There has been no update as to what they plan to do about it either. It's near radio silence.
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They have said they are working on a fix.
Go and check it if you don't believe me.
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You have a link? Not saying I don't believe you, just haven't found anything myself, and I've been looking. They put out their supposed "fix" which didn't do much of anything and I haven't heard a word since
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If only their words had any meaning after all the empty promises.
I don't even know how you guys take them seriously at this point. I don't believe anything they say.
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Please don't forget that this forum is our Official platform, just as much as Twitter and that I am an official representative of bhvr - so yes, the things that I confirm here (on this very thread in fact) is official information.
Patch Notes are related to the content in the patch, it does not cover known issues from previous patches so it would not have been mentioned in that. And on Twitter we have responded to questions from players about this issue also.
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Alright, it's just hard to find anything is all. Thank you for confirming
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Hey thanks Mandy your awesome. We appreciate your info
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Holy hell how much freezing on rpd against huntress my previous game.
This is beyond a joke at this point. Seriously. There is no way they will ever make it up to us for enduring this nor they care but I am slowly losing the will to support this game any more. I might not buy anything ever again.
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Didn't Plague release in March of 2019? I remember they heavily downgraded console graphics when they released her and it seems like a lot of people said the game was a lot smoother at that time. I could be completely wrong, though.
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Prior to maybe Legion or Plague the game ran at 15-20 FPS but it never dipped.
Afterwards, it ran at 30 but dropped to 10 or froze completely
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I remember this patch, it improved performance very slightly but it was short lived.